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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in “Look up, please, to the heavens and count the stars, if you are possibly able to count them." / Gen. 15:5 - Its really a wonder, the universe & the earth❤   
    To get serious for a moment::-  Our universe is a physical universe, consisting of matter which was created by means of Jehovah's dynamic energy.   Jehovah cannot enter into our physical universe because he is too great.   He lives in the highest heavens in a spiritual dimension which is unfathomly beyond our physical universe. Our universe is subject to time and space.   The dimension where Jehovah lives has no time and space and hence - no matter.  We cannot fathom what it is like because it is beyond our comprehension.  We can however look at the stars in our part of the physical universe and see the dynamic energy and wisdom of Jehovah. Angels can move through our universe at the speed of light..... but if we (consisting of matter)  tried to move at the speed of light -  we would disintegrate.  We also cannot see Jehovah and live because his energy will instantly kill us.  Yea - the earth is truly a little dust particle on a scale and yet Jehovah cares about each individual.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Ross Tinney in false teachers   
  3. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in THATS UNBELIEVEABLE !! 101 Years Old and still Street Witnessing. Sister Mary ❤ with her walker... This is outstanding !   
    Its  unbelieveable,  this  Granny  is  101 years  old !  by  serving  Jehovah  with  her  walker /
    rollator....   I love to see the spirit of these elderly ones ❤
    May  Jehovah  bless  you  daily,  my  dear  old  sister  Mary ;o)
  4. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in We can't imagine, how difficult is preaching in some Honduras area's, awwww... poor Brothers & Sisters ;-( Walking through deep water, mom & 2 kids ! Big love for Jehovah ❤   
    We  can't  imagine,  how  difficult  is  preaching  in  some  Honduras  area's,  awwww...   poor  Brothers & Sisters  ;-(
    Walking  through  deep  water,  mom  and  her  2  kids !
    Big  love  for  Jehovah ❤
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Ross Tinney in a poem   
  6. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in LOOK AT THIS... pur nature, 2 carots so tight together as in love ❤ Oh, I never would eat them, NO !!   
    LOOK  AT  THIS.....   about  nature,  2 carots  so  tight  together  as  in  love ❤
    awww....   thats  really  rare !   I  love  that  photo !   Never  want  eat  them....  NO !!
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in In the Bible, God says, I AM JEHOVAH. THAT IS MY NAME. Isaiah 42 : 8, look the pic and the longer text.....   
    I use Ex 3:15 in field service when I speak to Muslims about Jehovah's name because they accept Moses, Abraham as prophets.  The scripture also says that Jahweh is his name from generation to generation...... and no need to explain in what way Jehovah had to make himself known.  ...   Most Muslims say that Abraham was in Mecca and started the religion there.  I also use scriptures to prove that Abraham made an altar to Jehovah and sacrificed to him BEFORE he went to Egypt and how he sacrificed to Jehovah when he RETURNED from Egypt.  There is no way he changed the name of his god halfway to Egypt and then changed the name of his God back again when he came back to Canaan. 
    Mecca was not a city either.... Mecca came into existence as a city after 150 AD when the forefathers of Mohammad came from Yemen.  Mohammad tried to legitimize his religion to the Jews in Medina by claiming to come from the line of Abraham (but when they rejected him as a prophet he turned to killing them.)
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from b4ucuhear in In the Bible, God says, I AM JEHOVAH. THAT IS MY NAME. Isaiah 42 : 8, look the pic and the longer text.....   
    I use Ex 3:15 in field service when I speak to Muslims about Jehovah's name because they accept Moses, Abraham as prophets.  The scripture also says that Jahweh is his name from generation to generation...... and no need to explain in what way Jehovah had to make himself known.  ...   Most Muslims say that Abraham was in Mecca and started the religion there.  I also use scriptures to prove that Abraham made an altar to Jehovah and sacrificed to him BEFORE he went to Egypt and how he sacrificed to Jehovah when he RETURNED from Egypt.  There is no way he changed the name of his god halfway to Egypt and then changed the name of his God back again when he came back to Canaan. 
