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  1. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    A few years back there were 22 multiverses. before Hawkins died he actually reduced the number.
    The reason they have all these multiverses is that it allows for "chance" to create something.  We know this is absurd but this is how they make the jackpot of gambling on "chance" bigger. 
    These theories are calculations done by math.... but remember this: math is a language to express something.  It does not mean it is reality or truth.  It is just a tool.  Too many people forget this.
  2. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    How would you describe a "dimension"  if the word does not yet exist?  We all know that even on earth the angels move in a dimension we cannot physically detect.  Beyond the physical universe there are more dimensions. In our physical universe we are bound by dimensions of  time and space.  Beyond this.... there is no time and space.... 
  3. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Dmitar in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    A few years back there were 22 multiverses. before Hawkins died he actually reduced the number.
    The reason they have all these multiverses is that it allows for "chance" to create something.  We know this is absurd but this is how they make the jackpot of gambling on "chance" bigger. 
    These theories are calculations done by math.... but remember this: math is a language to express something.  It does not mean it is reality or truth.  It is just a tool.  Too many people forget this.
  4. Confused
    Arauna got a reaction from Dmitar in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    How would you describe a "dimension"  if the word does not yet exist?  We all know that even on earth the angels move in a dimension we cannot physically detect.  Beyond the physical universe there are more dimensions. In our physical universe we are bound by dimensions of  time and space.  Beyond this.... there is no time and space.... 
  5. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I do not think it is loving to get the entire church/ congregation involved. This can cause sides.... a big boohaa.  It is not loving to expose any person in this way unless it becomes exceedingly serious.   Two or three is an exact number...  do only what the bible says..... and this 2 or 3 happens ONLY if u have tried numerous times to correct the matter.. between yourself and the offender. ..Those who know about the matter  are not supposed to talk to others as it can  become slander....... a serious offence. When it reaches the stage that ALL must know about a matter is when a matter is so serious that all should not eat or drink with such a person. 
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Truthseeker in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    A few years back there were 22 multiverses. before Hawkins died he actually reduced the number.
    The reason they have all these multiverses is that it allows for "chance" to create something.  We know this is absurd but this is how they make the jackpot of gambling on "chance" bigger. 
    These theories are calculations done by math.... but remember this: math is a language to express something.  It does not mean it is reality or truth.  It is just a tool.  Too many people forget this.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Truthseeker in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    How would you describe a "dimension"  if the word does not yet exist?  We all know that even on earth the angels move in a dimension we cannot physically detect.  Beyond the physical universe there are more dimensions. In our physical universe we are bound by dimensions of  time and space.  Beyond this.... there is no time and space.... 
  8. Haha
  9. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Dmitar in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    Agreed - but it is interesting that he submitted a paper - printed posthumously which indicated less universes.
  10. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    One can prove mathematically that it is impossible for one racer to pass another, even if catching up.
    He cannot pass the lead racer until he first closes half the gap between them. And to do that, he must first close half THAT gap. Which he can’t do until he first closes half THAT distance. And so forth. There will always be a half-distance to cover.
    You may have been to a race where one contestant appears to overtake and pass another. It was an illusion. It did not happen. The math doesn’t allow it.
  11. Haha
    Arauna reacted to Witness in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    If you believe this organization is "spirit-directed", then the Spirit of God would gather the anointed together under Jesus Christ.  
    Since the anointed know "truth", it seems that every effort would be made to look to them as a collective body for spiritual understanding of scriptures, instead of to those who "represent the royal priesthood".   
    "But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him."  1 John 2:27
  12. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    A few years back there were 22 multiverses. before Hawkins died he actually reduced the number.
    The reason they have all these multiverses is that it allows for "chance" to create something.  We know this is absurd but this is how they make the jackpot of gambling on "chance" bigger. 
    These theories are calculations done by math.... but remember this: math is a language to express something.  It does not mean it is reality or truth.  It is just a tool.  Too many people forget this.
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    A few years back there were 22 multiverses. before Hawkins died he actually reduced the number.
    The reason they have all these multiverses is that it allows for "chance" to create something.  We know this is absurd but this is how they make the jackpot of gambling on "chance" bigger. 
    These theories are calculations done by math.... but remember this: math is a language to express something.  It does not mean it is reality or truth.  It is just a tool.  Too many people forget this.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Agreed, and concerning child services, they are not too kind to orphaned children also. the culture of police fear results in the good cop being obscure to people, for, if a police shows up, the idea of such culture will get the best of people, and they focus primarily on the bad and never the good. But this is true, race plays a role also, granted in the Black and Latino community, the influence of police fear is massive, and concerning this, the MSM isn't too far behind to manipulate the situation, example, the shooting of Ma'Khia Bryant.
