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  1. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Srecko Sostar in Why can one no longer (why not recommended to) “eat” WTJWorg “spiritual food” from the past?   
    Because that food has become "garbage."
    Such “spiritual food” that was produced and multiplied in the past in WTJWorg printing presses is no longer produced. Most publications (books, magazines, booklets...) that many JWs today don’t even know about, are no longer used. It has been forgotten on the shelves of few old JW members and in the archives of WTJWorg in America.
    Many publications were literally destroyed and / or thrown in the trash.
    Personally, I remember helping to throw away hundreds of books in Zagreb's Bethel (at the old address at 11 Kamaufova Street in Zagreb) before many decades. It was a small format book, if I'm not mistaken the color was light blue, hardcover) A few of us were a young workforce carrying boxes of books out of the basement. And some of us had astonished faces in disbelief wondering, "Is it not a sin to throw away the word of God written in these books"?
    The leading people of Bethel in Zagreb, together with the USA Administration, obviously did not consider such a procedure to be incorrect. Why? Well because of what many of us later realized. That wasn't "the truth" anyway. And more than that, it was not "the truth" from God. There are things that are “true” and without God to tell us that. But, WTJWorg used just the latter to convince people to accept human interpretations and beliefs as God's. Once upon a time, even today, they claim the same; that everything written in WTJWorg publications came from God via FDS channel or through GB.
    It is unlikely that someone who simply reads the Bible without taking advantage of divinely provided aids could discern the light. That is why Jehovah God has provided “the faithful and discreet slave,” foretold at Matthew 24:45-47. Today that “slave” is represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is under the direction of this body that the “Light Bearers” District Convention has been arranged. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1992328 - Come to the “Light Bearers” District Convention
    Title of this article suggesting how GB is Light Bearers, and then all JW members who sow such "truth" are likewise, light bearers.
    Also: So, then, we have noted four basic avenues of aid: (1) reading and studying God’s Word, together with Christian literature; (2) persevering in prayer; (3) yielding to the influence of God’s holy spirit; and (4) enlisting the aid of mature Christians. In these ways, many, many persons have been helped in their struggle to overcome weaknesses. Yet, some have a far more difficult time conquering weaknesses than do others. Are there yet other aids that they could effectively use? - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1982762
    Why do “divinely provided aids” end up in the trash?
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in I'm sympathetic to this view   
    Have you ever done an analyses of the main theme of the bible and follow the golden thread as it runs right throughout the bible?   I guarantee you,  one does not need to argue with anyone over evolution when you understand how consistent and realistic this theme is and how the continuity of it runs throughout every book if the bible.  Most of these prophets lived in different centuries and were not living at the same time or in the same place  to influence each other. One comes to the conclusion that the bible is " reality" - the bible is powerful in its consistency and Jehovah is all powerful in his logic and justice.
    Humans have only scratched the surface of science and soon will have the whole world dying or suffering with their so-called outrageous science ideas which they will forcibly apply to mankind in their arrogance - NOT for the benefit of human kind but to our detriment.
    Many themes are connected to the main theme of the bible.  One has no doubt that humankind will have  NO hope for a future if it was not for Jehovah's promises of the restoration of his original purpose. To understand all these issues are important to exercise faith. The wicked world in contrast provides enough evidence that humans cannot rule themselves successfully at all.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to xero in Speaking of college - I wouldn't have a degree were it not for JW's and regular pioneering   
    It might sound odd, but the constraints of time, pay, and motivation were what got me to get my degree.
    Before I started to study, I was working full time at TI as a computer operator (got lucky, I was working construction, cleaning carpets, delivering beauty supplies and working at Taco Bell and delivering newpapers and an opportunity came up at TI and I got in learned it all there).
    I was taking classes on/off at the University, but not really going anywhere w/it. I didn't get diagnosed as having ADD until later as an adult. I just thought everyone was so slow, spoke so slow that I couldn't concentrate on what they were saying because they took so much time to say so little, so I'd space out in school or read and got good grades just because I was apparently "smart". But, unmotivated.
