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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    so true - as well as your other points.  I hope he takes it to heart.  
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No, that is not what you did and you know it. You went far beyond talking to the brother u had a beef with.....  ... so . Do not act all righteous. You are a stinker and you know it!
    You are a stinker! Twist my words for a nasty purpose!   I stand up to anyone who does not treat others well. That is why I see through your MO. 
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No - it means they do what they please (where their own desires lead them), which may include the above behavior.  God has standards and we have to follow them to get Jehovah's approval.
  4. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Of course I link "jehovah" to the org. We carry his name don't we?  You are the one who is mentally in a box...... the hate-OCD box.... 
    You are just throwing anything at me. So do not expect any answer -   try to control the OCD. 
  5. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No, that is not what you did and you know it. You went far beyond talking to the brother u had a beef with.....  ... so . Do not act all righteous. You are a stinker and you know it!
    You are a stinker! Twist my words for a nasty purpose!   I stand up to anyone who does not treat others well. That is why I see through your MO. 
  6. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in I have a question about your memorial.   
    When I was baptized, I recall I was baptized in the name of all three -  and we use the names of all three.  You seem to only use Yeshua. 
  7. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in I have a question about your memorial.   
    Drop the ‘Jesus’ because the name is definitely anglicized and you offend him when you say it. 
    Or join the ranks of reasonable people, acknowledge that names adapt when translated into different languages, and say ‘Jehovah.’
  8. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    It hardly matters, does it? You can fart all you want and as along as there is plenty of space between you and your neighbor, there are no real consequences. But when population, technology, and competition for resources bring people shoulders to shoulder, your unpleasant ways provoke strong reaction.
    So it is with the world today. At any time, applying godly wisdom would have been beneficial. In our time it become crucial.  
  9. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Srecko Sostar in I have a question about your memorial.   
    Just joke... about how old we must be because we remember such details. 
  10. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to xero in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Like Tom pointed out earlier w/regard to the actual congregations of the 1st century - the congregations weren't free from strife. Why would anyone imagine it would be so today? To believe that you must not be reading your bible with any depth of understanding. In fact it seems sometimes that there's more there to give us all something to deal with - we get some great learning experiences.
  11. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Yea - when I was working in USA, I found this the general idea - so everyone can carry on doing their own thing.  THis, I am sure was a teaching of doctor Spock - so everyone can feel important. 
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Of course I link "jehovah" to the org. We carry his name don't we?  You are the one who is mentally in a box...... the hate-OCD box.... 
    You are just throwing anything at me. So do not expect any answer -   try to control the OCD. 
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No, that is not what you did and you know it. You went far beyond talking to the brother u had a beef with.....  ... so . Do not act all righteous. You are a stinker and you know it!
    You are a stinker! Twist my words for a nasty purpose!   I stand up to anyone who does not treat others well. That is why I see through your MO. 
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Yes - I am happy you survived it all!  A good example to us all.  (Pity that some accusers on this forum had a problem with the org... but could not survive the problem).  Consequently, they lost their chance to serve Jehovah forever! 
    I do think women must man-up.  At work there are rules about discrimination but even then , it is hard to stand up against it in the world (human resources departments.) It seems it can also be hard when there is some sort of discrimination against a fellow believer. In this case we must not let it pass because Jehovah's organization must be better than the world. When brothers act like a clique, then the congregation can suffer... and unfortunately it takes the GB a while to discover this.  That is why we should act according to conscience - when we see something wrong. No-one is above the council of Jehovah. 
    Last year we had an elder twice snub a sister while she was answering (she did not speak English very well and the brother wanted her to finish her long, insecure answer). I sent my group overseer a phone message:  Why has the elders not appointed someone to help her to prepare a shorter answer so she does not get snubbed in this ghastly way?  ... something to that effect.   There was an apology and she was helped.   I do not like my brothers or sisters treated openly in a disrespectful way.  In a nice way I will say something. 
    I asked the same elder, by phone,  why some elders preach the vaccine more than the kingdom. I had a shepherd call from the CO.... I think it was to sass me out but I retained a good attitude - But if one stands for righteousness, truth and kindness - it must be there at all times.  I will NEVER put a question like this in public where a brother can lose face but I will ask questions in private. 
