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Posts posted by TheWorldNewsOrg

  1. tumblr_oo93l5horQ1qb07v0o2_500.jpg



    Women cry during the funeral for those killed in a Palm Sunday church terrorist attack in Alexandria Egypt, at the Mar Amina church, Monday, April 10, 2017. Egyptian Christians were burying their dead on Monday, a day after Islamic State suicide bombers killed at least 45 people in coordinated attacks targeting Palm Sunday services in two cities. Women wailed as caskets marked with the word “martyr” were brought into the Mar Amina church in the coastal city of Alexandria, the footage broadcast on several Egyptian channels.
    (AP Photo/Samer Abdallah)


    Lamenting Mourning Women
    Tomb (TT55) of Ramose
    c. 1411-1375 BCE, Thebes.

    World News

  2. ISIS Claims 2 Deadly Explosions at Egyptian Coptic Churches on Palm Sunday:


    Two explosions at Coptic churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday left at least 40 people dead and injured dozens of others as a day of worship in the besieged Christian community turned to destruction and carnage.

    The first blast ripped through St. George’s Church in northern Egypt in the Nile Delta city of Tanta, 50 miles north of Cairo, during a Mass about 9:30 a.m., according to an official from the Health Ministry. The deputy minister of health put the death toll at 27.

    Hours later, a suicide bomber set off an explosion outside the main Coptic church in Alexandria, St. Mark’s Cathedral, killing at least 13 — including three police officers — and injuring 21 others, the Health Ministry said.

    The explosions followed a number of attacks by Islamic State militants targeting Egypt’s minority Christians. And on Sunday, the group claimed responsibilty for both bombings.

    An online statement shared by sympathizers and attributed to the militants said: “A security detachment of the Islamic State carried out the attacks against the two churches in the cities of Tanta and Alexandria.”

    The bombings happened weeks before Pope Francis was to visit Egypt, and a week before Easter.

    The second attack took place while worshipers at St. Mark’s were leaving at the end of Palm Sunday Mass. The service had been led by the Coptic pope, Tawadros II. The pope had already left when the explosion happened.

    Photos from St. George’s circulating on social media showed scenes of blood and devastation inside. Initial reports said that the explosion occurred in the pews near the front of the church, and that many of the dead were children.

    A security official told the state news agency they believed the blast had been caused by an explosive device planted inside the church.

    After the first blast, President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi ordered military hospitals to treat the injured, Sky News Arabia reported.

    Eyewitnesses said that an angry crowd outside the church in Tanta attacked a young man they accused of being involved in the attack.

    After that explosion, the provincial governor, Ahmad Deif, told the state-run Nile News channel, “Either a bomb was planted or someone blew himself up.”

    Christians, mostly Orthodox Copts, account for about 10 percent of Egypt’s population, which is predominantly Sunni Muslim.

    In December, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on a chapel in the grounds of St. Mark’s Cathedral, the main Coptic Church in Cairo, killing at least 28 people.

    In February, hundreds of Christians fled northern Sinai, where the Egyptian Army is fighting a local Islamic State affiliate, following a targeted campaign of violence and intimidation.

    In 2011, a suicide bombing ripped through a throng of worshipers outside a Coptic Christian church in the port city of Alexandria, killing at least 21 people in one of the worst attacks against Egypt’s Christian minority.

    Earlier this month, an explosion near a police training center in the Nile Delta city injured 13 officers.

    Francis’ planned trip to the country is seen as an opportunity to improve ties between Christians and Muslims. The pontiff is to visit with Mr. Sisi; the leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church; and the grand imam of Al Azhar, a 1,000-year-old mosque and university that is revered by Sunni Muslims.

    In a news conference to provide details about the trip on Friday, the Catholic archbishop of Egypt, Bishop Emmanuel, said that the pope’s pending journey was a signal that Egypt is safe for visitors.

    On Sunday, Francis said in response to the first bombing: “We pray for the victims of the attack carried out today, this morning, in Cairo, in a Coptic church.”

    He called the leader of the Coptic Christians his “brother” and expressed his “deep condolences” to the church and the Egyptian nation.

    The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, also responded in a post on Twitter: “As we come to Easter, pray for victims, the justice of the cross, hope & healing of resurrection.”

    In a Twitter post, a spokesman for the Egyptian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Ahmed Abu Zeid, said, “Terrorism hits Egypt again.”

    World News

  3. tumblr_oo236nDsaX1qjqn5qo1_500.jpg


    A warm welcome to the new UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Kristin Davis!

    The actress and philanthropist started her journey with the UN Refugee Agency three years ago by travelling to Northern Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, meeting South Sudanese refugees and hearing their stories.

    Moved by refugee accounts, Davis wrote about her trip.
    “Despite losing so much, despite having their lives re-set to zero, they still want to achieve – for their families, for their community, for their country. It seems to me that the very least that each one of us can give to refugees across the world – but particularly those in our own schools, in our own communities, in our own countries – is the promise of honouring these words: ‘You are welcome here. You are safe now. We are here to help you.”

    Read more about her appointment as Goodwill Ambassador: http://bit.ly/2oNkFeZ

    ?: UNHCR / Paul Wu

    World News

  4. tumblr_omju1iDUa61r0bqbdo1_500.jpg


    High in the Andes Mountains, at the Khonkho Wankane ceremonial center near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, archaeologists have found evidence of what they believe is a “defleshing” ritual. Yup, you read that right. In one of the unlooted ceremonial rooms were hundreds of bits of human bone from at least 25 different people, each bit of bone coated in white plaster. Interestingly the isotope analysis of the bones indicated they were not locals. Archaeologists also found calcium oxide aka quicklime which becomes a corrosive liquid when mixed with water and heated. Perfect for getting flesh off bones.

    The researchers hypothesize that pilgrims to the site would bring remains of their loved ones. Here the bones would get the remaining flesh removed, and preserved, so that the pilgrims could keep them as relics. It was a way to honor and remember those who had passed.

    World News

  5. tumblr_oo5jlwTMyX1r6jme9o3_500.jpg








    Prince Charles, the Duke of Cambridge, and Prince Harry met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Francois Hollande to attend the the centenary commemorative service at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial on April 9, 2017. The Battle Of Vimy Ridge was fought during WW1 as part of the initial phase of the Battle of Arras. Although British-led it was mostly fought by the Canadian Corps. They also were taken on a tour of the preserved trenches at Vimy Memorial Park. 

    Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images

    World News

  6. Stones & tear gas: Anti-govt protests turn violent after opposition leader ban in Venezuela

    Clashes erupted between anti-government protesters and riot police in the central streets of Caracas, Saturday, after a ruling by the Venezuelan government to ban a main opposition leader from office for 15 years. As police blocked the protest, clashes erupted. Riot police deployed tear gas as protesters hurled stones and other objects at them. The protest comes after a decision by the President Nicolas Maduro’s government to ban the main opposition leader Henrique Capriles from running in presidential race for 15 years. In a response to the state’s decision, Capriles called his supporters to participate in mass demonstrations.

    World News

  7. Anything found at bazaar: Roasted dogs & rats, sliced snakes sold on Indonesian market (DISTURBING)

    Tourists and locals flock to the Tomohon food market in northern Sulawesi, Indonesia, a market famous for its exotic delicacies, such as sliced-open pythons, flame-roasted bats and skewered rats. Also live dogs kept in cages were bludgeoned to death before being roasted on the spot with the use of a torch.

    World News

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