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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in At least 24 funeral mourners have been killed and 30 others wounded in a barrel bomb attack,...   
    More of the same -  but do not be mislead....... these things are a sign that we are deep in the times of the end....and things are still going to get much worse.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Jehovah not wants differences, HE loves ALL humans ❤ What a loving GOD we have ;o)   
    In the new world Jehovah will bring equity - when each individual will be valued for who they are.  I love to use the word equity because there is no equality when it is not accompanied by true justice.....
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Jehovah not wants differences, HE loves ALL humans ❤ What a loving GOD we have ;o)   
    In the new world Jehovah will bring equity - when each individual will be valued for who they are.  I love to use the word equity because there is no equality when it is not accompanied by true justice.....
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in Belize: A group of Jehovahs Witnesses risk their lives to attend...   
    Thanks for picture  - did not know there were problems in Belize... will read up more about what is going on.  One assumes that former Dutch speaking colonies will have more understanding of "freedom of religion" and choice."    The world is in a downward spiral with so many oppressive regimes suddenly rising up and freedom of speech/religion being controlled.  Soon they will control our thoughts.  London mayor has introduced a 'thought' police recently..... people who will prosecute people who say negative things about another religion.  Soon all freedom of thought will be gone in first world countries. 
    In third world countries anarchy is taking over when the oppressive regimes fall.    We are really getting closer to Armageddon.... especially when I evaluate how respect for life is disappearing and how cheap life has become. We are becoming accustomed to mass killings, indiscriminate bombings of young children and seeing atrocities on TV every day.  It reminds me of the time before the flood - which was wicked, with dangerous conditions for those trying to serve Jehovah.....  The meaning of Nephilim is: fellers of men - if I remember correctly.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Belize: A group of Jehovahs Witnesses risk their lives to attend...   
    Thanks for picture  - did not know there were problems in Belize... will read up more about what is going on.  One assumes that former Dutch speaking colonies will have more understanding of "freedom of religion" and choice."    The world is in a downward spiral with so many oppressive regimes suddenly rising up and freedom of speech/religion being controlled.  Soon they will control our thoughts.  London mayor has introduced a 'thought' police recently..... people who will prosecute people who say negative things about another religion.  Soon all freedom of thought will be gone in first world countries. 
    In third world countries anarchy is taking over when the oppressive regimes fall.    We are really getting closer to Armageddon.... especially when I evaluate how respect for life is disappearing and how cheap life has become. We are becoming accustomed to mass killings, indiscriminate bombings of young children and seeing atrocities on TV every day.  It reminds me of the time before the flood - which was wicked, with dangerous conditions for those trying to serve Jehovah.....  The meaning of Nephilim is: fellers of men - if I remember correctly.
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from SuzA in Belize: A group of Jehovahs Witnesses risk their lives to attend...   
    Thanks for picture  - did not know there were problems in Belize... will read up more about what is going on.  One assumes that former Dutch speaking colonies will have more understanding of "freedom of religion" and choice."    The world is in a downward spiral with so many oppressive regimes suddenly rising up and freedom of speech/religion being controlled.  Soon they will control our thoughts.  London mayor has introduced a 'thought' police recently..... people who will prosecute people who say negative things about another religion.  Soon all freedom of thought will be gone in first world countries. 
    In third world countries anarchy is taking over when the oppressive regimes fall.    We are really getting closer to Armageddon.... especially when I evaluate how respect for life is disappearing and how cheap life has become. We are becoming accustomed to mass killings, indiscriminate bombings of young children and seeing atrocities on TV every day.  It reminds me of the time before the flood - which was wicked, with dangerous conditions for those trying to serve Jehovah.....  The meaning of Nephilim is: fellers of men - if I remember correctly.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in NEVER SEEN SUCH A BEAUTIFUL KINGDOM - HALL *STAGE* ❤ Its in Mexico...   
    I think seeing the picture often (and so big) will burn it into your mind so you can think back on it and remember it when you are in a difficult time - especially in future when we expect persecution.
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Harriet Mohrbacher in NEVER SEEN SUCH A BEAUTIFUL KINGDOM - HALL *STAGE* ❤ Its in Mexico...   