    I really feel one must be open and kind - speak the truth at all times - and be who you are. Do not tolerate disrespect to the weak and weary. There are many vulnerable people amongst Jehovah's people. I have learnt to handle disrespect regarding myself quite well and answer with kind openness (I had to learn it).  I do not care to lose face... it is not important.  Believe me women often encounter this - no matter how high the position (in the world and org) but I do not take it to heart too much. BUT always ask questions if things are wrong - with respect. As a woman I must still be submissive so as not to be branded a Jezebel. I am very aware of being respectful and submissive. 
    So far I have survived - and my faith has had its bad times and the good.  I just hope Jehovah gives me courage to act according to my conscience - whether in front of brothers or the worldly courts.
  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Only Jehovah can  sort this out. Jehovah knows if there was true repentance...... like in the case of David.... he was allowed to live after causing the death of a person. .... and taking his wife. 
    Unfortunately, good people can succumb to bad things and other righteous people suffer the consequences. This calls for tremendous self-control, restraint, forgiveness and a  keeping of focus on  serving Jehovah to the best of our ability. People are people (jws are just people)  and we trust that most of them stick to their faith ..... but sometimes they disappoint the community/ and congregation.
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No one has denied that it has happened in the JWOrg. It happens in the entire world where people work with children...... and it seems that it will soon be accepted as normal behaviour in  wider society due to the fact that they are now teaching porneia to children as young as five in schools all over the world- part of the curriculi. . Even people who have been fighting against pedophilia have been hiding their own pedophilia behind a so-called hate for it.
    But -  you try to make out that it is one in every ten JWs instead of one in every 100 thousand which sucumbs to pedophilia. You also try to create the impression that it is acceptable to us. We do NOT teach it and neither do we accept it.   This is what I object to-  that you try to criminalise every single JW. This is not logical reasoning but an overwhelming unreasoning hate-OCD. 
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No, that is not what you did and you know it. You went far beyond talking to the brother u had a beef with.....  ... so . Do not act all righteous. You are a stinker and you know it!
    You are a stinker! Twist my words for a nasty purpose!   I stand up to anyone who does not treat others well. That is why I see through your MO. 
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Of course I link "jehovah" to the org. We carry his name don't we?  You are the one who is mentally in a box...... the hate-OCD box.... 
    You are just throwing anything at me. So do not expect any answer -   try to control the OCD. 
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Thought I'd put this here as it probably will not be on the JW Org website   
    That is the fallacy. A philosophical way to justify anything. .... 
    New policies accepted by most religions is LGBTQ. They say it is 'unloving' to not include the sexually deviant.practices .... and soon the sexual love of children will also be approved.....by government policy...... because all must be 'inclusive and "loving".' This is the basis of the new LOVE..... all inclusive.... LOVE.   Love for God and his standards will become UN loving and unlawful.. 
    Whose side will you be on when this becomes accepted policy? 
  20. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Your actions give us the same opinion.  Why is ALL  your hate directed in only one direction?   Hate is not a godly quality if you were a true follower of christ.  Even people from other religions are not as set in their hate as you are..... this demonstates an attitude which Jesus does not approve of.  It is not a righteous attitude because your accusations would.......
    be more logical and not so wildly unreasonable.   See above? I guess you have not seen all the wonderful pictures of the future paradise. 
    I think I will cut off this conversation. I have no time to spend with you. You are destructive and the worst kind of leaven. You hang out here because you need some form of revenge....  I do nog plan to be your next victim. 
  21. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in I have a question about your memorial.   
    No, I witness to many on internet. I prefer an atmosphere of kindness and love.  Here on the forum I just practice my thinking skills - which is hard because those who hate us are NOT prone to logical thinking but full of empty accusations.. I try to avoid those who have hate-OCD but now and then I do manage to get myself embroiled. 
    Silly, by now I should have learnt my lesson! 
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    You just don't get it do you?
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Yes - I am happy you survived it all!  A good example to us all.  (Pity that some accusers on this forum had a problem with the org... but could not survive the problem).  Consequently, they lost their chance to serve Jehovah forever! 
