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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    China - was following a capitalistic investment program to alleviate poverty - that is true (although they were not altruistic in their goals but more about modernization and industrial growth of the central government ///// but they always wanted to return to the pure communism which they have done now. There has always been a faction in the  top echelons who believed that one can use capitalism to equalize wealth. But the belief is still that capitalism cannot grow forever and they point to the demise of the USA for this - which is also true, (stock markets cannot grow forever!).  (Human systems are flawed - as we all know). In the west this has also overtaken most of the schools of thinking..... this is why communism is openly preached in the universities and no-one bats an eyelid.
    In the end - a neo- communistic central control model will engulf us all as pushed by their agenda of "environmental" sustainability..... which will further enrich those with money and those who made their money from the energy available before. They will be the technocrats and oligarchs of the future.
    Yes - when you have a centralized government surrounded by oligarchs - things work very well (think of Hitler's fascistic regime and the NWO now on our doorstep).     All central governments work better because they control things much better than democracy - where all opinions are accommodated............  In communism there is justice  for the controllers and those who support party goals but not for the poor.   I know of many horror stories in china and Russia.  Similar things are now happening in USA and people are outraged and do not understand what is going on.  Try to go to court on a matter that is not popular and you will see how they throw it out of court!  Even supreme court.  This is why I think the Tumpers are a sad lot when they thing government can still fix what is going on. Anyone who wants to go to court on "sleever" court cases can forget it -we are already living in a semi-fascistic control..... and more to come.
    The CIA has been out of control for decades and this corruption has infiltrated all "secret" agencies.  NASA, DARPA,  and CIA are the worst.  They have paid terrorists, smuggled drugs and people , and corrupted many governments, wasted billions and covered up their terrible secret experiments on people. They outsourced all shady jobs to private companies which are now closely linked to the NWO such as Blackrock and Tech companies such as FB, Microsoft, Amazon etc.  Congress and Senate do not know half of what these organizations have done because there is no transparency of the budgets and the military industrial complex is out of control.  Similarly with gain of function research.  The chemical or pharma industrial complex is also out of control. .... which has infiltrated the food supply and may other industries.  So yes - Anglo-American power  is the 2-horned sheep who is a dragon. 
    One cannot apologize for any of what has been going on. We cannot be naïve and apologize for any of these world powers.  
    The orange revolution , the rose revolution etc - they have done this same maneuvers before and got away with it.  Supercomputers were used in USA....... which were adapting from outside the country as they went along.  Everything dome by math so as to look above board.......NOthing is what is seems.  Many elections in the past in USA were also not clean....... and with justice.... even if people want to believe this.  TRUST in government - lol
    True - in Africa the communist collective ideology fits in with African culture - this is why Africa was never a success and always went into dictatorships.  Most of the leaders also received training under Libya, Cuba or Russia. 
    True, because of a loss of religion, populations are now ready for the 4th industrial revolution which will bring in the transhumanist and AI revolution. With propaganda for sustainable development reaching an all time high - populations will soon be clamoring for more control of the environment and give up freedom of choice to get rid of their fears and feel SAFE under a neo-communist regime.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Bearing Witness to Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and God's Kingdom.   
    This is when I show them the overwhelming body of work that did come true!   The fact that we are preaching the kingdom as the only solution for human problems in obedience to Matthew 24:14.  This is truly the only solution in a world wherein it is getting more difficult to make decision - critical times hard to deal with when people do not have faith and are fierce!
    The prophecies now coming into fulfillment regarding pestilence on world-wide scale and food shortages in many places.
    One can go into other prophecies - but we do not want to overwhelm them!
  3. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The majority of the scientific community are basically toeing the line or are genuinely ignorant due to the artfully contrived propaganda and the deliberate blocking of true science being spoken off.
    Dont use google or utube…they are useless and tools to the satanic agenda….you have to go to places like… BITCHUTE ….RUMBLE …NEW YOU TUBE … …BRIGHTON…there are many others but I can not keep up with them…..look for the specialists in the field of vaccinations ..science and medicine…
    A few names to give you a head start….
