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  1. OKLAHOMA CITY (TheBlaze/AP) — An Oklahoma state senator says he hasn’t decided whether to try and override the governor’s veto of his bill that would have effectively outlawed abortion in the state.

    Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki, File)

    Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki, File)

    Republican Sen. Nathan Dahm said Saturday that he would like to override the veto, but won’t decide until next week.

    Gov. Mary Fallin vetoed the bill Friday, saying she opposes abortion but that the bill was vague and would not withstand a legal challenge.

    The bill would have made it a felony for anyone to perform an abortion, including doctors.

    Dahm’s website includes a list of issues, along with a detailed explanation of his stance on each matter. Under the section “Pro Life,” the description reads as follows:

    The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution clearly states ‘nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.’ Our federal and state governments have both been implicit in allowing the depriving of life for millions of unborn children. The life of the unborn is precious, and our state Legislature should do everything within its power to protect that life and guarantee it the equal protection of our laws.

    The Oklahoma Legislature has a May 27 deadline for adjournment and is still grappling with a $1.3 billion budget hole that could lead to cuts to public schools, health care and the state’s overcrowded prison system.

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    See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar

    Clinton Calls Trump’s Pro-Gun Policies ‘Not Just Way Out There,’ but ‘Dangerous’

    Trump Campaign Retracts Claim That It Raised $6 Million for Veterans

    ‘Really, Hershey?’ Visitors Have Mixed Reactions After Hershey Park Announces It Will Allow Guests to Use Bathrooms According to Gender Identity

    George Zimmerman Accepts $250K Bid for Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin: Reports


  2. New York police are searching for the man who was allegedly seen Friday rolling a dead body around on a dolly in Staten Island.

    The suspect, 31-year-old Anthony Lopez, was reportedly spotted with what appeared to be the dead body of his 26-year-old wife at around 7 a.m. Friday, police told WCBS-TV. When Lopez was questioned by a plain clothed detective, he left the body behind.

    The detective who questioned the suspect said he recognized Lopez because he’d arrested him before. Lopez has been arrested 52 times before for offenses including drug possession, petit larceny and criminal contempt, police said.

    According to the New York Daily News, Lopez’s wife has been arrested 19 times.

    The victim’s half-naked body was discovered wrapped in a blanket on the metal dolly. There was some bruising on her body, but a medical examiner will determine her cause of death.

    After news of the discovery spread, neighbors were horrified and afraid, though few were surprised.

    “It’s really sad. I feel very, very bad,” one neighbor who declined to be identified told WCBS. “My condolences go out to her family, but honestly, it was just a matter of time before it happened.”

    “Right now, all of us are kind of like frantic and fearful,” neighbor Cherise Taylor said, adding, “Just worried the person is still loose — running around loose — that did this.”

    Police sources told WCBS that Lopez called his brother Friday and said, “I killed her.” It was this tip that sent police to investigate the scene.

    “It’s crazy, it’s absolutely insane. That they’d just dump a body in somebody’s yard,” Staten Island resident Cedric Smith told WCBS.

    Police are now using canine units and helicopters to locate Lopez, according to the Staten Island Advance. The street on which the body was discovered has been blocked off while police investigate.

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    See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar

    Clinton Calls Trump’s Pro-Gun Policies ‘Not Just Way Out There,’ but ‘Dangerous’

    Trump Campaign Retracts Claim That It Raised $6 Million for Veterans

    ‘Really, Hershey?’ Visitors Have Mixed Reactions After Hershey Park Announces It Will Allow Guests to Use Bathrooms According to Gender Identity

    George Zimmerman Accepts $250K Bid for Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin: Reports


  3. Target’s stock had tumbled to $68.60 per share as of Saturday. The 52-week low for the stock is $65.50. Target Corp. also announced on Wednesday that it expects sales to be flat or down 2 percent in the second quarter.

    The downturn in the company’s stock and sales coincides with the recent controversy over Target’s transgender bathroom policy of allowing customers to use restrooms based on the gender they currently identify with rather than their biological sex. Some critics have vowed to boycott the store.

    Target announced its “stand for inclusivity” on April — and over the next month, its stock took a dramatic dip.

    Here’s how Target stock has been trending over the last three months:

    Screengrab via Market Watch

    Screengrab via Market Watch

    It’s unclear how much of an effect the Target boycott movement has actually had on sales, but something is clearly hurting the company’s bottom line. The company is blaming its dropping numbers on the weather and “cautious consumers.”

