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    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    @Arauna This is the problem, Srecko speaks of equipping wisdom, however, he has not done anything since 2018 concerning child abuse.
    For anyone who lacks what child abuse is and how to stop it, educating is key. Even ARC stresses this, you have people like Srecko and 4Jah2me, who does not put the application. 4Jah2me whining about the bystander syndrome when he himself expresses it greatly when all this time he could have used social media as a platform to teach people, granted, he does favor social media.
  2. Like
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Not only was it a good try—it knocked the ball out of the park.
    With a certain type of hyperbolic person, sarcasm is well-nigh irresistible. It may be the ‘language of the Devil’ but there are certain times when it is exactly the way to go.
  3. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    It’s true. With Zoom, I thought I could get away without wearing a tie. When the speaker noticed it, he told the cable company to cancel my ISP, and now I have to communicate through smoke signals.  I had imagined that the beard I have grown would have covered up the lack of tie, but no such l**k.
    On the other hand, it might have been the Farmer Mort pants my wife has taken to wearing.
  4. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Moristotle, an atheist character with whom I interacted for the longest time on my blog, would all but plead with me to read his books. But I would respond that I had looked over many atheistic arguments individually and had not been impressed. Why think that would change were I to read them in orchestral form?
    I’m not even opposed to reading them, per se. It is just that there are so many other things that have more desire to read, and other things I want to do, that practically speaking, I will probably never get around to it.
    It is pretty much that way with a book from Rolf or someone else who finds fault. I can see why some with certain backgrounds might want to read it. But for me, there are just too many other things that I want to look at first. I know the subject as well as he. It’s sufficient for me to see blurbs of his book, commentary of it, and on that basis decide if I want to devour it whole. So far, no such desire has emerged. 
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    True, UNESCO has promoted a new curriculum in most countries of the world for the past 20 years.  Poor countries see their fundi cuts if they do not comply. Under child sex education they teach children about worst forms of porneia and how to find pleasure in sex - oversexualizing them at a very young age.  If you think this generation is promiscuous - wait until this generation hits young adulthood. You can already see the effects of the school education on the youth at universities right now. They have NO respect for life and the rights of others to have an opinion. The lawlessness and rioting (for whatever the reason) is beyond normal behavior.
  6. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    People just love to make rules about everything....it gives them a measure of control in their own lives and sometimes in other's lives.  I think some people measure their obedience or righteousness  to Jehovah on how acceptable they are to the group or how firmly they take it upon themselves to censure those who do not follow guidance. 
    I am a bit like Tom in the sense that I have looked at all aspects of following GB guidance and thought about the scriptures as well as  obedience to Jehovah. I obey the GB because I have chosen to do so.... not because I need acceptance from anyone or my self-righteousness depends on how I can chastise others for overstepping a perceived ' rule'. 
    When my freedom to express myself can hurt another spiritually - that is when my self-control kicks in. It comes from concern and love. We are free but our freedom must take account of others, especially the sensitive and weak. We cannot follow our 'righteous' desires wherever it may take us. It is  never our place to be the conscience of another and make decisions for them by saying - don't do this or that.  We can tell them in loving way if we see that their spirituality is suffering due to certain decisions they have taken and it is openly showing in their behavior. Concern would then oblige us to speak the truth. 
  7. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    It is not parallel system. Secular authorities look after physical matters which can be proved in court. They do not care about spiritual wellbeing.  Elder's responsibility is to look after spiritual matters.  James says if you are spiritually sick go see the elders.
  8. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    They are not equipped to stop wicked people from choosing to break Jehovah's law.  Even Jehovah allows people to do what they choose.... for now.  The elders can help those who repent or need help spiritually and want to serve Jehovah with an honest heart.
