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  1. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from César Chávez in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Jehovah never tests anyone with evil and does not predetermine someone to be evil. Jehovah is perfect and cannot do evil or produce evil.  It is therefore clear that an individual or a group of individuals could turn evil and could form part of an evil slave in the last days by opposing their brothers on earth. 
    Jehovah would never determine that some would turn evil. It is by their own choices that they become evil. So an evil slave could potentially exist - just as God foresaw that someone close to jesus could betray him. 
    However, jehovah has always looked after his people and appointed people to look after them. The bible is full of examples such as judges, prophets, apostles and a body in Jerusalem which guided the fledgling congregation.
    The scriptures are clear that there would be a slave to feed his people in the last days.
  2. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    “The current GB is misguided and has lost its way?’
    All they have to do is be there when the fat lady sings, and feeding the flock as best they can. No one else is doing so or has anything to show for efforts (or lack thereof).
    The fat lady may not be singing just yet, but she is seriously clearing her throat. We can’t wait too much longer for the ‘true anointed’ to manifest itself out of nowhere.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    I was reading a chapter this week in an old JW book from  1963. It was about the 666. 
    The theme of the bible (in a nutshell) is all about rulership: Jehovahs and satan's.  HUman independence from jehovah's rule and how detrimentally it affects mankind due to human imperfection and satan's rule behind the scenes. Heavenly and earthly disobedience against jehovah and its results.
    It further tells us how jehovah will restore mankind to perfection AGAIN by means of his kingdom government under Christ  - who came to redeem us and shine light on how to live in a wicked world. It highlights the restoration of heaven and earth back to perfection under JEHOVAH'S rule.  Eph 1:9 &10
    Well, in the book "Babylon the great has fallen"  the seven worldly empires in world history, which have dominated over Jehovahs people, have blasphemous names on each  head of the beast (rebellious names, I guess, against Jehovahs perfect rule) and the entire beast has a name on it which identifies its actions..... not a name ....but a number: 666 - a man's number.
    Six hundred and sixty and six in 3 stages. The number 7 appears in Revelation 52 times and always refers to it as a symbol of perfection. Six is a man's number and falls short of 7 (six days is short of a week - another biblical pictures.ie creation week and mosaic week ). Six is therefore a symbol of fallen man's imperfections and shortcomings....... So this beast's human rulerships have brought hardship on mankind.... 
    If we multiply the six with the number of the wild beasts horns, it multiplies the imperfection and deficiency ten fold. In the bible the number 3 represents emphasis, when in successive format. Ez 21:27.  So if we raise six to the third and final degree in the wild beasts name, it emphasizes the deficiency of human political organizations - which is symbolized by the entire wild beast under satan's control.  
    Just like six is always short of seven day week.... so satan's rule can never bring us the completeness and perfection of Jehovahs rule.  Even in the scientific space age - it will fall short.
    I fear we will see the complete wickedness of mankind when they use technology not for good but extremely evil things.  They may even have very good intentions....... but Satan is behind the scenes and he is controlling the strings of those who have godless goals.
    The book also indicates that worship of the 'image' of the beast - the political state will be required. The image is the representation of the visible political system.  Since the UN is the image with the name-number on it - we know it is a human image and is bound to fail.
    Worship of this 'image' turns humankind's attention away from Jehovahs kingdom.  Those who identify with this image get a mark on their hand and forehead. They mentally consent and approve of imperfect human rulership and lend a hand to imperfect human institutions by giving active cooperation (vote and money contributions etc) to these. They are marked as being in opposition to Jehovahs rule. Babylon the great (false religion) supports the worship of the political beast and its image. 
    True christians stick to exclusive devotion of jehovah and his kingdom as the only hope for mankind. They will face pressure from this beast to worship the image/ the final king 8th king....... 
    Some believe that the ID 2020 project is Satan's mark on the hand but we know that the mark of the beast is 'worship' of the human political system to bring peace and security to humankind........ it is not a literal mark or chip (although close). Many may refuse the chip but still support the political system or rebel against some part of it instead of remaining neutral.
