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Elisabeth Dolewka

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  1. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to floriane in Nouvelles de nos frères et soeurs du tremblement de terre en Italie   
    traduit de l'italien
    Un message d'un frère vivant dans la ville de Rieti où a eu lieu le tremblement de terre en Italie a fait part que tout va bien pour les frères et soeurs, ceux qui ont eu leur maison détruite, se trouvent dans une Salle du Royaume

    À Amatrice, habite une seule famille de frères et soeurs, leur maison a été détruite mais
    ils sont sains et saufs
    Une voiture opérationnelle a été utilisée pour aider les frères et soeurs.

    Aldo Zamparelli, surveillant de circonscription,  qui sert précisément dans les zones touchées par le tremblement de terre, a dit ce matin que personne des frères et soeurs n'a été blessé ou perdu. Malheureusement, certains frères ont perdu leur maison et d'autres ont subi quelques dégâts matériels. La voiture de secours théocratique s'est activée immédiatement après l'événement

  2. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Queen Esther in PREACHING ON THE KRIM.... the Ukraine area in war, between Russians & Ukrainer. The mom with her Baby on her arms ❤ But so brave... BRAVO !!   
    PREACHING  ON  THE  KRIM....  the  Ukraine  area  in  war,  between  Russians &  Ukrainer. The  mom  with  her  Baby  on  the  arms ❤ SO  brave preaching...  BRAVO !!
  3. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to The Librarian in Armenian Caleb and Sophia drawn on an iPad   
    Armenian Caleb and Sophia drawn on an iPad
    Have you drawn your own versions of them? Share a copy below:
  4. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Queen Esther in Look that picture.... can we really imagine, what all will Jehovah give to us ? LET'S BE LOYAL UNTIL TO THE END ❤   
    Look  that  picture....  can  we  really  imagine,  what  all  will  Jehovah  give  to  us ?
  5. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka got a reaction from Queen Esther in Song 138 *Jehovah is your name* (lyrics) ENJOY ❤   
    merci beaucoup
  6. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Queen Esther in Song 138 *Jehovah is your name* (lyrics) ENJOY ❤   
    Song 138   *Jehovah is your name*   (lyrics)   ENJOY ❤

  7. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Evacuated in Disgraced Jehovah's Witness elder jailed for sexually abusing a girl   
    Yes, this is a sad and shameful fact. But we are not taught this by Jesus are we?
    Matt. 21:15-16 "When the chief priests and the scribes saw the marvelous things he did and the boys who were shouting in the temple, “Save, we pray, the Son of David!” they became indignant and said to him: “Do you hear what these are saying?” Jesus said to them: “Yes. Did you never read this, ‘Out of the mouth of children and infants, you have brought forth praise’?”
  8. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to JW Insider in Disgraced Jehovah's Witness elder jailed for sexually abusing a girl   
    I'm glad the girl had the capacity to accuse him before a statute of limitations had run out. In the USA so many cases never get prosecuted because the victims who are very young often wait until they are 21 or older before finally getting up the nerve to accuse a respected person. We are always taught that the word of a youngster isn't worth as much as an older person, especially a person who gets respect from everyone else. What's worse is that even parents tend to minimize the child's belief in himself or herself because they, too, don't want any part in bringing shame and reproach on the congregation. If only people would learn that the reproach was brought about by the elder (in this case) and ALL such accusations should be taken seriously. People who abuse like this once are the type who will invariably keep abusing over and over again. If a person doesn't stop them, it just makes it easier for them to abuse repeatedly. It's not just a sin, it's a crime!
  9. Upvote
  10. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Uwe Rügenhagen in Friday AM - 2016 "Remain Loyal to Jehovah" Regional Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    How can just ONE of us "Loyal ones" LIKE theeze uploadings :Talks & videos from the conventions...???
    If we REALLY would be loyal, we would listen & obey,
    what ´s been said on EVERY Assembly & Convention:
    "NOT to UPLOAD  Audio - or Video-files on Social Platforms"
    And EACH one of us knows, that  everyone, who could not attend on any
    convention can get a DVD from their own congregation.
    Sad to see this always each & every year HERE  ,
    on You Tube or on FB without *I*.....
    (Listen , forget & get stressed...& than wonder why....)
    Thats  a  problem,  yes.  But  for  very  sick JW  its  of  sure a  little blessing --  btw.  I  get  always  DVD's  from  all  Congresses  from  a  special  brother  and  thats  allowed,  since  many  years !  So  I  can  watch in  rest  all  3  days  once  more,  in  my  own  language, when  I  not  work  all  3  days. I  enjoy  that  alot  ;o)
  11. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Queen Esther in For my brothers & sisters... a sister - report about the terrible deed in Munich, my Homeland Germany - A sister wrote this, after her RC in Munich, very near the site of crime...   
    I   think  yes,  all  went  ok !  When  anything  was  going  bad, I will tell you in time. Yes, thank you Jehovah❤️
  12. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Queen Esther in For my brothers & sisters... a sister - report about the terrible deed in Munich, my Homeland Germany - A sister wrote this, after her RC in Munich, very near the site of crime...   
    THANKS  TO  MY  BROTHERS & *SISTERS*❤   OF  COURSE  TOO, I  always  try  posting  true  or  nice  things  for  us  all  ;o)
    We're  living  in  a  bad  system  of  world  -  so,  not  all  is  for  laughing,  sorry  ;-(   Anyhow,  thank  you  so  much !
  13. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Queen Esther in WOW.... only a handful of tiny Baby❤ but its healthy ;o) Jehovah's crown of creation !   
    WOW....  only  a  handful  of  tiny  Baby❤  but  its  healthy  ;o)   Jehovah's  crown  of  creation !
  14. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Philippe in Preaching in Rome   
    Here's a great photo, what I like is the theme of the article of the watchtower of October 2015. An article at the right time in the right place

