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  1. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Organ Harvesting, Falun Gong, Tibet, etc. (The WEST vs. CHINA)   
    LOL-  When my husband and I are in conversation and people give directions or instructions or mention some obscure fact...... I remember.  When he asks the question again from the person we are talking to... I usually give the answer to him.... LOL.  The listening aspect..... 
    My husband is a very smart, gentle and humble human being. He reads a lot - but eclectic stuff.  He is a very good husband because I doubt any other man would have been able to stand me. It must be because his mother was British.
    I am typical afrikaner /boer - not in my thinking but my manners.  My mothers side was Swiss, German and Yugoslavian. Very straight, direct but friendly and I hope - kind. ... and my accent is strange.  
    .....So your wife says the same?  But she will only be able to say so if you are a very good husband.  Otherwise she will be afraid to say it...... LOL.  I guess, but I think you know how to get out of every situation with your golden mouth and humor.
  2. Haha
    Arauna reacted to The Librarian in Adam and Eve   
    Adam was hanging around the Garden of Eden feeling very lonely.    So, God asked him, "What's wrong with you?"    Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to.    God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman.    He said, "This pretty lady will gather food for you, she will cook for you, and when you discover clothing, she will wash it for you.    She will always agree with every decision you make and she will not nag you.    And will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement.    She will praise you!    She will bear your children.    And never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them.    "She will NEVER have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it."    Adam asked God, "What will a woman like this cost?"    God replied, "An arm and a leg."    Then Adam asked, "What can I get for a rib?"  
  3. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Organ Harvesting, Falun Gong, Tibet, etc. (The WEST vs. CHINA)   
    Do you know my wife?
  4. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Anna in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Because the final part of the days means that God's Kingdom will fix things here on earth soon, and obviously that's a good thing, and something to look forward to.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Organ Harvesting, Falun Gong, Tibet, etc. (The WEST vs. CHINA)   
    I listened to an interview of a very high up government expert on China who currently serves on the Foreign Relations council (which by the way is pro-agenda 21).  These people are life-long government advisors because she also served under Obama etc.  Foreign relations council was given additional response to Agenda 21 by Busch.
    I thought it was a well balanced interview. :   
  6. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Organ Harvesting, Falun Gong, Tibet, etc. (The WEST vs. CHINA)   
    I have learned to live with it, and perhaps even acquiesce that it must be that way. Of course, I don’t know what examples you may have in mind, but...
    Do you think I can persuade anybody that the (largely) atheist anti-cult movement is behind our woes in Russia? No. It is all the machinations of Babylon the Great is all anyone wants to hear. We are so hung up on Babylon the Great that we do not recognize that she is mostly licking her wounds these days, and a powerful atheist faction has arisen that would eradicate everyone clinging to worship of God—us no less than they. Yet we still, in the main, carry on as though publishers in Judge Rutherford’s day, announcing that religion is a “snare and a racket.” It is, but here in the West, it does not play as the most timely theme. The atheists and the skeptics perch above it all and ridicule the different religionists calling each other false. As rude as some trolls are here, I see brothers equally rude on social media with regard to tweets mentioning religion—appending insults that have little to do with the topic under consideration. Do they think themselves witnessing? It doesn’t leave a good impression. I could wish that we got training about social media besides the refrain to “be cautious” of it. 
    Trained, we might be able to do some good with it. The articles posted on JW.org lately—about coping with anxiety, safeguarding children from the horror of world news, adapting them to “distance learning,” and so forth? These are excellent contributions—exactly what is needed today by anyone wishing to preserve sanity. It would take so little for ones who know how to use social media to judiciously spread this all over the internet, to the benefit of countless people. But we are advised to be cautious as to our use of it. We are not trained, and most of those who venture there with the idea of witnessing are horribly clumsy—saying outrageous things, oblivious to what their audience potentially might be.  It could be used to such powerful effect, but it is not in a nod to “caution.” 