    BUT, you guys are the first to call out JWs as cruel when they do manage to get evidence together to put someone out of the congregation.  This is about the only tool they have to protect Jehovah's people and you always use this as a weapon against the JWs  as being cruel, unjust or dictatorial or …. the list goes on.  Elders will only take this action with sufficient evidence..... if they do not have it, then caution and mercy wins. …. but you know this..... it was discussed before
  9. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    You make me laugh.  I was a journalist back then and remember that this topic was taboo in society before 1980.  In the seventies people started talking about it; only in the eighties the secular world woke up to the scale of the problem and started to bring in  inadequate laws to protect children.  They closed the last legal gap only in 2007 in USA when they brought in the law that children no longer needed to face the perpetrator in court and be cross examined...…   but you know all of this.
    We have been through these discussions before.  This is when an obtuse heart becomes a block to true understanding.... sorry to say.... but this is true.  All aspects of this subject has been covered before in many pages and still you guys keep opening it up again and again (OCD-like) asif this is all you think about.
  10. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    Not a good answer..... Wait...… and you will soon see how Jehovah will vindicate his people. Yes, there are a lot of flaws.. but then..... so did Israel have flaws back in their day - and Jehovah still used them for his purpose.
  11. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    If it was JWI, you’d still be reading it. 
    Because that “merely” is a pretty big merely. 
    What if my roof caves in tomorrow and I decide it’s God’s fault? What if I park on the Kingdom Hall lawn, the elders tell me not to, and I say, “Oh yeah?! Well I show you right here on my blog!!!!” If I do it at Bethel, the GB will “merely” decline to put their stamp of approval on my rant—they will put me on potato-peeling detail in the kitchen instead, and call up someone from the bullpen who has his head screwed on straight. But if I am a loose cannon with my own blog—there is nothing anyone can do when I go haywire. That’s why I don’t ever expect to be acknowledged for my self-appointed role as an apologist, much less commended for it. Even the real apologists of the early centuries have not fared will at the hands of the writing committee, that tends to focus on things they got wrong.
    No, the “merely” is a big deal. It makes for constancy and consistency. Call it a “think tank” at Bethel if you will. It is a concentration of gray hairs and experience, of meeting trials, of knowing they are to be judged for their actions (or inaction), of following up on having brought understanding of the sacred writings to begin with. 
    I can just shoot my mouth off here, say whatever pops into my head, insult 4Jah whenever he deserves it (which is almost always), praise the Benoit Blanc movie even though there is crude language—and perhaps I have never faced a care in the world. But they can’t. 
    What are my morals? I could (to paraphrase Bob Dylan) “be respectably married—or running a whorehouse in Buenos Aries.” Nobody knows. But the Bethel writers are vetted, not just for being good writers, but for being good Christians. They take it for granted that if your conduct is sullied, somehow that will come out in your guidance, even if it doesn’t seem to at first glance.
    I had a friend that, eccentric though he was, had a gift of making complex things simple—even oversimplifying to drive the point home.  I can still hear him recounting to someone just how it works in Jehovah’s organization: “At Bethel, the Governing Body study their Bibles. An idea will occur to one of them. They will discuss it among themselves and when they all come to agreement, it will appear in print.”
    “Now, the thing is,” he continued, “you also study your Bible. The same idea might have occurred to you, maybe even before it occurred to them. ‘And if this were Christendom, you’d run out and start your own religion over it.’  But because you know it is not a free-for-all, and you know that Jehovah is a God of order, you wait for material to come through the appointed channel.”
    So if they have called themselves “Jehovah’s  mouthpiece” in the past, I can live with that. They have the greatest think tank collection of gray hairs that per the scriptures denotes wisdom, of experience in Christian works, in safeguarding and extending the king’s belongings, in knowing the will be held accountable before God. They have the  greatest sense of direction and following up on momentum. No, I will not do a Miriam and say—“does not Jehovah speak through all of us?” I am happy to have a thought that makes sense—I don’t go thinking I am God’s gift to the brotherhood for it.