    The only time Jehovahs people will refuse to obey is when they compromise our moral integrity and our exclusive devotion to jehovah and our hope in his future government.
  4. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    I do not like them either - so we agree on that!  But at least now we can chat like reasonable people.
    You said that Babylon (false religion) will be destroyed and quoted scriptures. Totally agree, it is prophesied. Satan is using false religion at present to get people blinded, to not learn the truth about jehovah and Jesus's ransom. 
    Satan already has ideas to replace false RELIGION with one world philosophy that will tolerate immorality...... promote one universal God, whom we all know, in reality is himself.
    Jehovah will allow destruction of false religion to happen at the time of His choosing....(he puts it in the ruler's  heart to turn against religion) when the showdown between Jehovah's kingdom and worldly governments  is reaching its eminent phase.  Because I think this new world order will exact exclusive devotion to the state.......  it will be as murderous as China's CCP is now on those who dissent. Satan is a murderer and his cohorts have his qualities - no respect for human life. 
    Forced worship of the state - the beast and the immorality it approves. At present we see abortion, LGBTQ, being rammed down our throats, I suspect there is more to come.... they are slowly warming us up to accept wickedness like a frog in a pot on a weak fire. Satan wants every person on the planet morally compromised
    Yes, I have the same thought. Electronic money can be frozen..... or just disappear from your bank account.... you will then be an outcast, a street person breaking the law when there are curfews. Then you will be rounded up and.....who knows.
    I was expecting black swan  event which would cause nations to accept monetary oversight from the UN and a digital monetary system for surveillance.  There are whispers on internet that they want it fully implemented by 2022. Is it possible?  If countries have a severe financial depression it is possible they will accept UN as the solution..... for international  cooperation.
    The "image" of the beast is the UN and its coalitions and will become the 8th king for a short while.  The "image" will set world policies - just like it is doing now with Corona.  We know the WHO is corrupt..... the leader was responsible for at least 2 million deaths in Ethiopia (covered up) and is pro-China...... yet only UN recommendations are now allowed on TV for Corona.  Many other recommendations are being removed from social media. It is a good indication of what the future will be under UN (or its equivalent org).  
    Agenda 2030 is the UN plan for the next ten years. We can see the ' signs'  of UN rulership that is here - so we know this bible prophecy will soon come into fulfillment.  176 nations signed this agreement. We see the 'sign' but we do not know the day and hour.   The disgusting thing (UN) has to be in the land of decoration (attack the true God's people) for the end to come.
    Once most of the world is on a digital money system, control will be complete together with full surveillance and behaviour accreditation (as is in china now - and computer infrastructure already has this capacity ). They can push things on us so fast that 2030 will only be a distant dream. Things can happen rapidly and suddenly.  
    Hunger, food shortage, untimely death is on its way...... (depression). How fast things will develop no person can tell..... because under a murderous regime things can turn pretty ugly real fast.  
    But, I pray that we are all ready to teach others during this time that is left because NO one will be able to find any words of jehovah when state worship is introduced. All will be banned.
  5. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Riots all over USA   
    Antifa is active there. Racial hatred is being pushed by many front organizations which receive funding from "foundations".  It is leading to anarchy...... so troops must step in to keep peace and UN may have reason to send UN troops to help....You are right the programmed masses (via propaganda) are acting according to plan and it is happening faster than anyone can imagine.
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Riots all over USA   
    The entire world order changed after WW1. This Anglo - world power already received its heavy wound by the sword ( war)  and it was healed......(ww1) after USA joined WW1. The Anglo-American world power emerged from WW1 as the 2-horned beast  with a new role in the world. The world has been following it in admiration ever  since then. USA has been trying to institute democracy in many countries via money bribes, promises and even wars. A good example is China.  They really believed that if China tastes capitalism they would turn democratic...... but instead they have built a communist empire with capitalist features...... using money to build the CCP government into a stronger position. 
  7. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Kosonen in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    This article tells that Trump is taking this medication to stay strong against the Corona virus and that many doctors do the same. Quite interesting.
