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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in King of the North vs. King of the South....Who could have foreseen this happening?   
    United Nations loves China and they are at present doing the financial "reset" and food reset of the West - so it will go the UN way as the goals of Agenda 2030 itself is the great reset.  NGOs are running the sustainable development and Blackrock and other billionaires doing their share. 
    The bible is clear about the King of the North and so are the GB.  The North is Russia with its allies which include China and Iran. All the totalitarian states (which hate the true people of God and already stand in the Holy Place). True worshippers are put in prison or killed by all these regimes and most of the states close to china (which were ex-Russian states) imprison our brothers.  Most have totalitarian regimes and our brothers have to be extremely careful and cannot preach on phone by using the name of Jehovah.  At Armageddon they will openly start to kill us and hunt us down.
    UN is called the disgusting thing of DESOLATION.   It will promise 'peace and security' as its spiritistic theosophist charter indicates but it will also bring great desolation to the earth and try to destroy the people of Jehovah.... and all earthly organizations which stand in its way.
    As I have shown here before on the forum - the UN and the WEF is in an agreement which gives them the financial power of the world. Control over food, water, land, energy, money, behavior etc. is the ultimate goal and they are creating havoc in the supply chain and creating companies which will control and make an inventory of everything. China is buying companies in the West and enlarging its Belton road project during this lockdown.
    A new totalitarian financial system - the great reset. Although some billionaires are now buying bitcoin, such as Soros, I do not actually trust his shenanigans because his past behavior has proven that he tries to destroy to gain power.  He is well-known for destroying currencies. 
    Bitcoin gives its holder independence from the global system which is on its way and almost here (UN will openly rule for one hour as Bible says). Those who do not have the mark - political agreement with them - will be outcasts and may try to use bitcoin when they cannot buy or sell with the digital currencies offered by the UN central bank or IMF. 
    This is my speculation: they will outlaw bitcoin somehow because they do not want any person to be independent from the 'mothership'. ... or they will try to destroy the currency..... and I will not put it past Soros to maneuver something because he is a globalist and has openly been working towards this goal for 30 years with his Open Foundation.  Time will tell.
    Gold and silver will be useless when there is no food and neither will bitcoin. Trust is the foundation of all currencies.  Trust is being lost in the present system by all the gaslighting,  deceit and lies and media coverups. 
  2. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I do not have an answer for hate-OCD - it seems to be a mental condition for which there is no cure.  People have hurt the Spirit of Jehovah too much...... I will not even try to answer or help. 
  3. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I do not have an answer for hate-OCD - it seems to be a mental condition for which there is no cure.  People have hurt the Spirit of Jehovah too much...... I will not even try to answer or help. 
  4. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from xero in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I do not have an answer for hate-OCD - it seems to be a mental condition for which there is no cure.  People have hurt the Spirit of Jehovah too much...... I will not even try to answer or help. 
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Hey - do not let them intimidate you.  You have a right to say what you think. They are silencing you when they do not accept solid logical reasoning from the bible. They only accept what they want from the bible and discard the rest!
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    You did not say much. Show us where we went scripturally wrong and we will listen. At least I am prepared to listen.  Instead of adding something you just condemned and therefore agree with those who actually do not accept the bible as their guideline but their own ideas. 
    The first and last Adam were both humans (not god-men).  In this they were equal. Adam understood good and bad BEFORE he sinned - and so did Jesus before he died. Through his disobedient actions Adam brought sin and death; through obedience Jesus bought us life.  I did not mislead anyone with this statement!
    Unless you think you understand it better - then give the scriptures to prove this!
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I have been on this forum much longer than you.  I recognize hate-OCD when I see it.  All apostates have it and I usually do not even answer them.  So I think I will ignore you from now on. ......
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Rather get a job where one does not need this education. Universities are a terrible place right now! The pressures on the kids are unbelievable. Satan openly ruling.... and controlling the mind of your kids. One can rather do a degree online if you feel you need a degree. The universities offer mostly generic degrees right now - which gets one into debt but will not offer a good career.
  9. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I have been on this forum much longer than you.  I recognize hate-OCD when I see it.  All apostates have it and I usually do not even answer them.  So I think I will ignore you from now on. ......
  10. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Dmitar in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I have been on this forum much longer than you.  I recognize hate-OCD when I see it.  All apostates have it and I usually do not even answer them.  So I think I will ignore you from now on. ......