    The trouble is that there are so many literalists who see the expression “crocodile tears” and take it as proof that the one shedding them is a crocodile. There are so many literalists who do not strive to think of how phrases like “Jehovah’s mouthpiece” might apply, but they strive to think of how they don’t. It is the same with “being led by spirit.” It is almost too explosive a phrase to use because of the literalists—if you go to the bathroom—well—how can you be guided by spirit? since holy spirit would never do THAT!
    It’s the same with elders and servants being “appointed by holy spirit.” How do you know they are? To my mind it is because the qualifications are in the Book inspired by holy spirit and the judgment as to how they measure up is made by a (small) “think tank” of holy spirit, and seconded by a traveling minister patterned after scripture—another repository of holy spirit. It works for me. But there will be some who think that if an appointee ever goes bad afterwards it must be that they were not appointed by holy spirit. I think not. Any of these terms must necessarily be “watered down” some when put in the context of humans, “in whose heart the inclination to do bad” is ingrained from youth up.
    I think of certain brother appointed upon the recommendation of the BOE. The circuit overseer, an older and very experienced man, okayed the recommendation, with the observation: “He’s not the most humble brother in the world.” He didn’t have to be. All he had to do was to meet each of the qualifications to an acceptable degree. Alas, the CO should have listened to his gut, for the man in time went apostate. He was the one who was a history buff and used to impress the householder by answering, “Because I’m an historian,” when asked how he knew this or that about the past. Once I said to him, “Will you knock it off?! You are a history buff. An historian is when other people acknowledge you, not just you yourself!”
    I could be wrong, but I bet the GB has learned to be very leery of such phrases and terms as “mouthpiece” and “inspired” and “spirit-directed”—not just for all the literalists, but for all the critics (who are often the same).  Some things if they say just once, it is magnified 100 times. Other things they say 100 times, only to find it ignored. “Don’t save seats for everyone you know,” they would say about the Regionals, “think of the elderly.” Finally, they gave up, and said to let the elderly in early, and everyone else only after the oldsters were seated. Innumerable directives went unheeded. Yet if they speak just once about “forums,” theIr words are enshrined for all time. I alluded to this in Tom Irregardless and Me. The organization would say that the Governing Body does not endorse such and such, and the friends would accordingly have a helpful sense of priority and focus. And then Oscar or someone would be found doing it, and Tom Pearlandswine would descend to tell him that the Governing Body DOES NOT ENDORSE!!! such and such. You never know what quote will be magnified and what will be forgotten, but I bet they are advancing on the learning curve.
  12. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    THE GOVERNMENT has the resources to interview children by qualified child psychologists and have the resources to get a court conviction with input from these government officials.   So what part of this sentence do you not understand?
  13. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    As for the claim of it being destroyed, it is an odd speculative claim because over the years, there has been information concerning abusers among the Jehovah’s Witnesses bring brought up later on. Granted the faith in question is known for practicing disciplinary church action when it comes to Internal Investigations at the hands of those of religious office. So, people claiming it being destroyed is a bit farfetched.
    And so you are in the right to believe as such, as evidence throughout the history of child abuse among the faith community is an obvious one.
    As far as I know, Jesus is of God’s Kingdom, the American Courts are not clean either, I say this for good reason. Regardless, the Courts in the United States run on a broken Justice System, and when it comes to child abuse, they cannot eliminate child abuse in ANY institution, this includes, Jehovah’s Witnesses. Which puts me in the correct because I stated you can stop some cases of child abuse, as well as prevent it, you cannot stop it 100%, granted this world is an imperfect one, with one ruler that is God’s Adversary.
    That being said, you are leading upon an impossible task, an unrealistic one at that, this is why the only other option to minimize child abuse more, to which you laughed at and disagreed with, is teaching them. For it is no wonder child abuse and neglect prevention personnel are often not happy at times, or those who support them, due to the fact, no one is listening as much and or taking action, so if we are to fit you into this example, you fit the notion as someone who is of this category of the people I often put in an example, hence these are one of the common ways man operate, as I told Evo, this is indeed true, concerning the majority, the JWs, the everyday folk, you even.