    Mecca was not a city either.... Mecca came into existence as a city after 150 AD when the forefathers of Mohammad came from Yemen.  Mohammad tried to legitimize his religion to the Jews in Medina by claiming to come from the line of Abraham (but when they rejected him as a prophet he turned to killing them.)
  9. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Ross Tinney in The Woodpecker May Have To Go   
  10. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Jim63 in My boyfriend has finally recieved the brand of God   
    The picture is obviously a "photoshop". No real worshiper of Jehovah would make such a mark on their bodies. The marking of Gods people is a figurative, spiritual marking. Not a literal one. Perhaps the picture could be taken as a kind of warning for us though. We are to be loyal to Jehovah and His son Jesus in the Heavens. As far as the Earthly organization that we are a part of goes... It is merely a slave of our Creator. They only use technology and their imperfect best wits along with sincere prayer and deep Bible study to help us to improve our relationship with Jehovah. Any logos they have made are just that - logos. We don't want to put those logos up on high. They just help us to remember where to find help in learning of Jehovah and His purposes. We need to be careful to not let these logos and media aids (such as the cartoon characters Caleb and Sophia) on the Bible teaching web site jw.org NOT become "images to which we offer worshipful devotion. Imperfect Humans tend to wrongly set up physical icons to represent God. God has said: 'DON'T DO THAT'. That is why Jehovah took Moses' body and buried it secretly... So the Isrealites wouldn't try to make a shrine of Moses' grave. Our devotion is to Jehovah God DIRECTLY. JW.org helps us to do that. WE MUST BE CAREFUL to not render worship to JW.org.
  11. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in WOW... I found our popular green parrot for us all ! Matthew 24 : 14   
    Here  is  our  green  parrot..  popular  around  the  JW world !   Always  helping  us...  I  just  know  him  since  5  years ;o)
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in My boyfriend has finally recieved the brand of God   
    Crystal, maybe you do not understand everything yet.  Our circumcision must be in the heart (by holy spirit) - not on our skin. Rom 2:29.  Our new Christian personality is the brand mark we must cultivate for the survival of Armageddon. (Ezekiel 9:4)
    Love for you my friend.... learn more about Jehovah and study hard to understand everything. 
  13. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Queen Esther in JEHOVAH ❤ MY FATHER, MY GOD AND MY FRIEND ;-) Nice pic and KD - song...   
    WITH  THE  SAME  NICE  KING - DOM  SONG  No. 91  ❤
    ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  14. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in ‘Sea trek’: Rolls Royce’s futuristic cargo ships require no crew https://t.co/JBd18JRM8J...   
    via TheWorldNewsOrgvia journal.theworldnewsmedia.org
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Ross Tinney in Results of Armageddon   
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Queen Esther in I found this very nourishing and worth reflecting on. So I want share with you ;-)   
    Liked this - will share with my friends
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Do people really need to know and use the word "Jehovah" or other language equivalents, to truly know God?   
    I preach amongst the Muslim community (Arabic) and one of the first verses I show them is Ex 3:15.  I also show them the scriptures where Abraham built an altar to 'Jehovah' before he went to Egypt and when he came back he offered up a sacrifice again to 'Jehovah'.  Moses speaks of not knowing Jehovah in its causative context. They knew Jehovah's name but they had not seen him in physical action.  It was during the 10 plagues that they really came to see the power of Jehovah and physical evidence that he existed.  The fire cloud at night and a cloud by day that lifted when they had to move camp. During this time they received so much evidence of him being a "reality" and consequently were forged into one dedicated nation for his Name.  Even though some individuals did see the miracles they still did not show faith.    