  11. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Dmitar in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Hey - do not let them intimidate you.  You have a right to say what you think. They are silencing you when they do not accept solid logical reasoning from the bible. They only accept what they want from the bible and discard the rest!
  12. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I have been on this forum much longer than you.  I recognize hate-OCD when I see it.  All apostates have it and I usually do not even answer them.  So I think I will ignore you from now on. ......
  13. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from xero in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I have been on this forum much longer than you.  I recognize hate-OCD when I see it.  All apostates have it and I usually do not even answer them.  So I think I will ignore you from now on. ......
  14. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Hey - do not let them intimidate you.  You have a right to say what you think. They are silencing you when they do not accept solid logical reasoning from the bible. They only accept what they want from the bible and discard the rest!
  15. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    All universities are so compromised - they have become schools of degenerate propaganda. All these newfangled philosophies are now taught and students are forced to take the subjects - no matter what your degree.   Students dare not show if they disagree with the teachers because freedom of speech is gone - they become marked.  have you not heard of the professors who are leaving universities in droves because of what is going on? 
  16. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Actually Shreco -   Each family was directly under Jehovah with the family head as the one directing the affairs of the family. Family heads were to keep the family (and extended family when death occurred) in Jehovah's worship and exercise a loving relationship in the family. As long as the family served Jehovah and went to the temple 3 times a year - they had Jehovah's protection and their crops were blessed.  They lived a peaceful life.  Excessive wealth and show piece buildings was not part of the Israelite culture until much later. This time period in the history of Israel was to serve as an example to other nations that each man had his property, home, stock and crops and lived peaceful as long as he served Jehovah. Humans are imperfect and so many unsatisfied Israelites brought bad events on themselves because they followed the nations around them. The priests established schools to teach the laws of Jehovah and each person gave the 10ths of their harvest to Jehovah to support the Levites. It was to be a nation of peaceful people, unharrassed by enemies and blessed. rains food etc. what else would they need? Unless they wanted the things the superstitious nations around them put value on.
    Elders only had power to be witnesses of legal transactions in the city gates or to litigate these written agreements and other matters according to the Mosaic law - which was absolutely clear and easy to litigate.. if they stuck to Jehovah's laws things were easy BUT when they became compromised or corrupted things did not go well. Elders and priests were not given extra ordinary powers.  Jehovah has always been against " one man ruling over another"  Eccl 8:9. If they took power - it was not power given them by Jehovah.  Also, in the cities of refuge (accidental murder) - things went smooth if people did not compromise integrity or took more power for themselves. The bible speaks of the time when these judges were so corrupt that Jehovah would bring the exile to Babylon. 
    This is why Samuel asked the nation why they really wanted a king like other nations?  They would be conscripted to build the king's buildings and would have to fight his wars.  Up until then Jehovah raised judges such as Gideon for Israel to throw off the yoke of other nations who oppressed them.  They would fall under the yoke of other nations only when they worshipped other gods and worship to Jehovah was badly contaminated.  They would cry to Jehovah and he would raise up a judge to free them from oppression.  After they chose to have kings it went rally bad with them because it was king Jeroboam who imported the worst form of false religion into Israel and this remained with them until the 10 tribes were taken into exile by Assyria.
    Under the rulership of Christ we will not have people with POWER. Jesus and his co-rulers will judge us (judging in the sense of making decisions when people do wrong). Each person will follow the laws of Jehovah because the laws are in our hearts - not because we have police following us around or elders to punish us.  All of us will be directly under the rule of Christ and Jehovah who can read hearts!  Freedom under the laws of Jehovah!  Each person will willingly follow the laws of god and those who continually break them will go into second death. 
    The princes the bible talks about will make it easier for us t o learn about jehovah and organize us to serve jehovah better and know his principles.  I see them as facilitators. They will also organize and help us and plan activities - not rule over us!  Human rulership will be over! ! ! jehovah's kingdom will be ruling!   We do not know if angels will be the messengers or what..... but we will be under direct rulership!
    Adam and eve already had a conscience and already knew good from bad!  They wanted more!  Satan told them that they can become their own gods by deciding good and bad for themselves! he told them they would not die - a lie! People are still doing it today.  They find the ways of Jehovah restrictive and not benevolent.