    And your point with The Nation of Israel? The Romans? It got the job done… Of course, you would say that. There was a reason as to WHY that prophetical event took place. As I recall, context for Scripture does not commit your favor, but this event.
    You speak of little faith, but you willful ignore even the Bible instruction to teach children, even when it is presented to you, not to mention, the confusion you expressed in the other threads when it came to wording as well as deem everyone, be it you know them or not as guilty. Moreover, in my response to you, I alluded to 4 verses without you know and as we can all see – the reaction. You yourself have a long way to go.
    That being said, as I told you again and again, child abuse is indeed a problem, and the reality is, you cannot stop it 100%, you thinking mankind can clear out sins as if they had power equal to that of the Most High is quite absurd, granted each and everyone one of us, faith or not, know as to HOW sin entered into the world, and the various sins that plagues men, women, and children throughout nations, throughout countries, states, from this home to the next, and all these ill actions, among them, brazen immoral conduct is one of them, and child abuse is among this category. Those among mankind who are morally upright, will do all that they can to minimize some problems, but they know also, I myself included, we cannot destroy a problem – that, my friend, is the realism of the situation, and I can say the same thing about violence, racism, greed, corruption, etc.
    Be realistic to the situation at hand.
  14. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    Anyways, another factor to this whole situation is the fact Jehovah's Witnesses do not own and or build hospitals, have clubs for children, let alone preschools, any form of educational and or religious based institution for children and a list of other things, they do not have sporting events youth clubs, etc.
    I cited an article before, but did not add this part in yet, so paraphrasing from what I had read thus far.
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    From what I have seen throughout the years, the former Jehovah's Witnesses the ones who endlessly go after the faith, even making money on the speaking badly about the faith, NONE OF THEM, have done anything to combat child abuse, therefore, they apply the same mindset as both Srecko and 4Jah2me, and the other guy on this thread. To Witness' credit, she actually posted a solution in the past, but never has her or anyone else acted upon pushing out this information. The Jehovah's Witnesses, they do fit the category, granted this is common among mankind, as addressed before, knowing but unaware of how to commit to action, that is why some of them learned what to do and what needs to be done, as is the same with anyone fighting child abuse as a whole. Equivocation brought up a good point, granted his experience, and I had mentioned a couple of others in the past, for within every single community, there are those among them that knows what the problem is and has taken action and or passing information along to help fight against a problem.
    Yes, cleaning does is not something 100%, you can keep doing what needs to be done to minimize and prevent forms of abuse. The sad reality is, you can save 4-5 children and or play a role in preventing them and or anyone they know from being abused and or targeted by an abuser, however, elsewhere, that same number of children are not so lucky. Tragic as it may sound, but the more we help out, this goes for all communities, even for you Jehovah's Witnesses, the higher chance we can reduce child abuse.
    That being said, this bystander like mentality is something of the common man, of which we can see it play out with all things, even when it comes to various sins, and events happening as we speak and or soon to happen, hence, The End Times.
    Exactly, but apparently people are too blinded by their own misfortune and disdainment. Granted we are talking about child abuse, the majority of them are unaware, as is with all who are not equipped to deal with child abuse, do not know the mind of an abuser. To some degree they are mental to the point of knowing how to exploit others in order to gain something and or get access to something.
    I pointed out in the past, abusers tend to target children in various ways through exploitation and several other things that shows how dark and demented such people are.
    That being said, it is quite sad that a key element in fighting child abuse is often ignored, even if ARC promotes the same thing, such people will not apply it, however, there are the few that would come to their sense and take action, go about the situation of child abuse the correct way.