  8. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Kosonen in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    The things they are planning/ preparing  for defy all logic..... especially for the elderly who grew up in a time of reasonableness, integrity, balance and respect for privacy and human life. 
    The things that are coming sound as if it is coming from a scy-fi novel.
    The NWO will be more ugly than any person  can  imagine.   The goals of agenda 21 are impractical and will starve large populations just to name one point.
  9. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to Kosonen in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    @4Jah2me I guess the mark of the beast will be in place within months. It really looks like it will be connected to tracking peoples health, and if it is ok, in other words Covid-19 free, then you can go out and shop. Other wise you are denied.
    I just found the Rockefeller Foundarion's : National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan
    It is available as a pdf on this site down under the article:
    End of page 17 and forward the pdf says:
    "Those screened must be given a unique patient identification number that would link to information   about  a  patient’s  viral,  antibody  and  eventually vaccine status under a system that could easily handshake with other systems to speed the return of normal societal functions. Schools could link this to attendance lists, large office buildings to employee ID cards, TSA to passenger lists and concert and sports venues to ticket purchasers. Such connections should be made in a way that protects personally identifying information whenever possible. For example, accessing the viral and antibody status of an individual can be done by using a cryptographic hash of an individual’s  private  information  without  actually  sending  any personally  revealing  details. This infection database must easily interoperate with doctor, hospital and insurance health records in an essential and urgent national program to finally rationalize  the  disparate  and  sometimes  deliberately isolated  electronic  medical  records  systems  across the country. "
  10. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    It won’t do it with me, either. That doesn’t mean that I buy into it, but I certainly don’t regard it as too absurd to mention.
    Did they shoot it down at JWTalk? I’m not surprised. I’ve seen it elsewhere. As though brothers say, “Oh, no—things may be bad, but they’re not that bad.” As though they must prove that they are responsible persons who would never buy into fringe ideas that the “loonies” originate. As though the kings of the earth struggle with the onslaught of the 4 horsemen through valiant and honorable means, and would never stoop to what is underhanded—for they are honorable individuals who realize that the fight must be fair. 
    Rather than prove themselves responsible, I think they just prove themselves naive, and when those who shape opinion command that we put no stock in such “conspiracies,” they think it is their part to acquiesce. It is probably just as well that they do not embrace conspiracies because there really are a lot of nut cakes out there and it is impossible to know what is true and what is concocted, but so many appear to think it really is their duty to shoot these things down. 
    As for me, when I see the rot of human mismanagement, I assume that I am seeing just the tip of the iceberg. As with an actual tip of an iceberg, there is hardly a way of knowing what lies beneath the surface and so I do not devote much time to it. Unless I really have some relevant knowledge, I don’t go there, and even if I do have some relevant knowledge, I don’t go there much—but very likely whatever there is there is substantial.
    If we are to look at things from God’s point of view—that the 6000 year experiment of human rule is permitted so as to demonstrate its failure, then the more spectacularly if fails, the better. “Conspiracy theories” roughly correspond to “each one’s hand will be against his own brother.” I see no reason to insist such things could not happen.
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I remember a person who openly told everyone they had AIDs and came to meetings. It is a lie that we are not accomdating to all kinds of people. We are very kind to anyone accepting Jehovahs moral standards.
    The problem is usually with them - they do not accept Jehovahs moral standards.
    Universities and tech corporations are pushing this new 'cultural revolution'  which is inspired by the Marx's  manifesto.  This includes atheism and lack of conscience and morals.
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    I used hydroxychloroquine with zink twice. My husband and I found a study on SARS 2.... , which is Covid 19,  I think it was a Chinese study translated in English... can't remember..... but I used it because I have a compromised immunity. I was very sick and it came back two weeks later.
    The UN, WHO was controlling the narrative and refused to acknowledge that this protocol works. I was already using it when Trump announced it. After this this medication was not available anywhere..... even for RA patients.
    They laughed at people who used it......even though several doctors healed 2 to 3 thousand patients and te9stified to it. (One was an elderly Jewish doctor that went online and gave testimony to its effect.....).  It is still deemed to be fake, news and removed from social media like all other conspiracy information...... So .. yes, I agree, the world is insane. Funeral parlours are saying that all deaths, regardless of the reason of death, are listed as Corona deaths.