    After I became a JW, I wanted to pioneer, but I was married and even though my wife worked, there was no way I was going to have her support me, so I began looking for work anywhere where I could get a flexible schedule. I was slated to go work the swing shift, which would mean I could go to class in the morning (I was taking 1 class at a time), then meet for field service at noon. Then work. But then I'd miss meetings. No. Can't do that. Then there were layoffs. I think I mailed about 600 copies of my resume to every place in the area that had the word "computer" or anything computer-sounding in the business name.
    I got a job as a production control clerk (get it w/a schedule from 6 AM to 2 PM!) Yay!...So I signed up to regular pioneer, got accepted. I went out right after work and long weekends and evenings.
    But I wanted my wife to be able to pioneer too, so I began thinking about what I could do to get paid more. The barrier wasn't my coding ability, computer admin skills or the like - simply that I didn't have a degree. Then I remember years ago reading this book by John Bear on nontraditional college degrees. There was a program through "The University of the State of New York" (now called Excelsior) which then would give you 30 hours of college credit if you could score high enough on a subject GRE. So...I thought, nothing ventured, nothing gained, lets see ...I got the course catalog, the degree requirements and the lot and studied the whole thing. It turns out that IF I got all my tests done BEFORE I registered, I wouldn't have to pay an exorbitant cost-per-credit-hour for the hours gotten via testing. So I decided on three subject GRE's and some CLEPS. I got the ARCO book on the GRE for psychology, studied it, took the prep tests in the book and it looked like I was ready. I registered for the test, went down to the University where it was proctored and a month later I got the response - YAY I scored in the top 8% of those who took the test that year! (cha-ching 30 hours). So I did the same w/Education and Sociology, took the CLEPs and essentially got 100 hours of college credit in three months. That w/other CLEPS taken before I'd enrolled (Spanish), I'd really only taken a handful of courses on campus.
    That's when I had the University and ETS send my transcripts along w/my enrollment and prospective degree attempt to The University of the State of New York, for $175. They responded in about two months and said CONGRATS! Send in $375 for your completion and graduation!.
    Then my current employer instead of saying constantly Xero, you're so smart, you should finish your degree, or If you WERE so smart you'd finish your degree was saying "Wow. All that coding you did really was good! This degree proves it!" (paraphrased for sarcasm).
    All this done while I was pioneering and because I wanted my wife to join me.
    So I eventually got a different job, w/ a more difficult schedule, but I was still able to pioneer and my wife was able to quit her job and pioneer as well.
    None of this would have happened if it weren't for JWs.
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    Incorrect - I have spoken to people from these ' inspired churches' who make up a lot of things as they go along and say they are inspired by god's spirit.  Usually these inspired things are closer to spiritism than the Bible.  The Bible is our "inspired" source.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in I'm sure everyone's seen this, but I've often started my day w/this video   
    This is why I always look at the historical context.  The truth was very different then. The entire human society was also much more strict and more authoritarian than the present day. This is why it is not good to look back... look only at the present time.  My husband and I often discuss our parents.... so strict..... post world war 2 discipline.  Women also more submissive to husbands.  The  mindset was different then.
    Our books also went into the historical aspects much more. A good example is Babylon the great has Fallen... also the blue truth book - not as simplified as today. 
    The problem now is that there is no discipline in the world and almost any form of morality is acceptable...
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in UN Compact 2018   
    Space merchant you understand the implications. It started with the beautiful thoughts of freedom, egalitarianism long before the French revolution.   Human philosophies has been inspired by Satan and he has been preparing for this world government for a very long time. ..... if one looks at the histories of these utopian philosophies and how it progressed until now.
    I put a note on the other subject related to this which shows how spiritism and indirect worship of Satan is all part of this trend.  The Lucis Trust writes blogs for the united nations.  Read up about theosophy....  You may get a shock. 
    I also found a link between Rosicrucian's and Islam...... and this explains so many things to me because many of the worlds organizations which have secret higher levels (such as free masons) are linked to false worship  and ideas of power in a one world government.
