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  1. Like
    Arauna reacted to Matthew9969 in What do you do for fun?   
    I thought I would open up  light hearted conversation, what do you do for fun? Myself I enjoy teaching Kids at my church, Krav Maga self defense course, playing some games on my PlayStation, and watching movies on the big screen, (although that isn't going to happen any time soon).
  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Wasn't Jesus' supposed parousia/advent to be recognized only by those who had spiritual insight at the time?   
    His own disciples did not believe him when he fist uttered these words so how would worldly people react?  Only after they saw and believed Jesus' resurrection would they remember these words and write it down so disciples could read it in the gospels. 
    Other people may have heard rumors but definitely the MAJORITY did not take note -  just as in the time of the flood.  And that is exactly what Matthew indicates that most people would not listen and few would take note - just as in the flood. The gospels were a warning to the Christians to stay vigilant because  the generation itself took no note and carried on with their rebellions against the Romans - it means they did not understand the significance of the times at all.
    When they understood the signs (the Romans in the city - fighting block to block to get control of it - it was already too late.  They did not show faith in Jesus to begin with so why would they suddenly believe his words?  Christians who did not flee when they were supposed to may have understood - but it was too late for them.   They understood events when it was too late. 
    Similarly today - most Christians do not even know that they must watch out for the disgusting thing..... they are carrying on over the mark of the beast (electronic tracking system on their arm or somewhere else) when they do not even understand the significance of Jesus' death of his soul. They do not know the name Jehovah and do not understand the disgusting thing...… and that it will turn against all religion - that which we already know and believe.
  3. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    A laughing emoji! 
    I already had to send myself back to Bible 101 on account of this fellow. I fear that upon graduation, I will have to take the course all over again. He is both hateful and stupid. I can deal with one or the other, but the combination......
  4. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Norwegian court: Disfellowshipping was against the law   
    How naïve you are. What prohibits a person who has consensual encounters to say they were raped? … after the fact.  
  5. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to Anna in Wasn't Jesus' supposed parousia/advent to be recognized only by those who had spiritual insight at the time?   
    I've only been checking in to read posts and for the last couple of days not even that. Although this is off topic here, I still want to pursue this discussion. I did make some notes when I read your post first, but that was several days ago. In any case, It's not everything I want to say, and I have probably missed some things because I haven't had the chance to really think about it properly and do relevant research (it's our CO visit). Anyway, here are some of the questions I have come up with.
    I don't have any references right now,  but wasn't Jesus's supposed parousia/advent to be recognized only by those who had spiritual insight at the time? In other words it wasn't going to be a fanfare for everyone in the whole world. I know it wasn't originally expected in 1914, Russell pointed to other dates before that, but close enough that it could be said that those Bible students expected the glorious manifestation of the Christ, albeit invisible, seen with spiritual eyes, in their lifetime. And as time progressed it was decided that 1914 had been the year when this happened. (Although that there is a contradiction in itself because it was to be recognized and celebrated WHEN it happened not after the fact).
    You mentioned "(2 Timothy 4:8) From this time on, there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me as a reward in that day, yet not to me only, but also to all those who have loved his manifestation".
    So was this crown of righteousness given to all of Christs followers 'in that day' when Christ was made king in 33 CE?
    If I understand it correctly these are the two timeline options. I probably got it all wrong so please correct me.

    Option A
    1.Jesus became king when he was resurrected to heaven in 33 C E. He battled with Satan and threw him down to the earth.
    2. At the same time his invisible presence began, because he was to be present (in "spirit) with his followers, overseeing the congregations.
    3. Synteleia: he will arrive to judge the nations at Armageddon, "where every eye will see him".*

    Option B
    1. Jesus was made king over the anointed/ congregation in 33 CE.
    2.  At the same time his invisible presence  began, because he was to be present (in "spirit) with his followers, overseeing the congregations.
    3. Synteleia: In 1914 he became ruling King and battled with Satan and threw him down to the earth.
    4. He will "arrive" to judge the nations at Armageddon when every eye will see him.

    One problem I can see is that when he arrived/will arive (synteleia) it would be a joyous occasion, welcoming the king with fanfare etc. This though would only be a joyous occasion for those who were Jesus's subjects, for Jesus enemies it would mean their end. 
