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  1. UPI.com Venezuela's electoral body: No date for next phase of Nicholas Maduro recall petition UPI.com The electoral body's vice president suggested errors in the opposition's paperwork have delayed the process. By Andrew V. Pestano · Follow @AVPLive9 Contact the Author | May 24, 2016 at 1:44 PM. Follow @upi. Comments. share with facebook. share with ... and more » Source
  2. ESPN Le'Veon Bell says Bengals among teams that tried to injure him ESPN PITTSBURGH -- Six months after major knee surgery, Pittsburgh Steelers running back Le'Veon Bell vows to return to 100 percent for Week 1. He also said he won't be naive, especially when playing the Cincinnati Bengals. Bell said after Tuesday's ... Le'Veon Bell still says Cincy was out to hurt himNFL.com Le'Veon Bell thinks Bengals, other teams try to hurt himNBCSports.com Steelers' Bell says Bengals were trying to injure him intentionallyPittsburgh Post-Gazette CBSSports.com -PennLive.com -FantasyPros all 17 news articles » Google
  3. ESPN Danica Patrick fond of Indy 500 experience, but not ready to make new ones ESPN In the first 99 years of the Indianapolis 500, only one woman has finished in the top five. Only one has led laps. Danica Patrick. Patrick will watch the 100th Indianapolis 500 from afar Sunday as she concentrates on her NASCAR career. She has her ... Indy 500: Ranking top 33 celebs who attended 99 racesIndianapolis Star Sweet spot: Indy 500 champions say milk race's top traditionFox News Indy 500 champions call safety measures greatest innovation (May 24, 2016)FOXSports.com RacinToday.com -cleveland.com -Indianapolis Business Journal (blog) -WAVY-TV all 88 news articles » Google
  4. Mic Bernie Sanders Requests Recanvass of Kentucky Primary — Over One Delegate Mic America's Next... is Mic's home for coverage of the issues, people and moments that matter most in the 2016 presidential election. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign requested a recanvass of the May 17 Kentucky Democratic primary results, the ... and more » Google
  5. As the legal fight over the extent to which one’s feelings should be allowed to override one’s biological makeup when it comes to bathroom usage rages on, the folks at Campus Reform wanted to test the limits of the trans debate. So last week they sent a male correspondent to the University of Maryland to see how students would respond if he tried out for the women’s basketball team. Image source: YouTube/Campus Reform Out of the 50 students he interviewed over the course of three hours, 49 agreed to sign a petition allowing him to join the university’s NCAA Division 1 women’s team. The one student who refused to sign explained his reasoning: ”Just because you identify [as a woman] doesn’t change the physiological differences.” Watch: Read more stories from TheBlaze ‘Frozen’ Actress Responds to Campaign Urging Disney to Make Elsa a ‘Lesbian Princess’: ‘I think It’s Great…’ High School Graduates’ Defiant Response to Atheists’ Demand That the Lord’s Prayer Be Stripped From Commencement — and the Rousing Applause That Followed Glenn Beck Predicts Pedophilia is the ‘Next Stop on This Train’ Former NBA Star Accuses Fellow Train Passenger of Blatant Racism, Publishes Her Photo Online Trump: I Don’t Know Enough to Discuss, but Suicide of Former Clinton White House Aide ‘Very Fishy’ Source
  6. For The Win Patriots hopeful waits outside stadium for month, wants tryout NFL.com There is no telling what kind of scouting grade Abiola Aborishade would draw from the New England Patriots if he actually got the tryout he's looking for. But the box for persistence would be checked before he even put his cleats on. The former wide ... Man seeking tryout has been waiting outside Patriots' stadium for a monthCBSSports.com This college receiver plans to stand outside the Patriots stadium all day, every day until they sign himSB Nation Receiver standing outside Patriots facility until he gets a tryoutSports Illustrated NESN.com -CBS Local -San Jose Mercury News -OregonLive.com (blog) all 21 news articles » Google
  7. LOS ANGELES (TheBlaze/AP) — SWAT officers and a police dog are investigating a possible threat aboard a jetliner that landed at Los Angeles International Airport after a trip from Houston. Screengrab via NBC LA Airport police Officer Rob Pedregon says the Transportation Security Administration received a phone call Tuesday about a possible threat to Compass Air Flight 5931. The plane was marked as American Eagle. The plane arrived at 8:43 a.m. from Houston and was kept on the runway with all passengers on board. Seven SWAT officers and a dog have walked up a staircase and into the plane. The live video feed from NBA Los Angeles showed the police dog sniffing some of the passengers. Pedregon did not have details about the threat. A message seeking further information from the FBI was not immediately returned. — Read more stories from TheBlaze ‘Frozen’ Actress Responds to Campaign Urging Disney to Make Elsa a ‘Lesbian Princess’: ‘I think It’s Great…’ High School Graduates’ Defiant Response to Atheists’ Demand That the Lord’s Prayer Be Stripped From Commencement — and the Rousing Applause That Followed Glenn Beck Predicts Pedophilia is the ‘Next Stop on This Train’ Former NBA Star Accuses Fellow Train Passenger of Blatant Racism, Publishes Her Photo Online ‘Way to Show Discipline at West Point’: Cadet Blasted After Video Shows Her Marching to Graduation — but Focused on Something Else Entirely Source