    “We continue to see consumers spend cautiously,” CEO Brian Cornell said. “It’s been a very wet and cold start to the year in the Northeast, and it’s been reflected in our sales.”

    More on Target’s stock from Market Watch:

    Target Corp. (NYSE: TGT) reported its fiscal first-quarter financial results Wednesday morning. Although the numbers were mixed, albeit with better-than-expected earnings, guidance seemingly cratered this stock. Some might attribute this to the Amazon effect, while others are seeing this as a weather-related issue.

    The company said it had $1.29 in earnings per share (EPS) on $16.20 billion in revenue. That compares to consensus estimates from Thomson Reuters of $1.19 in EPS on revenue of $16.31 billion. In the same period of last year, Target posted EPS of $1.10 and $17.12 billion in revenue. In terms of guidance for the fiscal second quarter, the company expects comparable sales of flat to down 2% and EPS in the range of $1.00 to $1.20. The consensus estimates call for $1.36 in EPS on $16.68 billion in revenue for the quarter.

    Learn more about Target’s stock here.

    Read more stories from TheBlaze

    See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar

    Clinton Calls Trump’s Pro-Gun Policies ‘Not Just Way Out There,’ but ‘Dangerous’

    Trump Campaign Retracts Claim That It Raised $6 Million for Veterans

    ‘Really, Hershey?’ Visitors Have Mixed Reactions After Hershey Park Announces It Will Allow Guests to Use Bathrooms According to Gender Identity

    George Zimmerman Accepts $250K Bid for Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin: Reports


  4. PARIS (TheBlaze/AP) — Four lucky contest winners are set to be the first people in history to use the Eiffel Tower as a vacation home next month.

    Rental company HomeAway is taking over part of the first floor of the iconic 300-yard landmark for the duration of the UEFA Euro 2016 soccer tournament in Paris, and transforming it into Hausmannian-style living quarters.

    The competition for the chance to stay in the famous monument, which provides panoramic views of the Arc de Triomphe, the Sacre Coeur and the Seine river, began Thursday.

    Brian Sharples, HomeAway CEO, called the move “unprecedented” and said it was “guaranteed to provide the most epic vacation memories of a lifetime.”

    Read more stories from TheBlaze

    See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar

    Clinton Calls Trump’s Pro-Gun Policies ‘Not Just Way Out There,’ but ‘Dangerous’

    Trump Campaign Retracts Claim That It Raised $6 Million for Veterans

    ‘Really, Hershey?’ Visitors Have Mixed Reactions After Hershey Park Announces It Will Allow Guests to Use Bathrooms According to Gender Identity

    George Zimmerman Accepts $250K Bid for Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin: Reports


  5. CAIRO (AP) — Smoke was detected in multiple places on EgyptAir flight 804 moments before it plummeted into the Mediterranean, but the cause of the crash that killed all 66 on board remains unclear, the French air accident investigation agency said on Saturday.

    Agency spokesman Sebastien Barthe told The Associated Press in Paris that the plane’s automatic detection system sent messages indicating smoke a few minutes before the plane disappeared from radar while flying over the east Mediterranean early Thursday morning.

    The messages, he explained, “generally mean the start of a fire,” but he added: “We are drawing no conclusions from this. Everything else is pure conjecture.”

    An aviation industry publication has earlier reported that sensors detected smoke in a lavatory, suggesting a fire onboard before the aircraft went down.

    The publication cited information transmitted through the plane’s Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, or ACARS, which transmits data from the plane to the ground in the form of a series of messages. Those messages showed that smoke was detected in the plane’s lavatory near the cockpit, according to the report.

    David Learmount, a widely respected aviation expert and editor of the authoritative Flightglobal magazine, said the readings reported by the Aviation Herald suggested a quick-spreading fire.

    “The question now is whether the fire that caused the smoke was the result of an electrical fault – for example a short-circuit caused by damaged wiring – or whether some form of explosive or incendiary device was used,” he wrote on his website.

    In the absence of a claim of responsibility, it’s still unclear whether the crash was the result of a fault or an attack, he wrote.

    “That answer is unlikely to be forthcoming soon.”

