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  1. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Dmitar in Ron Rhodes: Christian Author Offers Views on Bible Prophecy, End Times   
    As I have mentioned on this forum before - during the 18th century there was a new craze in Europe regarding pyramids and papyri from Egypt.  many Christian denominations tried to see something prophetic in the pyramids. 
    The founder of the Mormon religion bought a papyri and pretended it was a letter from Abraham when it was a portion of a Book of the Dead which came with a mummy.. He pretended to translate the papyrus and the 'Book of Abraham' was born. many people were fascinated and listened to him. it has now been proven to be a fabrication and yet many people still believe it.
    Why?  because the science of Egyptology only opened up when Napoleon went to Egypt - so the craze for anything Egyptian was the craze of the age. It was the new science.  The Egyptian script was translated by Champollion.
    So if you know this history - you will see all of the above history in its historical context.......... but alas!  there is a short-sightedness that no-one will be able to cure! 
  2. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Dmitar in Like the Days of Noah...   
    True - I do not take you guys seriously at all.  I like to learn new things all the time but for a reasonable time now there are only OCD echo's and very little to really think or talk  about or learn.
  3. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Dmitar in Like the Days of Noah...   
    Of course - and it is spot-on.  Most apostates suffer from this compulsive behaviour of hate for everything to do with JWs. It is totally irrational and all answers are the same.... motivated by hate.
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Like the Days of Noah...   
    True - I do not take you guys seriously at all.  I like to learn new things all the time but for a reasonable time now there are only OCD echo's and very little to really think or talk  about or learn.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in Like the Days of Noah...   
    They won't change. I even challenged one in particular in this regard - and the fact I return here, months later, the person did nothing - ironically. At least at the time, Rook, himself actually did something about a sensitive topic mentioned time and time again here, and I commemorate him for that, and the community of which I was invited to and helping in the time of absence included his input with what was gathered originally.
    The problem is, those who are so boiled in their emotions cannot truly be reasoned with. At times they will mix and or use events thus becoming one sided at times and can never hear both sides, or even try to come to a common ground and or conclusion; hence similar topics over the years. They come to assumptions, even from stupid things, only to shy away like church mice when they cannot prove something, and if proven incorrect, they wipe their evidence by deleting their threads and or posts. They rejoice over something, and do not realize a problem that they didn't see coming, and should you ask them about it, they say nothing. It is one of those issues that even the one who calls himself chosen took issue with here.
    That being said, because of all this, intertwined with the pandemic, as I, Rook, and the one who claims to be chosen were correct - Their numbers who be reduced because they make up that branch of folks spoken of in Mainstream Christendom, as is with former members; all reduced.
    Edit - as you can see, the latter even laughs at what he speaks out against - a sensitive topic.
    @TrueTomHarley Perhaps more hate than Darth Vader himself. When one succumbs to hate, they are beyond reason.
  6. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Like the Days of Noah...   
    Of course - and it is spot-on.  Most apostates suffer from this compulsive behaviour of hate for everything to do with JWs. It is totally irrational and all answers are the same.... motivated by hate.
  7. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Like the Days of Noah...   
    You are kind to say this!  I think most here know exactly the reasons but CHOOSE to remain obtuse because they have reached a stage in life where they oppose everything to do with Jehovah and his people.  They are irrational and nasty.... hence the term given to them: Hate-OCD.  They do not come here to learn but to divide and conquer! .... Unfortunately not for Jehovah. They have the same spirit the Pharisees had.
  8. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Like the Days of Noah...   
    True - they were not called GB but they performed this important function. A group of anointed Christians were sending out letters and making centralized decisions from Jerusalem.  For example, James (the brother of Jesus) presided over the meetings about circumcision and Paul specially went ack to Jerusalem to Witness about the gentiles receiving Jehovah's spirit. They made a centralized decision and sent out letters to all congregations to inform them that circumcision of gentiles was not needed.
    Read all about this in Acts 15.
  9. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in The truth about Jesus' Resurrection   
    If one does not change, they remain the same, and eventually they start to complain.
  10. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in Like the Days of Noah...   
    @Arauna Yes, Genesis 3:15, the original prophecy, the Edenic Promise, first Promise of God. The Fallen One's act in Eden did not know about God's contingency, a hope for mankind by means of this promise, for this Fallen One is to be crushed by the offspring of the woman (Revelations 12:1), as a minor note, some people seem to forget Galatians 4:4, which is in connection to that, let alone Isaiah 7:14. For some they confuse the woman with being literally Sarah or Mary, which is false, when in reality, it is Heavenly Jerusalem in this sense; and to Apostle Paul's credit for using Sarah as figuratively in his allegorical statement.