    All these organizations are linked to creating a "counterfeit"  word government in opposition to Jehovah.  Satan does not care how many people are killed - he is being drawn out to create one world order to substitute the purpose of Jehovah.
  7. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in UN Compact 2018   
    The heavenly woman which gives birth to a "heavenly kingdom" is not earthly congregations!  It is the same woman which is referred to in Gen 3:15...a heavenly woman - just as the 'bride' will be heavenly.  
    Galations  compares the two covenants (Moses and Jesus) to show that we are no longer under law - and are free from any "laws" under Christ - the woman "above" is free!  
    We are now under principals which we ourselves need to put into action.   Total freedom - but with responsibility..... even now I think the earthly class to not grasp that they are similar to anointed.  They have to follow the principals and love of Jehovah by free will and self-control.... and they can also be taught by Jehovah because we are already under Zion.  We do not need rulers.  We are already under total freedom under rule of Christ.  Our obligation is justice and love...... and keeping without blemish from the world..... and we all learn this from the bible and improve our behavior daily.
    The woman is not earthly.
  8. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in UN Compact 2018   
    I do think that the united nations is now forcing everyone to comply as far as possible.  Next week when they sign the immigration Compact one of the stipulations are that journalists would be 're-trained " to only speak positive of the plan.  Journalists who print anything negative will be hauled before the Human Rights court (UN Human Rights Org) which is an organization now run by mostly muslim leaders.  This Compact will basically get rid of national autonomy and replace it with open borders - to get all people equal - this is the goal and the dream.
    Muslim leaders are voting each other in at the UN - this is why they (UNESCO) voted more than a year ago that Israel has NO history in Palestine at all!   So Rome in 70CE never happened???  and this organization is supposed to protect "heritage". 
    At present - African countries who do not comply to the UN "re-education" of children are already cut off from much needed funds.   Google, Facebook, twitter have received fines if they allow certain kind of speech and are actually enforcing sharia restrictions on speech in many Western countries and of course also complying with surveillance in China. 
    Independent journalists on internet are finding their funds cut off -  I used to follow and ex-intelligence analyst who served in British intelligence for many years.  His funding was cut on Youtube recently by Mastercard. Visa and Patreon doing the same.  Many people against this plan are disappearing off internet -  this is really happening- it is not a conspiracy.  
    These global corporations have digital clout and their master is the EU/UN  with its utopian  ideology.  All global corporations are now staking their claims and influence to supply the future food, housing, water, property for this plan.  Monsanto is one of them.   All food, water etc will be rationed.... and all other utilities will be provided to you.  Of course - China is already getting ready for this... with huge empty buildings standing around.....  I always wondered what this was for?   Now I know.
    I do not know how far the UN will get - but I think pretty far because the young people have all been indoctrinated with this new philosophy without anyone realizing how far it has gone. (this gender equality and feminism is part of it).  Many organizations in America has already been infiltrated....... so nationalism may just be a flash in the pan.   The IMF or world financiers will break the US economy by bringing in a global monetary digital system.  At present the US dollar is coping because of the dollar exchange rate which is propping it up.  This could disappear. 
    The large digital Corporations   have been brought in control by legislation or fines to do the bidding of the UN masters.  Bilderberg and all these guys with their trillions have a dream of uniting the world under the UN and they are ideologs who really think that peace can come by providing everyone with one set of morals and laws and restrictions and control everyone.  Digitally they will be able to see what you are buying and selling and basically everything about you.  You will be classed as a favorable or unfavorable subject.... and there will be penalties just like in China at present.....
    So do I believe we will see the worst oppression in human history when they only allow so much food to be produced for everyone?  And water and all your needs rationed? I think so.   It will be a tribulation all right.  The dream of satan and his lackeys to bring a wonderful, peaceful, united world under his UN governance.... 
    If this happens then Jehovah has been so accurate in his predictions..... The GB have not yet said anything about it..... and they must be careful to say anything about it......I know that. What I see is that Satan is being drawn out of his liar.... he does not care what suffering he brings or if many people die - he is the father of death after all..... he just wants to see if he can manipulate things to get this done. All these people are under his influence. - the philosophies of the last 2 centuries has been leading up to this.  Communism was a beautiful philosophy but together with atheism it brought 40 million dead in USSR and 100 million dead in China etc etc.