    Jesus predicted that false religion would become powerful when he gave them the parable about the weeds that would be sown in the night by the enemy (Satan) in the good field that was prepared by Jesus... the parable goes on to show that only at the end of time the "harvest time" would identify the true and false Christians.  False religion has tried to eradicate the bible and Jehovah's name.  They did not manage to eradicate the Bible or Jehovah's name.  In Daniel 12 it talks about those in the time of the end who would "search" and 'understand'... and it is referring to our time.  We are now living in the time when Jehovah's purpose and his name is very clear to all who listen to our message.  Soon Jehovah shall "prove to be" - the causative form of "I am".  All nations will have to acknowledge that he is the true God by name as Ezekiel 38: last verse indicates.
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JaniceM in Do people really need to know and use the word "Jehovah" or other language equivalents, to truly know God?   
    I preach amongst the Muslim community (Arabic) and one of the first verses I show them is Ex 3:15.  I also show them the scriptures where Abraham built an altar to 'Jehovah' before he went to Egypt and when he came back he offered up a sacrifice again to 'Jehovah'.  Moses speaks of not knowing Jehovah in its causative context. They knew Jehovah's name but they had not seen him in physical action.  It was during the 10 plagues that they really came to see the power of Jehovah and physical evidence that he existed.  The fire cloud at night and a cloud by day that lifted when they had to move camp. During this time they received so much evidence of him being a "reality" and consequently were forged into one dedicated nation for his Name.  Even though some individuals did see the miracles they still did not show faith.    
    Jesus predicted that false religion would become powerful when he gave them the parable about the weeds that would be sown in the night by the enemy (Satan) in the good field that was prepared by Jesus... the parable goes on to show that only at the end of time the "harvest time" would identify the true and false Christians.  False religion has tried to eradicate the bible and Jehovah's name.  They did not manage to eradicate the Bible or Jehovah's name.  In Daniel 12 it talks about those in the time of the end who would "search" and 'understand'... and it is referring to our time.  We are now living in the time when Jehovah's purpose and his name is very clear to all who listen to our message.  Soon Jehovah shall "prove to be" - the causative form of "I am".  All nations will have to acknowledge that he is the true God by name as Ezekiel 38: last verse indicates.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Evacuated in Why are Jehovah's Witnesses persecuted in Russia?   
    Nationalism is at an all-time high in Russia with a cult-like following of Putin.  The government there can only be described as a thugocracy.
  20. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from SuzA in Kurdish woman is shot dead at a wedding in Germany after refusing to marry her cousin...   
    I have an Iraqi/Kurdish study - the men in the Middle East control the women to an extreme degree. They are belongings to sell.   After my study's divorce (she was granted a divorce on account of her husband's violence toward her),  her husband left US to go back to Iraq because he did not want to pay child support.  (He had previously threatened to kill her with a gun and the children called the police.... ) 
    Back in Iraq he wanted his ex-wife dead.  So he tried to hire friends here in America to kill his ex-wife because he wanted to abduct the eldest daughter.  He needed money and wanted to "sell" her to someone so that he could get the bride-price..... The daughter was not yet 12 years old.  Somehow the police found out about this and came to see her.  She showed me a copy of the police report. 
    Her brothers in Germany at present want her to come to Germany so they can control her.  They do not want her to live in America in freedom.  She has cut off all contact with them.
    She herself was a very young bride.  Her father needed money for her brother who was in trouble and "sold" her as a bride - she does not know how young she was because she was a child.  She had already had 4 children by the age of 17.  She now has four more children which she is raising by herself.   She thinks she was nine or 10 when she was married.  She had to raise the children, work the land planting melons, do bee-keeping and fetch all her water from a well.   She never learnt to read or went to school. She came here as a refugee.
    I am glad to report she learnt to drive and is managing her affairs well.  The eldest daughter has just turned 18 and the children are studying the bible. 
  21. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to The Librarian in Albert Schroeder: ...this man centered my theological and spiritual awareness.   
    During 1994, in my first-ever sit-down discussion on theocratic issues with one of Jehovah's Witnesses (JW), Albert Schroeder, of the Watchtower Society Governing Body, put me to school with the Christian Gospel of Saint John, chapter 6, verse 44, to wit:
    "... No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day....' (kjv)
    Albert Schroeder said to me: "...go home and ...study this verse..."
