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  1. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    Be precise. With what toppings?
  2. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Will there be any updates to the verse by verse commentary on Revelation?   
    Maybe there will be a short squeeze come into play.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    I listened to poetry of Karl Marx recently. The goal of communism is this:  Karl Marx hated God so much that he swore  revenge on God.  He decided to create a philosophy which would destroy all religion and take away all morality from human beings. Break up old culture, family bonds, property ownership - in fact everything which has stabilized modern societies which gave some human rights. He would use the idea that all outcomes for people must be equal.....an idea which came out of the French revolution. This will catch those in the net who are not spiritual but 'materialistic' to want more things to create the idea of equality of outcome.   This is why we see the west going godless, without morality, LGBTQ and transgenderism and sexual boundaries overturned, property rights will soon go too!  etc etc. and all those who scream for equality of outcome - which is totally different too equality under law. equal treatment and equal justice.
    Marx wanted to get his revenge on God by creating a system which would suppress all righteousness (religion) with the end of his satanic goal would be to force all humans to obey animalistic and materialistic goals....... bottom line - all these people will be too unrighteous (no morals) for God to redeem.
    Marx got a windfall -which was Darwinism -  a branch of satanic 'religion' which claims to be science but is not.  Look at the inroads it has made in mankind. Death and murder has been the result of atheism and Darwinism.  100 million humans starved and killed in the 20th century in communist countries...... and the west is going totally neo-communistic...at present too!....... only they call it a new name - the 'great reset' or communalism. 
    Most universities are in the throws of this movement - one cannot even get a job if you challenge the "religion / trend of evolution and these new philosophies .....so it does not surprise me that AlanF is so full of himself.  It is temporary.  We are trying to do him a favor by showing him how indoctrinated he is..... but he seems to be a hopeless case of pride.
  4. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    Translation: “Shazam! I never thought of that.”
  5. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    Sometimes that Babylon Bee knocks it out of the park. I like how at the atheist convention, musical entertainment is provided by Bad Religion. I suspect Alan was put in charge of that.
    “We will not be taken in! We don't need the crutch of spirituality too many rely on!"
    I have made before that the analogy is apt—religion is a crutch. The premise that we don’t need one is what is faulty. It is the fallacy of ad negatory substitutum. 
    The premise that fits is of someone pulling himself through pig manure on all fours, too proud or too stupid to realize that a crutch would be useful.
  6. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to AlanF in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    Nope. You remain abysmally stupid.
  7. Haha
    Arauna reacted to AlanF in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    Wrong again. No straw men in my arguments. You cannot find even one.
    Now you've pegged yourself as a liar.
  8. Haha
  9. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to AlanF in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    Apparently you've set it to ignore all facts.
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TheNonstoptheo in Constitutional petition filed against alternative military service law. Some folks are never happy.   
    These guys have forgotten what they used to know about the bible.  They remind me of an opposer who knew the principles of god very well and asked: Did god really say that you must not eat from every tree in the garden?? Like a troll he put a bad idea in her head. 
    The same machinations going on here... and sometimes it is open OCD-hostility.
  11. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    You have triggered one of these silly fallacies Michael Shermer carries on about, dressed up in Latin verbiage to make clear that whoever uses it is educated.
    In English, it means, “just because I don’t have the answer to something, that does not mean that your answer is correct. (“Fallacy of negation,” I think it is. My bad—no Latin)
    It is a fallacy to be employed when you are criticizing a evolutionist position. It MAY NOT be employed for the opposite position, criticizing one who thinks creation. 
    Therefore I will let the question stand, with the caveat that it doesn’t mean anything, as it wouldn’t were it used to criticize evolution.
    This is very much like when @AlanFcarries on about no poop being found in the Sinai desert and thinks he has struck logical pay dirt. Yet when you cite something contradictory in his evolution mantra, he will wag his head and cry “fallacy of negation.”
    @Araunais right. It is almost like the priesthood of a religion—abounding in so many ‘heads I win/tails you lose’ scenarios.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to xero in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    My greatest fear is that most people are too stupid to understand how brilliant I am.
    I remember years ago I had a call w/a professor of anthropology. He of course was a proponent of evolution. I played the "I'm stupid game" with him and asked him to do me a favor and mark in the book "Life How Did It get Here - By Evolution, or Creation" where the authors got it wrong. I submitted that I was stumped, but certainly since my knowledge was a subset of his he would be in a good position to point out the errors.