    As a sidenote, back in 2017, there was actually a former JW who brought this up. He was not attacking JWs, just the problem itself and stated nearly the same thing I would say, or that of child abuse prevention services, however, the other former JWs who express apostasy, sent him death threats and attacked him, even fat shaming him, as you can see, they even somehow got his videos terminated off of YouTube. This person was the same one who stopped the disgruntled ones in the park by getting officials involved, and around that same time apostate former JWs continued to blame the JWs for the event at the park, when it was actually this one former JW that did this. As you can see even among them there is division.
    As for Srecko's comments, some of them have been addressed before, I don't see how and why he continues to bring them up, thinking that people would forget old discussion.
    Granted the Redress is being talked about, I found these two articles, which is somewhat relative to the current situation:
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Space Merchant in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    Yes the super rich think they know what is good for the world. They think their money qualifies them to decide the fate of ordinary men.  They are the ones who use their charity organizations to push agendas. Giving money to subversive organizations such as Antifa and he Muslim brotherhood front organizations in USA.  Muslim brotherhood is banned in Muslim countries but in USA they spread their propaganda and are protected.
    The propaganda leads to Armageddon.... Revelation 16:14 - 16
  17. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    Yes the super rich think they know what is good for the world. They think their money qualifies them to decide the fate of ordinary men.  They are the ones who use their charity organizations to push agendas. Giving money to subversive organizations such as Antifa and he Muslim brotherhood front organizations in USA.  Muslim brotherhood is banned in Muslim countries but in USA they spread their propaganda and are protected.
    The propaganda leads to Armageddon.... Revelation 16:14 - 16
  18. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from César Chávez in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    While they may have moved extra funds to a different location, I do not trust the spin or angle the media is putting on it......... if you trust the media after all the junk that is published -  you are pretty naive. 
  19. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    I am not going to jump on this band wagon. I'm in UK and cannot see some news articles and obviously not all news items are true anyway.
    Now this is where we need Truthers.  I wonder if @Space Merchant will investigate this as a Truther ? Or if @JW Insider will investigate it as an 'insider' ?
    Contrary to 'popular opinion' I do not want to see the CCJW 'go down' completely. What I want to see is honesty and mercy and justice for CSA victims, and to see the Org 'made clean'. 
    Thank you @Witness for this information, and thank you JJJ for info' about New Zealand. Please keep us updated. I will obviously do my own research but as I've mentioned some news articles are being blocked for UK. 
    Just another personal request. I cannot hear videos properly (awaiting new hearing aids from USA ) so any written information would be appreciated. 
  20. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Nathaniel Compton in Furuli's new book: Is any of it right? Useful? Like Franz?   
    Since we are Bible students and have a PERSONAL relationship with Jehovah and keep improving our  BIBLE  knowledge, I fail to see why we need to know the entire history and every detail of the watchtower history.
    I look at the bible and see some kind of central body in the first century. Then I look at the changed circumstances of our day, such as a world-wide responsibility,  together with new technology such as internet and video etc. I immediately understand we need a legal corporation etc to manage a unified approach to the nation of God.  I.e they delegate the videos to certain branch offices but have final oversight over content to ensure ONE message. 
    What I am interested in, is NOW!  The core truths that we are teaching now! And the willingness of people to contemplate the new changes. I do not need any person to tell me...... "BUT in a watchtower in 1967."...... bla bla bla.  Russel said : bla bla.
    Intelligence or education is not needed to understand the deep things of God......... jehovahs spirit is needed.  I do not admire scholars at all because it puffs up. And secular scholars are often bought and paid for.
    I have lived in Africa where I saw true humility and poverty..... so I know what the real thing looks like .  Some people  have an "acquired humility".
    I actually  feel sorry for the professor Feruli- to have served jehovah so long and faithfully and now in old age succumb to the plague of mankind........ the same quality which Satan displayed. We can all fall and become a victim.  I doubt he took any advice from a brother before publishing it. He wanted the world to notice him...... unfortunately. 