    Jehovah knows how society must function and the laws which are needed so that people do not hurt each other inadvertently or deliberately! All must follow the principles to live happy and without cares.   Do you want proof that Adam knew good from bad?    The bible calls Jesus the last Adam because he is the only and last one needed to prove the justness of Jehovah's good and bad.   He came to earth and was the exact equivalent of Adam. He knew good from bad and maintained integrity to the laws of Jehovah until death.  he was just a man like Adam.  He therefore proved that Jehovah was not unfair to expect Adam to keep his moral laws.  He was created perfect. 
    Jehovah gives us all free will - this free will is the most powerful thing Jehovah gave us because we can use it correctly or abuse it. We are created in Jehovah's image with free will - except that we are bound to God in a relationship and to each other. 
     It is like a child you love so much and one sees them break all natural laws and destroy themselves with drugs or crime.  Every person is a free agent and can decide if they want to obey Jehovah in every situation they are in - or not!  Jehovah is not a dictator but created us to be free but in a loving relationship with him.  Some people choose to break out of this relationship and follow their own desires and to break free from jehovah and the principles which bind us to him and give our life meaning. They inevitably fall foul to the ravages of acting against the way they were created to act ! They cannot be happy. Wealth and other things cannot replace the relationship we have with Jehovah! And when this is completely restored we will all be one happy family - love each other and love jehovah they way he created us to be!
  17. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    The anointed do subject themselves to others willingly and take responsibility in a humble spirit because they understand that one human cannot rule over another more than anyone else! We all must honor each other! The dissatisfied ones are usually those who are jealous... or want more for themselves than Jehovah is willing to give!  
    The theme of the bible is this: humans cannot rule over themselves and decide their own good and bad. Each person is a subject of Jehovah - not of any other person! our freedom from our own weaknesses and desires come from putting Jehovah first in our lives!  if we lose that wish to put jehovah first we can become corrupt and could lose everlasting life if this attitude becomes a daily practice.
  18. Like
    Arauna reacted to xero in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I think you're under the impression that I bothered reading everyone's remarks. I didn't. Nor do I need to to know everyone is just engaging in some sort of scriptural fencing exercise or shadow boxing. At this point in the online world every argument is almost useless if the goal is to convince someone other than ones self. Anyone who wants to find an answer to literally any question can google it and read and agree or read and disagree. In the end Jehovah will judge whatever it is you've judged and judge it rightly. Sure, people are going to go at it and maybe it keeps them sharp, but in no way is it anything in my view other than an exercise.
    In the online world you can never know if someone isn't just wasting your time. (like I am even now)
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    The anointed do subject themselves to others willingly and take responsibility in a humble spirit because they understand that one human cannot rule over another more than anyone else! We all must honor each other! The dissatisfied ones are usually those who are jealous... or want more for themselves than Jehovah is willing to give!  
    The theme of the bible is this: humans cannot rule over themselves and decide their own good and bad. Each person is a subject of Jehovah - not of any other person! our freedom from our own weaknesses and desires come from putting Jehovah first in our lives!  if we lose that wish to put jehovah first we can become corrupt and could lose everlasting life if this attitude becomes a daily practice.
  20. Haha
    Arauna reacted to Thinking in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    This reminds me of the pope at some big celebration releasing a dove from his ivory tower…and as the dove flew up  a black raven swooped in and attacked it…all caught on camera for all to see…..
  21. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Actually Shreco -   Each family was directly under Jehovah with the family head as the one directing the affairs of the family. Family heads were to keep the family (and extended family when death occurred) in Jehovah's worship and exercise a loving relationship in the family. As long as the family served Jehovah and went to the temple 3 times a year - they had Jehovah's protection and their crops were blessed.  They lived a peaceful life.  Excessive wealth and show piece buildings was not part of the Israelite culture until much later. This time period in the history of Israel was to serve as an example to other nations that each man had his property, home, stock and crops and lived peaceful as long as he served Jehovah. Humans are imperfect and so many unsatisfied Israelites brought bad events on themselves because they followed the nations around them. The priests established schools to teach the laws of Jehovah and each person gave the 10ths of their harvest to Jehovah to support the Levites. It was to be a nation of peaceful people, unharrassed by enemies and blessed. rains food etc. what else would they need? Unless they wanted the things the superstitious nations around them put value on.