    Geert Vandon Bosch…..this poor man is highly credentialed and a expert on vaccination….he’s also a very brave and principled man….what he foretold would happen has eventuates …my advice would be to watch all of his videos especially his first one …
    Dr Robert Malone….one of the creators of the MRNA vaxination pathways…again highly credentialed and brave man.
    Prof Delores Cahill…
    Dr David Martin….fascinating to listen to….on the patterns and vaccination laws etc…..personally I think he is in the genies category…tho I may not agree with some of his other topics..on this subject he is amazing with his knowledge 
    Catherine Austin
    Dr Richard Fleming….
    Dr Peter Mc Cullough….incredibly brave and highly credentialed in a number of fields ..
    Judy Mikovitis….very brave woman…
    Dr Mike Yeardon….very highly specialized and very brave man…..as he said..we are standing at the gates of hell!
    You will see some of these men just break down and cry..due to the implications this is having on mankind and them being gagged as to getting it out to the population.
    You may already know all of these and researched them yourselves….I’m don’t mean to assume you haven’t…sp please don’t be offended …but this is just scratching the surface of the MOST HIGHLY SPECIALIZED EDUCATED SCIENTIST speaking out but are being deliberately silenced and gagged by others working for the dark side…
    remember they don’t all agree with each other over every detail …nor do I…but on the main points and basic facts…and science they all are in agreance with…the implications for mankind is terrifying…
    Indeed looking at it from a cold hearted unemotional stand..it has been a master stroke ..a undeniable genius act or war strategy  by Satan….
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    As I said before - the UN agreements are binding and I discovered a new agreement which Obama made just before he left office.  The Kigali agreement allows the UN to come in with a neutral military's force when there appears to be anarchy in a country - the UN can override the countries' autonomy.  This is why they are stoking so much discord with racism etc.... so UN can claim its stake.
    Agenda 2030 is like an image or plan they are holding out to all the nations in front of them and they are under obligation to follow it.  193 out of 196 nations signed Agenda 2030.  The final prophecies are in place and being carried out.   We are just waiting for them to get rid of religions and declare one world religion... or so it seems they are trying to do..... 
    The WEF is implementing Agenda 2030 and a few of their own goals which is transgenderism and transhumanism. 
    A future technocratic government which wants mankind to take control of their own destiny by helping evolution along (via gene therapies) to go into the direction they want to steer it. We are going into the nano-tech era where everything will be genetically engineered.
    A friend of mine in South Africa told me today one cannot produce your own seeds any longer (hybrid seeds to make seeds) - one has to buy seeds for genetically engineered crops.  Why is this?  Because they are engineering everything (even nature) genetically so they can put a price and ownership on it.  if you own the patent then someone has to pay for it....... even humans, animals are not exempt. They are genetically engineering everything!.... even the S-protein!
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The virus has not been isolated - the MRNA they are putting in us creates spike proteins. The spike is the weapon. You described it better than I could.   This is a bio-weapon and the patents have been around since 2005.  They have been lying about it being a novel/ new virus.  All the sequences have been patented in more than 2000 patents over the years. This is deliberate deceit. Most doctors do not know what is in the "sleever" because they do not have access to information and have to trust the "authorities".  
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    In the new definitions that they are changing "natural immunity" no longer exists.  You only have immunity when you have had the "latest" booster.
    The S protein is the weapon because it replicates. and this protein has synthetic parts.
  7. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I see this everywhere ..... want people to rebel and they can call them terrorists....because they want to put these people in the camps they are building. Afterwards they will get rid of the other deplorables and dispensables in the newly built gulags.  This will be the worst tribulation the world has ever seen.  We will be tested to the hilt..... be prepared to die.... and be tortured by solitary confinement etc.  I feel for you my sister.  What you experiencing will come in all countries!
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    China - was following a capitalistic investment program to alleviate poverty - that is true (although they were not altruistic in their goals but more about modernization and industrial growth of the central government ///// but they always wanted to return to the pure communism which they have done now. There has always been a faction in the  top echelons who believed that one can use capitalism to equalize wealth. But the belief is still that capitalism cannot grow forever and they point to the demise of the USA for this - which is also true, (stock markets cannot grow forever!).  (Human systems are flawed - as we all know). In the west this has also overtaken most of the schools of thinking..... this is why communism is openly preached in the universities and no-one bats an eyelid.