    I think seeing the picture often (and so big) will burn it into your mind so you can think back on it and remember it when you are in a difficult time - especially in future when we expect persecution.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in So nice, our older couples by cart - witness... On the way for Jehovah in so diff. facet, record player, street - working, in parks with micro. & amplifier, also door to door & many experi   
    So  nice,  our  older  couples  now  by  cart - witnessing...  They  were  on  the  way  for  Jehovah  in  many  diff. facet,  with  record player,  street - working, in  parks  with  microphone & amplifier,  also  door to door...  with  thousands  experiences !  WHAT  a  diligent  couple working  for  our  God  Jehovah ❤

  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JAMMY in 10 Deadliest Fashion Trends In History   
    Great video!
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Alexa in Airstrike on Yemen school kills 10 children and wounds dozens, Yemeni officials and aid workers say....   
    The Muslims are slaughtering each other... and the children are suffering.  Sunni against Shiite.... and yet most people who belong to the religion, justify the violent actions of their members and do not even think of leaving the religion. I left my religion many years ago.  It was a very strict form of Protestantism; it was quite political and also condoned racism and injustice.  I am so happy that I have found the TRUTH...   
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Wal*Mart and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I wish I could complain to them about selling the book but that would be the wrong thing to do as I would then be imitating other extremist religions which become political when they try to exert pressure on communities to follow what they morally feel obligated to do. 
    To illustrate: If Walmart today sold a book with only 'one' chapter in it that is anti-Islam they would have a bunch of people on their back threatening them with islamophobia law suits - especially organizations affiliated with CAIR (even though Islam is not a race but is an ideology/religion).  
    Does Walmart not realize that we are living in a world at present where "offending another religion" has now become an offence? The united nations Resolution 18/20, which promotes religious tolerance has been adopted by most western countries and it is now part of America's official policy. 
    I personally will do nothing about this but I do feel somewhat offended because I know the reasoning in the book (like others before it) is most probably not logical at all, will be full of dogma, and will depend on spreading deception to get its point across. That is what irks me...Walmart being an accomplice in spreading falsehood.
    The only thing one can do is: buy the book, read it, and write an excellent review on their website which exposes all its flaws.....(and then hope they have stock they cannot get sold as a result of their injustice).
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Results of Armageddon   
    Jehovah is allowing humans to rule the earth to give proof that - we cannot rule the earth successfully when we are independent from him.  Humans are ruining the earth and everything on it - and each other.  Science and human philosophies (human knowledge) has not given the answers. We are more divided than ever and science has actually contributed to our insecurity with  weapons proliferation, the poisoning of the earth and our water resources... and the list goes on and on of the damage we are inflicting on the physical earth and the societies living on it.  Most people are slaves to various economic systems wherein only a few are very rich and the rest are surfs working very hard just to eek out an existence for their families..  We are close to reaching 'a point of no return' regarding the ruining of the earth.  Human violence is escalating into an unimagined catastrophe.
    After Jehovah has stepped into mankind's affairs and removed the wicked (who refuse to acknowledge him as the sovereign of the universe and remain independent of him) - he will renovate and fix what man has damaged on the earth in only one thousand years. Human society will also be healed.  Mankind needs one set of principles to guide them in what is acceptable to Jehovah. .. and when all humans are prepared to make sacrifices for each other we will work together to restore the earth.  Each person will care more for the collective wellbeing of others than for their own egotistical goals.  A perfect society and perfect earth with bring the deserved glory to Jehovah - as originally purposed - before Adam selfishly chose independence from God.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to 2puddlez in Results of Armageddon   
    What is 'Jehovah's Early Organisation'?  Is it something new to Jehovah' Earthly Organisation? If so, I must have missed the change.
  15. Upvote
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Did Jewish Scribes Remove the Name of God from the Greek New Testament Manuscripts?   
    I have not seen anyone mention the 'Master' copies of the Bible.  These are copies that were made by scholars who compared the "extant" manuscripts, vellums, papyri and codices of the bible and made footnotes regarding any variations or alterations in the various extant texts.  This is how we know that the Bible has come down to us accurately because the variations are few and the alterations are verified by comparing extant documents. The Greek scriptures of the New World Translation was originally done from the reputable Master copy of "Westcott and Hort."   Read more about the comparison of extant documents here: http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200002893#h=15:0-15:1056   
    Read more about the Paleography: http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102008047.   
