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  1. National Right to Life News When pressed, Clinton campaign attributes mounting problems to “vast right wing conspiracy” National Right to Life News With the conventions of both political parties coming closer and closer, and with the infighting between Hillary Clinton and Democratic Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders growing more vituperous by the day, it can't be a good sign for the former Secretary ... and more » Google
  2. Boston.com New Bills coordinator Rob Ryan: 'Bring Belichick on. We got him' Boston.com The Ryan brothers are fraternal twins, but they might as well be identical. They look alike, and apparently they speak alike, too. Rob Ryan, whom the Bills hired as their defensive coordinator this offseason, sounded like his brother Rex during an ... and more » Google
  3. Daily Beast Trump in Fresno: 'There Is No Drought' Daily Beast At a Friday campaign rally in Fresno, California, Donald Trump denied that the state was currently in a drought, blaming water shortages on environmentalists. "We're going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane. It is ... After rally in Fresno, Trump is greeted by protesters and supporters in San DiegoLos Angeles Times Trump pledges to 'open up the water' to solve Calif. droughtThe Hill Trump tells California: 'there is no drought'Washington Post Sacramento Bee -McClatchy Washington Bureau -San Francisco Chronicle -SFGate all 68 news articles » Google
  4. LIVE STREAM: Police, supporters and protesters gather at Convention Center for Trump rally CBS 8 San Diego Stream live from your mobile device: http://kfmb.us/livestream. SAN DIEGO (CNS) - Thousands of supporters and opponents of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gathered in front of the San Diego Convention Center today, hours ... and more » Google
  5. Sacramento Bee LIVE STREAM: Police, supporters and protesters gather at Convention Center for Trump rally CBS 8 San Diego Stream live from your mobile device: http://kfmb.us/livestream. SAN DIEGO (CNS) - Thousands of supporters and opponents of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gathered in front of the San Diego Convention Center today, hours ... Police brace for protests as Trump stumps in San Diegofox5sandiego.com all 52 news articles » Google
  6. WBAL Radio Two Transportation Bills Are Part Of Maryland Governor's Slate Of Vetoes WAMU 88.5 Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has vetoed five bills, including two relating to transportation. The Republican governor announced Friday he was vetoing a bill that would have required the state to start saving money to pay for a $1 billion bridge to replace ... Here's why equal-pay activists are looking toward MarylandWashington Post Hogan Vetoes Transit Oversight Bill, 5 OthersWBAL Radio In combative language, Hogan vetoes five bills passed by Maryland General AssemblyBaltimore Sun all 9 news articles » Google
  7. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe invoked the infamous Lehman Brothers bankruptcy as he warned his fellow Group of Seven leaders of potential economic hardships that could befall his country. Abe’s warning of an impending Lehman-magnitude crisis could be his set-up for why another delay in a hike of Japan’s national sales tax could come, according to CNBC. The prime minister has planned to raise the country’s sales tax from 8 percent to 10 percent in April 2017 unless a natural disaster or economic collapse occurs. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe talks with Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena during an “Outreach Session” on Friday in Kashikojima, Japan. In the two-day summit, the G7 leaders discussed the pressing global issues including counter-terrorism, energy policy and sustainable development. (Getty Images/Chung Sung-Jun) During Thursday’s session of the G7 summit, which Abe is hosting, the prime minister showed that commodity prices have plummeted 55 percent since 2014 — the same margin those prices fell during the global financial crisis. Bloomberg reported that Abe said the leaders at the summit engaged in a “full debate” on economic issues. “We agreed on the perception that we are facing serious risks, that the world economy is facing serious risks,” Abe reportedly said. Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2008 — the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. Read more stories from TheBlaze Trump Formally Clinches Republican Nomination for President See How Dem Congresswoman Reacts During House Hearing When Witness Offers Her Opinion on Transgender Debate Washingtonian Editor: People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive ‘That’s Very Offensive’: Reporter Confronts Trump for Calling Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ — He Responds Like You’d Expect Accusations of Pedophilia in Hollywood: Former Child Actor Corey Feldman Makes Shocking Revelation About Man Who Allegedly Molested Him Source