    In the end - a neo- communistic central control model will engulf us all as pushed by their agenda of "environmental" sustainability..... which will further enrich those with money and those who made their money from the energy available before. They will be the technocrats and oligarchs of the future.
    Yes - when you have a centralized government surrounded by oligarchs - things work very well (think of Hitler's fascistic regime and the NWO now on our doorstep).     All central governments work better because they control things much better than democracy - where all opinions are accommodated............  In communism there is justice  for the controllers and those who support party goals but not for the poor.   I know of many horror stories in china and Russia.  Similar things are now happening in USA and people are outraged and do not understand what is going on.  Try to go to court on a matter that is not popular and you will see how they throw it out of court!  Even supreme court.  This is why I think the Tumpers are a sad lot when they thing government can still fix what is going on. Anyone who wants to go to court on "sleever" court cases can forget it -we are already living in a semi-fascistic control..... and more to come.
    The CIA has been out of control for decades and this corruption has infiltrated all "secret" agencies.  NASA, DARPA,  and CIA are the worst.  They have paid terrorists, smuggled drugs and people , and corrupted many governments, wasted billions and covered up their terrible secret experiments on people. They outsourced all shady jobs to private companies which are now closely linked to the NWO such as Blackrock and Tech companies such as FB, Microsoft, Amazon etc.  Congress and Senate do not know half of what these organizations have done because there is no transparency of the budgets and the military industrial complex is out of control.  Similarly with gain of function research.  The chemical or pharma industrial complex is also out of control. .... which has infiltrated the food supply and may other industries.  So yes - Anglo-American power  is the 2-horned sheep who is a dragon. 
    One cannot apologize for any of what has been going on. We cannot be naïve and apologize for any of these world powers.  
    The orange revolution , the rose revolution etc - they have done this same maneuvers before and got away with it.  Supercomputers were used in USA....... which were adapting from outside the country as they went along.  Everything dome by math so as to look above board.......NOthing is what is seems.  Many elections in the past in USA were also not clean....... and with justice.... even if people want to believe this.  TRUST in government - lol
    True - in Africa the communist collective ideology fits in with African culture - this is why Africa was never a success and always went into dictatorships.  Most of the leaders also received training under Libya, Cuba or Russia. 
    True, because of a loss of religion, populations are now ready for the 4th industrial revolution which will bring in the transhumanist and AI revolution. With propaganda for sustainable development reaching an all time high - populations will soon be clamoring for more control of the environment and give up freedom of choice to get rid of their fears and feel SAFE under a neo-communist regime.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I do not understand it this way.  It does enter the core of the cell - but not the mitochondria.  The S-protein is replicated in all cells through the MRNA print. Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the protein blueprint from a cell's DNA to its ribosomes, which are the "machines" that drive protein synthesis. Transfer RNA (tRNA) then carries the appropriate amino acids into the ribosome for inclusion in the new protein.....The new protein is S-protein which is deadly to the body......  It does not stop (no poptosis). No off-switch.
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The virus has not been isolated - the MRNA they are putting in us creates spike proteins. The spike is the weapon. You described it better than I could.   This is a bio-weapon and the patents have been around since 2005.  They have been lying about it being a novel/ new virus.  All the sequences have been patented in more than 2000 patents over the years. This is deliberate deceit. Most doctors do not know what is in the "sleever" because they do not have access to information and have to trust the "authorities".  
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    In the new definitions that they are changing "natural immunity" no longer exists.  You only have immunity when you have had the "latest" booster.