    I must add: when one studies the internal logic of the core message of the bible and the fact that Israel was the first nation to serve a monotheistic god (while the rest of the world were polytheists) then one comes to the natural conclusion that this YHWH is a remarkable god and he has been working on a project which eventually will resolve all of mankind's problems.  He has allowed man to rule the earth to prove that we cannot rule successfully without his moral direction.  Adam and Eve chose independence from his right to choose "good and bad" for us.  Look, the nations at present more divided than ever and they will not cooperate together to get our problems resolved. The final outcome of what happens to this earth and the life on it, is closely tied up with the name God chose for himself: JHWH - I shall prove to be / he causes to become.   The new world translation 2013 has the name inserted in the new testament in a few places not indicated in ancient documents but in the talk the brothers made when they presented this new bible to us they gave the reasons why they did this.  Go and research this for yourselves.
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Evacuated in Did Jewish Scribes Remove the Name of God from the Greek New Testament Manuscripts?   
    I have not seen anyone mention the 'Master' copies of the Bible.  These are copies that were made by scholars who compared the "extant" manuscripts, vellums, papyri and codices of the bible and made footnotes regarding any variations or alterations in the various extant texts.  This is how we know that the Bible has come down to us accurately because the variations are few and the alterations are verified by comparing extant documents. The Greek scriptures of the New World Translation was originally done from the reputable Master copy of "Westcott and Hort."   Read more about the comparison of extant documents here: http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200002893#h=15:0-15:1056   
    Read more about the Paleography: http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102008047.   
    I must add: when one studies the internal logic of the core message of the bible and the fact that Israel was the first nation to serve a monotheistic god (while the rest of the world were polytheists) then one comes to the natural conclusion that this YHWH is a remarkable god and he has been working on a project which eventually will resolve all of mankind's problems.  He has allowed man to rule the earth to prove that we cannot rule successfully without his moral direction.  Adam and Eve chose independence from his right to choose "good and bad" for us.  Look, the nations at present more divided than ever and they will not cooperate together to get our problems resolved. The final outcome of what happens to this earth and the life on it, is closely tied up with the name God chose for himself: JHWH - I shall prove to be / he causes to become.   The new world translation 2013 has the name inserted in the new testament in a few places not indicated in ancient documents but in the talk the brothers made when they presented this new bible to us they gave the reasons why they did this.  Go and research this for yourselves.
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JAMMY in Thank you all for you encouraging tweets and also the informative ones about the wicked Muslims...   
    What is wonderful about being 'neutral' about human governments and active for the real government of Jehovah (and being cautious and at peace with everyone) is that one can see the political activities of Babylon the great (world empire of false religion) in the political arena.
    So many religions are becoming violent and are being "worked up in their emotions" towards other religions and their governments......(which may eventually bubble over to people killing each other ....but the governments will put in "peace and security" measures to keep the peace).  Buddhists are killing Muslims as we speak; Hindi culture has been declared the national culture in India by the far right government; and we already know that extreme Islam (with its terror tactics to force all people to become Muslims) is clearly visible for all to see.  When Christians in America fight the government to bring in laws that reflect their Christian views - they are also being political.  Most of them love the NRA which protects their right to bear arms...  and they may even use them in future... Jesus never used any arms and chastised those who did (Peter). 
    Jehovah is preparing us to go through Armageddon so we can truly stay neutral regarding human institutions.  However, more of us will have to learn to be verbally 'cautious'  when preaching because people in future will become more prone to take offense - some may even become violent.  I wish to speculate that our freedom of "speech" may be curtailed in future (UN is already regularly tabling decisions to this affect but it has not been voted in yet) - when one will not be allowed to say anything about another person's religion because they can use it as a reason to persecute you.  People may call the cops when they feel you are using "hate speech' against their religion.  This will make our preaching work so much harder. 
    At present hate speech is viewed as saying something nasty about another religion (even if it is true) but it eventually may become hard to say anything - even if one tries to tactfully expose false religion.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JAMMY in Last night, @DonaldJTrumpJr said @HillaryClinton “is a risk Americans can’t afford to...   
    It is interesting to see the exaggerated filth being slung about.  Mr. Trump though is a nominee that has not released his
    TAXES.... wonder what he is hiding.... Whatever candidate wins - they are going to make grave mistakes because it is getting harder to traverse the international political scene - and Satan is blinding the eyes of the leaders..... they are being drawn out ... and the propaganda has reached levels never seen before at all levels (the three frogs in Revelation).  