  8. Sacramento Bee Black teen wearing African attire removed from Elk Grove graduation ceremony Sacramento Bee Nyree Holmes was escorted out of Sleep Train Arena on Tuesday by deputies before he could officially receive his high school diploma. His crime: He refused to remove a kente cloth from atop his graduation robes. The 18-year-old student from Cosumnes ... Teen removed from graduation for wearing African clothFox News Elk Grove District Regrets Removing Student From Graduation CeremonyCBS Local Black student says deputies escorted him out of graduation for wearing symbol of African heritageLexington Herald Leader Yahoo Food -Austin American-Statesman -Rolling Out all 24 news articles » Google
  9. ST. LOUIS (AP) — Over the months, Hillary Clinton misstated key facts about her use of private email and her own server for her work as secretary of state, the department’s inspector general reported this week. According to the findings, she claimed approval she didn’t have and declined to be interviewed for the report despite saying “I’m more than ready to talk to anybody anytime.” Scrutiny of her unusual email practices appeared to be unwelcome, despite her contention those practices were well known and “fully above board.” (AP Photo/John Locher, File) A look at some of Clinton’s past claims about her unusual email set-up and how they compare with the inspector general’s findings: CLINTON: “The system we used was set up for President Clinton’s office. And it had numerous safeguards. It was on property guarded by the Secret Service. And there were no security breaches.” – March 2015 press conference. THE REPORT: Evidence emerged of hacking attempts, though it’s unclear whether they were successful. On Jan. 9, 2011, an adviser to former President Bill Clinton notified the State Department’s deputy chief of staff for operations that he had to shut down the server because he suspected “someone was trying to hack us and while they did not get in i didnt (sic) want to let them have the chance to.” Later that day, he sent another note. “We were attacked again so I shut (the server) down for a few min.” The following day the deputy chief emailed top Clinton aides and instructed them not to email the secretary “anything sensitive.” Also in May 2011, Clinton told aides that someone was “hacking into her email,” after she received a message with a suspicious link, the new audit report said. The Associated Press has previously reported that, according to detailed records compiled in 2012, Clinton’s server was connected to the internet in ways that made it more vulnerable to hackers. It appeared to allow users to connect openly over the internet to control it remotely. Moreover, it’s unclear what protection her email system might have achieved from having the Secret Service guard the property. Digital security breaches tend to come from computer networks, not over a fence. — CLINTON: “What I did was allowed. It was allowed by the State Department. The State Department has confirmed that.” – AP interview, September. THE REPORT: “No evidence” that Clinton asked for or received approval to conduct official government business on a personal email account run through a private server in her New York home. According to top State Department officials interviewed for the investigation, the departments that oversee security “did not – and would not – approve” her use of a personal account because of security concerns. Clinton has changed her account since the report came out. On Thursday, she told CNN “I thought it was allowed. I knew past secretaries of state used personal email.” Colin Powell was the only secretary of state who used personal email for work, but not to the extent she did, and he did not use a private server. — CLINTON: “It was fully above board. Everybody in the government with whom I emailed knew that I was using a personal email.” – AP interview, September. CLINTON: “The people in the government knew that I was using a personal account . the people I was emailing to on the dot gov system certainly knew and they would respond to me on my personal email.” – NBC News interview, September. THE REPORT: According to the findings, it’s unclear how widespread knowledge was about Clinton’s use of a personal account. Though Clinton’s use of a private email was discussed with some in her agency, senior department officials who worked for her, including the undersecretary responsible for security, said they were not asked to approve or review the use of her private server. The officials also said they were “unaware of the scope or extent” of her email practices, even though they exchanged messages with Clinton on her personal account. In March 2015, President Barack Obama told CBS News he did not know his secretary of state was using a private account. — CLINTON: “In the fall, I think it was October of last year (2014), the State Department sent a letter to previous secretaries of state asking for help with their record-keeping, in part because of the technical problems that they knew they had to deal with. And they asked that we, all of us, go through our e-mails to determine what was work-related and to provide that for them.” – NBC News, September. THE REPORT: While it’s true that the State Department requested records from former secretaries of state in November 2014, the report says the department raised concerns about Clinton’s compliance with federal record-keeping laws