  15. Upvote
  16. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Bible Speaks in Lift up your eyes and SEE.... Who made all these things ? Isaiah 40:26   
    “The joy of Jehovah is our stronghold.” (Nehemiah 8:10)

  17. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Bible Speaks in Lift up your eyes and SEE.... Who made all these things ? Isaiah 40:26   
    “The joy of Jehovah is our stronghold.” (Nehemiah 8:10)

  18. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Alzasior Lutor in LORD OR JEHOVAH?   
    Un Surveillant de circonscription  travaillait avec un très humble frère dans une partie riche de la ville. Quand ils ont atteint une belle maison, ils ont rencontré un homme qui ne cache pas son hostilité. Ce fut au tour de l'humble frère de parler:

    Bonne journée Monsieur. Nous sommes ici pour montrer le nom de Dieu.
     Comme vous pouvez le voir ici dans le Psaume 83:18 il lit: «Que les gens sachent que toi, dont le nom est Jéhovah, toi seul es le Très-Haut sur toute la terre. '

    Après un moment, l'homme a dit: Je veux que vous me montrer que, dans ma Bible.
     L'homme est revenu avec sa bible et il a donné au frère. Le texte lu: «Qu'ils sachent que toi seul, dont le nom est le « Seigneur", le Très-Haut sur toute la terre. '

    Tu vois? Dit l'homme avec une voix altérée - le nom de Dieu est «Seigneur! - Tu ne comprends rien de la Bible! C'est moi qui devrait vous enseigner et qui est exactement ce que je vais faire!

     Et la première chose que vous devez faire est de jeter votre Bible. Donnez-moi votre nom et votre adresse! Je vais étape dans votre maison pour vous apprendre à chaque fois que vous voulez.

    Avec un crayon et un morceau de papier prêt, l'homme demanda: Quel est ton nom?
     L'humble frère répondit: Mon nom est Seigneur.

     Non, je veux savoir votre nom personnel - a insisté l'homme.
     Mon nom est «Seigneur», a insisté le frère.
     Vous devez avoir un nom. Quel est-il? Insisté le résident.
     Mon nom est «Seigneur», a insisté le frère encore plus.
     Comment pouvez-vous être aussi stupide? Cria l'homme. «Seigneur» c"'est pas un nom ...

     De retour à la bible de l'homme, le frère répondit calmement:
     Eh bien, si «Seigneur» est pas un nom, alors  jeter votre Bible!
  19. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to The Librarian in Giving Makes You Happy   
  20. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to floriane in REPONSES AUX QUESTIONS DE LA VIDEO "DEJA 100 ANS"   
    Je m'excuse je ne connais pas l'anglais. Pour traduire un fichier de l'anglais en français j'utilise Google Traduction
    I'm sorry I do not know English. To translate from English into French file I use Google Translation
  21. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Would Jesus post a selfie? Social.jw-archive.org #jesus...   
    absolutly NO.
  22. Upvote
  23. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to The Librarian in Song 152: Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence   
    Song 152: Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence 
  24. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Evacuated in Non-JW's Will Also Live in Paradise   
    Some of the comment above is pretty erratic to me.
    Will there be non-JWs in the New World? Of course there will!! Probably billions if we are to believe what the Bible says about the resurrection. Will they stay non-JWs once they are resurrected? Of course not. Psalm 150:6  "Every breathing thing - let it praise Jah. Praise Jah!"
    However, will non-JWs survive Armageddon? Well, I haven't seen a clear statement on that, even in the small print, so having personally understood at least the basics of Jesus' warnings about the coming end of this system of things, I'm not going to take any chances on that one for my self anyway.
    Why the shock over using non-JW sources for pictures, music, clips? Surprise maybe I would expect if it's a new approach (although the literature has been using stock images for years). I can't see any problem with it at all as long as copyright is respected.
    Let's be honest, one of the basic tools of communication we use which is verbal language, is borrowed, stolen, inherited, absorbed, and no one blinks at all except brand owners or strap-line originators. (Lyric theft is a whole separate subject). No one serving Jehovah complains that language with all it's idiom, metaphor etc. has "worldly" origin as long as it is used within the parameters laid out in scripture.
     As for diaphanous garb? Well, for those like me with 20/20 vision or less surely it's a bit of a stretch, although imagination is well-known for playing tricks with what people think they actually see. (Thanks @Jay Witnesses for sourcing out these bits and pieces however. Most interesting).
    Depictions of paradise will always reflect the cultural background and tastes of the creators. Some may view certain elements as a bit "cheesy", others as lacking "diversity". Then there are those who ask all sorts of technical questions based on small details, forgetting that these are just imaginative suggestions. However, we have come on leaps and bounds from some of the earlier attempts I remember. (e.g the first one I saw is below).
    Lets not forget the basic message in these paradise illustrations regardless of the media, that "soon, all earth's woes will be past!" (I'm sure that phrase is borrowed from somewhere!...)

  25. Upvote
    Elisabeth Dolewka reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah's Fury   
    "The earth will be shaken out of its place At the fury of Jehovah of armies in the day of his burning anger." Isa.13:13

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