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  1. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    But not to pay compensation to VICTIMS of Child Sexual Abuse in the CCJW.  Oh why are you people so blind !
    Jesus makes it so clear that true Christians should let themselves be wronged regarding material things, not make demands on governments for compensation, then refuse to pay compensation to VICTIMS that they have wronged. 
    If you cannot see the hypocrisy here it is because you are being blinded by the Devil. 
    And Tom's comment about JWs are already doing them, and yes, they do resolve the problems he details.
    This is so laughable it's not even worth a serious reply. In your dreams Tom  
  2. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    It is part of the "unrighteous" riches we can use for Jehovah's work and to help brothers when they are hit by natural or other disasters.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    They did the same in France, when that country’s 60% tax on JW donations was ruled discriminatory by the ECHR. France had to make amends, just as Russia will have to if we can imagine Russia heeding the rulings of outside courts.
  4. Like
    Arauna reacted to Witness in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    No, you don’t have to explain anything; although you’ve just cemented the fact that no Holy Spirit is needed to run the WT.  It only needs people.  And money.  Just like all the other “worldly” religious organizations, right?
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    It sounds like a lot of money 2.5 million dollars is not that much when other religions were receiving subsidies but we were discriminated against for  12 years.   Divide it by twelve and it is just over 2 million per year.  They are, I think, just asking what was due to them including costs.
  6. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    It sounds like a lot of money 2.5 million dollars is not that much when other religions were receiving subsidies but we were discriminated against for  12 years.   Divide it by twelve and it is just over 2 million per year.  They are, I think, just asking what was due to them including costs.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Why freedom of religion will likely not trump public health interests with a future COVID-19 vaccine   
    Thank you for the information.  I have read that they use aborted fetus tissue. But information about these things are now being suppressed.  So thanks for the information.
  8. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Why freedom of religion will likely not trump public health interests with a future COVID-19 vaccine   
    This week, three leading Australian religious figures have written to Prime Minister Scott Morrison outlining ethical concerns they have with the potential COVID-19 vaccine being developed at Oxford University.
    The three Sydney archbishops are concerned the vaccine utilises a cell line derived from an aborted foetus.
    A number of existing vaccines use cells originally taken from aborted foetuses. While the use of these cells is considered ethical by most standards, this does not alleviate religious concerns about the practice.
    Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right, provided for under the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
    However, this freedom is not unlimited. Under article 18 of the UN covenant, these rights may be limited in the interests of public health. It reads:
    Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.
    While the potential Oxford University COVID-19 vaccine may “raise serious issues of conscience” for some religious groups, the interests of public health are likely to outweigh any freedom of religion concerns.
    This article is Australian (I think) but it seems to say that Freedom of Religion can be 'removed' or ignored if a government feels that such 'freedom' causes a danger to others. And if the Covid-19 vaccine is really made from 'dead babies' then I think it would cause a problem in the CCJW. 
  9. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in NPOV a Thing of the Past at Wikipedia?   
    Mostly I use Wikipedia for details on out-of-the-way topics that you wouldn’t think would be subject to bias—lately it has been to corroborate some background on Voltaire, for instance.
    But not always—sometimes I use it as though a base stock, like you would in cooking, to develop a post on some contemporary issue. Others do this, too—pretty routinely—to provide backdrop for points they are making. @JW Insiderand @Araunaare doing that right now with a thread about China and its modern-day & changing role.
    It’s an encyclopedia, Wikipedia is—that’s how everyone thinks of it. As such, it is unbiased—that supposedly is it’s mission statement. Anyone can edit it (I’ve never quite understood how that works—well, I guess I do, but I’ve never been interested enough to attempt it, and the premise is that when anyone can do so the result will be complete and unbiased.) Not so, says co-founder Larry Sanger. “Unbiased” went out the window long ago. NPOV (neutral point of view) Is a thing of the past.
    He says it here, on this post from his own blog: https://larrysanger.org/2020/05/wikipedia-is-badly-biased/
    He doesn’t say the website is not factual. Nor does he say it is not objective. But it is not complete. It clearly sides with particular points-of-view. Larry offers about a dozen examples of clear bias, from politics, to science, to health, to religion in which the minority view is run off the road. 