    This phenomenon is really as strange as the Epstein case...... no logic at all because there are things that are being hidden.  Yet......the majority of people are not questioning any of this...... maybe older ones..... but the new indoctrinated generation just accept what they are told.
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    I was expecting a black swan event to break the economy of the world. I did not know what it would be..... but it came.  Corona may have happened accidentally, and how, I am not sure.....there are many viable conspiracies out there......  but I do know that evil experimentation with nano-technology, viruses and much more has been going on for longer than we (naive ordinary folk)  think.
    Although I do not agree with you on literally fleeing to the wilderness and your quirky vision of the bible, I agree with you on this:
    These words I am writing now will destroy my credibility with everyone here, but I really have a strong inclination that the wicked will use technology to take over the rulership of the world and do satan's ultimate bidding........ to put everyone in a position ( by oppression)  to choose between jehovah or human rulership (the beast). We will be forced to obey their version of religion of the state which is ultimate immorality, without conscience, and worship of the state (beast).  ...... 
    This is satan's ultimate goal: to get everyone to reject jehovahs principles so he can rob you of eternal life. To compromise yourself.  Satan wants everyone to lose everlasting life - like he has. He wants all and everything to be destroyed.  Jehovah knew this: that is why he foresaw that he would have to step into humankind's affairs to save some loyal flesh.
    How far it will go, I cannot tell..... but it will be pretty bad because it will have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt that humans cannot rule themselves. The human condition at the height of human discovery will be worse than before the industrial revolution...... because our flaw (sin) brings out the worst form of domination, torture, oppression and degradation.
    THULM in Arabic thulaam means total darkness and  injustice.  I think that life will be terrible in future due to the oppression and injustice. The suppression of ALL religion will bring total darkness to peoples lives. The only religion allowed will be worship of the state and its rules. People will search for information about God but it will be suppressed.
    Now you know why I have been looking at the king of the north and its philosophy of atheism (spiritistic origins)  and worship of the state.  In Russia it is tolerating orthodoxy for now because orthodoxy is a totally hollow religion of rituals only and a religion of the state. (nationalism)
    The super capitalists of the world are all atheists and have been pushing NWO agenda for many years.... they believe it will bring peace and security........   They support the UN's agenda which promotes the Chinese model of oppression of religion and worship of the state. The UN knows it cannot get power if it does not follow the Chinese model....... and all the richest people in the world know this as well. They are working together.
    Many small businesses have been permanently broken by this Corona. This means that people's independence from the state is lost........ the UN banks may take over the world problems when the nations give over their autonomy to it......China will also have financial problems after this Corona.
    The future will tell........... but what I am thinking is in line with bible teachings - albeit controversial.
  14. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    I was expecting a black swan event to break the economy of the world. I did not know what it would be..... but it came.  Corona may have happened accidentally, and how, I am not sure.....there are many viable conspiracies out there......  but I do know that evil experimentation with nano-technology, viruses and much more has been going on for longer than we (naive ordinary folk)  think.
    Although I do not agree with you on literally fleeing to the wilderness and your quirky vision of the bible, I agree with you on this:
    These words I am writing now will destroy my credibility with everyone here, but I really have a strong inclination that the wicked will use technology to take over the rulership of the world and do satan's ultimate bidding........ to put everyone in a position ( by oppression)  to choose between jehovah or human rulership (the beast). We will be forced to obey their version of religion of the state which is ultimate immorality, without conscience, and worship of the state (beast).  ...... 
    This is satan's ultimate goal: to get everyone to reject jehovahs principles so he can rob you of eternal life. To compromise yourself.  Satan wants everyone to lose everlasting life - like he has. He wants all and everything to be destroyed.  Jehovah knew this: that is why he foresaw that he would have to step into humankind's affairs to save some loyal flesh.