    The S protein is the weapon because it replicates. and this protein has synthetic parts.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Australian politicians have openly stated we are in the New world Order….and also in a three year trial with this vaccination…( which isn’t a vaccination at all ) .we are now waiting to see if this bill will pass in the upper house…which gives the Victorian premier dictatorship powers….then each state will acquire the same powers ….the people are rising up in the tens of thousands…and the government are goading the people to attack…
    It feels like we are living in the movie Green Solvent….and yes I agree with you about the s protein….but comfort comes knowing it’s Bible prophecy playing out …
  13. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    So am I right that if the spikiness of the S protein allows it to penetrate cells so as to infect, the spikiness of the antigen produced upon stimulation by the shot is just as architecturally dangerous, even though not infectious? And so, that is why you do want to take out the virus should it appear, but you want to do so through safer means, the ones being discredited? And that, unless and until the virus appears, meanwhile the spikiness of the shot inflicts damage of its own?
  14. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from xero in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    Totally agree with you.  So one needs science where the experiment can be repeated or observed... empirical science.  Science based on repeatable evidence.   So let me correct my statement:  I need evidence based science which proves that different genus of animals can mix and produce fertile offspring.
  15. Like
    Arauna reacted to Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    It has to be…The Old World Order is dying …thus making way for The New World Order…
  16. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Equivocation in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I kind of figured because the story of Kyle Rittenhouse has everyone involved. There were some livestreams of some people talking about the case, and someone coined "Silver Haired Truther". Not sure if you know anything about that.
    Yeah, and right now misinformation is on full 100% blast, so much so, even at my University, it is causing people to believe things that are not true, and if you say something that is true, well, it is like a trainer battle (a plus if you catch that reference lol). But yeah, Satan has tricks, we just have to be on our toes.
  17. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from xero in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    I think science is science - bring me a good scholarly paper which shows how a few different species can hybridize and still have offspring then I will accept that I am speculating.   Now is the time for you to make a joke to change the subject - lol
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    I know what you are talking about this is the Liger - between lion and tiger ..... but fertility is rare and they are of the same KIND - both are large cats.  So even in the same kind they sometimes do not mix.  Jehovah put barriers in place.  It is rare that different species blend such as a bird and reptile  -  you will find that different bears can mix and different dogs can mix such as wolf and dog.... but different kinds are infertile...... 
    I know that evolutionists love to show this is possible because they do not accept that there are barriers to infinite change in genes....... but Jehovah put these laws of nature in place.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    I know what you are talking about this is the Liger - between lion and tiger ..... but fertility is rare and they are of the same KIND - both are large cats.  So even in the same kind they sometimes do not mix.  Jehovah put barriers in place.  It is rare that different species blend such as a bird and reptile  -  you will find that different bears can mix and different dogs can mix such as wolf and dog.... but different kinds are infertile...... 
    I know that evolutionists love to show this is possible because they do not accept that there are barriers to infinite change in genes....... but Jehovah put these laws of nature in place.
  20. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from xero in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    I know what you are talking about this is the Liger - between lion and tiger ..... but fertility is rare and they are of the same KIND - both are large cats.  So even in the same kind they sometimes do not mix.  Jehovah put barriers in place.  It is rare that different species blend such as a bird and reptile  -  you will find that different bears can mix and different dogs can mix such as wolf and dog.... but different kinds are infertile...... 
    I know that evolutionists love to show this is possible because they do not accept that there are barriers to infinite change in genes....... but Jehovah put these laws of nature in place.
  21. Like
    Arauna reacted to Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The push for false information is to keep the masses calm while they put into action the satanic agenda…it appears that Satan now has everyone one he wants in strategic positions WORLDWIDE..that is in every country to do his bidding…the virus and vaccination is just a Trojan horse to his next big move….thus the need to calm and stupidify the people….so they do not rise up and make things messy and harder for them…..here in Australia this false information or propaganda has been used by a master craftsman who is a professional  at it…..just as he relayed false information to Eve and created the first major doubt in truth…and as he has done thru out mankind’s history.
    the exception now is that he has accomplished it worldwide…which would indicate Jehovah’s appointed time may be on the cusp of action….for as Russell pointed out that the governments of the world will at some time become so oppressive that the people would rise up and rebel…and this would eventually lead to anarchy….at which point if left unchecked no flesh would be left…
    Never before has Australia been hit with such constant relentless propaganda that has successfully been able to turn Australians on each other…..yes there was propaganda  during the Second World War…but it United Australians….this is devised to break and separate and fill one with fear….to wear each out to accept the mark of the beast fully……..and it is in action world wide.