    Sigh...this seriously compromises Wikipedia as a base. It is a leftist choir that is preaching there these days, and if you quote the source, which I do all the time, you will be getting a leftist point of view, and other viewpoints either ignored completely or declared wrong. It is not for an encyclopedia to do this, Sanger says. It is supposed to reflect all points of view. It is not to declare a winner. 
    Sanger’s background (per Wikipedia (!) ) is not primarily technology, as being co-founder of Wikipedia might imply. It is philosophy, epistomology, and ethics. He is clearly disappointed in the path his creation has taken. 
  10. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in NPOV a Thing of the Past at Wikipedia?   
    I notice how the biases often correspond, too. It is amazing how they do that, almost to the point of, to take an example, if you know (in the US) a person’s view of health treatment, you can make a guess on their political leanings and seldom be wrong 
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in NPOV a Thing of the Past at Wikipedia?   
    Not any longer. If your story does not suit their bias. Several authors have complained that their information online was changed and they could not change their own biography so that it ireflects the truth. It seems everything is now biased  and has an angle or opinion attached to it. Activists against Islam etc have had their bios changed in unflattering terms and there is NOTHING they can do about it. WIKIPEDIA now have people who scan new info.  
    When Jeffrey Epstein was taken into prison his history exploded on internet.  His bio contained the names of his close friends and business partners.   These were immediately removed.... ...on wikipedia.... to protect the........ innocent ?
  12. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    Crazy goings-on here. I am getting so many like that my system crashed. You probably don’t see it, though. I am even getting liked from 4J. He has never done anything other than laugh before.
    Is this what you mean. Ad nauseum the claim was made that all the studies showed how safe they were. One dogged fellow kept after them—he had to sue to do it—and the facts revealed was that there had been no studies at all. It is a little more detained than that, but that is the gist of it.
    It is also impossible to sue vaccine-makers. They are protected from lawsuit, and a separate ‘vaccine court’ (funded by taxpayers) handles claim of vaccine injury—which fights every claim tooth and nail.
    In this day when lawyers can and do sue everyone under the sun for everything, they CANNOT sue vaccine makers. Does anyone think automobiles would be as safe as they are today if they were immune from lawsuit? We would still be driving Pintos, that burst into flame when hit from the rear, or Corvairs, that flip over if you’ve gotten the tire pressure wrong.
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    I guess I am the most predictable here..... but I do not care.   I say what I think and even if no-one takes anything seriously.... they will remember where they heard it when the time comes.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    I have often said - these Agenda 2030 plans are on the table - and as we speak they are implementing their plans.  How far it will go - we do not know….. but the bible is clear...…. the image of the beast will rule for a short while (because others will give it their authority - by trickery or willingly - we do not know) and then go into oblivion.  Those people with its political mark will NOT get everlasting life... the bible is clear. Many people will be forced to have its mark because it is Satan's intention to deceive or force people to get this political mark..... they will face tests if they refuse it.
    Why am I bringing this up - because it is already under our noses and can happen very quickly...… never ever have I indicated that it is far off in any way.   Hunger is at the doorstep of the entire world with this Covid 19 bankruptcies everywhere. It is not my fanciful thinking...…. it is already here. A very high percentage of home owners in USA defaulted on their home payments last month (if I remember correctly it is 37%).  When government help stops we will see wide-spread hunger, looting and upheaval - unless the government uses stronger measures to keep people contained...….   a totalitarian type of control will ensue....
    If one does not foresee something it is very hard to deal with. Easier to know... at least for me personally.  There are the type of personalities that prefer to know nothing at all..... and just go unprepared into what is coming...… although I doubt one can prepare oneself for what is really coming.  However, I cannot unknow what I know.  Sometimes I do wish I had a less inquisitive nature. 
    Agreed USA is a dragon and acting as a "prophet."  The CIA operations and propaganda and funds they throw around has been the same since the cold war - overthrowing many regimes.
    Regarding the terrorism, I wish to bring to your attention that Iran is an extremely aggressive regime.  It has funded most of the conflicts in the middle east  - but I am not here to talk politics but would like to mention my knowledge of islam and the battles within it. 