    How far it will go, I cannot tell..... but it will be pretty bad because it will have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt that humans cannot rule themselves. The human condition at the height of human discovery will be worse than before the industrial revolution...... because our flaw (sin) brings out the worst form of domination, torture, oppression and degradation.
    THULM in Arabic thulaam means total darkness and  injustice.  I think that life will be terrible in future due to the oppression and injustice. The suppression of ALL religion will bring total darkness to peoples lives. The only religion allowed will be worship of the state and its rules. People will search for information about God but it will be suppressed.
    Now you know why I have been looking at the king of the north and its philosophy of atheism (spiritistic origins)  and worship of the state.  In Russia it is tolerating orthodoxy for now because orthodoxy is a totally hollow religion of rituals only and a religion of the state. (nationalism)
    The super capitalists of the world are all atheists and have been pushing NWO agenda for many years.... they believe it will bring peace and security........   They support the UN's agenda which promotes the Chinese model of oppression of religion and worship of the state. The UN knows it cannot get power if it does not follow the Chinese model....... and all the richest people in the world know this as well. They are working together.
    Many small businesses have been permanently broken by this Corona. This means that people's independence from the state is lost........ the UN banks may take over the world problems when the nations give over their autonomy to it......China will also have financial problems after this Corona.
    The future will tell........... but what I am thinking is in line with bible teachings - albeit controversial.
  15. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Kosonen in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    I used hydroxychloroquine with zink twice. My husband and I found a study on SARS 2.... , which is Covid 19,  I think it was a Chinese study translated in English... can't remember..... but I used it because I have a compromised immunity. I was very sick and it came back two weeks later.
    The UN, WHO was controlling the narrative and refused to acknowledge that this protocol works. I was already using it when Trump announced it. After this this medication was not available anywhere..... even for RA patients.
    They laughed at people who used it......even though several doctors healed 2 to 3 thousand patients and te9stified to it. (One was an elderly Jewish doctor that went online and gave testimony to its effect.....).  It is still deemed to be fake, news and removed from social media like all other conspiracy information...... So .. yes, I agree, the world is insane. Funeral parlours are saying that all deaths, regardless of the reason of death, are listed as Corona deaths.
    This phenomenon is really as strange as the Epstein case...... no logic at all because there are things that are being hidden.  Yet......the majority of people are not questioning any of this...... maybe older ones..... but the new indoctrinated generation just accept what they are told.
  16. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Kosonen in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    I was expecting a black swan event to break the economy of the world. I did not know what it would be..... but it came.  Corona may have happened accidentally, and how, I am not sure.....there are many viable conspiracies out there......  but I do know that evil experimentation with nano-technology, viruses and much more has been going on for longer than we (naive ordinary folk)  think.
    Although I do not agree with you on literally fleeing to the wilderness and your quirky vision of the bible, I agree with you on this:
    These words I am writing now will destroy my credibility with everyone here, but I really have a strong inclination that the wicked will use technology to take over the rulership of the world and do satan's ultimate bidding........ to put everyone in a position ( by oppression)  to choose between jehovah or human rulership (the beast). We will be forced to obey their version of religion of the state which is ultimate immorality, without conscience, and worship of the state (beast).  ...... 
    This is satan's ultimate goal: to get everyone to reject jehovahs principles so he can rob you of eternal life. To compromise yourself.  Satan wants everyone to lose everlasting life - like he has. He wants all and everything to be destroyed.  Jehovah knew this: that is why he foresaw that he would have to step into humankind's affairs to save some loyal flesh.
    How far it will go, I cannot tell..... but it will be pretty bad because it will have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt that humans cannot rule themselves. The human condition at the height of human discovery will be worse than before the industrial revolution...... because our flaw (sin) brings out the worst form of domination, torture, oppression and degradation.
    THULM in Arabic thulaam means total darkness and  injustice.  I think that life will be terrible in future due to the oppression and injustice. The suppression of ALL religion will bring total darkness to peoples lives. The only religion allowed will be worship of the state and its rules. People will search for information about God but it will be suppressed.
