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  1. statedept: Today, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson hosted a working luncheon for the Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the @StateDept in Washington, D.C. The United States is firmly committed to our relationship with #Vietnam and the Asia-Pacific region. The U.S.-Vietnam partnership is a critical component of U.S. foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Prime Minister Phuc’s visit advances our growing partnership with Vietnam and helps us address key priorities, including trade, #NorthKorea, and #security cooperation. World News
  2. vietnamwarera: Cessna O-1 Bird Dog of the 73rd Aviation Company at Nha Trang,1963. World News
  3. Someone Left A Noose Inside The African American History Museum In DC: buzzfeed: Visitors were removed from a section of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC, on Wednesday after a noose was found on the floor of one of the rooms, Smithsonian officials said. It’s the second time this week a noose has been discovered on the grounds of a Smithsonian museum. The rope was found Wednesday by a tourist inside one of the museum’s three history galleries, the Era of Segregation 1786-1968, Smithsonian spokeswoman Linda St. Thomas told BuzzFeed News. “It was rather a small rope thing and not something that would set off the magnetometers,” she said. “Park Police removed it and we reopened the gallery about an hour later,” she said. Smithsonian Secretary David Skorton informed staffers of the discovery via email on Wednesday afternoon, calling it “deeply disturbing news.” A copy of the email was obtained by BuzzFeed News. “The Smithsonian family stands together in condemning this act of hatred and intolerance, especially repugnant in a museum that affirms and celebrates the American values of inclusion and diversity. We will not be intimidated,” he wrote. Nooses are often used to intimidate African Americans, evoking an era of lynching and subjugation. World News
  4. robertreich: Say you’re Vladimir Putin, and you did a deal with Trump last year. I’m not suggesting there was any such deal, mind you. But if you are Putin and you did do a deal, what did Trump agree to do? 1. Repudiate NATO. NATO is the biggest thorn in your side – the alliance that both humiliates you and stymies your ambitions in the Baltics and elsewhere. Trump almost delivered on this last week by pointedly not reaffirming Article 5, which states that an attack on one NATO ally is an attack on all. 2. Antagonize Europe, especially Angela Merkel. She’s the strongest leader in the West other than Trump, and you’d love to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Germany. Your larger goal is for Europe to no longer depend on the United States, so you can increase Russia’s influence in Europe. Trump has almost delivered one on this, too. Now Merkel even says Europe can no longer depend on America. 3. Reject the Paris accord on the environment. This will anger America’s other allies around the world and produce a wave of anti-Americanism – all to your advantage. Nothing would satisfy you more than isolating the United States. Seems like Trump is about to deliver on this one, too. 4. Embarks on a new era of protectionism. Or at least anti-trade rhetoric. This will threaten the West’s economic interdependence, and loosen America’s economic grip on the rest of the world. Trump is on the way to delivering on this one. 5. End the economic sanctions on Russia imposed after the annexation of Crimea and Russian backing of separatists in eastern Ukraine. No delivery on this as yet, but you understand why. Trump has got to cope with all the suspicion in the U.S. over the deal he made with you to win him the presidency. Once that dies down, he’ll end the sanctions. And what did you agree to do, Vlad? Not only help him win the presidency, but also shut up about it so he wouldn’t be impeached and then convicted of treason. In other words – if you did do a deal – Trump is still in the process of delivering on his side of it, as are you. That’s the art of the deal. World News
  5. The Battle of Lützen by Carl Wahlbom, depicting the death of King Gustavus Adolphus during the Thirty Years War World News
  6. micdotcom: Breaking: Trump will withdraw US from Paris climate agreement President Donald Trump is expected to pull the United States out of the historic Paris climate agreement on Wednesday, according to a report by Axios that was later confirmed by CBS News. According to the reports, specific logistics on how are still being arranged by a team that includes EPA administrator Scott Pruitt. The Paris agreement, in which the U.S. pledged to lower its greenhouse gas emissions 26% by 2025, was formally signed by 195 countries in December 2015. The pact is the world’s largest effort to reverse the damaging effectsof man-made climate change. Read more (5/31/17 9 AM) World News
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