    I haven't really written everything down that I wanted to because I am running out of time again.
    I would like to have these terms clarified please:
    Coming, arriving and presence.
    Got to goooo! 🏃‍♀️
  6. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Witness in Witness & Pearl Doxsey   
    "Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."  Acts 17:11
    Have you done this?  I have.  I do not swallow down anyone's teachings any longer, without using the scriptures to verify if that person's teachings are true.  
    Allen, just as your identities on here are many, yet you deny their existence, your leaders deny the existence of their own lies.  And you continue to follow them; which shows that birds of a feather, flock together - whether in truth, or in lies.  
  7. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Was Satan the Devil already Released from the Abyss?   
    They were NOT in the abyss - they were in TARTARUS my dear!  AND I DO NOT MEAN THE TARTARUS FROM GREEK LEGEND. YOU are the false teacher!  You do not know the basics that most JWs are taught in the first year of study.  I have known this from my first year of study. 
    That is why you do not believe that Jesus put his soul in death! - READ Isaiah 53.  this is the dreaded scripture which Jews avoid because it is a prophecy about Jehovah putting the soul of Jesus in death.  He did not just die a 'physical' death as you indicate above.  You do not even understand the ransom.  You are not fit to teach a beginner JW - they will know more than you..... And you were angry with the GB because they would not allow you to teach in the congregations!!   I should hope not!
  8. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Norwegian court: Disfellowshipping was against the law   
    Playing games?  It does not hide the hate-OCD.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Isabella in Situation of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Russian Federation: UK statement   
    The United Kingdom remains deeply concerned about the situation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Russian Federation. As we said on 12 March, the ruling of the Russian Supreme Court in July 2017, which rejected the appeal against the decision to categorise Jehovah’s Witnesses as “extremists”, criminalised the peaceful worship of 175,000 Russian citizens and contravened the right to religious freedom that is enshrined in the Russian Constitution, and in multiple OSCE commitments.
    It is with deep regret that we learned that on 13 July, 110 homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses were simultaneously searched by Russian authorities in the cities of Voronezh and Stary Oskol. Thirteen Jehovah’s Witnesses were detained at the time and two individuals were reportedly beaten during a home search.
    The total number of homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses that have been searched by Russian law enforcement authorities now stands at over 1,000. As we noted in March, home raids are often conducted in the early hours of the morning by large numbers of masked and armed police.
    We repeat our concern that the increasing number of searches, as well as use of simultaneous large-scale home raids, creates the impression of an organised campaign of persecution against Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    So-called “evidence” used against those investigated and prosecuted includes regular aspects of communal religious life. We again remind the Russian Federation of our extensive commitments on freedom of religion or belief, including from Vienna 1989, as well as Kyiv 2013, where States committed to:
    Fully implement their commitments to ensure the right of all individuals to profess and practice religion or belief, either alone or in community with others, and in public or private, and to manifest their religion or belief through teaching, practice, worship and observance, including through transparent and non-discriminatory laws, regulations, practices and policies;
    For three years now, the delegation of the Russian Federation has assured the Permanent Council that individual Jehovah’s Witnesses are able to practice their religion at home, as no permission is required to pray in Russia. However, we have witnessed time and again that any manifestation of their faith by Jehovah’s Witnesses can result in the search of their homes, lengthy detention, criminal prosecution and imprisonment.
    We again call on the Russian Federation to end the persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and to uphold the commitments on the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief for all individuals across the Russian Federation.
  10. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in USCIRF Exposes European “Experts” Who Support CCP Campaigns Against “Cults”   
    Well, they are coming and violently arresting JWs in the middle of the night with terrorist squads as if witnesses are terrorists..... throwing the elderly on the ground as if the are dangerous people. They know we carry no guns and refuse their military training.  it is pure theatre so the neighbors can really get the idea that these people have weapons and secretly plotting against the government or  something.
    The New world bible translation has been banned as dangerous material. 
    In China too - the only bible allowed is the state translation where all scriptures have been removed that they do not like. Conscientious objectors (we know who they are ) - their body parts are used in the thousands of transplants they do per year.
    It is easy to deny this...… this proves the bias.  Yes others are persecuted too but not in such as violent way..... but this will also ensue when ALL religion will be removed...… soon on the UN agenda. 