years earlier, and the attention did not appear welcome. Two employees in the Office of Information Resources Management discussed concerns about her use of a personal email account in separate 2010 meetings. One of the employees stressed in one of the meetings that the information being transmitted needed to be preserved to satisfy federal records laws. They were instructed by the director of the department “never to speak of the Secretary’s personal email system again,” according to the report. — CLINTON: “I think last August I made it clear I’m more than ready to talk to anybody anytime. – CBS News interview in May. THE REPORT: Clinton declined through her lawyer to be interviewed for the report. Four other secretaries of state participated: John Kerry, Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell. She now says: “everything I had to say was out there.” But she has said she will speak to the FBI as part of a separate criminal investigation into possible security breaches related to her private server. In October, she testified about the issue before the House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks. Read more stories from TheBlaze Trump Formally Clinches Republican Nomination for President See How Dem Congresswoman Reacts During House Hearing When Witness Offers Her Opinion on Transgender Debate Washingtonian Editor: People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive ‘That’s Very Offensive’: Reporter Confronts Trump for Calling Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ — He Responds Like You’d Expect Accusations of Pedophilia in Hollywood: Former Child Actor Corey Feldman Makes Shocking Revelation About Man Who Allegedly Molested Him Source
  10. T-Mobile Gets Ready For Hurricane Season Yahoo News T-Mobile US Inc (NASDAQ: TMUS) said that it was getting ready in advance to get its network to face a challenging hurricane season. The company pointed out that the National Hurricane Center at NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) ... and more » Source
  11. When Fox News’ Jesse Watters went out on the street to quiz people about America’s past wars, he received some curious — and patently comical — responses. From confusion over why the U.S. commemorates Memorial Day to claims that Asia and Japan won the Civil War, a great many of Watters’ interview subjects clearly needed to brush up on their history. “Who did America defeat in the Revolutionary War?” Watters asked, receiving a variety of incorrect responses, including the French, Russia and Germany. And some respondents didn’t fare much better when it came to their Civil War knowledge, saying that they believed that Asia, the Soviet Union, France, England, Germany, Russia or Japan ended up winning that war. “Oh God. I wish I studied my history,” one confused interview subject shot back. It didn’t end there, though, as one woman proposed that the Cold War was all about “freeing the slaves.” Of course, some subjects were more than well-versed on American history. Watch it all unfold below: Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Memorial Day, which will be observed on Monday, remembers those who lost their lives while serving in the U.S. military. – Follow the author of this story on Twitter and Facebook and check out his new book “The Armageddon Code: One Journalist’s Quest for End-Times Answers”: Follow @BillyHallowell Read more stories from TheBlaze Trump Formally Clinches Republican Nomination for President See How Dem Congresswoman Reacts During House Hearing When Witness Offers Her Opinion on Transgender Debate Washingtonian Editor: People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive ‘That’s Very Offensive’: Reporter Confronts Trump for Calling Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ — He Responds Like You’d Expect Accusations of Pedophilia in Hollywood: Former Child Actor Corey Feldman Makes Shocking Revelation About Man Who Allegedly Molested Him Source
  12. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s maternal aunt has been living in the United States for 18 years — and the Washington Post’s Anna Fifield tracked her down. The dictator’s aunt was known as Ko Yong Suk to his family although she goes by a different name in the United States, a name withheld by the Post to protect her safety. Ko and her husband — known as Ri Gang to the North Korean regime — live several hours outside New York City, where they operate their own dry cleaning store. They have three grown children who also live in the United States. “I think we have achieved the American Dream,” Ri said. “My friends here tell me I’m so lucky, that I have everything,” Ko said. “My kids went to great schools and they’re successful, and I have my husband, who can fix anything. There’s nothing we can envy.” In their interview with the Post, the couple shed light on the leader of the Hermit Kingdom. Ko said she is certain that Kim Jong Un was born in 1984, despite reports that the dictator was born in 1982 or 1983. “He and my son were playmates from birth,” Ko said. “I changed both of their diapers.” Before they defected to the United States, Ko cared for her nephew, whom she refers to as “Marshal Kim Jong Un,” while he attended school in