    And so,... the most unlikely person - me - is now a Disciple of Christ, a Bible student, one of Jehovah's Witnesses in vindication of the Sovereign Jehovah God.
    Albert Schroeder had tagged along with JW Elders from Liberia who were before my United Nations/New York committee which was assessing effects of the then ongoing Liberia civil conflict on Liberia's religious groups. At the end of the review with the Liberia JW delegation, Albert Schroeder introduced himself to me. Of course, I did not then know who he was, but I did notice that the Liberia JW group was according him deference, so I inquired of him his role with the Watchtower Society. Still not knowing exactly what the Watchtower Society Governing Body did, I presumed he was some sort of "head honcho".
    Considering that I was of the Catholic Church's Seraphic Order, a Worthy Sir of the Holy See, as well as an active participant in many other religious groups because of my political and diplomatic connections, I asked Albert Schroeder if I could acquire honorary membership in the Watchtower Society. His reply was, "...do you have a Bible?... go home and study the sixth book and forty-fourth verse of the Gospel of John, study this verse ...". I did so; and, at the following United Nations review meeting three months later, Albert Schroeder and I began an exchange of notes which guided my work in establishing the modalities of the peace process in Liberia.
    Note that between 1994 and 1998, I did not attend a Kingdom Hall, associate with a JW Congregation, or begin a formal study of the Holy Scriptures, until two JW sisters came knocking on my door while out in field service distributing invitations to the Memorial of 1998 to be held on 14 Nisan (10 April 1998, ironically the day before my birthday of 11 April). Interestingly, these two JW sisters appeared at my door exactly as I was in the midst of praying to Jehovah God, "...please show me women who love you...". My prayer was in reaction to the immense and stiff opposition of very close female relatives to my quest of seeking a true association with the love of the Sovereign Jehovah God.
    I have steadily progressed in my theocratic dedication and am now both a Pioneer and Ministerial Servant in the Watchtower Society.
    BTW,... I am of the persuasion that Albert Schroeder - more than anyone else - tremendously impacted the solid placement of instruments of peace in the cessation of civil conflict throughout Liberia.
    Ijoma Robert Flemister
  22. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Ann O'Maly in British government will look to crack down on religious freedom in the UK   
    A knotty problem is whether religious belief should infringe on the freedoms of others, e.g. when men enjoy certain freedoms denied to women, as outlined in the article. 
    Another problem is how animals are slaughtered and how to make this the most humane. It is alleged that Kosher and Halal methods fall short of the standards put forward by animal welfare advisory bodies.
    Is there any sound religious basis to insist on certain practices? Or are those practices just traditions that could be changed without compromising foundational beliefs?
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from djsqueeze in PRINCE ROGERS NELSON   
    If I may,  I would like to add a comment about the mental attitude regarding fame and fortune.  I think it is one of the hardest things to drop from your life - especially if you become a "nothing" after being someone. Did Jesus not say that it is harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for such a man? These artists have a hard time to adjust to normal life, especially if they are still doing work in the industry.  The music industry (light music and classical) is one of the most immoral industries and additionally, the public and fans still expect artists to "project' an image. Even if he is a border-line witness - it is his personal business.  It may take him decades to mentally adjust to be just a humble servant of Jesus, equal to everyone out there, especially if he is still followed by everyone - JWs included. Give the man a break - whatever his choices... and stop making a God of the man! Help him to get the mental attitude that Jesus said all of us should have - one of humility.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Evacuated in English vs. Hebrew   
    Do you have access to the New World Translation 2013? Appendices A4 and A5, page 1731 to 1743.
  25. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Norman Scott in Saudi Arabia is sending troops and fighter jets to Turkey's Incirlik Air Base   
    Also you may want to add that members of the two sects have co-existed for centuries and share many fundamental beliefs and practices. But they differ in doctrine, ritual, law, theology and religious organization.Their leaders also often seem to be in competition. Many recent conflicts have emphasized the sectarian divide, tearing communities apart. “ A house devided”
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