    The Christian Congregation itself, as a group (The Church), is also spoken of as woman, the one of whom you speak since the Promised Seed was mentioned. Moreover, just by John 3:16 alone, it is very evident to whom God sent to crush the Fallen One, The Devil and how it will be done (Revelations 20:1-3, 10, 15). For during Jesus' preaching of the gospel, Jesus himself identified the serpent/snake from Genesis 3:15 as Satan and his seed to be that of his ill influenced followers (Matthew 23:33; John 8:44). When all this comes to fruition, in turn, this will give mankind itself hope, and what is to come, for our early parents have lost such - of which everyone here seems to be in agreement upon, living forever by means of eternal life.

    Some other points would be, which I do not think anyone brushed up on was although Jesus was with his Father, the fact that God himself caused his only begotten Son to be born through Mary, a descendant of David, hence Galatians 4:4/Isaiah 7:14. Mary was an imperfect young woman, however, Jesus, did not inherit imperfection from Mary, for he was God’s Son. For at this point, Jesus was noted as The Son of Man, an expression used in Scripture for several, including, Jesus Christ due to being born in the flesh, becoming human. The term also indicates that Jesus would fulfill the prophecy found in Daniel 7:13, 14. From there, which was mentioned, God giving the spirit to Jesus during his baptism - which in turn, the verses in question, points directly to Galatians 3:16 regarding the Promised Seed, as is with what the sacred secret is in connection to, hence 2 Timothy 1:10.

    Now what I find a bit of a half truth said by some here is that in regards to the Kingdom itself in regards to Luke 17:21 (one of those verses people get duped by via textual violations), which was already mentioned in the other thread, but here concerning hearts, this condition stems not from within (for they are touched by God's Kingdom for the heart) Christians themselves, but God’s Kingdom as shown in Scripture is shown to have a true location -
    Matthew 4:17 - From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” So the latter was incorrect in the remark towards you, hence textual violation of is in view.

    As we can see, in the Bible, it identifies it has having a location, even going as far as to refer to it as by calling it the kingdom of heaven. And it is known that God's Kingdom in of itself is an established form of government that operates it's ruling authority from heaven and that with any kingdom, it has its people who serve God (Psalms 2:4-6;Daniel 7:13, 14; Isaiah 9:7). More so, Jesus himself is the one to begin the preaching of the gospel concerning the Kingdom itself, not to mention the fact that the kingdom itself will indeed have enemies that wants to destroy it as we read in Psalms 2:1-9; and 110:1, as well as in 2; 1 Corinthians 15:25, 26, plus references. In addition to that, concerning the kingdom, Jesus declared that in Luke 22:28-30, Jesus the Apostles that they will soon join him in the Kingdom of heaven and to be seated on thrones, so those that speaks of it being just only a in our hearts fail to see the bigger notation of what God's Kingdom truly is, to mankind even, such ones also misuse said verses in Luke and Revelations as well, thus going upon their own exegesis.

    As you can see how those who mentioned such via textual error of the verse in question results in the latter response.

