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Manuel Boyet Enicola

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  1. ...Satan made sure that WW1 would start during the same year that Barbour and Russell had predicted would be the end [of the time of troubles]... If I were Satan, I woudn't do that. As a resister, I'd do everything I can to make sure it won't happen! 😂 Levity aside, let's make it simple and agree: 1. The bible is absolute truth. 2. Pivotal date for fall of Babylon is 539 BCE. No arguments about that. 3. The exiles arrived in Jerusalem 2 years later, 537 BCE. 4. Counting back 70 years for Judah's desolation brings us to 607 BCE. Now, this is the bone of contention, unless we accept point #1 above. 5. Ergo, 2,520 years later brings us to 1914 CE. Simple, but not for those making a mountain out of a molehill. Cheers everyone. 😊
  2. The word translated allowed is הֵבִיא which can be translated in many ways. See http://lexiconcordance.com/hebrew/0935.html To be consistent with chapters 1 and 2, NW therefore translated it as "let (or, allowed to) come upon him" (Reference bible).
  3. The word translated allowed is הֵבִיא which can be translated in many ways. See http://lexiconcordance.com/hebrew/0935.html To be consistent with chapters 1 and 2, NW therefore translated it as "let (or, allowed to) come upon him" (Reference bible).
  4. The word translated allowed is הֵבִיא which can be translated in many ways. See http://lexiconcordance.com/hebrew/0935.html To be consistent with chapters 1 and 2, NW therefore translated it as "let (or, allowed to) come upon him" (Reference bible).
  5. The word translated allowed is הֵבִיא which can be translated in many ways. See http://lexiconcordance.com/hebrew/0935.html To be consistent with chapters 1 and 2, NW therefore translated it as "let (or, allowed to) come upon him" (Reference bible).
  6. Our new convention song piqued my interest as to when exactly was Jesus born. According to a Hebrew Calendar, http://www.cgsf.org/dbeattie/calendar/?roman=2bc Rosh Hashanah (Tishri 1) in 2 BC is September 29 in our calendar. The angels' joyful song probably coincided with the 'trumpet blasts' that signalled the coming of the new year. Any comments, thoughts or otherwise?
  7. Our new convention song piqued my interest as to when exactly was Jesus born. According to a Hebrew Calendar, http://www.cgsf.org/dbeattie/calendar/?roman=2bc Rosh Hashanah (Tishri 1) in 2 BC is September 29 in our calendar. The angels' joyful song probably coincided with the 'trumpet blasts' that signalled the coming of the new year. Any comments, thoughts or otherwise?
  8. Haha 😆. Been celebrating my birthday secretly. And for me, it's a matter of conscience --- making sure nobody gets 'stumbled'. 🥂
  9. Hmmm, that's new insight for me. Thanks for sharing such spiritual food. 😊
  10. Judaism was the true religion during Jesus' times. But most Jews did not accept Jesus as the prophesied messiah; hence, the whole nation was rejected by God and replaced with Christianity. This 'new' religion is still based on Judaism sans observance to the Mosaic law. The additional belief is faith in Jesus' ransom sacrifice. Ergo, no resignation letter needed.... 😁
  11. Just wondering why so much 'hatred' (sorry for lack of term; do help me here.) for the GB/JWorg. Same thing could be said of other religious groups --- and even worse. 😁
  12. I fully agree with doctrinal unity. But uniformity? Mmmm, creation shows us to leave room for variability.
  13. Let's boil down to the 'practicality' of this discussion: 1. The Romans are not stupid. They must have figured out after their first few executions that it is very tedious to plant a stake or cross each time somebody is executed. It will be far more easier to use a dead tree or have a permanently planted pole (stake / xylon) and simply raise and attach on top a stauros / patibulum with the condemned nailed to it. 2. A whole cross would weigh well over 135 kg (300 lb), but the crossbeam would not be quite as burdensome, weighing around 45 kg (100 lb). (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2651675) If Jesus was to carry the pole (stake / xylon) only, that would still amount to 90 kg (198 lb) and is no easy task. Carrying the crossbeam (stauros / patibulum) is deemed more realistic. But then, an exhausted person deprived of sleep would easily stumble even on the lighter weight, so that Simon the Cyrene was compelled by the soldiers to carry it for him. 3. While the bible is silent on the details, it is interesting to note that nailing is associated with stauros, and hanging with xylon. Bottom line: there is no conflict on translating stauros as torture stake/stake and xylon as stake or tree. Using the word cross for any of the Greek words mentioned likewise do not give a clear picture.
  14. Jesus carried it initially. Later, the Roman soldiers "compelled" Simon of Cyrene to carry it for him....
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