  21. Like
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    I'm no fan. To get to the top of his particular heap, he had to cut a few corners, and cut and paste a lot of video to get some of the ideas across that he wanted to promote. Some of those ideas were lies, and I'm sure this is why he had to name his 501c3, "Veritas."  But there is nearly always some truth in every conspiratorial lie, and therefore I always find some hidden value in them. In the case of these latest undercover videos, the segments were long enough and not prompted by the person taking the video. So although his reasons for exposing them might be unknown (by me, at least), they definitely tell a real part of the story he wants to tell.
  22. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    I saw this too. The video comes from Oregon.
    Oregon, Idaho, Washington state, have already had a lot of trouble with these young white recruits to "Antifa" (which is not at all a homogeneous organization). There have been militias that feed on anti-government conspiracy theories (mixed with plenty of truth) and they end up creating self-fulfilling prophecies about how the government spies on them, infiltrates them, etc.
    I think some of the same people who are not ready to join an anti-US militia find it easier to release their anarchist tendencies in group (that meets in a bookshop) that gives them no more than an excuse to bust things up and be violent, using "Antifa" as a kind of "Fight Club."
    Washington Post reported (excerpt):
    Oregon’s notoriously secretive Rose City Antifa meets regularly “like a business” to train in weapons and tactics, including eye-gouging, as well as how to engage in violence without getting caught, according to a video released Thursday by Project Veritas.
    In what may be the first video of Antifa’s inner workings, the hidden-camera footage showed what was described as training sessions — in some cases using PowerPoint — by Rose City Antifa leaders inside a Portland, Oregon, bookshop before a room of apparently young, white recruits.
    “Practice things like an eye gouge. It takes very little pressure to injure someone’s eyes,” said a man identified as Nicholas Cifuni in a “recon and tactics” class.
    He was also recorded on audio delivering a profanity-laced warning to recruits about being too obvious while engaging in violence lest they draw the attention of police.
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    The trilionaires (the secret ones ) and the super billionaires have bunkers as well as oligarchs in the east. 
    Thank goodness Jehovahs angels can get in anywhere!
  24. Sad
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    They are something else, aren't they?  2tim 3:1-5 getting more and more relevant. 
    I saw secret undercover  videos of Antifa on "veritas" channel.  They were practicing to take peoples eyes out and injure them seriously.  These people have no mercy - they want a revolution...... 
  25. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in JW's response to: Surprisingly Accurate Assessment of the June 2020 BLM Protests   
    That is going to be a problem, granted CSA is minimized, the idea of no police at all will result in would be abusers and current to come out of the woodwork, thus should one get any ideas, it will come to that. Essentially, you will have the purge, Mad Max, Gotham City, Deus Ex Prague all mixed into one, that is a recipe for disaster. This will result in Vigilante Justice to increase (There was literally a guy in a Batman suit walking about a few days ago, and a guy fending off attackers with a sword), granted the far-right are the types to, as what can be seen, practitioners of the second amendment and will use it. The irony is before COVID-19, people were buying guns in surplus, and still they continue. The guy at the fish market can be his own judge, jury and executioner, and granted these guys are locked and loaded, the bad guys are doing the same thing too, if it comes to that.
    There is a possibility, for people are talking about Civil War, even my own brother says this, and he is not as up there in the updates compared to me.The rich moving out, etc. Well, if the Left and the Right clashes again but at a higher level, they have done so before, several times.
    That being said, children are indeed vulnerable if it comes that not, not just CSA alone, but by influence, i.e. you have children attacking people, thinking they are justified and in the right. Look at the UK for example.
    The bells of Lawlessness is ringing louder and louder by the day, as pestilence spreads throughout broken economical powers, as more and more people come out to play for the wrong reasons, but among it all, a new religion somehow is born.
    Yikes, edit to come to the realization I may run into The Black Isrealites again.
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