    The world leaders are so blind they cannot see that Islam is a dangerous religion - all people and all religions are the same - so they think.  They are using it to bring one government.  islam believes it must rule the world so it has infiltrated all the "freedom organisations such as women's rights (even though they have no women's or children's rights).  Iran etc. has been funding many organizations in USA. So when they have served their purpose - satans purpose - the UN will act against religions by bringing in their own moral set of laws.
    This plan comes from 18th century philosophers and was picked up by Kalergi - go read about it.  There are other spiritists also involved.  This is why the Lucis trust is so heavily involved with the united nations and the Bahai religion....  I have not read this document below but I quickly looked it up for you  just to give you an idea what has been lurking under our noses all along.  See which prominent religions have been influenced by this way of thinking!
    Yes - the world will soon see the biggest upheavals in 2 millennia.... it will start  with protests  and oppositions groups such as the nationalists ...but then protesters may disappear in the sea of control.
    Satan loves to control - anyone who loves to control - has qualities of satan in their personality. It will show very soon!
    I have a lot more to add... but I think the implications are huge for the future of the globe. I may not be around but I would like to hear how it played out when I am resurrected. China and these governments also want their stake.  What if there is a great war?   Then the UN will get its wish even faster than anticipated because then most countries will be so relieved to have the UN around and will willingly give them control of unity and peace in the world....... (this compact also talks in a very strange way of freedom of religions - it must be subject to UN thought). 
    The 8th world government (mentioned in revelation)  will rule for a short period of time.  They will also restrict religion for their purpose.    I hope they put us all in prison together.... will that happen ? I do not know..... only our creator knows.  But he is preparing us now in a most loving way. 
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in UN Compact 2018   
    I say what I think - it depends on how you say it  ...... and I am a woman!...... You see, woman do not have as big egos as most men.  It is a control thing with men or to be important or in charge.  Brothers have a life-long battle to learn to control this. Some acknowledge this and some don't.  If they are honest before Jehovah - they improve.  If not - they get themselves into all kinds of problems....
    I am not going to argue with you guys - your are so negative and toxic - you do not even come close to understanding how toxic you are.... so lets leave it at that.
    If you still want me on this forum then discuss the subject above and do not start to pull the GB apart.  
  10. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in UN Compact 2018   
    I put this here to make you aware.  There are far right conspiracies everywhere -so be careful.  But in the light of George Orwell's 1984 book - this control of speech seems to be part of the "big brother" which can only augur misgivings about this rule of the UN.   ..... and we have bible prophecy to back it up.  Their peace will be deceiving!  When they call that - we will not be deceived!
  11. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in UN Compact 2018   
    Anna - The originator of the subject you referred me to - refers us to the Bilderberg's.  If I remember correctly it was started by the Dutch king.  Yes, all the most influential and richest companies and persons in the world attend this yearly meeting..... and I believe that they are honestly trying to use their money for what they think is a good cause for the world - unity under the united nations.  They of course cannot foresee that it will bring the worst tribulation ever. The reason being that the idea sounds wonderful but it is just another version of communism.  They call it 'communalism'.  Communism together with atheism brought 40 million deaths in Russia, 100 million under Mao se Tung etc etc and today we have a good example in North Korea.
     Soros is also furthering the "no borders" agenda with his billions and has funded many organizations in USA to further this goal - some say to extent of 8 billion.  Most organizations such as black lives matter, Antifa etc has been infiltrated. Soros is also funding chaos.  He made his billions by creating chaos - funding organizations which generate dissidents or breaks banks and stock markets.  There are a few countries (in east and west) where he is a convicted criminal because of his subversive activities.  This happens when people have billions and use it for their own goals. 
    The Agenda 21 document is available to peruse and the 2018 UN Compact on migration as well.  The conservation side of it is a good idea.... but the rest is control of all human land, control of food and water, minerals, migration - basically everything and together with 5G surveillance and electronic money - everything you buy or sell will be visible. 