  11. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in When i strongly criticize WTJWorg + GB + Helpers, why is this same to you as criticizing God?   
    Like most Judas-imitators you have a severe virus of hate- OCD and are so arrogant that you think all JWs worship people and cannot think for themselves. You cannot think for yourself that God may have a world-wide organization on earth.  Please tell me where there is another world-wide organization that teaches people about Jehovah.   If you cannot answer this question - do not bother to answer me.
  12. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Watchtower is definitely run by Men, and certainly NOT guided by God's Holy Spirit.   
    I bet you would say the same of Jona who ran away from God and later wrote an inspired book called Jona, Aaron who made a calf, Moses who hit the stone instead of speaking to it and wrote Genesis, exodus etc.,   David who murdered and committed adultery and later wrote many of the Psalms... I can go on.  The GB live dedicated lives and their mistakes are ones that any human could make…… but your self-righteousness made you a self-appointed judge of them and in effect an opposer of Jehovah...…all your comments are only negative.  OCD-negative.  You cannot give them credit of anything they have done well...….. like managing a world-wide preaching commission. 
  13. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Purpose of This JW Forum   
    “Oh shut up, shut up, with your Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn drawl!” was The rebuke to Beniot Blanc, and someone applied that to ME.
    I understand. It is a bit wearing.
    But what is the purpose of this forum? That varies in each person’s eyes. As far as the Witness organization Itself is concerned, it has no purpose at all and were it to vanish into the abyss I don’t think they would miss it.
    Well....he gave YOU a free pass and not me. If it were the other way around.... grumble, grumble.....
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Was Satan the Devil already Released from the Abyss?   
    So can you give me a date or time period when he was released because I do not recall a period in human history when there was calm and tranquility on the earth...… with him being bound up and all....
  15. Haha
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in It is so obvious to me that a person cannot be a JW and have a good active Bible trained conscience.   
    I'll repeat what i wrote earlier for the sake of @Arauna 
    It is so obvious to me that a person cannot be a JW and have a good active Bible trained conscience. The two completely contradict one another.  
    And who will dare answer my questions about, Does God read hearts of everyone or just JWs ? 
    Will God condemn everyone that is not a JW at Armageddon ? 
    Quote @Arauna while the condition of the heart is important - this is the criteria: New American Standard Bible
    "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'
    In this case many JWs will be 'departing' probably including the GB of the CCJW and many 'helpers'.
    But I have said many times that I know I will not live through Armageddon so I'm not one of the 'self righteous that Arauna is so OCD about. But I will die in the knowledge that i have warned others of the wickedness of the GB and in the CCJW. 
  16. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are some folks suggesting that God, through Christ, will only look at hearts of JWs?   
    while the condition of the heart is important - this is the criteria: New American Standard Bible
    "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'
    One cannot fool Jehovah. Interestingly this translation uses the words "practice " of lawlessness.   Judas was a practicer of lawlessness.  When he dipped his fingers into the money the first time, he could have confessed to Jesus and received forgiveness but he hardened his heart and kept on with his practice of stealing.  It gave Satan an opportunity to enter his heart an defy Jesus and go ahead with being complicit in his death by assisting the authorities to recognize him.
    Are there any here who will assist the authorities to put Jesus' true followers in jail?
  17. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from biddy2331@gmail.com in The Purpose of This JW Forum   
    Be kind to each other...…. … do you not 'see' the subversive attitudes here, apart from the openly hate-OCD crowd?
    I ignored Srecko's earlier reference to know if we believe we are anointed...…to be the bride in heaven. It is none of his business....   He can look at our love for Jehovah and our understanding of scripture .....just as the people in Jesus' day had Jesus' words to go by to believe if he was the son of god. …. but he is also sporadically imitating the hate-gang.  I doubt any of them here are searching for real understanding of any issues relating to the bible.  They are here to sow doubt, hate, and unbalance the weak.... and pick arguments with us to keep us from doing the more important stuff.... and get us to snap at each other.
    I come here when I have excess time... and it does help me to keep sharp.... to personally think things through..... although there is no other benefit to me personally - arguing with spiritual renegades and self-righteous, clueless Pharisees that do not know much of the bible but constantly break others down to help further the goals of their father - John 8:44. 