  8. Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald has received brutal criticism from both ends of the political spectrum after he compared the wait times at VA hospitals to wait times for rides at Disneyland. After he made the comments Monday morning during a breakfast with reporters in Washington, D.C., the VA chief faced immediate backlash from politicians and lawmakers who saw the comparison as insensitive, disrespectful and inaccurate. Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald (AP Photo/Rick Scuteri) “Comparing abhorrent wait times to a trip to Disneyland is unbelievably tone-deaf and hurtful to American heroes desperately in need of care,” Illinois Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth said in a statement provided to Fox News. Duckworth, who is running for Senate, is an Iraq War veteran who lost her legs while fighting overseas and still receives health care at a VA hospital. She said McDonald “needs to comprehensively address the VA’s systemic problems — and that means reducing wait times, improving care and increasing patient satisfaction.” Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, the top Democrat on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, said he was “troubled” by the secretary’s comments and would like to speak with him. Senate VA Committee Chairman Johnny Isakson (Ga.) said in a statement to Fox that he was “extremely disappointed in Secretary McDonald’s comparison of the deadly VA wait-time scandal to long lines at an amusement park.” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) also condemned McDonald Monday on Twitter. Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump used McDonald’s comments to point to flaws he sees in the Obama administration’s treatment of U.S. veterans. The VA issued a statement Monday evening emphasizing the efforts they are making to better serve U.S. veterans: This is a solemn duty that we take seriously. We know that Veterans are still waiting too long for care. In our effort to determine how we can better meet Veterans’ needs, knowing that their satisfaction is our most important measure, we have heard them tell us that wait times alone are not the only indication of their experience with VA and that’s why we must transform the way we do business. The VA added that inaccurate data can cause “unintended consequences and confusion,” such as the erroneous bookkeeping that came to the surface in 2014. That year, reports revealed that dozens of patients died while waiting for care at VA facilities and that some VA employees made secret lists to intentionally hide long wait times. McDonald took over after his predecessor, Eric Shinseki, was forced to step down. “When you go to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line? Or what’s important? What’s important is, what’s your satisfaction with the experience?” McDonald said Monday. Fox News host Neil Cavuto blasted the VA secretary Monday, calling his comments both “callous” and “stupid.” “Last time I checked, you don’t die waiting on a line for Disney,” Cavuto said. “You do die waiting for care.” The VA is the only national health care system that makes information regarding patient wait time public. McDonald told Fox News that he acknowledged the VA system need improvement and said he and his colleagues are working hard to address it. He has yet to apologize for his “Disneyland” comparison. Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Read more stories from TheBlaze ‘Frozen’ Actress Responds to Campaign Urging Disney to Make Elsa a ‘Lesbian Princess’: ‘I think It’s Great…’ High School Graduates’ Defiant Response to Atheists’ Demand That the Lord’s Prayer Be Stripped From Commencement — and the Rousing Applause That Followed Glenn Beck Predicts Pedophilia is the ‘Next Stop on This Train’ Former NBA Star Accuses Fellow Train Passenger of Blatant Racism, Publishes Her Photo Online ‘Way to Show Discipline at West Point’: Cadet Blasted After Video Shows Her Marching to Graduation — but Focused on Something Else Entirely Source
  9. Allentown Morning Call Fire at North Penn High School; students evacuated Allentown Morning Call Fire companies respond after a fire was reported at North Penn High School Tuesday, May 24, 2016. Fire companies respond after a fire was reported at North Penn High School Tuesday, May 24, 2016. (JAMES BOYLE OF CALKINS MEDIA). Calkins Media. North Penn High School dismisses after fire, evacuationFOX 29 News Philadelphia all 8 news articles » Google
  10. Foreign Policy (blog) The United States Needs to Keep a Watchful Eye on Putin and … Foreign Policy (blog) Turn on the news, and every night it seems that attacks happen around the world. Our enemies have been emboldened over the past seven years, under President Barack Obama. One of the most glaring examples is Vladimir Putin and Russia. The Obama ... and more » Source