    Now you know why I have been looking at the king of the north and its philosophy of atheism (spiritistic origins)  and worship of the state.  In Russia it is tolerating orthodoxy for now because orthodoxy is a totally hollow religion of rituals only and a religion of the state. (nationalism)
    The super capitalists of the world are all atheists and have been pushing NWO agenda for many years.... they believe it will bring peace and security........   They support the UN's agenda which promotes the Chinese model of oppression of religion and worship of the state. The UN knows it cannot get power if it does not follow the Chinese model....... and all the richest people in the world know this as well. They are working together.
    Many small businesses have been permanently broken by this Corona. This means that people's independence from the state is lost........ the UN banks may take over the world problems when the nations give over their autonomy to it......China will also have financial problems after this Corona.
    The future will tell........... but what I am thinking is in line with bible teachings - albeit controversial.
  17. Thanks
    Arauna reacted to Srecko Sostar in Did you hear warnings about an economic collapse?   
    Not with me. 
  18. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from César Chávez in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    So we must now look to Ignatius? Instead of the bible? Remember, already in the time of apostle John the Greek influence and apostate ideas had already infiltrated the congregations.  Jesus gave warning about the weeds.  Math 19. The most insidious weeds were the Greek philosophy and oratory traditions which was literally everywhere!  There were gymnasiums etc. in Palestine. 
    Matthew 24 is about the last days of the Jewish system but it says that the preaching work will be done in the last days in " entire world" then the end will come..... so it refers to our time. 
    It afterward talks about a slave..... so this is obviously only a feature of the last days of the entire earthly system....... and it asks a question: who is the FDS?  It obviously means that it is important for each individual to recognize who this FDS is.
  19. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Yes. I think so. Someone asked Rush Limbaugh his reaction to the Boy Scout bankruptcy. In answer, he spoke to a radical leftist move to destroy anything standing for traditional family, using their own occasional failures to bring them down. I hadn’t thought of that before, I but think there is a common theme—that JWs are part of, but by no means the whole target of a movement that would remold anything of traditional family or God.
    And, no—I don’t listen to Rush 24/7. Unless I am driving somewhere with the radio on, I don’t listen at all. But I did, 30 years ago, record the show and listen each night. I also, before that, listened to Larry King each night—and he is of the opposite politics. In his heyday he had the most interesting show of all. Each night he interviewed an author, each one of a different field of interest. One hour of his own Q & A, followed by 2 hours of call-in questions from the audience. He was so good. He would not let callers ramble on with long-winded speech-making questions—he forced the windbags to be succinct. He kept focus on the guest and made his own comments few. Unfortunately, his show got bought out by some network and they changed the format completely, putting him on only interviews with puff celebrities, and his newsworthy relevance fell off a cliff. 
    Before that I would zip through Books on Tape from the library during my mundane work, and only stopped when the library ran out of books other than the bestsellers of the day. “Stupid janitor forgot to leave an extra roll of toilet paper—I’m screwed,” someone tweeted. I tweeted back, “I read 50 of the BBC’s top 100 books of all time via Books on Tape, far more than anyone else on the thread, while working as a janitor. Sorry about the toilet paper.”
    Larry King famously did not read the books beforehand of the authors he would interview. He said he did it that way so that he could approach each book with a layman’s curiosity and not his own pre-formed opinion. He was probably just being lazy, but that does not mean that what he said was not true—he could more easily approach topics with honest curiosity and without bias. I find myself doing something similar with books such as Rulf’s, which I may someday read but I am in no hurry. It is in my area of expertise—why should I drop everything to wolf it down? It is someone’s takeaway from their own experiences. I have my own experiences and my own reactions to things he responds to. Why should I assume his are better? Did he go to a fancy-pants school? So did I. I don’t make a big deal over it because it has never done me any good (my fault, not theirs) but if he starts slobbering over ‘higher education’—well, I know that world well. 
    None of us are Jesus, of course, but I like the response to his Sermon on the Mount of how people were astounded. “When Jesus finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching. for he was teaching as one having authority and not as their scribes”—the scribes that had nothing original to say but would just expound upon the opinions of each other. Jesus ignored it all to contribute his own (actually God’s) take on things. 