    I still like writing …. even though I just write like I speak here.... so that is why I meander back here.
    My loyalty to Jehovah and his word is genuine...… that is why I can see through the fakes here that constantly tell me I serve the GB and neglect Jehovah. …..  I can see their self-righteous attitudes and get the feeling of what Jesus went through went he constantly had to face enemies trying to discredit him in public.   In the end Satan won.... and the betrayal came from Judas - the inner circle
    JWs do the preaching and warning job Jehovah gave them to do.....(they have the slave Matt 24:45) but they are not perfect (unlike Jesus) and make many mistakes just like Jonah and many of the other people used by Jehovah. The fundamental teachings of JWs are spot-on... so why would I move to any other place that does not teach the truth about Jehovah's name, the true condition of death etc. 
    These guys are here to discredit the GB - and they used to be part of the JW before.   The old deceiving patterns and warnings Jehovah gave us is at work here....coming from the renegade inner circle..... and I am constantly aware of this.
    Similar to the time of Jesus, the hate-OCD people will eventually win (as the Pharisees did) and they will sit and enjoy it with glee....until Jehovah himself steps in.... 
  18. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I think the story of Abraham was written down for our instruction. what was the outcome?  Jehovah could find not even 5 righteous people in the city. Their destruction was justified. It teaches us to NOT expect Jehovah t ever be unrighteous and unjust. It is a deviation to question Jehovah's justice. Next step is to deny that Jehovah is just and get some excuse for the wicked. In tonight's bible  study Jehovah told job to study nature to learn more about Jehovah. 
    we can end up asking too many questions of Jehovah  before we even think of obeying - that is dangerous ground.
    who can stand before Jehovah - not one.  It is Jehovah's mercy and the fact that he keeps in mind that we are mere flesh (and ransom) which allows us to come before him. what does Jehovah expect from us than to be without spot from the world, merciful and just and our clothes washed clean - righteous and in peace with the "mark" of a Christian personality.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I think the story of Abraham was written down for our instruction. what was the outcome?  Jehovah could find not even 5 righteous people in the city. Their destruction was justified. It teaches us to NOT expect Jehovah t ever be unrighteous and unjust. It is a deviation to question Jehovah's justice. Next step is to deny that Jehovah is just and get some excuse for the wicked. In tonight's bible  study Jehovah told job to study nature to learn more about Jehovah. 
    we can end up asking too many questions of Jehovah  before we even think of obeying - that is dangerous ground.
    who can stand before Jehovah - not one.  It is Jehovah's mercy and the fact that he keeps in mind that we are mere flesh (and ransom) which allows us to come before him. what does Jehovah expect from us than to be without spot from the world, merciful and just and our clothes washed clean - righteous and in peace with the "mark" of a Christian personality.
  20. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I just realized that Satan and his demons (although they originally belonged to the realm of the heaven (jehovah's presence) they were allowed back into heaven  until their place was found in heaven no more.  They were disfellowshipped from heaven and thrown down to earth for the last days.  Armageddon in heaven (the cleaning up of heaven ) took place when Jesus was crowned.
    Here the demons are completing their destruction of society and will soon go into the abyss.  After this they will be released for a short while after the 1000 years for their final chance to mislead those who want to follow their own desires. Their death will not occur anywhere near the presence of jehovah because jehovah hates death - even the condition of death - as is clearly brought out in the instructions of the Mosaic law. 
    Just before their destruction they will be in the realm of the earth not heaven.... 
  21. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    think it is a matter of being practical, balancing what you know with what your audience is able to bear at present. Even of his disciples Jesus said there were things they were not yet able to bear, so what does that say about speaking to non-disciples? A pretty good guess on the 70% - 80%, I think. People’s criteria for “knowing” with certainty will differ. All will agree on the place of safety, however. None will say “all roads lead to heaven.”
    As to, “I believe how more JW's try answer this way, because of need to give answer that is more acceptable for non-JW people,” 
    Tharcisse Seminega does this in his book No Greater Love—How My Family Survived the Genocide in Rwanda. Proclaiming the superiority of one’s religion comes across as crass in “educated” parts of the world, and it is actually illegal in Russia—that is the pretext used to ban the Jehovah’s Witness organization. The local populace, not being able to get their heads around something so devious as banning a religion’s organization but not the religion itself, conducts itself as though the Witnesses themselves are banned. What sensible person would not?