    Now, another factor I am seeing is everyone already agrees on the fact Jesus pre-existed, hence him being around when God himself created everything, mainly through him (which KJV has butchered by adding words unrelated to the Strong's). At this point, we can see that Jesus had not been born in the flesh yet. He was still with his Father, our God.
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Like the Days of Noah...   
    This woman is NOT the anointed  (the bride is spoken of betrothed to christ) but this same heavenly woman is prophesied in Genesis 3:15. She would bring forth the SEED that eventually would crush Satan's head!   Paul calls the main part of the seed - the Christ.  So this seed christ comes from this heavenly woman. So does it refer to an earthly woman or a heavenly one?  Well - since Satan also has heavenly seed - or angels who fight against the heavenly SEED of Jehovah it stands to reason an earthly woman does not have power to fight spirit beings.  So this is a heavenly woman that is often spoken of in the bible as a wife of Jehovah and he is her husbandly owner.   It is his heavenly organization from where Jesus came to earth.   
  12. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Like the Days of Noah...   
    I have never seen the word "true anointed" in the bible.  You are going to wait a looooooong time!
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Space Merchant in Like the Days of Noah...   
    Yehovah is the same as Jehovah - the first is hebrew and the second english - same sounds.  If you know any other languages you will know that the first thing one learns is PRONUNCIATION!  The Hebrew Y   is the same sound as english J
  14. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Like the Days of Noah...   
    You did not read matthew 13.  So I think our discussion is over.  You speak of things you do not understand..... just judge without sufficient knowledge.... There is another name for that but I leave this here.  I do not argue with a Baal stone.
  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Truthseeker in Climate change is the LEAST of anyones' REAL problems.   
    Whether one believes in climate change or not.  The UN Agenda 2030 will be using this a its basis to control all inventory on earth and measure its carbon output. Everything will go forward under the label of "sustainable development".  This is their goal.... to control all food production, water, land use, etc  and WEF is in agreement with them.  "You will own nothing and be happy" is the WEF motto. 
    The WMO with the IPCC will be selling "carbon credits" by 2030.  This is like our fiat currency - just another way to make money for the rich 1% .....because it will not be ploughed back into fixing the environment.  You are already paying your taxes to the FED, which is a private banking cartel since 1913, and they do not put any funds back into the infrastructure of the country. They just print more and more fiat money and our government pays the interest on the money they are lending off the printer of the currency. It is fiat - not based on silver or gold and comes from thin air.
    The world system is fake/fiat and all about making money for the richest of the rich.  Do I believe "climate change" is real - yes. Do I believe it is man-made - yes...... The global mega companies which have been making money by ruining the earth and are the richest companies in the world have been the biggest contributors to pollution.  Large gas companies such as BP, Monsanto which produced genetic crops and spread their poison over the earth (killing the natural micro-organisms in the ground necessary for healthy crops), the list goes on and on. At present they are busy destroying the meat farming industry in USA because it emits "methane"............ The truth is that "mega farms" where cows eat corn (not grass), and use antibiotics and growth hormone - these farms produce methane..... not the small organic farms with seed and animal diversity.
    These "global corporations" will now be in charge and will make our fake / frankenstein meat, imitation baby milk etc.   Now their public spin/ propaganda is: they are all on the bandwagon to be climate (carbon and CO2) - friendly.  
    Do I think the measures they are bringing will fix the problem - NO... it is to make them more money while the poor will have nothing and will not be able to get nutritious food and clean water (only purified urine water).
    The great reset will definitely benefit the rich...... but when they turn against religions (Babylon the great) in their typical totalitarian way -  they will cry over their lost riches as Revelation 17 and 18 indicates.
    Their money and position will not save them. Jehovah will have to fix the climate and ruined earth together with those who survive the system.
    I guess you gather that I no longer trust any human organization or government.  The foul smell of the corruption is worse than a dead corpse.
  16. Upvote
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Like the Days of Noah...   
    it is those who say they are anointed by taking the emblems whenever they feel like it in the churches..... they who sit in the place of god as judges and treating the true wheat badly.   Read the last part of matthew 13: 24 - 29 the parable of the weeds...... satan sowed into the original congregation weeds - and they grew until today.  Read the parable....
  18. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The truth about Jesus' Resurrection   
    No - you show hate-OCD without anyone motivating you to do so!  The poison comes from your own heart! Do not use your warped psychology on me!
  19. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The truth about Jesus' Resurrection   
    I did not know that you wanted to own a kingdom hall?  
    You are obsessed with money - and judgment ....... 
  20. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Interesting thought about the initial rebellion   
    Our cat was never quite the same after spending a few seconds with head inside the dog’s mouth. Later, he auditioned and actually became the moniker for Top Cat O’Malihan, one of my aliases here, employed to mess with astoundingly obnoxious people like Alan F.
    Since the dog and cat did not get along (I thought I could keep them out of each other’s sight, but did not reckon on sense of smell), while the dog stayed with us (it was a temporary resident that later became permanent), I brought it to stay with my dad who had dementia. He took it for one of the barn cats that he had grown up with and left bowls of milk for it everywhere, which it did not touch. “Pop!” I grumbled later since I staying with him overnights for a few months before he died, “I want to pour myself a bowl of cereal but I can’t because you’ve poured out all the milk in saucers throughout the house!”