    The harlot is riding the beast as we speak.  Resolution 18-20 of the United nations Human Rights Council has been accepted: "hate speech" against religion is not acceptable but the definition of hate speech is not there... So Facebook, Twitter is already working with the government to veto anything suspicious (even if it is the truth) in religion.....False religion does not want to be exposed....... but religion will cause so much problems that a coalition of rulers will turn against all religion in the sense that "recruiting" will be banned because it is posing a "security" threat.  This will affect out peaceful preaching work.....  We are getting closer to the end .... we just do not know how close.
  20. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JAMMY in Mosque burnt down in suspected arson attack in Toulouse https://t.co/EhN2aGnI32...   
    Revenge attacks starting....  The governments have been trying to hide the fact that Muslims are responsible for the jihad attacks and their affiliation with Islam because they wanted to avoid the "revenge phenomenon." ALL false religion will now start to show its true colors. Christendom has not taught people to love their enemies as the Bible instructs so many are ready to grab their guns to take revenge.
    Religions will cause so much "insecurity" that governments will eventually be forced to take control and turn against religion...
  21. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from The Librarian in Mosque burnt down in suspected arson attack in Toulouse https://t.co/EhN2aGnI32...   
    Revenge attacks starting....  The governments have been trying to hide the fact that Muslims are responsible for the jihad attacks and their affiliation with Islam because they wanted to avoid the "revenge phenomenon." ALL false religion will now start to show its true colors. Christendom has not taught people to love their enemies as the Bible instructs so many are ready to grab their guns to take revenge.
    Religions will cause so much "insecurity" that governments will eventually be forced to take control and turn against religion...
  22. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to The Librarian in First color cover of The Watchtower magazine via...   
    First color cover of The Watchtower magazine via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #watchtower http://ift.tt/2alZPeD
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in Last night, @DonaldJTrumpJr said @HillaryClinton “is a risk Americans can’t afford to...   
    It is interesting to see the exaggerated filth being slung about.  Mr. Trump though is a nominee that has not released his
    TAXES.... wonder what he is hiding.... Whatever candidate wins - they are going to make grave mistakes because it is getting harder to traverse the international political scene - and Satan is blinding the eyes of the leaders..... they are being drawn out ... and the propaganda has reached levels never seen before at all levels (the three frogs in Revelation).  
    The harlot is riding the beast as we speak.  Resolution 18-20 of the United nations Human Rights Council has been accepted: "hate speech" against religion is not acceptable but the definition of hate speech is not there... So Facebook, Twitter is already working with the government to veto anything suspicious (even if it is the truth) in religion.....False religion does not want to be exposed....... but religion will cause so much problems that a coalition of rulers will turn against all religion in the sense that "recruiting" will be banned because it is posing a "security" threat.  This will affect out peaceful preaching work.....  We are getting closer to the end .... we just do not know how close.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ELLA ALLEN-HUSKEY in Last night, @DonaldJTrumpJr said @HillaryClinton “is a risk Americans can’t afford to...   
    It is interesting to see the exaggerated filth being slung about.  Mr. Trump though is a nominee that has not released his
    TAXES.... wonder what he is hiding.... Whatever candidate wins - they are going to make grave mistakes because it is getting harder to traverse the international political scene - and Satan is blinding the eyes of the leaders..... they are being drawn out ... and the propaganda has reached levels never seen before at all levels (the three frogs in Revelation).  
    The harlot is riding the beast as we speak.  Resolution 18-20 of the United nations Human Rights Council has been accepted: "hate speech" against religion is not acceptable but the definition of hate speech is not there... So Facebook, Twitter is already working with the government to veto anything suspicious (even if it is the truth) in religion.....False religion does not want to be exposed....... but religion will cause so much problems that a coalition of rulers will turn against all religion in the sense that "recruiting" will be banned because it is posing a "security" threat.  This will affect out peaceful preaching work.....  We are getting closer to the end .... we just do not know how close.
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in A wonderful sister is telling us.... she very fast got blind and deaf as child... but, read her story please❤   
    I found this link... Helen wrote a this book about her religion..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_in_My_Darkness.         and here is a link which tells one more about this religion:. http://www.thelordsnewchurch.com/online_books/english/Helen_Keller_-_Introduction_to_True_Christian_Religion.pdf
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