    Still, maybe the fixation on Babylon the Great, and turning a (it seems to me) blind eye to the atheists and skeptics is what one must expect of Bethel. They, more than anyone, strive to be “no part of the world.” Over time, they get to know little about it. They live primarily in the world of Scriptures, and the scriptures say that it is in the skirts of Babylon the Great (not the atheists or skeptics) that is found the blood of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth. Primarily, the sin is one of omission, not commision. Had religion not neglected to teach the Word of God, there would not be the bumper crop of atheists and skeptics of today. So who can say that Bethel is wrong to keep on harping over false religion—that picture is the overall picture, and the skeptics are but a resulting subset.
    Another area of seeming bias is how we speak of ex-members—as though they are all train-wrecks, and will remain so until they come to their senses and return. This is a point of great ridicule among ex-Witnesses, who take bows before each other each time one emerges who is not a train-wreck. I mean, it really does seem an example of “confirmation bias” on our part.
    Still, the Word indicates that those who leave after knowing the truth are like Vic Vomodog, whose name I changed from Vomidog to please @anna, who didn’t like the image. “A dog that returns to its own vomit” is how Peter puts it, so from there comes the notion that the world will “chew one up and spit one out.” If the brothers find someone who says it in exactly those words based upon his own experience, they eat it right up and cannot relay it quickly enough. 
    It used to drive me nuts. It still does, a little, but it does so less. The brothers don’t know because they obey the Bible’s own counsel to not go where they might find out. “Keep an eye on those who cause division and stumbling and avoid them,” says Romans 16:17. So they do avoid them, and thus the only window they have to look upon them is that of scripture. 
    Ah, well. I would like it if they didn’t do that, but who is to say they are wrong? It’s a little like God declaring that Adam and Eve will die the day they disobey. It the long run, it makes little difference whether that “day” is one of 24 hours or 1000 years. It’s a little like your spotting the glitch of the tablets long ago and saying “Who cares, really? Maybe it was that way.”
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Organ Harvesting, Falun Gong, Tibet, etc. (The WEST vs. CHINA)   
    True - the Iron and clay is absolutely acrimonious.....the world over in every country. ... Except in totalitarian countries like Iran, China and Russia, North Korea because individual rights are 'no longer' tolerated - with emphasis on 'no longer' for China. Journalists or human rights lawyers who have opposing opinions go to jail.... or people are secretly killed with poisons or commit suicide (Russia) or just jump from buildings.... such as 6 people in one day recently in Hong Kong (China), or are openly and publicly executed in Iran. North Korea has 3 different types of gulags. Most citizens are hungry all the time.
    Some countries have gone far-left in their way of suppressing human freedoms.  In Australia drones are catching people who do not obey the Corona law.  In some radical-left states in USA they are allowing anarchy. Members of these funded  organizations are bused in and their hotel expenses paid to riot. These people are anti-nationalism, anti-police, anti-american identity, anti-religion,  anti-constitution, anti-family unit and anti-culture.  It is a  perverted form of mao-ism. BLM leaders have openly said they want a communist system with equality outcomes for all humans. (Of course these are all the wonderful buzz-words but when this system comes, they will be the first to be the fodder for a hungry regime that chews up lives and spits it out. They will have done their job of causing anarchy and are now expendable.
    Atheist regimes DO NOT RESPECT LIFE! ... and if any of you really think they do, then you are living under a dark cloud of misunderstanding. It is Judaeo- christian values which gave more humane values to the world. Atheism is lurking at the door in USA.... with laws being jammed through which erodes you rights to freely talk about your religion, eroding the quality of life by means of morality, and respect for life itself. 
    The UN's has done a good job with this new modern philosophy (pushed by UNESCO for many years), which has been inculcated into the new generation at schools and who are now all of voting age.  The democrats are totality aligned with UN agenda 2030 and are working towards the new secular world order........ which will definitely be a  totalitarian technocratic regime or science dictatorship - whatever you want to call it.  The constitution and country borders will disappear according to this plan. 2030 is the next big milestone for this plan. Democrats seem to be set to win.... and US may be one of those countries who willingly gives over its autonomy to the UN once its national borders are not longer there - as planned NGOs following instructions of agenda 2030.
    The new sex education has rolled out and will now be taught in all schools. It sexualizes children from age 4.  It openly teaches all forms of disgusting porneia to children and is 'normalizing' it - pushed by the UN-ESCO.  This is their way to secure the future and reduce human population on earth.  Lock-downs will keep people separated and people can then indulge in porneia - like animals..... because that is what we are according to science. According to agenda 2030 every drop of food, water, energy you as an individual use will be measured. 