    False information is how Satan works…the father of the lie gets so much of his work done thru that one thing….indeed…..May God help us all !
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Russia is getting ready to take some land - it is helping the orthodox Serbians get worked up about people in neighboring countries who are Serbian.   They will get involved here in the Balkans  when China strikes.....  It is only a matter of time..... China will try to take Taiwan.... Yes - something like this will have to happen for the UN to bring all to the peace table! The peace will be false of course!
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The UN now has Internet police which checks the net for undesirable content; and apart from military eyes there are several contracts for the government and one project funded by Gates and the health alliance.  They have been roaming the internet with their algorithms for at least a year. The AI checks the internet for new information that the establishment does not want to leak out. As soon as the first stories appear there are several fact checking stories which debunks this. They are AI bot stories from different sources so it looks as if research was done.  The gaslighting is becoming more and more. 
    I see so many stories on internet now regarding the environment. They are creating fear that we will NOT survive if drastic steps are not taken.  While a agree with this premise - it is the very corporations who created the environment disaster in the first place who now want to take control of everything. So the internet will once again be scrubbed when any stories press highlights environmental abuses by corporations but stories will be created which highlight what they want you to know.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    You forget that ALL correspondence via internet is watched.....by the CCP army. People in China know this...... so would they talk of something bad happening in their local area? 
    Another matter: when all news is sent out and approved by the state- do you think they will openly declare their government sweat shops and mulim camps? If your answer is yes..... then I understand completely why you take the stance you do..... 
    LEARNT yesterday that China had access to all Western databases of DNA..... and are in a position to make bio weapons for the western blood types. While the West has none of theirs.  The West was helping China with "gain of function" Corona and the best secret still to be revealed is ...... part of it synthetic.   It is NOT a naturally gained of function or isolated  virus. 
    The one world government oligarchs in the west are as dumb as some of the scholars who are pro Mao se Tung type governments....... similar to UN image of the beast.... 
    This silliness will lead to us soon being under a system of digital passports where our health is connected to our income, our obedience to the state and approval for work as well as our behaviour........ whether we comply to the state or not (as in China) will be on one passport.  A technocratic dictatorship. 
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Because your son was a naive student in China a few years ago and you were a tourist you know all a out Xi ping...... 
    Did you read the UN report and their warning to China and China's subsequent promise to stop harvesting organs (a few years back....)?...... and then they  proceeded as usual with the same business but made sure that it does not leak out again.. yet reports kept on slowly leaking out. The labor camps for muslims also leaked out.... 
    Xi Ping  has started to institute Mao se Tung policies. ..... that is also a lie. The predatory loans to Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, Tajikistan and all the other silk road countries  and Shri Lanka's subsequent warnings to the Philippines about the predatory loans are all Hogwash. Indonesia and Australua  have not run into problems with them either.....Cina's disregard for forests in Africa and decimation of fish (due to predatory agreements are also hogwash.....the extinction of black rhinos in north africa for their horns are also hogwash. I can go on and on about the many countries that have run into their deceitful traps. 
    Next thing you will say they are NOT imprisoning students in Hong Kong and NOT disappearing people who stood for freedom in Hong Kong. . I GUESS ALL THOSE INVASIONS OF Taiwan and Japanese airspace in the past two months is also a lot of hogwash....... it is merely propaganda........ China is the victim of propaganda....... China is not part of the beastly governments of the world and a good match for the predatory behaviour of the USA - both predatory beasts.
    The oppression of Tibet and other countries in the Himalayas to take control of the water resources are all lies and their invasion of Indian territory is all hogwash....... lol. 
    The institution of behaviour passports on their own citizens linked to their bank accounts is merely Western propaganda...... The Chinera- experimentation in their gene- labs is all ethical and above board and so it the Wuhan lab ........ all ethical, pure and clean. 
    Saw pictures yesterday of  700 year old Muslim mosque with its minarets removed, Chinese letters on it and the dome removed. It looks like a good old communistic building. Saw a few photos of a few mosques which have been "renovated".  
    Worship of the state is now required...... 
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