    Moreover, other that anything of Mainstream, I deal with Pro-Black groups with their hypocrisy, who ultimately make matters worse by taking things out of context, fueling more hate not only towards police, but towards people who are not black, primarily Asian and White Individuals. A primary example is dealing with followers of a man named Phillip Scott, in which he tried to aid the community, but at the same time, use remarks to cause hate against others - twisting information. Hence the added disdain I have for the Leftist paradigm.
    Likewise with the FBI whereas they may be good at statistics, but they are not immune themselves, concerning CSA, they have an issue, which also proves to the case that no one is immune to CSA and things pertaining to it, as is US military and their allies.
    This is why it is vital for the household to protect their children by means of teaching them, as is a community of the same mindset because as you said, there are vile people out there. Not only we need to apply these solutions, but even JWs themselves, for bystander syndrome is so great among the general public.
  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Very true, unfortunately child services have also become predatory.... because the privatized institutions get funded by the government and are profit driven. (This is another very dark scenario). Calling Police (to the average person) is a frightning prospect because a bad policeman can be the beginning of a frightening nightmare. The FBI is tenfold worse.  Citizens do not know how to hold them legally to order if they break the law themselves. Race may also be an issue. A lot of what goes on is just raw display and use if power. 
    We have human laws but they are not enforced in a loving way..... and are not fair to all.  Most JWs also do not know how to act when an elder has overstepped the mark. Bottom line: injustice can happen anywhere and all humans are vulnerable to mild or hardened predators and all degrees of injustice.  One is just fortunate if something really bad has not happened to you. 
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    How would you describe a "dimension"  if the word does not yet exist?  We all know that even on earth the angels move in a dimension we cannot physically detect.  Beyond the physical universe there are more dimensions. In our physical universe we are bound by dimensions of  time and space.  Beyond this.... there is no time and space.... 
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Very true, unfortunately child services have also become predatory.... because the privatized institutions get funded by the government and are profit driven. (This is another very dark scenario). Calling Police (to the average person) is a frightning prospect because a bad policeman can be the beginning of a frightening nightmare. The FBI is tenfold worse.  Citizens do not know how to hold them legally to order if they break the law themselves. Race may also be an issue. A lot of what goes on is just raw display and use if power. 
    We have human laws but they are not enforced in a loving way..... and are not fair to all.  Most JWs also do not know how to act when an elder has overstepped the mark. Bottom line: injustice can happen anywhere and all humans are vulnerable to mild or hardened predators and all degrees of injustice.  One is just fortunate if something really bad has not happened to you. 
  18. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I don't use opinions.
    Facts can be verified, opinions cannot. Not once have I ever used an opinion here at all, for if I had, you'd quote it. The facts and evidence shown derives from context and Biblical hermeneutics.
    God's Order has not changed at all, even concerning widows, the Bible is very clear on said structure concerning the union of people in the Church, Body of the Christ.
    The Bible makes it clear who the head is concerning God’s Order in regards to the church as is the family.
    Granted the Men and Women are of the body of Christ, they, as is the head, cannot function on its own. It is as dependent on the rest of the body as the body is on the head. God is careful to define headship by comparing it to Christ and the Church. That headship role is best fulfilled by those in that order of which Paul had conveyed correctly in Scripture.
    The Traditions Paul was referring to is instructions of which was passed down, put into practices for others to follow. These Traditions were properly acceptable concerning true worship, hence the reference for the verse, which is 2 Thess. 2:15; 3:6. An example of this is the Lord's Meal, which is something acceptable to Christians, something of which we are to follow, then you have the opposite, hence Mathew 15:2, 3; Mark 7:3 and various references.

    You should be looking for context concerning what Paul said, do not interject something without understanding what he was referring to.
    Another verse of which you do not understand. You do realize as to what head coverings is in relation to?
    Verse 16 is in regards to God's Order concerning headship and subjection, it was pretty clear in the pervious verses, as is what came forth in the following. Paul also went on to convey woman with long hair as is what that entails concerning her position vs that of a man, hence why head coverings were a thing in the early church, for concerning women when it comes to praying, etc. This action is continued in the early church, even before Christianity, the Prophetesses of old, took this into account, such as the likes of Deborah and Anna.
    The JWs doing this is no issue as to those who understands the full context of Paul's Word. What you are attesting to is cherry picking and breaking away of what was already applied in practice.
    Men and Women are members in the Body of Christ, be it earthly or heavenly, God's Order has not changed, nor did God himself change.
    As we all can see, you are interjecting your own Exegesis into the passage, this passage was brought up in our last discussion concerning this and you were corrected.
    This is concerning the Chosen, not of God's Order of which Paul addressed. As said before, it does not change what God put in place.
    Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with JWs, it has to do with what Paul said as is what was written - literally in the opening of 1 Corinthians 11, as it being noted even referenced many times in Paul's other Epistles, even tracing back to what the Order God put in place concerning the creation of Adam, and later, Eve.
    No one can change. Not even you.