Switzerland. “We lived in a normal house and acted like a normal family. I acted like their mother,” Ko said. “I encouraged him to bring his friends home because we wanted them to live a normal life. I made snacks for the kids. They ate cake and played with Legos.” Ko said her nephew “wasn’t a troublemaker but he was short-tempered and had a lack of tolerance.” “When his mother tried to tell him off for playing with these things too much and not studying enough, he wouldn’t talk back but he would protest in other ways, like going on a hunger strike,” she continued. Ko also said Kim Jon Un was “obsessed” with basketball, and “he used to sleep” with his basketball. She added that Kim Jong Un had been raised knowing he would inherit North Korea, and generals had bowed to him as a child. “It was impossible for him to grow up as a normal person when the people around him were treating him like that,” Ko said. According to the report, when the couple first came to the United States, the CIA gave them a one-time payment of $200,000, which they used to buy their house. Although separated from the regime by time and distance, operatives from the CIA’s national clandestine service occasionally request Ko and Ri’s assistance in identifying people in photos of North Koreans. Ri said he wants to return to North Korea one day to act as an intermediary for the United States. “My ultimate goal is to go back to North Korea,” Ri said. “I understand America and I understand North Korea, so I think I can be a negotiator between the two. If Kim Jong Un is how I remembered he used to be, I would be able to meet him and talk to him.” Ko said she missed her home town, but she has no wish to return. “But how can I change my stubborn husband’s mind?” she asked. — Follow Kate Scanlon (@kgscanlon) on Twitter Read more stories from TheBlaze Trump Formally Clinches Republican Nomination for President See How Dem Congresswoman Reacts During House Hearing When Witness Offers Her Opinion on Transgender Debate Washingtonian Editor: People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive ‘That’s Very Offensive’: Reporter Confronts Trump for Calling Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ — He Responds Like You’d Expect Accusations of Pedophilia in Hollywood: Former Child Actor Corey Feldman Makes Shocking Revelation About Man Who Allegedly Molested Him Source
  13. A DePaul University professor reportedly posted — and then deleted — her resignation on Facebook, citing the institution’s “embarrassing” handling of free speech on campus. (YouTube) The apparent public resignation comes after conservative firebrand Milo Yiannopoulos held an event at DePaul University, during which angry protesters stormed the stage. Though Yiannopoulos stirred up controversy on campus, Cheng does not specifically name him. “To believe that universities are simply neutral platforms for ‘equal’ exchanges of ideas, the so-called free speech rooted in the market ideology, is delusional and that positional objectivity ends up reinforcing the exact inequalities and dominant ideologies upon which this institution is built,” Ada Cheng reportedly wrote in a post on DePaul’s sociology master’s program’s Facebook page. Screengrab via Facebook/Daily Caller She continued: “The incidents that took place during these past two days are just symptoms of the historical institutional racism embedded in this institution. The long history of exiting faculty of color is a longstanding indication.” Cheng also blasted the university’s “lack of moral courage in the disguise of intellectual objectivity and positional neutrality.” “Shame on you,” she concluded. “I am glad I will no longer be part of this institution and be complicit in the institutional practices that support our racist society.” The post was ultimately deleted, according to the Daily Caller. — Read more stories from TheBlaze Trump Formally Clinches Republican Nomination for President See How Dem Congresswoman Reacts During House Hearing When Witness Offers Her Opinion on Transgender Debate Washingtonian Editor: People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive ‘That’s Very Offensive’: Reporter Confronts Trump for Calling Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ — He Responds Like You’d Expect Accusations of Pedophilia in Hollywood: Former Child Actor Corey Feldman Makes Shocking Revelation About Man Who Allegedly Molested Him Source
  14. The family of Kate Steinle, the American who was fatally shot by an illegal immigrant in July 2015, has filed a lawsuit alleging that the 32-year-old would still be alive today had it not been for mistakes made by federal and state officials. “The Steinle Family hopes that their actions today will serve to highlight the lax enforcement of gun safety regulations among the law enforcement agencies involved and bureaucratic confusion so that this will not happen to others,” Frank Pitre, a lawyer for the family, said Friday, according to Fox News. Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, a Mexican immigrant who had been departed five times, was arrested following Steinle’s death. San Francisco leaders maintain that they are not at fault and on Wednesday upheld protections for illegal immigrants. In this July 7, 2015, file photo, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, right, is lead into the courtroom by San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi, left, and Assistant District Attorney Diana Garciaor, center, for his arraignment at the Hall of Justice in San Francisco. (Michael Macor/San Francisco Chronicle via AP, Pool, File) Lopez-Sanchez was charged with first-degree murder in the case but claims that the gun that was used to shoot Steinle fired accidentally. The lawsuit specifically names the sheriff at the time of the alleged killing, Ross Mirkarimi. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the federal Bureau of Land Management are also cited. (H/T: Fox News) — Follow the author of this story on Twitter and Facebook: Follow @jonstreet Read more stories from TheBlaze Trump Formally Clinches Republican Nomination for President See How Dem Congresswoman Reacts During House Hearing When Witness Offers Her Opinion on Transgender Debate Washingtonian Editor: People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive ‘That’s Very Offensive’: Reporter Confronts Trump for Calling Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ — He Responds Like You’d Expect Accusations of Pedophilia in Hollywood: Former Child Actor Corey Feldman Makes Shocking Revelation About Man Who Allegedly Molested Him Source
  15. Foreign Policy (blog) What Was Mullah Mansour Doing in Iran? Foreign Policy (blog) In the wake of the Taliban leader's death, we're only now coming to understand just how ties between Tehran and the Taliban are evolving. By Michael KugelmanMichael Kugelman is the senior associate for South Asia at the Woodrow Wilson International ... and more » Source
  16. Washington Post Police react as Chicago gun violence spills onto expressways Washington Post CHICAGO — The violence gripping many Chicago neighborhoods is apparently spilling onto its roads, and police will be out in force over Memorial Day weekend amid a spike in expressway shootings. There have already been 20 shootings on area ... Chicago's top cop on hot seat over discipline for controversial officerChicago Tribune Notorious Cop Glenn Evans Back To Work, And Now His Old Boss Is In ChargeDNAinfo CPD, ISP Detail Memorial Day Weekend Plans to Curb Gun Violence on Streets and ExpresswaysPatch.com Chicagoist -Chicago Sun-Times -NBC Chicago -WGN-TV all 20 news articles » Google
  17. Washington Post NY Democrat: Trump should return money to 9/11 recovery fund Washington Post WASHINGTON — Donald Trump is “a small man” for accepting $150,000 from a federal fund for small businesses hurt by the Sept. 11 attacks and should return the money or donate it to charity, a New York Democratic congressman said. “In grabbing that ... and more » Google
  18. Washington Post NY Democrat: Trump should return money to 9/11 recovery fund Washington Post WASHINGTON — Donald Trump is “a small man” for accepting $150,000 from a federal fund for small businesses hurt by the Sept. 11 attacks and should return the money or donate it to charity, a New York Democratic congressman said. “In grabbing that ... Congressman Rebukes Donald Trump, Saying He Received 9/11 Aid Intended for Small BusinessesNew York Times New York Democrat seeks post-9/11 refund from Donald TrumpMSNBC Manhattan rep. calls Trump 'small' for taking 9/11 recovery fundsNew York Daily News all 5 news articles » Google
  19. Washington Post NY Democrat: Trump should return money to 9/11 recovery fund Washington Post WASHINGTON — Donald Trump is “a small man” for accepting $150,000 from a federal fund for small businesses hurt by the Sept. 11 attacks and should return the money or donate it to charity, a New York Democratic congressman said. “In grabbing that ... Congressman Rebukes Donald Trump, Saying He Received 9/11 Aid Intended for Small BusinessesNew York Times New York Democrat seeks post-9/11 refund from Donald TrumpMSNBC Manhattan rep. calls Trump 'small' for taking 9/11 recovery fundsNew York Daily News all 5 news articles » Google
  20. NEW YORK — A “Ronald Reagan-type Republican” would not be able to win a current GOP primary, former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele predicted. Speaking about the brokenness of the political system at a private Manhattan club Friday morning, Steele said that, once former President Ronald Reagan “stepped off the grand national stage,” the Republican Party began the fight over who “would carry this mantle” — a quest that he said has yet to be fulfilled. Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. (Getty Images/Chip Somodevilla) “In fact, a Ronald Reagan-type Republican could not win a Republican primary today because of the gross misunderstanding of what Ronald Reagan was about and what Ronald Reagan, more importantly, did to come together,” Steele told those gathered at the Common Good Forum. “The consensus in the country around his candidacy, around his ideas, around the issues that he promoted is there were heated passions on both sides about a lot of that, but there remained in the context … a level of civility because the greater good was the nation, not the individual.” During the discussion, Steele and fellow panelist former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Randell (D) noted that, out of all the presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle, only one had higher favorables than unfavorables — Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R). “He was significantly in the positive, and it made a big difference to absolutely nobody,” Steele said to laughter. Friday’s panel was moderated by Fox News’ Abby Huntsman. — Follow Kaitlyn Schallhorn (@K_Schallhorn) on Twitter Read more stories from TheBlaze Trump Formally Clinches Republican Nomination for President See How Dem Congresswoman Reacts During House Hearing When Witness Offers Her Opinion on Transgender Debate Washingtonian Editor: People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive ‘That’s Very Offensive’: Reporter Confronts Trump for Calling Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ — He Responds Like You’d Expect Accusations of Pedophilia in Hollywood: Former Child Actor Corey Feldman Makes Shocking Revelation About Man Who Allegedly Molested Him Source
  21. New York Daily News Couple's killings are latest blow to town rocked by mudslide Miami Herald In a clearing 10 miles up a gravel logging road, freshly cut hemlock branches cover the root well of a wind-toppled fir. Atop the boughs, a bouquet of red, white and blue carnations left by detectives marks the grim discovery they made here: the ... Authorities Say Missing Washington Couple Were Shot To DeathCBS Local Coroner: Arlington couple shot to deathNWCN.com Washington couple died of gunshots, medical examiner saysOregonLive.com The Seattle Times -Q13 FOX all 44 news articles » Google
  22. ABC News Report: Sixers exploring trading both Nerlens Noel and Jahlil Okafor CBSSports.com The twin tower experiment in Philadelphia could reportedly end after just one season. According to ESPN, the Philadelphia 76ers are looking to trade both Nerlens Noel and Jahlil Okafor: The Philadelphia 76ers will explore trading Jahlil Okafor and ... Jahlil Okafor Trade Rumors: Latest News, Speculation Surrounding 76ers StarBleacher Report Sixers to explore trades involving Jahlil Okafor, Nerlens NoelABC News 'Very High Likelihood' Sixers Trade Nerlens Noel or Jahlil Okafor This OffseasonLiberty Ballers Comcast SportsNet New England -CBS Local -Boston.com -Today's Fastbreak (blog) all 25 news articles » Google
  23. Washington Post In a segregated city, forced integration of schools is a complex subject Washington Post CLEVELAND, Miss. — As 76 seniors from East Side High School's Class of 2016 made their way across the modest stage one by one, each drew rambunctious applause, the most forceful cheers coming from four dozen members of the school's Class of 1966 ... Mississippi town's views on desegregation ruling aren't so black and whiteCNN all 2 news articles » Google
  24. Washington Post In a segregated city, forced integration of schools is a complex subject Washington Post CLEVELAND, Miss. — As 76 seniors from East Side High School's Class of 2016 made their way across the modest stage one by one, each drew rambunctious applause, the most forceful cheers coming from four dozen members of the school's Class of 1966 ... and more » Google
  25. U.S. and International Special Operations Forces descended on Tampa, Florida, Wednesday and had a mission — to rescue Mayor Bob Buckhorn, who was being held hostage by pirates as part of a complex simulated drill. Image source: YouTube All while large crowds watched. Image source: YouTube Image source: YouTube During the exercise at International Special Operations Forces Week 2016, soldiers rappelled from helicopters, fired off countless rounds, zig zagged down a river in gunboats — and even had real people playing casualties on the ground. Image source: YouTube Image source: YouTube Among the personnel involved were Navy SEALs, Marine Raiders and Army Green Berets, the Washington Post reported, adding that countries such as Ireland and Jordan took part as well. Image source: YouTube “This is maybe a stark reminder that there are young men and women out there putting themselves at risk,” U.S. Special Forces Lt. Col. Chris Robeshaw told the Post after the exercise. Image source: YouTube Here’s how the Post described what transpired after Buckhorn was rescued: For the faux mission’s finale, a rescued Buckhorn was ferried back to shore, firing one of the riverine craft’s blank-shooting .50-caliber machine guns as if he were Rambo incarnate, a smile plastered on his face while being flanked by some of the United States’ most elite war fighters. Image source: YouTube Check it out: (H/T: Daily Mail) Read more stories from TheBlaze Trump Formally Clinches Republican Nomination for President See How Dem Congresswoman Reacts During House Hearing When Witness Offers Her Opinion on Transgender Debate Washingtonian Editor: People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive ‘That’s Very Offensive’: Reporter Confronts Trump for Calling Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ — He Responds Like You’d Expect Accusations of Pedophilia in Hollywood: Former Child Actor Corey Feldman Makes Shocking Revelation About Man Who Allegedly Molested Him Source
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