    My knowledge of the conflict in Yemen and the starving of children (Shia Islam inspired) and my knowledge of the problems in Lebanon with Hezbollah-funded insurgencies from Iran ….. even the conflict in Syria.   The brand of Islam that Assad follows in an offshoot of Shia - Islam.  Saddam Hussain was also pro-shia….. a minority ruling over the majority Sunni.   The conflicts in Middle east is between branches of Islam.  And ALL branches of Islam are conquerors, when the time is right, because Mohammad was waging war every two months to expand his empire...until his unexpected death...... This expansion was carried forward after his death and is called the "golden age of Islam" under the caliphates who waged the wars. The third caliph had the Quran written down 21 years after the death of  " the prophet" because so many men who learnt the verses by rote were dying in the battles According to Islam history written 200 years after his death).  They gathered all the stones etc the Quran was written on and wrote it down and burnt the rest of the writings which differed from those that seemed to be true. Caliph Uthman was also a masterful soldier and took on Persia, Afghanistan etc.  Later they took Africa and the conquest only ended when they were stopped in Tours - France, by a Frankish king. 150 years after Mohammad's death most of the present Islamic world was already been captured (except for Constantinople)  and soldiers paid with booty and slaves..  The split between Shia and Sunni came after the 3rd caliph in time of Ali.... disputes about succession.
    Iran wants 'Dabiq' which is in Saudi Arabia territory and constantly undermines it - as I explained before.  This features in their final day prophecies and they have to fight a war on this territory against the Anti-Christ which will be a battle against the one-eyed JEW and his followers...…. now you know where some of their hate against Israel comes from. They are against USA not just because they are allies of S Arabia .... but because of the eschatological prophecies.  The alliance between Israel and S Arabia makes sense.  Israel knows about Iran's plans, and know what is going on because  their intelligence is the best in the world.  In the end Armageddon will bring all these groups who hate each other to conflict - brother against brother. 
    I am not taking political sides - just saying what is driving most of these conflicts in middle east - is terrorist religion. S Arabia bombing civilians in Yemen...… a human catastrophe.  Yet we see that Iran is working with other totalitarian states such as China and Russia - even doing military maneuvers together.  Last week China provoked Taiwan by doing military maneuvers in their ocean waters.
    What does this prove?  That things are moving forward in the direction we expect it to go and it can develop into something very dangerous very quickly.  The ongoing tensions remind me of the time before both the first and second world war when no-one wanted to go to war but it was sparked by some incident.  Wilhelm 2 was aggressive and building up weapons before WW1. Same with WW2.
    We presently see a lot of posturing while people will soon be starving as crops all over the world are failing and Covid 19 has broken supply chains and decimated farming industries......
  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Judith Sweeney in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    True.… but time will tell who had read the signs (and I am talking Biblical signs) and who did not.
    Because the billion dollar Teck companies are censoring all information the UN does not want you to see. As soon as it is uploaded it is taken down.  Doctors and researchers who are going against the WHO narrative to ban the use of hydroxychloroquine and publicly say that it really works are REMOVED from all internet outlets.... and they lose their jobs.  It is blatant medical persecution. (UN Migration compact has a clause wherein journalists need to go for re-training if the do not tow the UN-line).  Member nations willingly comply. 
    This deliberate negation of common sense (which is leading to many deaths of the elderly) -  is to me a sign that we are already going the way of China where information contrary to the state narrative is removed and where respect for life no longer exists. The propaganda regarding the worship of the state and what the state (UN) only believes is 'good or bad' will be the only information you may see soon.  They are currently tabling a law in USA (under the auspices of the pharmaceutical industry) to no longer allow natural health products (certain labels) where people could make their own decisions on what medicine they allow into their body and keep themselves informed of the health industry. Independent health (medical) doctors who sell these products are under attack.  They treat us all like ignorant babies so they can make the bucks when you go to see them.  I only use natural products or nothing... but used hydroxychloroquine for Corona.
    My father was a naturopath, homeopath and osteopath - so I know quite a bit and keep abreast of things.  To me it is a great pity that these super rich corporations (the pharmaceutical industrial complex) want to control everything and just give vaccinations for everything.  New research is not done any longer.... it is easier just to throw together a vaccination for which they (by protective law) cannot be taken to court and need not provide extensive testing.  It is all a rouse these tests.  The recent court case in USA (which  received NO ATTENTION in the media) indicates that the FDA received NO conclusive testing for any of the vaccines that they have been mandating for our children for the past 20 years. There are a few states who have already brought in laws (something like 49 vaccinations before the age of 12 and a few more before the age of 18..... even if you homeschool your children.....draconian? 
