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  1. Re: neon. Take a gander at the wikipedia page for neon. It is not just that Ukraine is half the worlds neon production. It is that Russia is another 30 or 40% of the worlds neon production. In other worlds - most all of the neon production is not going to be exported for the near term. Whether there are sanctions or not. Logistics alone are going to trip it up even if it is not embargoed/sanctioned. One company that operates in both russia and ukraine is 65% of world production.
  2. "A searing late summer heatwave has sent the Great Barrier Reef into the red zone for risk, with scientists warning that high sea surface temperatures could have already caused coral bleaching across vast areas" https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/how-bad-will-it-get-scientists-brace-for-great-barrier-reef-bleaching-20220308-p5a2ta.html
  3. "Detected deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon reached a record high for the month of February following a similar record the prior month." https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/brazil-detects-record-amazon-deforestation-jan-feb-83390957
  4. The Amazon rainforest is reportedly facing a tipping point that will unleash dieback, savannahfication, and change global weather patterns forever. Spoiler: it already happened, faster than expected. Oh, and earthly methane levels continue to rise.
  5. The AP reports that half of American adults were exposed to harmful lead levels as children. Lead poisoning never goes away—and it even gets passed down to one’s children. Is this one of the big roots of American psychosis?
  6. The Iran nuclear talks have stalled amid uncertainty about the Ukraine War and other geopolitical concerns.
  7. Azerbaijan and Armenia, which fought a brief war in late 2020, may be drifting back to open conflict. Violations of the ceasefire have been reported; Azerbaijan allegedly attacked a few villages in Armenia on Wednesday. Sandwiched between Russia, Turkey, and Iran, these small countries have a lot to be worried about…
  8. The terrible floods in Australia were called a “once in a 500-year event.” Get used to it, fellas. The 2022 IPCC report suggests that this is only the beginning. Life may seem stressful now, but remember: these are the good times, so try to enjoy them.
  9. South Korea elected a controversial new President this week, while also experiencing wildfires that threatened a nuclear power plant and forced 6,000+ people to evacuate. North Korea tested its largest ICBM yet, and continues to develop its nuclear test site. Google searches for nuclear war are spiking, and one big bank thinks that nuclear war has a 10% likelihood—probably started by Russia.
  10. Social media are destroying us, which you already know. Were zombie movies just priming us for the mass madness that is to come? Russia is planning to label Facebook/Instagram Meta an “extremist organization.” Well, if it’s any consolation, Facebook Meta’s stock price dropped about 50% in the last 6 months, dragging Mark Zuckerberg’s fortune down with it.
  11. The War in Ukraine could be responsible for a 20%+ increase in food prices this year. You can probably still buy all your foodstuffs at the store at a premium—but the shortages will affect countless peopleacross the third world. Egypt was once the breadbasket of civilization; now it can’t grow enough food for its 100M+ citizens. Lebanon is rationing wheat, while some countries in Africa are simply going without any food at all. Ukraine and Russia account for 30% of global wheat exports and I think it’s safe to say Ukraine won’t be planting much wheat this year.
  12. Lest the Ukraine War crowd out all the other disasters in the world, we should remember that Somalia is still enduring a dreadful drought. The article says that the “UNHCR estimates that in 2022 alone half a million Somalis will likely be displaced before the end of March.”
  13. It has begun, according to some market analysts. Could it have begun long, long ago without any of us noticing? What if it began and ended without us realizing it? It’s been generations since the last (openly) global conflict—how has the grammar of War changed since? While some American investors fear the reality of a World War, others believe the world’s #1 superpower is edging dangerously close to Civil War itself.
  14. Putin’s War has strengthened many alliances, while other geopolitical relationships remain in flux, on the sidelines, or move towards Russia. Lines are being drawn in the sand—but sandcastles never outlast the tides of history.
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