    Elders only had power to be witnesses of legal transactions in the city gates or to litigate these written agreements and other matters according to the Mosaic law - which was absolutely clear and easy to litigate.. if they stuck to Jehovah's laws things were easy BUT when they became compromised or corrupted things did not go well. Elders and priests were not given extra ordinary powers.  Jehovah has always been against " one man ruling over another"  Eccl 8:9. If they took power - it was not power given them by Jehovah.  Also, in the cities of refuge (accidental murder) - things went smooth if people did not compromise integrity or took more power for themselves. The bible speaks of the time when these judges were so corrupt that Jehovah would bring the exile to Babylon. 
    This is why Samuel asked the nation why they really wanted a king like other nations?  They would be conscripted to build the king's buildings and would have to fight his wars.  Up until then Jehovah raised judges such as Gideon for Israel to throw off the yoke of other nations who oppressed them.  They would fall under the yoke of other nations only when they worshipped other gods and worship to Jehovah was badly contaminated.  They would cry to Jehovah and he would raise up a judge to free them from oppression.  After they chose to have kings it went rally bad with them because it was king Jeroboam who imported the worst form of false religion into Israel and this remained with them until the 10 tribes were taken into exile by Assyria.
    Under the rulership of Christ we will not have people with POWER. Jesus and his co-rulers will judge us (judging in the sense of making decisions when people do wrong). Each person will follow the laws of Jehovah because the laws are in our hearts - not because we have police following us around or elders to punish us.  All of us will be directly under the rule of Christ and Jehovah who can read hearts!  Freedom under the laws of Jehovah!  Each person will willingly follow the laws of god and those who continually break them will go into second death. 
    The princes the bible talks about will make it easier for us t o learn about jehovah and organize us to serve jehovah better and know his principles.  I see them as facilitators. They will also organize and help us and plan activities - not rule over us!  Human rulership will be over! ! ! jehovah's kingdom will be ruling!   We do not know if angels will be the messengers or what..... but we will be under direct rulership!
    Adam and eve already had a conscience and already knew good from bad!  They wanted more!  Satan told them that they can become their own gods by deciding good and bad for themselves! he told them they would not die - a lie! People are still doing it today.  They find the ways of Jehovah restrictive and not benevolent.
    Jehovah knows how society must function and the laws which are needed so that people do not hurt each other inadvertently or deliberately! All must follow the principles to live happy and without cares.   Do you want proof that Adam knew good from bad?    The bible calls Jesus the last Adam because he is the only and last one needed to prove the justness of Jehovah's good and bad.   He came to earth and was the exact equivalent of Adam. He knew good from bad and maintained integrity to the laws of Jehovah until death.  he was just a man like Adam.  He therefore proved that Jehovah was not unfair to expect Adam to keep his moral laws.  He was created perfect. 
    Jehovah gives us all free will - this free will is the most powerful thing Jehovah gave us because we can use it correctly or abuse it. We are created in Jehovah's image with free will - except that we are bound to God in a relationship and to each other. 
     It is like a child you love so much and one sees them break all natural laws and destroy themselves with drugs or crime.  Every person is a free agent and can decide if they want to obey Jehovah in every situation they are in - or not!  Jehovah is not a dictator but created us to be free but in a loving relationship with him.  Some people choose to break out of this relationship and follow their own desires and to break free from jehovah and the principles which bind us to him and give our life meaning. They inevitably fall foul to the ravages of acting against the way they were created to act ! They cannot be happy. Wealth and other things cannot replace the relationship we have with Jehovah! And when this is completely restored we will all be one happy family - love each other and love jehovah they way he created us to be!
  22. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Thinking in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    That was so Lovingly  said Tom…and I also respect Sekro for saying that….
  23. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Thinking in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    What a lot of these so called anointed sisters fail to realise is we are still under the scriptural advise that the man is head of the woman….a truly anointed woman would know this..and even tho more than likely have much deeper understanding of the scriptures than any elder….they would recognise this and be obedient to this earthly and scriptural  laid out arrangement…and conduct in any congregation.
    There is nothing humble about any of these women….they are presumptions beyond belief….
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    The proof is in the eating of the pudding.  We are close to the time when all will be revealed.  Pity you spend your time with so much hate.   Jesus said he will find his true disciples in love and unity.  With whom are you united?  All the renegades?
  25. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    I have a 89 year old friend who is anointed.  She is humble and loving and always serving others.  Now that she is older she cannot cook for others any longer ...... but she never tried to act anointed or want special attention or anything like that!  The "anointed" woman, on this forum (similar to the Jezebel mentioned in Revelation in the time of John) are not anointed or if they may have been (past tense) ...... they also have not been sealed!
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