    When they start playing with your blood and your DNA - this is a problem for me..... similar to the conditions before the flood when human DNA was mixed with that of angels, they are now messing with our DNA/RNA replication and there are NO laws to protect humans against medical abuse.
    Similar to China - those who do not comply  - may soon find themselves in re-education camps or something more sinister.   The world is NO LONGER NORMAL...….  
  16. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    @TrueTomHarley You are indeed a true GB serving JW. But so be it.  I asked politely and you've refused. It proved my point. 
  17. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from César Chávez in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    Agreed.  I like to know what is happening around me  and would like to point out  - ALL the empires are playing extreme games now  and some of our brothers are suffering under these extreme regimes.... soon to be world-wide.  It kind of prepares us for what we can expect in future. 
    To apologize for any of the empire building, subversions, predatory loans, human rights abuses etc (pretty everyone is doing them but to different degrees at present) is taking sides. US (the prophet for democracy is also violating human rights and acting like a dragon.) That is why I do not apologize for regimes - just point out what they are doing and have been doing and where I think things are leading to. I also point to extreme philosophies (such as atheism, post modern philosophy and cultural communism in the west, totalitarianism of the CCP, Iran, and Russia) as it is part of the buildup to a new world order under the UN and its allies.  When I point out what China is doing I see it in the light of Daniel 11:40 onward.....it is fulfillment of a sign - TWO sides pushing each other economically...….. we cannot take sides in this.  BOTH are pushing like rams.  Also that no-one will be able to buy or sell is a form of totalitarian economic control which is a digitally reality (face recognition - no credit cards) and is looming over all of us as we speak.
    We KNOW that they are going to act in this way and we see more and more evidence of it - UNLESS one does not believe we are close to Armageddon - which some people here do not believe because they believe that we should not be watching for signs because god is not going to give us any signs.  I believe these things which are happening together with Corona indicate that things are much closer than ever before. 
    China (at present) is not interested in fighting a war with bombs. But is does intimidate its neighbors.  They built 7 artificial islands and then promised USA they will not militarize it.  Next thing they have airports and ports where war ships are docked and airplanes ready to take off. …on these islands.... which may lead to problems.  They are claiming seas and fishing areas which have never belonged to them historically (for past 150 years).  If they seem like villains it is their actions which are making them so.  We all know America has been aggressive but we did not know China to be so because their moto has been similar to that of Islam: Lie low and humble and wait until you have enough power...…. China has had a policy of pretending to be no threat to their neighbors while building their strength.   They have been very secretive about their actions such as loans etc.  Even taking over ports and air ports..... not widely advertised.  However, their military wing has infiltrated most universities in the west and  most organizations which can give them positive press coverage.  They even pay for wonderful write-ups in magazines through front organizations and exert pressure on Chinese immigrants in other countries.   I believe we will be seeing much more of them in future, especially since they are identified as part of the the king of North due to their treatment of JWs.  There is some dissent in CCP because Xi ping has become more open about the aggression... showing more of their hand than before.
    True -  I only watch for the signs. When I see the extreme corruption I know what is waiting for the world in future. 
    We all know that Islam gives problems.  However, it is the way the Chinese are dealing with the problem which is the give-away...... very different to Europe for example.  And yet the UN views China as a model-for the west.... this is also a give-away of what we can expect in future from the UN.
    There are worse threats than China or Russia.  The technocrats are thinking up evil schemes that we cannot even imagine and plan to use a future one world government for this...…… yes - Jehovah will have to step in...… otherwise no flesh will be saved.. 
  18. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    Prehistoric history is the only type of history that has nothing to do with man’s politics. What—history just happens to people, or is it people who cause it to happen?
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    Apartheid means segregation. We mingled in the day and worked together but each night we went home to our own towns. There were many terrorist incidents and demonstrations in 1976 which ended in a shooting of rioters. Steve Biko was held in custody and then died - similar to events now in USA. There was police brutality against an ethnic majority (they were the majority) because they were feared....by the whites. The whites did not want to relinquish to the majority vote because they feared what is now happening. They saw what happened in the rest of Africa with communist dictators receiving help from Russia and Gaddafi. 