    It is not about saying, it is about context, of which you are ignoring, when you read the Bible, you study it, you observe it, understand the context of what a verse or a passage entails, to go around, with your own Exegesis is a dire call back to what Paul stated in Galatians 1:1-11.
    There is no distinction. Men and women are in union in the church, but the roles are different despite being of that Body. Equal in faith, but in role and operation, many differences, even in a biological sense.
    Women can teach, to prophesy the Messianic Age that is to come by means of the good news gospel, even with the spirit, however, they cannot lead in regard to Religious Office. If that was the case, you'd see that in context in the Scriptures, primarily the Greek Text.
    There are Prophetesses, and there are women who are Ministers, there are no leaders ever mentioned that are women. Paul even mentions some, therefore, as what is written about the early church, people such  as Prisca, Euodia, Syntyche, Phoebe, Persis, Apphia, etc. All of them are Ministers, Preachers so to speak, of high regard.
    She does, but the head of a woman is still a man. Likewise, to the head of a man being the Christ of whom all are under, and above all, is God.
    The Order has not changed, and it seems you are leaning on the modern view of submission, something of which even some JWs are guilty of.
    What you assume, is not of what the Bible entails.
    Yet concerning God's Order of which Paul conveys, regardless if the woman is chosen or not is clear.
    Apostle Paul focuses and concludes on the primary headship of God, the Head of Christ, as is the headship of the man over the woman, an Order of which is maintained and upheld in the early Christian Church. For the woman recognizes that the Most High is the one who ordained headship of man, hence the notion of head coverings by wearing a head coverings, as is roles.
    There isn't anything anyone can do to change that.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    How would you describe a "dimension"  if the word does not yet exist?  We all know that even on earth the angels move in a dimension we cannot physically detect.  Beyond the physical universe there are more dimensions. In our physical universe we are bound by dimensions of  time and space.  Beyond this.... there is no time and space.... 
  20. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Once again, how does  his mockery of the legal system help others? It's one thing to have sympathy for the victims, but another thing when he, stirrup a hornet nest with lies. Therefore, it's not possible to praise his intent.
    When it comes to emotions, people need to have the right attitude when it's made toward such sensitive issues. You actually had JWs praising him without personal proof, here. He left the institution on hearsay. Yet, fools got upset when I called out @Pudgy with information the police and his State Government uses. They figured such a person is dangerous. That is just down right obtuse.  One fool even praised him when he emailed the UK IICSA. These are all so-called Witnesses. Therefore, here it doesn't matter. This platform is full of deception.
    What good does it do the public when this platform allows for lies and deception? Once again, what benefit does this person possess?
    I'd say, no one here is. They allow their emotions and sympathy do the talking for them,  instead of closely looking at an individual issue under a microscope. The ARC report is one of them. Those cases were in a span of 20 years. Some of those cases were women. There was limited information given to the government due to the Australian Privacy laws. Meaning, the Elders could only use information that they could use. So, if a person admitted to "Child Porn", that person would end up in that list. Why? In part, by the limitations made by that government to classify., Institutions could only categorize it one way, pedophilia. Now, what other information can make the list under the Watchtower? Depending on government regulations, some churches also included substantive information about spousal abuse, fornication, adultery, Child Neglect. Why does the government need to see that information about adultery, fornication, and masturbation? Yet, you have fools demanding the release of such information. 
    Governments combine a wide range of issues into pedophilia. 
    Therefore, it doesn't matter how you want to justify certain peoples, action, if no one here understands how to apply, government's laws correctly; the LAWS of the land, STAY out of those issues.
    If you personally see something, and you wish to get involved, call the police and do your best to keep your recollection honest. However, until that happens,
    1 Thessalonians 4:11
    English Standard Version
    11 and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you,  
  21. Haha
    Arauna reacted to Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Do ya want to have a Bible study then ….😉
  22. Like
    Arauna reacted to Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Oh..okay..now I know why you take that scripture out of context….
  23. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I wish I could triple upvote Arauna’s last comment!
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    How would you describe a "dimension"  if the word does not yet exist?  We all know that even on earth the angels move in a dimension we cannot physically detect.  Beyond the physical universe there are more dimensions. In our physical universe we are bound by dimensions of  time and space.  Beyond this.... there is no time and space.... 
  25. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Very true, unfortunately child services have also become predatory.... because the privatized institutions get funded by the government and are profit driven. (This is another very dark scenario). Calling Police (to the average person) is a frightning prospect because a bad policeman can be the beginning of a frightening nightmare. The FBI is tenfold worse.  Citizens do not know how to hold them legally to order if they break the law themselves. Race may also be an issue. A lot of what goes on is just raw display and use if power. 
    We have human laws but they are not enforced in a loving way..... and are not fair to all.  Most JWs also do not know how to act when an elder has overstepped the mark. Bottom line: injustice can happen anywhere and all humans are vulnerable to mild or hardened predators and all degrees of injustice.  One is just fortunate if something really bad has not happened to you. 
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