    The UN wants ONE world technocracy and they are on their way of achieving it. 
    My interest in China is not to take SIDES against China or sides FOR china as some of you here are doing but to show you all which KIND of system will be ushered in by the UN since China is their model. China also signed up to Agenda 21 and the milestone of Agenda 2030 - and China are the model. 
    So why is the new system tested in CHINa?  They already have the technology installed and their people are already under surveillance with social crediting etc. The algorithms, facial recognition etc. are being refined in China. Most tech corporations are experimenting in china  - anything is allowed.  The World tech corporations are working WITH china - and cooperating with it and testing out all the new "science" which will be gradually unveiled.  It is too shocking for us old people to imagine but the youth are being indoctrinated to be accepting of it. 
    People like Elon Musk, Bezos and others are the ones doing the research on AI and trans-humanism.  Making of synthetic DNA etc is part of this new 4th industrial revolution. Jehovah will have to step in to save us from DNA-extinction like before the flood!
    I reiterate: my interest in China is not to take SIDES against of FOR China but to show you all which KIND of system will be ushered in by the UN since China is their model.  it HAS ALREADY GONE TOO FAR..... NO-ONE CAN STOP IT.  ONLY JEHOVAH CAN!
    Just repeating old history is not a good exercise otherwise one makes the same mistakes.  One has to think about the similarities, consider the new players, their histories and the new innovations.  Evil people learnt that they can be exposed - after WW2 these atrocities came out.  Today, they will ensure and use methods to ensure that news cannot come out until it is too late and no-one can do anything about it.  They will not use the same weapons but use ones which are undetected.  Technology has changed and much more lethal anti-human weapons are now available.
    Silent wars need silent weapons.....
    But the news is still managing to trickle out.....
    As I said before, situations change.  Yes, we are in a similar situation today where aggressive regimes are encroaching on other nation's territory. History is repeating itself but the political scenario which is heralding a new totalitarian regime has changed. i.e. Iran is funding so many revolutions in the middle east which is de-stabilizing it. World 'magnates' have funded several  "color-revolutions of which Ukraine is only one country.... and are apparently now trying to do the same in USA. 
    To understand Chinese methods, please watch the interview above.... my link above.  Her father was the ambassador to this area years ago and she has spent many years researching all the issues going on there.  Do yourself a favor.  I read all kinds of information and make an assessment if they know their subject and are talking the truth. She has watched how China has taken hold of all the water resources in the entire region etc. 
    To think that JW org will be in a position to blow the whistle this time round is ludicrous.  NO religion is allowed in China.  So if they focus attention on the plight of Witnesses in China, the authority will immediately start a witch-hunt just for the JWs.....and they will be maligned in the press as falun gong was.  They will not go to prison..... their body parts will be used.  So nothing will remain to report upon.  There will be no proof as family members are all targeted.  There will be no-one left to talk. Our organization is discreet.  It will never put our brothers in greater danger than they are already in.   To expose the injustice of people in prison (Russia) is a totally different situation than to expose people who are already being liquidated and all family members liquidated as well.  The GB will not want this kind of blood on their hands.  They will just warn us about trends they see. 
    China is not the same as Russia.  Russia still allows state religion to build nationalism.  This proves to me that you have not thought things through (good a repeating other peoples writings but you do not think things through in the light of new information) and you do not understand the nature of totalitarianism.  If you can give me the names of journalists who are allowed to interview 'random people' in China and are allowed to move around freely without an escort I will be very happy.  These people must also not have any financial, family ties or other  ties to China which would compromise their honesty  in any way. They should have no interest in covering up the real facts.  
    Since 2013 Xi Ping has been clamping down on his own people.  Foreigners were lucky but I have read quite a few stories of Westerners who got out just in time.  Last week one of the major, mainstream group of journalists got out of China by the skin of their teeth.  They were released after being detained.  The head office decided to remove them from the country. 
    JW org  have already identified the king of the north and mentioned that it has allies.  What more can they do now?  We are in the downturn leading to Armageddon with extended lock-downs sure to come to control people during times of hunger, joblessness and unrest staring us in the face.