  11. Our culture has become increasingly captivated by apocalyptic themes and storylines, with a plethora of popular TV shows and feature films embracing zombies, plagues and other terrifying end of days scenarios. Billy Hallowell/Charisma House But the idea of a future Armageddon-like scenario isn’t merely reserved for fictional entertainment plots, as the concept is deeply embedded in Christian theology, impacting the way in which believers have read, interpreted and processed biblical scripture over the past two millennia. In fact, many contemporary theologians and pastors believe that they’re observing numerous signs in the current culture that mirror the supposedly prophetic contents of scriptures in Old and New Testament books like Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation — events that they say could soon come to fruition. So, what has convinced these theologians and pastors that the end times could be ramping up? That’s a question that I cover in-depth in my newly released book, “The Armageddon Code: One Journalist’s Quest for End-Times Answers” through interviews with around 20 of the most prevalent eschatology experts. Many of these theologians and pastors told me that sweeping moral decay, biblical disconnectedness and ongoing violence in the Middle East are just a few of the prophetic markers that they believe were foretold thousands of years ago in both the Old and New Testaments. But how can Christian leaders be so sure that the biblical end times are approaching? Jesus himself foretold of his future Second Coming. The problem? Christ also proclaimed in Matthew 24:36 that “no one knows” the day or the hour of his return. While the Bible proclaims that humanity cannot know the “when,” Jesus did reveal to the disciples some of signs of his second coming in Matthew 24:6-8: “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed … Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” Surely war has always been with us, though the 20th — and 21st century thus far — have seen broader and more sweeping world wars that involve many nations, with the contemporary battle against Islamic terror crossing international borders. This is collectively caused some end-times experts to look more deeply at what is unfolding. With that in mind, the first sign that has some Bible scholars positing that the world is either in or is rapidly approaching the end times is the ramped-up chaos in the Middle East. In recent years, the situation in the region has been raising more than a few eyebrows, as the seemingly never-ending tensions between Israel and her neighbors continue to intensify. But that’s only a slice of the chaos that’s been raging there, as the Islamic State’s murderous and bloodthirsty quest for power forges on. Taking those events into account, many Bible experts will point out that some of the battles described in scripture — clashes that they believe are still unfulfilled — are slated to take place in the Middle East. Many of the experts I interviewed for “The Armageddon Code” couldn’t help but wonder if the groundwork is currently being set for the fulfillment of the “Gog” and “Magog” battles that are referenced in the books of Ezekiel and Revelation — a controversial concept that I address in detail in the book. Olga Caprotti/Flickr That brings me to the next modern-day phenomenon that has piqued the interest of Bible experts: the 1948 re-emergence of Israel after a Jewish state was noticeably absent from the map for nearly 1,900 years. Here’s why that matters: futurists who see many Bible prophecies as being currently unfulfilled believe that the Old and New Testament scriptures consistently predicted that a state of Israel would once again emerge at some point in the future. Consider that Ezekiel 36:24, which was written 2,500 years ago, includes the following words that are attributed to God: “For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land.” Futurists believe that the Old Testament verses clearly reference a future restoration of Israel that was unlike anything that unfolded prior to the end of the Holocaust and World War II. Modern-day Israel is seen by these theologians and pastors as a “super sign” of the end of days events to come. “I cannot fathom how this modern-day prophetic fulfillment—a ‘super sign’ of the end times—can be ignored,” author Jeff Kinley, who takes a futurist approach, told me in interviews for “The Armageddon Code.” Other experts, though, would counter that this verse, among others, related to the Babylonian captivity during which the Jews were forcefully taken by King Nebuchadnezzar II and were held in Babylonia after being expelled from Judah following its conquest around 597 BC. — and not to the 1948 re-creation of Israel. Persian leader Cyrus the Great later permitted the Jews to head back to their land in 538 BC, which could be perceived as a fulfillment of those prophecies, though the temple and Jerusalem again came under assault by the Romans in 70 AD, leaving