    There was a small group of white police criminals who did kill some black leaders in secret - as many governments do. This came out in the Reconciliation Commission which was held after apartheid.  All the sins of the white regime came out. My brother went to prison because he refused to help them with poisons. He was called up for military duty and then targeted.  He has bad eyes and was exempted for his eyes but was then recalled and badly illtreated. Most of the JW brothers who served a 3 year sentence were illtreated and still have a police record until today.
    Our government was very advanced but one had to play along or find yourself on the fringes of society.  Most whites called the JWs communists because we did not help fight on the borders.  They hated us - traitors. Instead we preached on the borders.  I knew a circuit overseer who worked at the most northern border. The communists were on all our borders and we were fighting wars against them.
    My present  husband (married him after the death of my husband) was listening in on the Russians at that time because he had security clearance. SA weaponry (and mine-proof vehicles ) were exported all over the world and also to America. I think Sadam used our long range guns in the first Iraq war. he had bought them years earlier.  We had the atom bomb but this was dismantled before the government was given over to the ANC when majority vote brought in Mandela as president. My daughter survived a full day operation for cancer at age of 9 months.  Our heart surgery etc was tops.  Infrastructure was excellent and houses (albeit smaller houses) were built for the black people in their townships.  But their population was exploding and we could not keep up with providing minimal cost housing.  Shanty towns existed and the crime rate was high there. Unfortunately - the situation is now 100 times worse because the present ANC government has stolen S Africa bare (all the money in overseas private accounts) and very little infrastructure was replaced or built and government housing was not provided. 
    Now the opposite is happening but on mega scale. Reversed racism which has godless spiritism to fire the zeal for killing. The new generation which is now 22 years old (born after apartheid) still blame apartheid or whites for everything that goes wrong even though they never lived under apartheid.  Whites still pay most of the taxes and have to give 51% percent of their business to a black owner otherwise they cannot get any contracts and by law they have to employ black people - even if they do not have the skills..... so many businesses fail due to this.
    Whites cannot get in at universities now (very hard) but a 30 percent pass rate has produced people who cannot do the job.  So university is worthless. SA qualifications are worth nothing any longer.  My one brother who has 5 degrees refused to teach at the university after he closed up his engineering business. He was afraid to sign off on jobs which BEE built because he was afraid he would go to prison for shoddy work which he was not responsible for.  He has been retired for 22 years. He was a member of the American engineering Society. he only does consulting work for free.
    Before becoming a JW, I was glad I was white because our education was very good and discipline in our schools were very high.  University standards were very high when I was there.  I was privileged due to my skin color.... just by luck of birth. Now schools are mixed and terrible rapes, corruption  etc going on.....
    JW education is needed to improve people's lives and to get them to ditch bad practices such as spiritism.  Unfortunately, this will only happen in the new system.  The brothers in south Africa are tight knit and the love in all congregations abound..... thanks to the education of Jehovah. The racial divide in USA is now getting murderous …… but not yet as bad as in the general population in SA. 
    Thought I will give you my opinion. I hope nothing in here is offensive.  It is a very racist country...….. on both sides of the divide. 
    In the schools they are now focusing on the history of the Opium wars - to create a hate for the west and loyalty to CCP.
  20. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Eastern mentality and Communism compared to the CCJW / Watchtower.   
    God is incompetent is what you are saying—his holy spirit incapable of motivating peope to do his will.
  21. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Eastern mentality and Communism compared to the CCJW / Watchtower.   
    The evidence is in.  I actually do NOT believe in labels because it dehumanizes but the hate-behavior is so repetitive it actually dehumanizes the person himself. 
  22. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Eastern mentality and Communism compared to the CCJW / Watchtower.   
    You can’t “compare” because you don’t anything about the first topic, and you appear to think it is a sin to find out.. So how are you going to “compare?” You wouldn’t even know that Eastern culture emphasizes group if I hadn’t had said so. 
    Your knowledge of the first topic is zilch, and your knowledge of the second is so tainted by childish petulance and manifest ill-will that it is not far from zilch. So I (and probably I can speak for @Arauna, too) don’t appreciate being summoned before a master of ceremonies who doesn’t know anything.