    So Brother Seminega has to self-peddle this part about “religious superiority,” a part that many would say is integral to giving a thorough witness. I don’t blame him for this—it is the only way he can reach his intended audience. Besides, whoever has spent several weeks in the hole, hidden at enormous risk by his spiritual brothers, while others of his tribe are being slaughtered wholesale on the outside, can do whatever he likes.
    That he privately has given a thorough witness is clear from the Foreword, written by a fellow academic, John K. Roth, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Claremont McKenna College: “As a result, the book makes an appeal to folks like me who are not members of that particular community: Embrace and follow the ethical values embedded in the acts that saved the Seminegas. I am grateful for that invitation.” Yet, he does miss the point. He takes away from this book not that people should embrace the religion that stood fast in the face of genocide, but “the ethical value embedded in the acts that saved the Seminegas,” as though such a separation were possible.
    Brother Seminega prefers to let others say it, not he himself: He is content to include in an appendix: “Peace and conflict researcher Christian P. Scherrer states: ‘All the churches active in Rwanda, with the exception of the Jehovah’s Witnesses (of whom only a few survived), were involved at least ‘passively’ in the genocide.’ Genocide and Crisis in Central Africa: Conflict Roots, Mass Violence, and Regional War (London: Praeger, 2002), 113.” [Italics mine]
    He doesn’t thereafter say, “You see? Our religion is superior!” even though anyone of moral sense can deduce it from the above passage. There are examples in his book, corroborated by international adjudicators, of clergymen purposefully luring Tutsi parishioners to their churches to be slaughtered by the thousands. A passage from his book, that of his wife who was not then a Witness, testifies from her spot of hiding:
    “The stifling conditions, lack of sleep, scanty food, and darkness had a numbing effect on our minds. But one thing I knew: I, my husband, and all five of my children were alive because our Jehovah’s Witness friends had repeatedly risked their lives to save us. Their faith was like a rock. They lived for peace. No one could force them to use weapons against their neighbors, even those of a different ethnicity. They would sooner die than harm others. They were Hutu, just like the machete-wielding murderers who spilled rivers of blood. It pained me to think of it, but I knew in my heart that the vast majority of Hutu killers claimed to be Christian. Most of them belonged to my Catholic church.”
    Okay? The Witness religion is superior. Yet Brother Seminega is writing to an audience loath to accept that idea. “If he will really say it, the radio won’t play it, unless he lays it between the lines,” so that is what he does. The greater sophisticated world wants to view the atrocity as though there are noble qualities distributed more or less at random among all religions, and in this case, it is but the luck of the draw that they fell to Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is clear in how religionnews.com reviews the book. It does what it can to obscure the conclusion inescapable to anyone of common sense: of the superiority of a religion that alone enabled all members to withstand genocide. (Or maybe it is that I am myself influenced by how that source doesn’t appear to regard Witnesses as a religion, and how such is not necessarily disagreeable to the JW organization.)
    It expounds on how “Witnesses had long been oppressed for refusing to take up weapons or participate in politics. Because of this apolitical teaching... ‘Hutu Witnesses were impervious to calls for patriotic Hutu to take part in mass killings’... Professor Seminega says that his family’s rescuers and other Witnesses followed Jesus’ “new commandment”—To love one another just as he loved them, even to the death.”
    Note how “new commandment” is in quote marks, as though it is new to the reviewers themselves, or at least an unsophisticated and quaint notion that they know is not one that readers can be expected to quickly get their heads around.
    Maybe the professor has something to teach us, is the tone of the review and the Foreword. It cannot hurt that he is a professor. What learned lesson does he, and maybe even the people he has sided with, have to teach us? In fact, Jehovah’s Witnesses do try to teach them—every single day they try—and their attempts are rebuffed. To secure the integrity of the Witnesses, they have to side with the kingdom—and most of them don’t even know what it is. To secure the integrity of the Witnesses, they have to become “no part of the world” (John 17:16), and most of them are fully part of it.