the Jews scattered throughout the world for centuries. The third issue that is sparking intrigue among Bible enthusiasts about the world’s proximity to the end times is the fact that American culture is changing at a rapid rate, with traditional understandings of marriage and gender transforming, as a more progressive view on sexuality takes root. From the Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage last summer to the current transgender debate — including the Obama administration’s recent directive that public schools allow students to use the bathrooms that correspond to their self-perceived gender — there’s a sense among many faith leaders that immorality is intensifying. Last but not least is the idea that the Christian gospel continues to be preached in even the most remote and hard-to-reach geographic areas throughout the world. This matters to many Bible experts due to the fact that Christ, after his resurrection, gave the disciples the commandment in Matthew 28:19 to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Jesus also mentioned this preaching of scripture throughout the world earlier in the Book of Matthew as a sign of the end times. Getty Images “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come,” Christ said in Matthew 24:14. So, there you have it: just a few of the reasons why some Christian leaders believe that the biblical end times are approaching, though, the debate over prophecy can be a heated one, with many dismissing or rejecting these five dynamics as having anything to do with eschatology. Why does this matter, you ask? Whether or not you believe in the Bible or, more specifically, in end-times prophecy, understanding what so many Christians believe and why they believe it helps provide a lens through which all of us — atheist and believer, alike — can better see how certain viewpoints have been formed. Find out more about this fascinating discussion in my new book, “The Armageddon Code.” – Follow the author of this story on Twitter and Facebook and check out his new book “The Armageddon Code: One Journalist’s Quest for End-Times Answers”: Follow @BillyHallowell Read more stories from TheBlaze ‘Frozen’ Actress Responds to Campaign Urging Disney to Make Elsa a ‘Lesbian Princess’: ‘I think It’s Great…’ High School Graduates’ Defiant Response to Atheists’ Demand That the Lord’s Prayer Be Stripped From Commencement — and the Rousing Applause That Followed Glenn Beck Predicts Pedophilia is the ‘Next Stop on This Train’ Former NBA Star Accuses Fellow Train Passenger of Blatant Racism, Publishes Her Photo Online ‘Way to Show Discipline at West Point’: Cadet Blasted After Video Shows Her Marching to Graduation — but Focused on Something Else Entirely Source
  12. The Intelligencer DEVELOPING: Fire reported at North Penn High School The Intelligencer Emergency vehicles at North Penn High School in Towamencin for reported fire Tuesday morning. North Penn High School fire. Contributed. North Penn High School fire. North Penn High School was evacuated after a fire Tuesday morning. Posted: Tuesday ... and more » Google
  13. News & Observer US attorney general in Fayetteville on community policing tour News & Observer U.S. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch visits the Fayetteville Police Department during her National Community Policing Tour on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 in Fayetteville, N.C. Fayetteville officers are using the latest technologies including body cameras ... Attorney general to visit North Carolina, laud police effortBryan-College Station Eagle all 25 news articles » Google
  14. News & Observer US attorney general in Fayetteville on community policing tour News & Observer U.S. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch visits the Fayetteville Police Department during her National Community Policing Tour on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 in Fayetteville, N.C. Fayetteville officers are using the latest technologies including body cameras ... and more » Google
  15. NBCNews.com Sanders Campaign Requests Kentucky Vote Recanvass ABC News Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign requested a recanvass in Kentucky's presidential primary Tuesday, where he trails Hillary Clinton by less than one-half of 1 percent of the vote. The Sanders campaign said it has asked the Kentucky secretary of ... Sanders Requests Recanvassing in Kentucky Primary ContestNBCNews.com Bernie Sanders' campaign says it has requested a recanvass in Kentucky presidential primary.Washington Post all 11 news articles » Google
  16. FOXSports.com 10 things you need to know about the Indy 500 FOXSports.com Leading the field to the green flag for the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500 will be Roger Penske, driving the Chevrolet Camaro Pace Car. Team Penske owner Roger Penske watches during final practice on Carb Day for the 99th running of the ... and more » Google