    I do think women must man-up.  At work there are rules about discrimination but even then , it is hard to stand up against it in the world (human resources departments.) It seems it can also be hard when there is some sort of discrimination against a fellow believer. In this case we must not let it pass because Jehovah's organization must be better than the world. When brothers act like a clique, then the congregation can suffer... and unfortunately it takes the GB a while to discover this.  That is why we should act according to conscience - when we see something wrong. No-one is above the council of Jehovah. 
    Last year we had an elder twice snub a sister while she was answering (she did not speak English very well and the brother wanted her to finish her long, insecure answer). I sent my group overseer a phone message:  Why has the elders not appointed someone to help her to prepare a shorter answer so she does not get snubbed in this ghastly way?  ... something to that effect.   There was an apology and she was helped.   I do not like my brothers or sisters treated openly in a disrespectful way.  In a nice way I will say something. 
    I asked the same elder, by phone,  why some elders preach the vaccine more than the kingdom. I had a shepherd call from the CO.... I think it was to sass me out but I retained a good attitude - But if one stands for righteousness, truth and kindness - it must be there at all times.  I will NEVER put a question like this in public where a brother can lose face but I will ask questions in private. 
    I really feel one must be open and kind - speak the truth at all times - and be who you are. Do not tolerate disrespect to the weak and weary. There are many vulnerable people amongst Jehovah's people. I have learnt to handle disrespect regarding myself quite well and answer with kind openness (I had to learn it).  I do not care to lose face... it is not important.  Believe me women often encounter this - no matter how high the position (in the world and org) but I do not take it to heart too much. BUT always ask questions if things are wrong - with respect. As a woman I must still be submissive so as not to be branded a Jezebel. I am very aware of being respectful and submissive. 
    So far I have survived - and my faith has had its bad times and the good.  I just hope Jehovah gives me courage to act according to my conscience - whether in front of brothers or the worldly courts.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Yes - I am happy you survived it all!  A good example to us all.  (Pity that some accusers on this forum had a problem with the org... but could not survive the problem).  Consequently, they lost their chance to serve Jehovah forever! 
    I do think women must man-up.  At work there are rules about discrimination but even then , it is hard to stand up against it in the world (human resources departments.) It seems it can also be hard when there is some sort of discrimination against a fellow believer. In this case we must not let it pass because Jehovah's organization must be better than the world. When brothers act like a clique, then the congregation can suffer... and unfortunately it takes the GB a while to discover this.  That is why we should act according to conscience - when we see something wrong. No-one is above the council of Jehovah. 
    Last year we had an elder twice snub a sister while she was answering (she did not speak English very well and the brother wanted her to finish her long, insecure answer). I sent my group overseer a phone message:  Why has the elders not appointed someone to help her to prepare a shorter answer so she does not get snubbed in this ghastly way?  ... something to that effect.   There was an apology and she was helped.   I do not like my brothers or sisters treated openly in a disrespectful way.  In a nice way I will say something. 
    I asked the same elder, by phone,  why some elders preach the vaccine more than the kingdom. I had a shepherd call from the CO.... I think it was to sass me out but I retained a good attitude - But if one stands for righteousness, truth and kindness - it must be there at all times.  I will NEVER put a question like this in public where a brother can lose face but I will ask questions in private. 
    I really feel one must be open and kind - speak the truth at all times - and be who you are. Do not tolerate disrespect to the weak and weary. There are many vulnerable people amongst Jehovah's people. I have learnt to handle disrespect regarding myself quite well and answer with kind openness (I had to learn it).  I do not care to lose face... it is not important.  Believe me women often encounter this - no matter how high the position (in the world and org) but I do not take it to heart too much. BUT always ask questions if things are wrong - with respect. As a woman I must still be submissive so as not to be branded a Jezebel. I am very aware of being respectful and submissive. 
    So far I have survived - and my faith has had its bad times and the good.  I just hope Jehovah gives me courage to act according to my conscience - whether in front of brothers or the worldly courts.
  25. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Even Franz who wrote the book Crisis of conscience…stated clearly on a utube interview he did not think JWs had any more of a problem with this than  any other faith.
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