    In China at present they know everything about you and one cannot leave the country without permission.... having the right political credentials.   So in future we will not be able to buy or sell if we do not submit.   This is of course part of this new agreement - journalists will be re-trained to only print what is positive about this plan or it will bring repercussions in court.  If 20 countries do not sign - they will definitely circumvent it.   How do I know this?
    We have a good example in EU. When EU was created it was only a trade organization - for unity in trade. When they wanted to make a parliament - France objected.   They went behind the back of France and made agreements with all other European countries and therefore the EU parliament came into being - a dictatorship in Europe.  France had to go along after this and is now a proponent of the plans .  EU - I call it a dictatorship because the law-giving body has permanent members which cannot be voted off.  They are making terrible decisions in EU and the members just have to accept or face the financial penalties. 
    Journalists have been banned from next weeks UN signing of the Compact - only the ones who oppose the idea.  Many journalists who have researched Islam and knows about its political agenda have already had their funds cut off on Mastercard, Visa, Patreon and others.  THe idea that you cannot sell or buy is already here and most people do not know it!  Many people are disappearing off Youtube because their accounts have been blocked or their funding cut off. 
    If you allow the hate-speech of  islam you are accepted and if you write against it - you are far right. ...... So people like Jordan Peterson who talks against the new gender politics (which is also part of this new philosophy ) - are classified by them as far-right .  So this is where the far-left and far-right is the propaganda divide.
    All Islam countries are voting for this one world government because they think it is a way to forward their agenda of getting one world government under Islam.....  but they will meet their nemeses when UN dictates one world religion where all religions are acceptable and those who do not agree are in trouble.   The Bahai faith has its offices in UN building (they accept all religions as one religion and have been working with the UN since its inception) and the The Lucis Trust.  Read up about it.  It is basically a spiritistic organization.... 
    Of course - the full extent of one world government may not be reached but UN is strong enough to push through its ideas. EU and UN are working together.  Why do I say UN is strong enough? 
    The new post modern philosophy with its gender studies and female studies and its cultural communism ideas is fostering revolution at most universities!  It has been in our schools for at least 20 years and at our universities.  But it is now so strong it cannot be counter balanced.  The new gender studies in schools is promoted by the UN and EU and is everywhere.  It teaches young children about gender change, oral sex and anal sex.  The reason?   The world population is a concern and consumerism is a concern to the UN.  So any sex which does not bring forth babies is acceptable. Hence the new morality that UN will force on us.
    Countries in Africa which do not promote these gender studies have been cut off from UN funds..... and they need it the most. 
    I can go on.... but This is the new reality .....  the plan is real.... how far it will materialize needs to be seen.  But we all know Satan is a deceiver and many  powerful organizations have been working behind the scenes to get their part of the pie.  Monsanto/Bayer is going to provide the world with food......they already have more than quarter of the market...  and we know how evil they are..... if you are familiar with their history. 
    I have to go.... but I find it interesting that bible prophecy is accurate!  Who understands these prophecies?   Other organizations .... or Jehovah's very fallible servants.
  12. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in UN Compact 2018   
    Interesting article and video.....
    On 11 December most countries will sign the UN Compact in Morocco.  It is part of the "Agenda 21" plan for the 21 st century  started in 1992.  Read up about Agenda 21, agenda 2030 and about this Compact for Migration which will criminalize anyone saying anything against the UN plan.  Those countries who signed are obliged to assist migrants financially and basically all people have a right to migrate....(no more borders).   About 20 nations are now fighting  it and will be forced by fines for not complying.  It is part of the UN plan for one world government...  Is this real? Or a conspiracy.... ? Watch this little video and give comments of the implications.    I have the original documents and on this Youtube link you can also download the UN document "agenda 21".   NGOs have already been receiving funds to implement it for the past 20 years and both republican and democratic governments has been changing laws to implement is..... It has been going on  under our noses and the general public does not know.  My interest in this is the fulfillment of prophecy which indicates the UN or coalition of governments to rule for short period of time before Armageddon.  There are huge implications to this .... but first watch this little video to begin the discussion....   here is the link.....