  17. The queen officially has her day. In a move securing him as the most flawless governor among all those in the Beyhive, Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton (D) officially decreed Monday, May 23, as “Beyoncé Day” in the Gopher State. Beyonce performs during the Formation World Tour at TCF Stadium Monday in Minneapolis. (AP Images/Daniela Vesco) “Beyoncé has influenced many Minnesota girls and women with the powerful, positive messages in her music, and her impact and success has been widely-recognized,” a press release from Dayton’s office stated. Minnesota Lt. Gov. Tina Smith (D) also signed the proclamation. The declaration of “Beyoncé Day” came as the award-winning performer continued her Formation World Tour in Minneapolis Monday night. Her show drew thousands of fans to TCF Bank Stadium, despite stormy weather and a temporary evacuation due to lightening. (H/T: KMSP-TV) — Follow Kaitlyn Schallhorn (@K_Schallhorn) on Twitter Read more stories from TheBlaze ‘Frozen’ Actress Responds to Campaign Urging Disney to Make Elsa a ‘Lesbian Princess’: ‘I think It’s Great…’ High School Graduates’ Defiant Response to Atheists’ Demand That the Lord’s Prayer Be Stripped From Commencement — and the Rousing Applause That Followed Glenn Beck Predicts Pedophilia is the ‘Next Stop on This Train’ Former NBA Star Accuses Fellow Train Passenger of Blatant Racism, Publishes Her Photo Online ‘Way to Show Discipline at West Point’: Cadet Blasted After Video Shows Her Marching to Graduation — but Focused on Something Else Entirely Source
  18. USA TODAY Louisiana set to expand hate crimes law to include police U.S. News & World Report BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana is poised to become the first state in the nation to expand its hate-crime laws to protect police, firefighters and emergency medical crews — a move that could stir the national debate over the relationship between ... Targeting Police a Hate Crime Under Louisiana's 'Blue Lives Matter' BillWall Street Journal (blog) This State Is Making Sure That Blue Lives MatterHuffington Post 'Blue Lives Matter': Louisiana Hate Crimes Bill to Protect First RespondersNBCNews.com Monroe News Star -VICE News -The Root -Reason (blog) all 61 news articles » Google
  19. The Detroit News Split verdict in Judge Berg shooting case The Detroit News A Wayne County jury of six men and six women will decide the fate of Kevin Andre Smith Jr., who was charged in the March 2015 shooting U.S. District Judge Terrence Berg on the porch of his University District home during an alleged botch robbery ... Suspect found not guilty in shooting of federal judge Terrence BergDetroit Free Press Man found not guilty of shooting Federal Judge Berg outside Detroit home, guilty on other chargesWXYZ all 7 news articles » Google
  20. Washington Post Trump says decision to seek donations followed GOP request Washington Post NEW YORK — Donald Trump holds his first presidential fundraisers this week. The events directly benefit his campaign, but he doesn't see it that way. Trump insists that his about-face from self-funded candidate to one who relies on donors is happening ... RNC picks trio of conservative stalwarts for platform committeeCNN Trump scores heavyweight establishment Republicans on fundraising teamThe Hill (blog) Will the past trump the future in 2016?Fox News Hollywood Reporter -Washington Times -Dallas Morning News (blog) -Jewish Journal all 16 news articles » Google
  21. DJ ArtForm — the “third-party contractor” fired by the San Diego Padres for his role in the national anthem mixup that embarrassed the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus over the weekend — is apologizing and insisting there was no “hate” or “bad intent” on his part. The Gay Men’s Chorus had gathered on the field before Saturday’s game — it was Pride Night at Petco Park — to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner.” But instead a woman’s recorded voice was heard singing the anthem — and the song just kept going as the 100-member singing group stood on the field. “I just felt this dread come over me because I was so embarrassed. Some of us started to sing along. After that, we just stood there,” choral member Dan England told the San Diego Union-Tribune. “We thought they would ask us to sing, but they just asked us to leave the field.” Afterward there were calls for an investigation as some were concerned the incident was intentional. “Besides the obvious embarrassment, there is a feeling in the community that this was done on purpose,” the chorus’ executive director, Bob Lehman, told CNN. “My first instinct was that this was done on purpose. I really don’t want to believe that. I just can’t.” But DJ ArtForm said in a Facebook post that the whole thing was accidental. “My deepest apologies and sincere regret toward the entire San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus & the LGBT community for the incident that occurred during the National Anthem,” he wrote in the Monday night post. “It was a very unfortunate mistake but it was just that, an error. I in no way, shape or form directed any type of hate, bad intent or discrimination towards the Chorus or anyone involved.” He added that his gig with the Padres was his “dream job” and that he has “family members & friends that