    The new financial reset  is upon us and most probably will be digital money..... The UN has strengthened its grip on developing nations by lending them money during this lock down to get by...... and it has all kinds of strings attached. 
    Now is the time to just trust in Jehovah.  The justice system has been compromised internationally - China is sitting on the human rights council together with Islamic countries. All the nations with the worst human rights histories.
    International courts are shams now.... bias rampant and all courts politicized. JWs will no longer be treated as before.... with digity ......that is for sure. 
    The god of fortresses will be everyone's master in the sense that you will not be able to dodge it. Satan is taking over the system with those who are against Jehovah and his future kingdom in the most powerful positions.  The situation is building up where they will literally stand up against Jehovah's kingdom.  When we preach against them they will be shocked because they will think all humans to be docile sheep accepting their technocratic rule with surveillance. 
    I will b excited to see how this plays out.....
  8. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    They were in the ark for seven days before the rain started.  They understood that the rain would soon start.  The exact moment they did not know.
    We can see the signs - but the day and hour is not clear.  The signs are there for us to remain ready.  Jehovah is loving and gives us signs.  He does not do anything without warning us. 
  9. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Prophecy & Signs, Truth & Conspiracy, Covid-19, the UN, Disgusting Thing, Truth and Conspiracies   
    Our congregation is fine too but there are individuals who have lost their jobs and have some depression. Others have to live with unbelievers and the houses are very crowded here in Rep of Georgia. Across the world suicides are sky-rocketing and child abuse, families are in each others hair all the time.
    Knowing what I know and with the heavy lock-down here I was feeling it too about 2 months ago as I am a very tactile person and need people around me.  But I have adjusted and thanks to Jehovah I feel upbeat.  Uncertainty is a terrible master and the younger you are the more it affects one. One of our brothers here started pioneering..... really innovative ways to preach.
    Even if the end drags on - panting to the end - and we face ridicule for waiting for it......  the downward spiral has started .... of this I am certain.  The economic analyzers are going bonkers....... nothing makes sense except for those who understand the "reset" and they want to use some gold again to back the new monetary system ........ but when they turn against religion all of them will be crying and their gold will not mean much.  
    At present time they (technocrats) are very confident everything is working out the way they want it - no matter how many people may suffer. They are working behind the scenes on the logarithms and strengthening people's bias' on the internet. People are becoming more and more radicalized. I have also slacked in my contributions and was thinking about it today.... so I better do the right thing.
    We are refugees as well.  I am busy packing so that we can leave here as soon as the borders open up.  Corona has caused problems for this government and they are set to change the requirements to live here.  So we are leaving soon.... we will watch for the right time to leave. It is great here - we do not want to leave but we need more security. We are going closer to Italy..... in the Balkans.  Will give my new location when my husband and I are both safe.  We were planning to face death or Armageddon here in Rep Georgia but now we will go die in another place or (if Jah wills) face Armageddon there. 
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Prophecy & Signs, Truth & Conspiracy, Covid-19, the UN, Disgusting Thing, Truth and Conspiracies   
    We are sitting during the first lock-down which may last at least till march next year but there is talk that it will last until all are vaccinated. By that time the world economy will be restarted in a new format to suit UN agenda 2030. 
    Millions will die of hunger, suicide, job losses all over the world.  A controlling form of scientific (technocratic) UN government will later take over and lead us to the wonderful situation where they can call peace and security.
    The next milestones for agenda 21 and 2030 is a new money system by 2022;  2025, and 2030 dates they have set for certain goals/ milestones.  By 2050 they want the 4th industrial revolution to be complete.  Hopefully Jehovah will intervene before then. 
    Jehovah is allowing them to go the whole way with their new god of science and what I think is the 'god of fortresses' - a world database (including DNA) of all people which will secure every person within the grasp of the authorities.  Anyone who does not do as told will find themselves outside the system and will struggle to survive. 
    The plans they have is anti-human .... so I really hope it happens before the 2030 milestone (by which time I will be close to 80 and my chances are not great of being around.)  I feel for the youth living now  (70 CE) and know that Jehovah will resurrect all those who die from hunger and suffering before His Great Day - that is my comfort.