    Here, Brother Seminega’s academic connections come in handy, for he is able to trace the historical, political, and religious roots that ultimately triggered the Rwandan sudden slide into barbarism. He, the former Catholic seminarian, writes of the Catholic Church’s deep involvement in “the world,” and of how it abruptly switched sides in the late 20th century, from that of oppressor—the Church had historically been associated with the European colonizers, and as such promoted the “privileged” tribe of the Tutsi—to the oppressed, the “lesser” Hutu. If you embrace the world and its power plays, you eventually embrace its tactics, and the tactics in this case descended to genocide.
    It doesn’t happen that often. During most times of normal stress, church teachings and even politics are enough to, after a fashion, ensure acceptable conduct among members. But during times of abnormal stress, they collapse completely. 
    Did no one of the greater Rwandan religious community other than Jehovah’s Witnesses act nobly? A small minority did, and this is detailed in the Appendix section. The end of Tharcisse Seminega’s narrative marks only the halfway point of the book. Numerous appendices follow, which start with the same tale told through the eyes of different participants, as though the author has taken a cue from construction of the four Gospels themselves. Thereafter, No Greater Love is the work of a meticulous historian, and he nails down each historical detail of a story and its aftermath that ought never suffer extinction.
    The small minority of religious Hutu that did not participate in genocide is enough for a certain church revisionist to write that “church institutions cannot be blamed for the moral failure of individuals who abandoned Christian values.” However, scholar Timothy Longman cuts the Church no slack—the fact that some did it proved they all could have done it, is his position. This dovetails with some digging I did for ‘TrueTom vs the Apostates!’ Perhaps 10% of church Christians refused to support Hitler during Nazi times. Is that good? Of course. But the fact remains that they had to defy their own church to do it, churches that invariably played ball with the dictator. With Jehovah’s Witnesses, the figure is close to 100%. How can anyone state that their religion is not superior, or that the organization that coordinates is not to be lauded?
    The greater lesson for the religious scholars that Brother Seminega has is that they should become Jehovah’s Witnesses. There is a collection of core teachings often discussed (two have been cited here: identification with the kingdom and withdrawal from the politicized world) that serve to identify one and only one religion. There is no setting more poignant than 1990’s Rwanda or 1940’s Germany to highlight how vital those teachings are. This is why those “apostates” who vehemently oppose the Witnesses readily slide into hypocrisy. They ignore the vital core teachings—rarely when people leave the faith do I ever hear them referring to such things again—to rail about how the faith impeded their freedom of movement. They ignore the vital core teachings, preferring to put humans under the magnifying glass in a search for dirt. They dig through the diamonds in search of the turds and present revelation of the turds as their version of “good news.”
    I like how at the 2019 annual meeting, Mark Sanderson examined Hebrews 2:15, of how “through [Jesus’] death [God] might bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil, and that he might set free all those who were held in slavery all their lives by their fear of death.” He then spoke of the Nuremberg trials, in which various Nazis who had committed unspeakable atrocities were asked the simple question, “How could you do those terrible things?” “What did they say?” he asked, and then related the answer they had given: “We had no choice. If we didn’t obey they would put us to death.” 
    “Those people could be manipulated,” Sanderson said. “They could be controlled. They could be made to do the most wicked things because they were afraid.” It was true of the Hutu tribe as well. To not join in “the work” of slaughter was enough to be put to death oneself for being disloyal to the cause. Many consciences, religious and otherwise, were cast aside due to fear of death.
    That’s manipulation. That’s control. That’s the consequence of—shall we say it?—not being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and benefiting from the program of spiritual food directed from the Governing Body. Reject it and settle for a genocide every so often when with winds blow just right—history affirms that such will happen.
    Professor Roth welcomes No Greater Love, agreeing with the author that it is likely the first book by a Jehovah’s Witnesses writing of his own experience, the first book by someone who was there. It almost didn’t come about. From the Acknowledgments section, Brother Seminega thanks Alexandre Kimenyi, the scholar who invited him to speak and subsequently encouraged him to gather his records for history.
    I wrote in Dear Mr. Putin - Jehovah’s Witnesses Write Russia that “books about Jehovah’s Witnesses authored by Jehovah’s Witnesses are not plentiful. This is a shame, for no outsider, even with the best of intentions, can do justice to the faith as can an insider - they miss the nuances, and in some cases, even the facts. Jehovah’s Witnesses are primarily drawn from the ranks of working people, who are not inclined to write books... Why write a book when you can and do look people in the eye and tell them what you have to say?” Professor Seminega is from a class that is inclined to write books, yet he still doesn’t do it until much later, after outside encouragement, because he is used to “looking people in the eye and telling them what he has to say.”