    Everybody has a few books in them and if they do not have the wherewithal to write them, that does not make their stories any the less valid or interesting. I may get around to Rulf, but he’ll have to wait his turn. My story is as good. As it is, there is a certain idiot here (he will not have read down this far because he cries foul at any sentence longer than a dozen words) who crows about all that Rulf has “proven” the moment he is aware of the book, without even reading it. I’ll know that I have arrived when I release a book and AllenSmith gushes on about how I have knocked the ball out of the park simply by virtue of writing a book, without having read it.
  20. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Hate-OCD - target, target , anyone you can. If targeting witnesses was a ' speech crime' he would get 6 years. 
  21. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Could it be a matter of politics?
    While there is nothing wrong with reviewing our procedures to see if it is spot on with the bible, I pose one question: are we now imitating worldly governments which have investigative committees ?  Are we now supposed to institute this on our teachings? ... when we all know that there is nothing wrong with our core teachings?
    The GB  are the spearhead of the commission from Jesus to preach but - as Chavez said -  indicates they must be board members for a registered corporation. 
    Is a possible solution this: the GB step down from anything to do with the legal corporation and give it to a few committees with overseers to run and be  the board members?  After all, they must prepare now for Armageddon when they get their call to the marriage of the lamb....... who will then run things through Armageddon?   The GB can head up the spiritual food committees at present which will later take over when they are no longer here. 
    Is this maybe a wakeup call for them to act and change something?  
  22. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in private member's bill in Parliament England, to minimum age for marriage from 16 to 18   
    Thanks for article..... but there is  no balance!
    The investigations into child marriage led them to tabling this bill to try to stop child marriages. There are a few legislators who do care (mostly women) but the majority do not. The rape gangs in UK are still operating and still swept under the carpet.
    Most people who try to expose the gangs (report about it) are targeted by police and the establishment because one may not say anything about "the religion of peace" who are the major perpetrators of this crime because it is ok to rape "kufaar" (unbelievers). It is now against the law (hate-speech, even if they are perpetrators) in UK and one could face a prison sentence of up to 6 years for hate-speech (if I remember correctly - it changed from 2 to 6 years).
    What they do NOT say in the article you cite, is that the religion of peace does not marry in UK courts. (It is rare- because the wife has more rights under UK law and can inherit more from her husband, should he die, than under Sharia law). Sharia favours men.
    So they do religious marriage or take them to Pakistan to get married at young age  .....and then wait until she is of age for the man to immigrate legally to Britain on marriage Visa.  This was a major industry before..... I do not know which immigration laws have been changed in the past few years because I know they have been trying to curb this by immigration legislation. I have not taken the time of late to look at it.
    Yes, the more I learn about the top echelons of society and the sexual antics they get up to with children ( and the level of suppression), the more I realize how wicked the world has become. I have listened to a few hair raising stories of retired police who were told to "stop" investigating" in UK........ coming from higher up in the hierarchy who get pressure from even higher up in government. This was, and is  happening in USA too. One investigator from Florida has fled to Russia because his life was in danger. Journalists and police have turned up dead in USA. Shot or convenient suicide.
    The Epstein debacle has also been covered up with his very 'convenient' suicide of which the circumstances have just been accepted by the public at large. No lingering questions asked. No-one has been brought to justice which proves the system is  covering up. There is no longer justice for the poor and underpriviledged..... just like in Israel before the exile.
     The prosecutors who covered up for Epstein and colluded to cover up the 37 cases of child trafficking in 2007, have DA positions at present - their "clean" standing is not tarnished because the press do not write about it. Epstein turned out to be an CIA asset. 
    The new trafficking cases were closed at his ''suicide' and the "madam" who pulled in all the young kids for his operations, is still living in luxury and free.  All the porn material with high society men ( videos) which the Federal police raided from his home after his death, is in their fed possession.  NO INDICTMENTS up till now. I am waiting...... most probably some lowly person will be made an example of....... but the news is not asking what has happened to the videos.  
    My sense of justice is outraged by this but I leave it in the hands of Jehovah...... their fall will be great.