    This still image taken from video posted Saturday, May 21, 2016, on the official Facebook page of the Egyptian Armed Forces spokesman shows a piece of carpet from the wreckage of EgyptAir flight 804. Smoke was detected in multiple places on EgyptAir flight 804 moments before it plummeted into the Mediterranean, but the cause of the crash that killed all 66 on board remains unclear, the French air accident investigation agency said on Saturday.  (Egyptian Armed Forces via AP)

    This still image taken from video posted Saturday, May 21, 2016, on the official Facebook page of the Egyptian Armed Forces spokesman shows a piece of carpet from the wreckage of EgyptAir flight 804. Smoke was detected in multiple places on EgyptAir flight 804 moments before it plummeted into the Mediterranean, but the cause of the crash that killed all 66 on board remains unclear, the French air accident investigation agency said on Saturday. (Egyptian Armed Forces via AP)

    This still image taken from video posted Saturday, May 21, 2016, on the official Facebook page of the Egyptian Armed Forces spokesman shows personal belongings and other wreckage of EgyptAir flight 804. Smoke was detected in multiple places on EgyptAir flight 804 moments before it plummeted into the Mediterranean, but the cause of the crash that killed all 66 on board remains unclear, the French air accident investigation agency said on Saturday.  (Egyptian Armed Forces via AP)

    This still image taken from video posted Saturday, May 21, 2016, on the official Facebook page of the Egyptian Armed Forces spokesman shows personal belongings and other wreckage of EgyptAir flight 804. Smoke was detected in multiple places on EgyptAir flight 804 moments before it plummeted into the Mediterranean, but the cause of the crash that killed all 66 on board remains unclear, the French air accident investigation agency said on Saturday. (Egyptian Armed Forces via AP)

    Looking for clues to whether terrorists may have brought down the Airbus A320, investigators have been poring over the passenger list and questioned ground crew members at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, from which the plane took off.

    The aircraft had been cruising normally in clear skies on a nighttime flight to Cairo early Thursday when it suddenly lurched left, then right, spun all the way around and plummeted 38,000 feet (11,582 meters) into the sea, never issuing a distress signal.

    Search crews are scouring for further wreckage of the aircraft. Experts said answers will come only with an examination of the wreckage and the plane’s cockpit voice and flight data recorders, commonly known as black boxes.

    Planes and vessels from Egypt and five other countries – Greece, Britain, France, the United States and Cyprus – continued searching a wide area of the eastern Mediterranean on Saturday, a day after the Egyptian military found debris from the passenger jet in the sea 180 miles (290 kilometers) north of the Egyptian port city of Alexandria.

    The waters in the area are 8,000 to 10,000 feet deep (2,440 to 3,050 meters), and the pings from the black boxes can be detected up to a depth of 20,000 feet (6 kilometers).

    On Saturday, the Egyptian military released photographs of the debris from EgyptAir flight 804. The photos were posted on the Facebook page of the chief military spokesman. They appear to show the heavily-damaged remains of plane seats, life jackets – one of which was seemingly undamaged – and a scrap of cloth that looks to be part of a baby’s purple and pink blanket or sleeping bag.

    The spokesman’s Facebook page later posted a brief video that showed more debris, including what appeared to be a piece of blue carpet, seat belts, a shoe and what looked like a woman’s white handbag. The short clip opened with aerial footage of an unidentified navy ship followed by a speed boat with five service members aboard heading toward floating debris.

    Egyptian authorities said they believe terrorism is a more likely explanation than equipment failure, and some aviation experts have said the erratic flight suggests a bomb blast or a struggle in the cockpit. But so far no hard evidence has emerged.

    No militant group has claimed to have brought down the aircraft. That is a contrast to the downing of a Russian jet in October over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula that killed all 224 on board. In that case, the Islamic State group’s branch in Sinai issued a claim of responsibility within hours. On Friday, IS issued a statement on clashes with the Egyptian military in Sinai, but said nothing about the plane crash.

    Three European security officials said on Friday that the passenger manifest for Flight 804 contained no names on terrorism watch lists. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation. The manifest was leaked online and has not been verified by the airline.

    Further checks are being conducted on relatives of the passengers.

    French aviation investigators have begun to check and question all baggage handlers, maintenance workers, gate agents and other ground crew members at Charles de Gaulle Airport who had a direct or indirect link to the plane before it took off, according to a French judicial official. The official was not authorized to discuss the investigation and spoke on condition of anonymity.