    So he took the book, and then oddly, stopped answering the door when I came back.
    So I changed the time of day and came back at 8 pm. He made the mistake of answering, and then w/o a word, just got the book and handed it back.
    I said "But what am I to do? Won't you help me? You said you would."
    Then he muttered something I forget and shut the door.
  13. Haha
    Arauna reacted to AlanF in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    Isaiah 40:22, along with Daniel 4, Matthew 4:8 and other scriptures.
  14. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to AlanF in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    LOL! Displaying your infantile ignorance yet again. You have NO understanding even of the stuff Tour said. He does NOT "build cells" you moron.
  15. Like
    Arauna reacted to xero in Will there be any updates to the verse by verse commentary on Revelation?   
    Interesting, I'll have to look up some of this.
    Ultimately any real power comes down to force. A lot of people will go along w/something if it suits them, but when you see what happens w/corrupt governments is that the people increasingly view government as an occupying force and the only way you can keep it going is through brute force. In Stalin's world, people got sent off to gulags, but the top-down system of economic control always fails. It can never succeed and it never does. They stretch too far and they collapse. People remain people. It doesn't matter if they lived in the 1st century or the 21st century - they have the same motivating and demotivating factors. Perhaps the elimination of babylon the great is elimination in the same sense as the inhabitants in Canaan were eliminated (they weren't, but were in the sense of losing any real power).
    Too, Jesus also said the system of things would be going on as usual, that it would be like the days of Noah, people buying, people selling and they took no note.
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in KAZAKHSTAN: 131 administrative prosecutions in 2020. Not only JWs.   
    the best will turn against all religion.... so that is bible prophecy going into fulfillment
  17. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Constitutional petition filed against alternative military service law. Some folks are never happy.   
    These guys have forgotten what they used to know about the bible.  They remind me of an opposer who knew the principles of god very well and asked: Did god really say that you must not eat from every tree in the garden?? Like a troll he put a bad idea in her head. 
    The same machinations going on here... and sometimes it is open OCD-hostility.
  18. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from César Chávez in Constitutional petition filed against alternative military service law. Some folks are never happy.   
    These guys have forgotten what they used to know about the bible.  They remind me of an opposer who knew the principles of god very well and asked: Did god really say that you must not eat from every tree in the garden?? Like a troll he put a bad idea in her head. 
    The same machinations going on here... and sometimes it is open OCD-hostility.
  19. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Will there be any updates to the verse by verse commentary on Revelation?   
    Pretty much of it going into fulfillment right now!  What verses were you interested in?
  20. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Constitutional petition filed against alternative military service law. Some folks are never happy.   
    you do know that they were "rulers " do you not? The Sanhedrin had tremendous power.  They had so much power that Felix and Festus were trying to appease them and were planning to give Paul to the sanhedrin....... when Paul understood what they were up to, he asked for justice from Caesar.
  21. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from César Chávez in Constitutional petition filed against alternative military service law. Some folks are never happy.   
    you do know that they were "rulers " do you not? The Sanhedrin had tremendous power.  They had so much power that Felix and Festus were trying to appease them and were planning to give Paul to the sanhedrin....... when Paul understood what they were up to, he asked for justice from Caesar.
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in ALL FOR THE NEED OF A LIBRARY CARD?   
    Mr Chavez - she is too worked up to understand much. 
    All her efforts are much ado about nothing  and a  'manufacturing of outrage'.  I joined UN press to get news too!  There was no other source of news available about the decisions of the UN at its meetings but the UN news department itself - at the time. I later left them when I could get more material online. I joined as a member of a NGO (non-government organization) and did not pay any fee to join.  OXFAM and many charity organizations are NGOs!
    The UN started with only 50 members in 1945 and was an  importent international organization because at the time it was viewed as a reliable organization even though we knew that in future it would be turn against religion, and take over from the 7-headed beast.  For that reason I am still watching  UN events.
    The UN itself is a non-government organization - intergovernmental    Here is the definition of it its public information department: 
     "The United Nations (U.N.) Department of Public Information (DPI) defines the NGO as “a not-for profit, voluntary citizen’s group that is organized on a local, national or international level to address issues in support of the public good. Task-oriented and made up of people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizen’s concerns to Governments, monitor policy and program implementation, and encourage participation of civil society stakeholders at the community level.”