    One piece of good news.... it seems that some of the supply chains were broken by Corona lock down.....due to transport restrictions...... but this crime will grow even faster when a lot of people do not have work. The criminally inclined will have a ' job'. ..... and money.
  23. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in THE CHOSEN   
    I had a couple of concerns with The Chosen after analyzing episode one.
    [1] Regarding Nicodemus - When he went to deal with the woman, known as Mary of Magdala, he quoted a apocalyptic text and or made mention to it. That is a whole lot of detail for another day on it's own, and a fish way too big to fry, therefore, a pan must be ordered from Amazon.
    [2] Regarding Mary Magdalene - Before her so called reveal, she was dubbed the name "Lilith". This name pertains to the mythical Gnostic beliefs about Lilith, a demonic figure in the Genesis Act of Creation whereas some view this person has Adam's first wife prior to Eve (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith). I believe this was her given name granted that she was possessed by demons, but still.... Would it not make sense to not give Mary this name, despite her situation and perhaps do not reveal who she is until the name? But instead, they kept this name and connected it with the reveal. We know of her history, but to dub her that name was kind of out of the blue. Some would point to Isaiah 34:14, which reads:
    And wild animals shall meet with hyenas; the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; indeed, there the night bird [or identity uncertain] settles and finds for herself a resting place.
    However the misconception of translation results in the use of demon, and or Satyrs (something of which I and an assist from JTR Rook, refuted Cos on regarding the KJV as is with explaining the findings to Tom), which are mythological humanoid creatures with goat leg/feet and their upper bodies being normal human. Other times, the term for Lilith is tied to a Succubus, which is also a mythological demonic figure. The truth of the matter is that the Prophecy of Prophet Isaiah continues to foretell that the populace of Edom will evidently be  wiped away and replaced by wild animals, in the coming desolation. Although we are talking about goats here, some people would think otherwise, or some shaggy looking goats. A bit off topic, even in some cultures whereas some of the people do partake in demonic practices, I should know because it is true in for some of my people, they have something quite similar to Satyrs. Moreover, the inclusion of this name, well, from what I've seen results in people thinking that this was indeed Mary's name prior, that percentage has little Biblical Knowledge and the other side are skeptical, on the fence, and or confused as to why she is called that. Then you have the movie junkies out there that say it is to add mystery.
    Although there is more items from the first episode, I will simply leave it at these two things. My only hope is that they do not include TAW, which most Hollywood movies regarding Jesus have done thus far, because that passage is a spurious one, but people seem to think it is true when 267+ ms says otherwise.
    That being said, there was indeed a VERY CLEAR disclaimer at the very beginning stating that the series isn’t word-for-word and it’s no replacement for reading one's Bible, in fact, it encourages to read the Bible, however, the onlooker can still get confused, then again, there are some who are confused. We should be willingly to explain credible biblical history, should there be a call for it.
    But alas, tis be only episode 1. In a sense, if I may call it as such, it is as if the Bible was taken and made into some separate continuity of it's own likewise to that of the notion used quite a lot for a DC or Marvel comic, as is with a re-imagining.
  24. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in THE CHOSEN   
    I don't watch television and I'm quite choosy as to films that I will watch, but when it comes to the 'Life of Christ Jesus' I am quite keen to watch films and programmes of interest. 
    I have just finished watching Series One of ' The Chosen'. It is about the Life of Jesus from before He made Himself know to the 'public at large'. 
    Of course it uses a lot of 'artistic licence' and lots of things in it are not facts, but I find it helpful to see the type of lifestyle the Jews lived and to see Jesus and His followers as real people. 
    I don't know if your 'Leaders' will tell you not to watch it, but i found it relaxing and a pleasure to watch. I particularly liked Nicodemus and his meeting with Jesus, the questions asked and answered. 
    I don't think any of you would find it offensive but of course you will note many faults in it, as i did. However, in my opinion it is far better to watch this than watch most other films of our time. 
  25. Like
    Arauna reacted to Srecko Sostar in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    No problem. I have understanding about your different standpoint and beliefs and why you have such perspective.  
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