    I suspect that this lock-down will be like the first lock-down in Jerusalem. Once they open up it may be 3 and half years before they lock us down for the next phase of agenda 21 - the 2030 plans.   By this time many will  have died and the vaccinations (which will be administered regularly according to new indications) may have unprecedented side effects. 
    The final lock-down will see them in total control and they will destroy all religion -  If I am around I will walk in the streets like Jonah and be glad to shout that the time for their destruction is here.  May Jehovah grant me the power and courage to do so.......
  11. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    “In response he said to them: “O faithless generation, how long must I continue with you? How long must I put up with you?”
  12. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Queensland passes law to jail priests for not reporting confessions of child sexual abuse   
    No prob.  I do not like reading hate-OCD contributions.  I like to learn new things or learn new perspectives.... not the same old, same old.
  13. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    I planned to just let this sit because it reminded me of typical trolling behavior, and I've said all I want to say about 1914 for a while. But I have to agree with this part of what @Arauna said about you:
    You already know that you will disagree with anything I say in support of the current teachings of the GB, and when I present the opinion that the GB are wrong about something, all of a sudden you treat me like I'm some important teacher of truth.
    We all have opinions, and when it comes to interpretation, it doesn't matter how strongly we believe them or present them: they're still opinions.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Evacuated in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    Maybe Jehovah is allowing time for a faithless "generation" to die off before entering the promised land???
  15. Like
    Arauna reacted to The Librarian in JW.org Now Depicts Moses' Stone Tablets Correctly   
    Stone Tablets depicted corrrectly (plus).pdf
    In the past they were always shown with 5 items on each tablet which is wrong according to Exodus 32:15

  16. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in NPOV a Thing of the Past at Wikipedia?   
    Good line to remember
    It will have the same old, same old hate-OCD - the embedded modus operandi....
    You troll - you do not pick up on anything.  But you have a right to do so..... 
  17. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in NPOV a Thing of the Past at Wikipedia?   
    No, Charles Darwin did not do a stint as a clergyman—much less get yelled at by his superiors for not shaking his parishioners down for money—he may have thought about becoming a clergyman, but he never actually did it. How could I have written that he did?
    I’ll tell you how. It is because I recalled the Darwin story from Irving Stone’s historical novel The Origin. Irving Stone also wrote an historical novel of Vincent Van Gogh (Lust for Life), and this is the fellow who flunked out as a clergyman (a missionary, actually) in his younger days, not Darwin. This is the fellow who wouldn’t shake his parishioners down for money, not Darwin. This was the fellow who “went native” to share the work and living conditions of those he was assigned to, not Darwin. This is the fellow who was dismissed for “undermining the dignity of the priesthood,” not Darwin. Ya wanna check your facts before you let fly, Harley? You remember half of them wrong, you know. 
    Fortunately, I do check them, but once in a while some blooper slips through—as another one almost did when I savored a new unflattering portrait of Charles Dickens from a review of a new book by A.N. Wilson, and initially thoughT it was of Charles Darwin. I had even begun the process of cutting Darwin down to size, as payback for him bringing us evolution— have borne him a grudge for years over that—relishing the revisionist biting words that he was “cruel, oversexed egoist”—I imagined the possibilities answering one of his godless followers who ponders “the fundamental mystery” of how “a man he finds atrocious could have spoken to him so deeply.” “I’ll tell you how you could do that...!” I saw myself saying with glee, and then I noticed it was Dickens, not Darwin—and I like Dickens’s work. I have even adopted many of Dickens’s lines, such as that of Miss. Pross, defending like a lion its cub against the wicked foreign woman who would destroy it: “I am stronger than you. I thank heaven for it.”
    They are both D-names, and both Charles—it’s a easy mistake to make. 
    All is not lost. Van Gogh serves my purposes as well as Darwin, because the intent of all this is to segue into Voltaire. He, too, was ground up by the church, as was Darwin in a different way. He, too, can be used to introduce Voltaire, who spent his life eviscerating the church and the way it ground up people. In fact, Van Gogh serves better that Darwin, because his trampling of faith reveals more starkly the Church’s amassing of wealth for wealth’s own sake, and that was one of Voltaire’s constant themes—that the clergy used the wealth they accumulated so as to lead corrupt lives. Not too much had changed in France, apparently, in the century of so between Voltaire and Van Gogh. 