    At the Paris airport, dozens of passengers, mostly Egyptians, queued for the afternoon EgyptAir flight to Cairo, with flight crew and pilots passing through the security post to have their luggage scanned. Checks were thorough but there were no overt signs of extra security in the waiting area as passengers boarded normally. However, a team of French security officials did enter the plane and walked through the aisles before take-off.

    Whatever caused the aircraft to crash, the tragedy will most likely deepen Egypt’s difficult predicament as it struggles to revive a battered economy and contain an increasingly resilient insurgency by Islamic militants.

    In the five years since the country was first mired in turmoil caused by a popular uprising against longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak, the lucrative tourism sector has been decimated, the value of the local currency has progressively fallen and domestic debt has mushroomed.

    While the latest tragedy may not reflect directly on security at Egypt’s airports, as the Russian jet crash did in October, the country’s association with another air disaster will impact negatively on tourism and the flow of foreign investment.

    In Paris, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Saturday that he and other officials – including representatives of Paris Aeroport, the French prosecutor, EgyptAir, and the Egyptian ambassador to Paris – had met with about 100 family members to express “our profound compassion” over the crash.

    In a statement delivered to reporters following the meeting, he said: “All the hypotheses are being examined – none are being favored.”

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    See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar

    Clinton Calls Trump’s Pro-Gun Policies ‘Not Just Way Out There,’ but ‘Dangerous’

    Trump Campaign Retracts Claim That It Raised $6 Million for Veterans

    ‘Really, Hershey?’ Visitors Have Mixed Reactions After Hershey Park Announces It Will Allow Guests to Use Bathrooms According to Gender Identity

    George Zimmerman Accepts $250K Bid for Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin: Reports


  6. In this week’s Republican address, Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), vice chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, shared the steps House Republicans have been taking to improve the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) and hold it accountable.

    “This week, the House passed legislation that funds the VA. In it, we have used our constitutional authority to hold the VA accountable,” Rep. Bilirakis said. “That means making the VA meet requirements for improving electronic health records. It means adding hundreds of new employees to tackle claims appeals. And it means prohibiting all VA Senior Executive Service Managers from receiving bonuses.”

    Scott Olson/Getty Images

    Scott Olson/Getty Images

    Bilirakis addressed what he claimed to be President Barack Obama’s failure to “keep his word” and enact “real and meaningful reforms” at the VA.

    “It has been nearly two years since VA Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned amid a series of scandals,” the Florida congressman said. “At the time, the president said — and I quote — ‘The number one priority is making sure that problems get fixed.’”

    “But problems have not been fixed,” Bilirakis continued, “and it’s not clear whether it’s a priority for this administration.”

    Republican front-runner Donald Trump has made veterans’ rights one of the major focuses of his campaign. According to recent findings, however, the billionaire businessman has reported inaccurate information about fundraising efforts his campaign has led to benefit American servicemen.


    Read more stories from TheBlaze

    See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar

    Clinton Calls Trump’s Pro-Gun Policies ‘Not Just Way Out There,’ but ‘Dangerous’

    Trump Campaign Retracts Claim That It Raised $6 Million for Veterans

    ‘Really, Hershey?’ Visitors Have Mixed Reactions After Hershey Park Announces It Will Allow Guests to Use Bathrooms According to Gender Identity

    George Zimmerman Accepts $250K Bid for Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin: Reports


  7. When a couple of drunk, knife-wielding out-of-towners tried to cause trouble on an L.A. Metro bus Thursday, a group of locals shut them down, the Los Angeles Times reported.

    Image via Instagram/ojromero88

    Image via Instagram/ojromero88

    Cell phone videos captured by a witness and posted to Instagram show a group of bus riders trying to restrain two men, who said they were from Chicago, after they pulled a knife out and tried to start a fight with some L.A. riders.

    “You talk too much,” one bus rider says in the first video while attempting to pin one of the men. “This is L.A. … ! Get your a** up out of here with that bulls**t. Disrespecting people on this bus.”

    “Ain’t nobody disrespecting!” the man replies.

    Sheriff’s officials told the Times the men were intoxicated when they boarded the Metro Orange Line Thursday afternoon at 3:25 p.m. The bus was heading to North Hollywood.

    At some point during the trip, the men “got into it with two bus patrons,” Ramon Montenegro, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Transit Policing Division, told the Times.

    That’s when one of the out-of-towners pulled out a knife, Montenegro said.