    Since 1992 the UN has been working on Agenda 2021. After this (especially after 9-11)  its international actions in the last 20 years has started to take on a sinister character.  Much internal corruption, that is growing exponentially, and collaboration with many corrupt private NGOs all over the world as well as super capitalists has turned the global world organization with 192 members out of 195 nations into a place where super-capitalists have control over  technology, banking, media, legal, and human rights organizations. ... and its power is growing as super-global corporations which provide food, water and energy is joining its ranks. I.e. Monsantos-Bayer. Look at the list of attendees at DAVOS and you will have a good idea of the new and old super corporations which are joining the ranks.
    I have complained many times on this forum that Arab nations and China (who have no clue of human rights) are now in control of human rights. 
    RUSSIA AND CHINA veto many beneficial actions..... controlling things to go their way on the security council.
    For example, not only does Bill Gates own most shares in all the corporations that will manufacture the upcoming  vaccinations , he also owns the patents for the technology that will be used in them.
    He (and many billionaires) do not pay taxes because they all have charity organizations which their money is given to. These charities give mega donations to NGOs or corporations that promote their financial interests (tax free).  NGOs additionally get billions in "grant money" from governments and they use it for purposes they deem fit. ... which further line the pockets of those billionaires, NGOs and those involved with the UN. I.e vaccination "testing programs in Kongo and India.
    These are now dictating health policy to the WHO.  The world AIDs fund has also  been a slush fund for the super rich. Gates himself is the biggest money contributor to the WHO.  UN has been bought and paid for.  This is why I am warning that UN now has the teeth to act.... something it did not have before. BUt a corrupt organization with super-capitalist technocracy running things does not augur well for the future. IT WILL BRING THE WORST TRIBULATION THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. I call it a technological corperatocricy or science dictatorship.
    Soros set up a NGO in Ukraine in order to stop corruption........ and it became the biggest corruptor of the society and the legal sector. He is also funding all DA offices in USA and many front organizations. His Open Society charity is behind many sinister plots....... THAT IS HOW HE MAKES HIS MONEY.  READ up how he almost broke the UK economy and how he is not welcome in many countries any longer and is facing criminal charges in 6 countries....  But of course the naive people here will look it up on the super-capitalist owned media and call it conspiracy lies.   Soros is funding corrupt  prosecutors who do not follow legal procedures but make up their own rules as they go along...... in Ukraine the people who were trying to prosecute  Hunter Biden for corruption was FIRED. ........ Read up about the Color revolutions - big money involved in the overthrow of governments and it seems USA may be following the same pattern.
    The world is totally corrupt and the super-rich and UN & collaborating NGOs is behind it.  Most local NGOs for " sustainable development " in the USA is changing the LOCAL laws without the people's consent. They are changing the laws in line with agenda 2030.  NGOs for sustainable development are often funded by the  Council on Foreign Relations (which was given power by the first president Busch after the first UN Agenda 2021 was signed by more than 170 nations). ...... which by the way is legally binding..... eventhough the agenda itself does not say so. 
    I can go on about this non-government organization - which started in idealism - has been totally corrupted and taken over.  It used to be an organization without teeth but has enough teeth now to lock down the entire planet - think on that.
    TO SUM UP:  the UN had not much power a few  decades ago...... but in last 15 years is exponentially growing its beastly teeth ..... together with those who are giving it money and support.  It will soon be able to gobble those up who dare to stand up against its all encompassing policies.
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Russia’s religious persecution focuses almost exclusively on Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    The same communist tactics all over the world now and a clamp down on human rights, free speech etc.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Russia’s religious persecution focuses almost exclusively on Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    Crazy when 666 says this - when they know full well that Aids, hepatitis C, syphilis etc is a death sentence. 
    My baby daughter had cancer and had a full day surgery without blood - and survived!  She did not get anaphylactic shock - a common reason people die from after they receive blood..... but blood is never put on death certificate as reason for death.
    They come through surgery well but on 4th day develop this shock to the body due to blood and die. On the death certificate: complications of surgery ..... never the true reason for death because they make too much money on it.
  25. Like
    Arauna reacted to Srecko Sostar in Constitutional petition filed against alternative military service law. Some folks are never happy.   
    Separation between religious and political things and decisions in Old Israel.
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