are a part of the LGBT community & I have always been a supporter of Equal Human Rights, so it pains me greatly to see that I am being accused of acting intentionally.” DJ ArtForm also wrote that he’s “appalled by some of the negative, homophobic comments made by fans related to the National Anthem incident” and is trying to set up a meeting with LGBT leaders in San Diego and the Gay Men’s Chorus to discuss what happened. “I’ve let down my City, my family & everyone who had faith in me,” he concluded. “Once again, I’m truly sorry for this entire ordeal.” But responses to DJ Artform’s post were mostly positive, even from some members of the LGBT community: “As a member of the Gay Community, I am deeply sorry for what happened to you! I was there on Saturday, and while unfortunate, I do not think it should have been made to be this big of a deal and definitely should not have cost you your job!” James Allen Slaff commented. “You didn’t cause any [of] the hate speech directed at the chorus, that would be the drunk and intolerant people. How you became the scapegoat, I do not know! Good luck!” “Unfortunately, the thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy,” wrote Josh Ramirez. “As a gay male, I think this was blown way out of proportion with phrases like discrimination and hate crime. I’m truly sorry that this happened to you, and I hate that your livelihood has been affected by this. Please keep your head up, and know that you have a lot of people on your side.” “I support you. I wish my community would have had the patience and understanding we ask for from the world,” Brian Ross wrote. “You should not have been terminated.” To which Robert Griffin replied: “You just said exactly the words I was trying to come up with. The fact that we ask for patience and understanding and acceptance and we can’t give it to those who need it!” Others noted in comments that stopping the national anthem once it starts isn’t typically done as it’s disrespectful. “Our goal was not to tear down and hurt anyone,” Lehman told San Diego’s XEPRS-AM. “Our goal was to make something positive and build something up.” (H/T: New York Daily News) Read more stories from TheBlaze ‘Frozen’ Actress Responds to Campaign Urging Disney to Make Elsa a ‘Lesbian Princess’: ‘I think It’s Great…’ High School Graduates’ Defiant Response to Atheists’ Demand That the Lord’s Prayer Be Stripped From Commencement — and the Rousing Applause That Followed Glenn Beck Predicts Pedophilia is the ‘Next Stop on This Train’ Former NBA Star Accuses Fellow Train Passenger of Blatant Racism, Publishes Her Photo Online ‘Way to Show Discipline at West Point’: Cadet Blasted After Video Shows Her Marching to Graduation — but Focused on Something Else Entirely Source
  22. New York Times RNC Names People to Help Shore Up Donald Trump's Coffers New York Times Donald J. Trump attended a fund-raiser in Lawrenceville, N.J., last week. Credit Eric Thayer for The New York Times. The Republican National Committee has named six people to its finance committee to help raise money for the party and for its ... and more » Google
  23. Washington Post A rainy Atlantic weather system, even a tropical storm, might spoil DC's Memorial Day Washington Post A sunnier, drier weather pattern is about to hit its stride in the Mid-Atlantic. But before anyone gets too used it, consider weather models that suggest that a weather system developing in the Atlantic could bring more overcast, rainy conditions to ... Tropical Disturbance Forms Ahead Of Hurricane Season's StartPatch.com Tropical storm could form this week off Southeast coastUSA TODAY Hurricane season 2016: Forecasters watching Atlantic disturbanceAL.com Reuters -Local 10 -Orlando Sentinel -KRIS Corpus Christi News all 47 news articles » Google
  24. CBS News Officials Investigate Possible Threat at LAX; Plane From Houston Landed Safely KTLA Los Angeles officials are investigating a possible threat at Los Angeles International Airport Tuesday morning. The airport got a TSA notification of a phone threat made to a call center in Houston regarding the plane, said Officer Rob Pedregon, with ... Plane scare leads to SWAT-like intervention at LAXCBS News Police Search Plane at LAX Due to Threat ReportNBC Southern California WATCH LIVE: Plane lands at LAX after receiving bomb threatfox5sandiego.com New York's PIX11 / WPIX-TV -San Francisco Chronicle -CBS 8 San Diego -WPTV.com all 24 news articles » Google
  25. CBS Local Officer Cleared In Freddie Gray's Death, Prosecutor Criticized CBS Local BALTIMORE (AP) — After two trials and no convictions, Baltimore's top prosecutor faces criticism that she moved too quickly to file charges against six officers in the case involving a 25-year-old black man who died a week after he was critically ... Bratton says Marilyn Mosby overcharged cops in Freddie Gray deathNew York Daily News The Latest: Baltimore police to use apps for new policiesMiami Herald Underground Police Brutality: Why There Won't Be Justice for Freddie GrayComplex TriValley Central -WEAA -Salon -Mediaite all 20 news articles » Google
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