  13. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Micah_Orion in How will the United Nations take control over the entire globe and finally the United States of America?   
    The congres under obama (globalists on both sides of the isle) voted for the dollar to eventually be replaced by digital currency ( world digital currency).  It was sneaked in in 2015. This means the petro- dollar will disappear and adjustments will be made to cover debt internationally. .... the american economy will not be as strong as before.  There is talk of a fedcoin.... but all digital money will be intigrated internationally...  they are planning a federation of blocks of nations. Euro is one and Canada, mexico and US together.... 
    So the new world order will be a technocracy / oligarchy / plutocracy where digital companies will be doing the bidding of UN ( they are already doing the bidding of China and see China as the model to go forward)!.  All humans will have to buy food with digital money - so they will know everything about you.  What you buy and sell. What your opinions are etc.      in Europe people are being sent to jail for saying things agains islam online and there are 2 cases where a person wrongfully called a transgender man a man - 2 years imprisonment. 
    In sweden JWs picked up problems from EU for the convention clip which indicated we will have opposition from LGBT activists.  I do not know the outcome of this.  
    The world order is using google etc for tighter restrictions on speech. It is already Sharia compliant in many countries and transgender compliant in many countries.  If they do not comply - massive fines are given by EU
    EU is good example of what is coming- UN behind the scenes and EU and operating in same way.  Verhofstad and Junker openly say that stalin and mao se Tung were efficient leaders..... first they remove trade borders, then  financial borders. And then political borders (possible without war) 
    How are capitalists and communists working together towards one world order?   Super capitalistic companies are global companies such as Monsanto, google etc. together with bankers and oligarchs. Communism and super capitalism both have super rich people with the rest of the subjects  as pleps.  
    These super rich are yearly meeting to  facilitate the progress of the plan and most olugarchs are now vying for positions in the new dispensation. Who will do banking, provide food Monsanto) water etc.  
    NGOs are already operating in USA at local levels to implement local laws in line with the UN s "Agenda 21" . They work under the guise to be "sustainable planet" companies... 
    there is more... but i think this gives idea of how they are doing it. 
    china is buying up large parts of the earth , especially the minerals because it will give higher value to their digital money. 
    The bible indicates that the seven headed beast will be replaced by eighth king. Governments willingly give it its power. This has been going on behind the scenes and at the right time they will go in full power.  The image of the beast is different to the previous 7 empires - do not think it has no teeth.  It is already behind this loss of free speech, the suppression of news regarding migrant crimes as agreed upon last year in UN Migrant compact  2018 - signed in december by most nations ( except trump, hungary, poland, Austria ) and behind the one digital maneuvering of currency, the destruction of borders and legal autonomy etc. 
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in I'm sure everyone's seen this, but I've often started my day w/this video   
    This is why I always look at the historical context.  The truth was very different then. The entire human society was also much more strict and more authoritarian than the present day. This is why it is not good to look back... look only at the present time.  My husband and I often discuss our parents.... so strict..... post world war 2 discipline.  Women also more submissive to husbands.  The  mindset was different then.
    Our books also went into the historical aspects much more. A good example is Babylon the great has Fallen... also the blue truth book - not as simplified as today. 
    The problem now is that there is no discipline in the world and almost any form of morality is acceptable...
  15. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from xero in I'm sure everyone's seen this, but I've often started my day w/this video   
    This is why I always look at the historical context.  The truth was very different then. The entire human society was also much more strict and more authoritarian than the present day. This is why it is not good to look back... look only at the present time.  My husband and I often discuss our parents.... so strict..... post world war 2 discipline.  Women also more submissive to husbands.  The  mindset was different then.
    Our books also went into the historical aspects much more. A good example is Babylon the great has Fallen... also the blue truth book - not as simplified as today. 
    The problem now is that there is no discipline in the world and almost any form of morality is acceptable...