  21. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Interesting thought about the initial rebellion   
    Women are imperfect and act on imperfect hormones.  God has regret..... but this is not as strong as repentance, remorse and the other emotions inbetween.  God does not make mistakes. Regret indicates that  human  actions made God  change his mind as to their future....... 
    One can read your own emotions into the bible if it suits one. 
    No doubt, God was very disappointed and all mankind justly deserved destruction. Because God is a God of life it was really regretful to have to do what justice required. ... to destroy. 
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Interesting thought about the initial rebellion   
    This is a wrong translation. In Hebrew and Arabic " existence" is always implied in the verbs.  So the causative verb and hollow verb refers to him always existing before, currently existing and existing in future. Or proving who he is in future.
    No - he was not surprised, just bringing justice for the large numbers of of children murdered  in the name of false gods.
    Evolution can also mean - change to something which already exists.  We know that Babylon the great stands for all religions which were spawned from the renewed rebellion against Jehovah led by Nimrod and the institution of false religion in opposition to him. Babylon was the capital city of this rebellion being built in opposition to God and was the originator of many false doctrines in most religions i.e. immortality of the soul.
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in The truth about Jesus' Resurrection   
    They do this with everyone who speaks the truth as well.  That is why corporations are ensuring that no negative things are said about the "prick in the arm -thingy" which is now being promoted as the best thing ever! Satan is running this world now with deceit and propaganda.  Revelation 16:14 - 16 says that it is propaganda which leads to Armageddon.  The propaganda is given is in neo-commie style.  In China one may only "speak" what the state allows you to speak.  Well "soft-totalitarianism" is here in the west. The governments are now working with media corporations and other corporations according to the WEF agreement made 2 years ago with the UN.  They will soon cut all information which they view as "untruth".  All the fact checking corporations are already under their control.  People will be fed untruths all the time (crowd control).  This is how they will eventually turn against Babylon the Great (all religions) when they feel safe enough to do so - when they feel they have enough control. 
    That is why we cannot trust any political organization or any other organization that makes money in this system.  They are all corrupt. Satan is openly running everything right now and all the cockroaches are coming out of the woodwork.  Only Jehovah can be trusted. 
  24. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in The truth about Jesus' Resurrection   
    Yes, but it's the Watchtower / GB / JW org that complicate matters. By adding traditions of men and man made rules those men put stumbling blocks in the way of Accepting Jesus as the Christ. 
  25. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Interesting thought about the initial rebellion   
    Says the expert! I bet you cannot prove why they are wrong! You will need some other person on here to try to prove it!
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