    In time, a Russian Jehovah’s Witness will write a book of his experiences at the hands of current persecutors there, and when that happens, his book will rightly vault ahead of mine. Mine is merely a compilation and analysis of worldwide news reports, along with a considerable amount of witnessing along the way, but not so much as to negate its historical value. When that Russian Witness writer appears, he or she will be likely facilitated by the Arnold Liebster Foundation, as has been the case with No Greater Love. This, too, will vault it ahead of mine, because the Foundation at present regards me with a dubious eye. Probably they came across me when I was battling online with the malcontents and said, “What Witness would do that?” They do not know that I subsequently kicked them all to the curb. 
    No matter. At the Kingdom Hall, we would straighten it out in two minutes. But the internet is the land of the liars where frauds roam at will, and it can be difficult to distinguish friend from foe. Of course, it is always possible that they regard even taking on the controversial topics that I do as the work of an “indiscreet brother,” and should this be the case, who am I to say that they are not right? Maybe I am the soldier singing atop the Jerusalem wall after Hezekiah has told the troops to zip it.
  22. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from César Chávez in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I do not see any signs that satan is now in the abbys -do you?  it seems like he is doing a pretty good job of ruining the earth and the humans in it..... 
    the bride of Christ will join the groom in heaven - this takes place before Armageddon because they will assist Jesus during Armageddon. 
  23. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Isabella in MormonLeaks founders pay $15,000 to settle copyright suit with the Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    The Truth and Transparency Foundation — the nonprofit group behind the controversial MormonLeaks website — has settled a copyright infringement lawsuit with the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    The settlement comes after the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the publisher for the religious group, sued the nonprofit, alleging it violated copyright when it published Jehovah’s Witnesses’ educational videos on its FaithLeaks website.
    The lawsuit alleged that the Truth and Transparency Foundation, run by Ryan McKnight and Ethan Dodge, published 74 copyright videos on its website. A post detailing the leak described the videos as content shown exclusively during annual conventions. Those who attempted to distribute or upload the videos were met with threats of a lawsuit if they didn’t take the videos down, the post says, which has included the Truth and Transparency Foundation in the past.
    The nonprofit had said it intended to fight the lawsuit, asserting the release of the videos is covered under a constitutional right to free speech. But after fundraising efforts came up short, the group settled the lawsuit instead.
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    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Appologies- could not highlight entire quote.   
    I have watched my brothers and sisters for the last few years standing in very public places with carts.  I have thought about this and seen how everyone walks by..... but one will see the odd person take literature. Usually there are several languages on a cart. 
    Word has got out because we have an Indian family in our group as well as a young doctor.  The Indian family attend our meeting from India. Many of the Indian students come to cheaper countries like Georgia to study for doctor - we had visitors on many weekends prior to the lockdown. Sometimes up to 5 visitors. We also know of 2 Philippine congregations in Saudi arabia.  Congregations formed by migrant workers.
    I think we should not underestimate the spread of our work - especially when it is so public! One cannot miss it.  Even le there is just one family in an area of a few miles..... they can stand with a public cart.
    I really believe jehovah exists and therefore truly believe that the angels are working alongside us to get those informed who need to be informed.  The marking work is going on as we speak!   Our persecution in many countries is also drawing attention to our work. Modi is a far-right president and it is bringing attention to the plight of christians..... right-hearted ones will see the discrimination.  Poor people are down to earth and have nothing to lose. They are often more astute than the rich and they are the ones who accept the truth.
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    The bible uses the picture "like sand of sea"  ........ this means an undeterminable amount. (Jehovah can count the sea pebbles if he can count our hair.)..... but jehovah will NOT predetermine the number of rebels because this depends on free will and personal choice.
    There will be quite a number though, because (if I remember correct) they come up over the earth for war with the holy ones and will be consumed by fire.  So some form of rebellion will again take place against jehovah which will culminate in hate of his people. ...... rebellion against the "holy ones" ...... 
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