  16. Upvote
  17. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    Perhaps because Australian law says you have to keep 50 years of records, and American law says you only need to keep 25 years worth of records? I don't know. If you are so concerned about it why don't you do some proper research instead of just inventing theories of your own. I think I know what your reply will be; You can't be bothered to do research. (You would rather just read what is handed to you on a platter by opposers and stick to your own theories).
  18. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    It is not a grey area at all. The ministry is part of the JW 'church activity'. This is easily proven by what is happening right now. Letter writing instead of door to door work. This is instruction by your Leaders as is all ministry. NO grey area at all.
    Now, what you say about children being the responsibility of the parents. This is where I say that ALL Pedophiles in ALL congregations should be made known to Everyone in the Congregation,(and outside really). Any proven act of abuse reported to Elders should be made known, naming the abuser but not naming the child. But it has been proven that Pedophiles have been hidden in congregations Earthwide, especially Elder pedophiles. So the congregation parents are not to blame for that. Remember that the KH is 'advertised' / spoken of, as being a safe place for families. JWs constantly invite 'new studies' to the KH, telling them what a wonderful and friendly place the KH is. From there JWs invite people into their own homes and on to ministry. It's a 'snowball' effect. More activities, more mixing with others. Therefore everyone should have ALL needed information about dangerous congregants including Elders.
    Anna, just turn off the JW think for one moment, and look for truth about it all. Look into your heart not into the GB eyes. You know what has gone on in the JW Org. And there is no proof that it has stopped. Why ? Because the Elders still have control over the congregations. and we know what happens if people question the Elders, or if a person complains about being mistreated.  D/fed for causing a division in the congregation. Loss of all contact with everyone in the Org. 
  19. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Srecko Sostar in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    Showing sexuality is a private matter between husband and wife, right? Then why are there GB regulations about it?
    Things are not quite as they seem at first glance. WTJWorg has a great influence in family and private matters. And it does so as a Company, Organization, Institution.
  20. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    The problem is you know just enough to get confused. You do not have all the facts nor knowledge, just bits and pieces from various sources. Not only that, but also twisted information. It's like when opposers say Br. Lett said that child sexual abuse in the congregation are all apostate lies. When in fact he said that the JWs supposedly not caring about child sexual abuse are apostate lies.  One says that we deny there is child sexual abuse, and the other says there is sexual abuse and we do care about it. Big difference.
  21. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    Parents are the ones who give consent to anyone, whether it be an Elder, a ministerial servant or a publisher to study the Bible with their child and/or go in service.  It is a private arrangement and agreement between the parent and the relevant person. Everyone is educated at the meetings, including the children who should sit with their parents. If someone else is "teaching their children" or if children are sitting with someone else besides their parents, then that is by the parents own arrangement. As regards the ministry, that is a grey area because the ministry can be considered "church activity" this is especially the case when someone who is not the parent, assigns the child to work with someone else (Candace Conti). As far as I know, this no longer happens. But people still make their own arrangements, for example little Johnny might ask to work with little Davie and his dad because they are buddies.
    Like I said, there is no institutional program with MS or elders involved. If it happens, then it is outside the congregational arrangement, and at the discretion* of the parents.
    *the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation.
    And CC is wrong when he applies "It takes a village to raise a child" to the spiritual raising of children. That is exclusively the parent's/guardian's responsibility.
  22. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    If any kind of " inspired expression" is a miracle - which is what you infer - then I feel sorry for you.... because Satan can "inspire many things too.
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    If any kind of " inspired expression" is a miracle - which is what you infer - then I feel sorry for you.... because Satan can "inspire many things too.
  24. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from xero in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    Incorrect - I have spoken to people from these ' inspired churches' who make up a lot of things as they go along and say they are inspired by god's spirit.  Usually these inspired things are closer to spiritism than the Bible.  The Bible is our "inspired" source.
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion   
    Incorrect - I have spoken to people from these ' inspired churches' who make up a lot of things as they go along and say they are inspired by god's spirit.  Usually these inspired things are closer to spiritism than the Bible.  The Bible is our "inspired" source.
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