    And Darwin was British!—how in the world could I have had him doing a clerical stint in France? Even as I wrote it, I knew something didn’t quite square, but I was on a roll and couldn’t stop.
    Of course, many things did change from between Voltaire and Van Gogh—most notable is the French Revolution that intervened. Voltaire skewered the clergy of his time—whoa! did they hate him for it!—but he was adamant that atheism was for fools. The ‘Book of Creation’ was enough to teach anyone not self-blinded that there was a God, he maintained, and he was much taken with the common-sense of verses like Hebrew 3:4, that “every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” If you come across a well-stocked home in the midst of a barren desert, are you going to maintain that no one designed it? It took years of atheist machinations to undermine the obvious sense of that one. 
    They rose to the occasion, though. Let no one say they are not industrious. If people are intent on breaking free from God, do not underestimate their ability to rationalize it. The heart chooses what it wants and then charges the head to devise a convincing rationale to it. Voltaire’s followers were on the cutting edge of “enlightenment” heading towards the French Revolution that would cost so many heads, but they soon fell into disfavor for being too conservative—their movement passed them by—and many of them were among those whose heads were severed by the guillotine. When a mob gets rolling—watch out! Voltaire directed public fury at priests who abused their power, but he did not waver in God’s existence. It would take the next generation, some claiming to stand upon his shoulders, as Newton did on Galileo’s, to throw the baby out with the bath water. 
    Surely, the most egregious of abuses of the clergy were curtailed by the Revolution, if for no other reason than the royalty disappeared. French aristocracy prior to the Revolution forbade offspring to work—that was for commoners—so it became a problem for royalty to find suitable careers for their offspring. There was always the Royal Court, there was always the military—that’s why there were so many 21-year old colonels—and there was always the clergy to which one might appoint a young man as archbishop. Young men being what they were—and these French aristocrats being what they were—they would often hire at a pittance some underling to tend to spiritual things while they themselves would revel in riotous and luxurious living.
    Voltaire liked the English way, that he picked up on during his exile there. There, only the number one son of nobility could not work—all the remaining ones were launched somewhere into the world of human enterprise. There, only those with long devotion to the church—not some nobility’s snotty kids—could be appointed to high clerical station. By that time, Voltaire notes, all the womanizing and drinking had been refined out of them, if not by spirituality, then by age alone. Their excesses against their churches were fewer, he notes. He is ever writing humorously on such things, and at this point he takes it to a new level: “Besides, the English don’t like women much anyway.” Ha! Bingo! Listen, I may not know much about Voltaire, but I do about my own family. My great-grandfather was English. He had six children, and yet the family name managed to die out in but two generations! Meanwhile, the other side of my family has produced enough children to fill a stadium.
  18. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in NPOV a Thing of the Past at Wikipedia?   
    OCD - no answer
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Organ Harvesting, Falun Gong, Tibet, etc. (The WEST vs. CHINA)   
    They harvest young peoples organs. Heart and lung transplants - i cannot imagine that they survive after this.
  20. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in NPOV a Thing of the Past at Wikipedia?   
    You know, I think I am getting the two mixed up. Irving Stone wrote a book on him, too. I read both, and it was a long time ago.
    Yeah—it wasn’t Darwin at all. He did toy with going into the clergy, though. That is for sure. But he never actually did it, not even as a trial gig
    Sigh...That’s what one gets for relying on memory. I knew something didn’t quite jive—like how Charles could end up in France.
  21. Sad
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    So you think I cannot think for myself - think again.  
  22. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    We are still living in the real world you know.  We use money like everyone else for our needs.  Manna not yet falling from heaven again - only spiritual food.  And one needs a computer and a roof over your head for that too!
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    We are still living in the real world you know.  We use money like everyone else for our needs.  Manna not yet falling from heaven again - only spiritual food.  And one needs a computer and a roof over your head for that too!
  24. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from César Chávez in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    If I remember correctly Money is taken off your pay and it includes tax for this.  
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Resurrection loopholes   
    I do not know if you believe in the bible at all but this question reminds me of the pharisees who asked Jesus about the woman who had seven husbands and the resurrection. Jesus gave a good answer.
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