    It was a trolling comment when you put it on @JW Insider’s  thread, where it had absolutely no place and was just inserted to insult people who hold to your old faith. Rebuked for putting it there, you now put it here? Do it without involving Aruana and me, for your zero knowledge of the “worldly politics” you wish to compare  doesn’t increase just because you have entered a different room.
  23. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    May I assume that you have misunderstood the topic again, @4Jah2me?
    There are many reasons to discuss religion when discussing the problems of socialist and communist countries. There may even be space to discuss personal or religious beliefs about how China/Russia/etc, might fit into Bible prophecy, because this has been one of the ways that religious believers tie China and Russia into their worldview. Also, China and Russia have been notorious for their persecution and restrictions placed on several different Christian-oriented religions (JWs and others).
    But just because you happen to know that @Arauna, for example, is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, it actually is "trolling" behavior to follow her comments, often only to pick out specific words as a means to insult her religion.
    In case you still question what "trolling" means in the context of posting, I just googled it:
    troll2 noun:   a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post. a deliberately offensive or provocative online post. verb:   make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them. If you wish to comment about JWs or the GB, comment about what they have said about China, or experiences of JWs in China or Russia. If your goal is merely to find what you consider hypocritical statements, then make a topic about that. Or make a topic about all the clever ways you have found to take posts on various topics and used the information to insult Jehovah's Witnesses.
  24. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    Actually it is also taught in communism.... so this social engineering into a form of collectivism is not called cultural communism for nothing. The greater good of all is more important than the individual.  So a central government can force any law on you for the greater good of society.  
    I believe in self-sacrificing love but natural law says - I must give it willingly.  Willingly give up my material stuff and willingly sacrifice myself for the greater good of all.  It must not be forced on me by someone who thinks they have a higher morality than God himself. 
    Our natural rights come from Jehovah. Just being born gives it to you.  The right to own your own body and choose what goes into it and the freedom to choose whom you will serve (spiritually) in your home. I will obey the government whatever they ask (even share my stuff) but I will not allow them to put blood or any other substance which could change my mental capacity into my body.  No-one will force me to vote or show allegiance to a political party or its symbolism.  This, I think will become an issue under UN and its allies. 
  25. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in The WEST's war of words against CHINA. Starting with the Uyghurs.   
    Chivchalov made a similar point about Russia. ‘Why doesn’t the outcry of human rights organizations have more effect to alleviate the persecution of our people?” I asked him. “Because they [Russian human rights people] are too few, and besides, Russia views human rights organizations as largely a tool of Western meddling, he said.
    In the end, these have the most credibility to us, and from this one may extrapolate into situations not involving JWs. Any other testimony from any other source is subject to revisionists claiming it was faked or skewed or misleading or incomplete—it may or may not be true—but with JWs that will not be the case. Why? Essentially, it is because we know the integrity of our people. We know that when they tell of what happened to them, it happened to them. We know of their indifference to politics. We know how they interact with the governments of whatever country they are in: “Find out what the king wants for social order, and then do it. That way, he will leave us in peace to worship God.” Witnesses don’t care about changing the government, and everyone knows it.
    For the most part, this works well in all countries except for authoritarian ones. “We are not in America,” the cops told our brothers while beating them.” (I think it was in Surgut) When our own human rights are treated with such disdain, I can accept that it happens to others, even if political biases may skew reports this way or that.
    With regard to communism, I’ve no doubt that human rights groups do not identify with “the good that we are trying to achieve here” and in some cases, have achieved  They focus on “Bill of Rights“ type of human rights—freedom of speech, of worship, of assembly, of press, of protection from search and seizure.” They do not call out the West for manipulative or predatory economic policy. But then, to my knowledge, they don’t do that to the East, either. It is not the type of rights violation that they are into. Maybe they should be, so as to be more “even-handed,” but they don’t. To that extent, I guess it is fair to say that they do have Western leaning. 
    ‘The group is more important than the individual,‘ is the Eastern mentality going back thousands of years, grounded in Confucianism. The individual rights, even needs, are subservient to the group in such a culture. In the West, it has been the opposite—rights and needs of the individual override that of the group—and human rights groups identify with the latter orientation
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