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The World News Media


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Everything posted by TheWorldNewsOrg

  1. Donald Trump at The UN General Assembly: The Iran Deal is "an embarrassment to the United States" Â
  2. Trump: "The Iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy" Â
  3. US - Trump calls North Korea's regime "a band of criminals", Kim Jong-un "Rocket man" Â
  4. UN SG Guterres on North Korea: "We must not sleepwalk our way into war!" Â
  5. Iraqi Kurdistan Referendum: Supreme Court Orders Suspension of Vote Â
  6. Iraq: Battle for key city of Hawija looms amid Kurdish push for independence Â
  7. Emmanuel Macron meets Donald Trump: "We can do a lot together!" Â
  8. 'Potentially catastrophic' Hurricane Maria hits battered Caribbean Â
  9. End of an era: Toys 'R' Us files for bankruptcy https://www.youtube.com
  10. Work begins to boost security at Eiffel Tower, setting up bulletproof glass around iconic monument Â
  11. Work begins to boost security at Eiffel Tower, setting up bulletproof glass around iconic monument https://www.youtube.com
  12. 'We aren't ready' for a second vote in Kenya and flip-flopping on climate change Â
  13. 'We aren't ready' for a second vote in Kenya and flip-flopping on climate change https://www.youtube.com
  14. Aung San Suu Kyi on Rohingya crisis: "We want to find out what the real problems are!" Â
  15. Suu Kyi: "Since the 5th of September, there have been no armed clashes and clearance operations" Â
  16. Aung San Suu Kyi: "Myanmar does not fear international scrutiny" Â
  17. Rohingya crisis: Refugee centres tend to children separated from parents Â
  18. Rohingya crisis: Burma de facto leader Suu Kyi breaks silence on violence Â
  19. 'Extremely dangerous' Hurricane Maria pummels Caribbean island of Dominica https://www.youtube.com
  20. US - Trump to target 'rogue regimes' Iran, North Korea in UN speech Â
  21. Rohingya crisis: "Refugees have made it clear they don't want to go back to Burma!" Â
  22. Burma: Aung San Suu Kyi says does not fear global 'scrutiny' over Rohingya crisis Â
  23. 'Extremely dangerous' Hurricane Maria pummels Caribbean island of Dominica Â
  24. Another Hurricane? It's Maria's Turn. And, when's your printer going to stop working? Â
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