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Posts posted by TheWorldNewsOrg

  1. https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2020/11/gov-kate-brown-will-loosen-many-of-oregons-covid-19-restrictions-bars-and-restaurants-can-open-for-outdoor-dining-next-week.html

    Phases are out, levels of danger are in! Keep up citizens!

    oh and it is 43 degrees outside right now.


    Restaurants are just opening tents outside of the actual restaurants which probably have worse ventilation.

  2. There's almost no liquidity in Nicaragua proper:


    If you are patient enough, you can publish and buy advert to be settled over a local Nicaragua payment method (bank, cash in person, deposit, whatever). What you can also do, is to buy/sell over Western Union (or another international fiat channel):


    There is a large number of traders across the globe willing to do that. In fact, Transferwise is much cheaper and faster for that purpose, but you will first need to open an account with them online:


    If it is you the publisher or the advert, you can charge a market maker fee of typically 3-5%. If you respond as a market taker to an advert, you will have to pay the maker fee to the counterparty.

    In fact, you can buy internationally and then resell locally to create local Nicaragua liquidity, which is now sorely lacking because almost nobody seems to be bothered to do it.

  3. Two important things were not mentioned in the debate.

    1. The absurdity that the government has to borrow its sovereign money from a private banking cartel.

    2. That the government could instead be issued a steady flow of debt-free money to circulate the economy.

    Only the banking system was discussed, however.


    I also notice that Parliament was mostly missing from the debate .... not interested in representing such an important issue for the constituents.

  4. Bitcoin adoption took another boost in South America yesterday after the Argentinian central bank announced measures to tighten controls on the movement of foreign currency.

    The announcement came shortly after the Argentine peso plunged over 10%, setting the long-suffering Argentinian people back further.

    Only 20 years ago, the Argentine peso was 1:1 with the USD, but corruption and mismanagement has seen its economy collapse and the national currency is now artificially pegged at 72:1 USD.

    The Board of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) justified the new measures saying they were attempting to promote a more efficient allocation of foreign currency.


    argentina GIF

  5. Born the son of a single teen mom who was so strapped she couldn’t afford a phone.

    In 1995, Jackie and Mike Bezos plowed $245,573 into their son’s fledgling e-commerce website, according to a prospectus two years later. It was a big gamble, Mike Bezos, the stepfather of Amazon.com Inc. founder Jeff Bezos, recalled onstage during a 2015 event at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.



  6. The Chinese company, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd (CATL), which supplies Tesla and Volkswagen AG, has created a battery that runs for 16 years and 1.24million miles – the equivalent of making more than 400 journeys from coast-to-coast in the US.

    Currently, the average EV battery’s lifespan is around 200,000 miles, according to Consumer Reports. 


    tesla GIF

  7. So far 30mln initial unemployment claims out of a workforce of ~165mln = 18% or ~1/5 people in the workforce.
    And that number will get worse over the coming weeks/months. Things are looking very bleak...

    As we “reopen” in phases and attempt to resume “normal” activities, we are going to see a lot of businesses, particularly restaurants, retail and manufacturing which account for a large portion of the workforce, face the reality that the already over-leveraged and paycheck-to-paycheck consumer is nowhere to be found globally... I.e. diminished demand and spending.

    At that point the average consumer has missed a few rent and/or mortgage payments, is loaded up with debt on credit cards, has car loans, has student loans, has HELOC, has healthcare debt, etc. and is either unemployed already or is facing the threat of unemployment and reduced wages. They will have little to no reserves. Their main focus is to stay afloat and not discretionary spending.

    Consumer spending accounts for 60-70% of US GDP. Debt to GDP was already at nosebleed levels but will keep seeing new record highs. There will be a tsunami of both consumer and corporate defaults (banks have already warned about this in 1Q earnings and are exponentially increasing reserves to deal with the upcoming defaults)... it will be a vicious cycle of unemployment and plummeting consumer confidence leading to diminished spending leading to further unemployment and negative sentiment and so on and so forth... contagion and domino affects are real. This will impact every part of the economy and every corner of the world.

    We are not even considering a potential second or third wave of Covid. Again, we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg at the moment. We are in for a long and hard journey.

    Analysts predict some 50% of restaurants will never open their doors again. Many are not coming back.

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