    “I got nervous, my heart started beating, but I was more focused on capturing the moment, the video,” Orlando Romero, a witness who filmed the altercation on his cell phone, told KABC-TV.

    Image via Instagram/ojromero88

    Image via Instagram/ojromero88

    Romero said the fight began after one of the men claiming to be from Chicago was drunkenly harassing an L.A. passenger. The East Hollywood resident said the drunken man was the one with the bloodied face in the video.

    As the fight grew increasingly more violent, Romero said the bus driver furiously honked the horn to alert police.

    L.A. riders teamed up to subdue the man and take the knife out of his hands. The rider who grabbed the knife later handed it over to a security officer, according to the Times.

    The out-of-town suspects eventually exited the bus and entered a Metro Red Line train in North Hollywood, still bloodied from the fight.

    They didn’t get far. According to the Times, deputies quickly spotted the pair and arrested them on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, Montenegro said.

    The man who allegedly pulled the knife was taken to an local hospital, where he was treated for minor cuts and bruises. Officials told KABC that it did not appear that anyone was stabbed Thursday.

    Watch (Caution: Contains violence and some strong language):

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    See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar

    Clinton Calls Trump’s Pro-Gun Policies ‘Not Just Way Out There,’ but ‘Dangerous’

    Trump Campaign Retracts Claim That It Raised $6 Million for Veterans

    ‘Really, Hershey?’ Visitors Have Mixed Reactions After Hershey Park Announces It Will Allow Guests to Use Bathrooms According to Gender Identity

    George Zimmerman Accepts $250K Bid for Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin: Reports


  8. The video of a West Virginia meteorologist reacting to a spider that appeared on his weather map during a live report this week has gained international attention and thousands of shares on YouTube and other social media platforms.

    WOWK-TV’s Bryan Hughes let out a shrill scream after noticing the large black spider that apparently crawled across the camera lens just as he was about to deliver Thursday’s forecast.

    Image source: WOWK-TV

    Image source: WOWK-TV

    “Ahh! Geez Louise!” he screamed when he saw the spider, which appeared much bigger when projected onto the screen.

    “Why did that just happen? I nearly lost my lunch!” an exasperated-but-amused Hughes continued. “Oh man, saints alive, we’ve gotta get out there and kill those things.”

    Image source: WOWK-TV

    Image source: WOWK-TV

    After the WOWK posted a video of the broadcast online, the clip quickly became a viral hit.

    As the video spread across the Internet, Hughes tweeted that he “couldn’t help” the reaction he had. “Honestly! I screamed like a little girl,” he wrote. “Now, where’s the matches and gasoline?”

    It even gained the attention of the BBC, who engaged in some friendly banter.

    “Our @bbcweather presenters are made of tougher stuff!” the British outlet joked.

  9. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump skipped a GOP debate in January to host a “special event” for veterans. At the time, veterans organizations accused Trump of using them as pawns in his feud with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, whom the candidate claimed was “biased” against him.

    After the event, held in Iowa, Trump claimed to have raised $6 million raised for veterans groups — $5 million from the event, plus another $1 million donation from Trump himself.

    Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally raising funds for US military veterans at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa on January 28, 2016.(William Edwards/AFP/Getty Images)

    Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally raising funds for US military veterans at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa on January 28, 2016.(William Edwards/AFP/Getty Images)

    According to CNN, that number is inaccurate. Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told the news outlet Friday the the amount raised at the Des Moines rally was in fact less than $6 million.

    Lewandowski said he did not “know the exact number” off the top of his head but said he would confirm the number within the next couple of days. He explained the false report by claiming that at the time of the rally, Trump believed he had raised $6 million, but more money was pledged than was actually donated.

    More than two months after the January fundraiser, the beneficiaries of the funds had only been given “a fraction of the promised money,” the Wall Street Journal reported at the time.

    After surveying 22 veterans groups originally listed by the Trump campaign as beneficiaries, the publication concluded that 19 of the groups had received only $2.4 million of the reported $6 million raised.

    The Washington Post reported Friday that Lewandowski said the “special event” actually raised about $4.5 million. But Lewandowski told CNN that number was incorrect.

    Since the start of his campaign Trump has pledged to be an advocate for veterans. At the January 28 fundraiser, the GOP’s presumptive nominee said, “Our vets are being mistreated … and it’s not going to happen anymore.”

    Back in March, after CNN questioned the amount Trump raised for veterans, his campaign provided a list showing 27 veterans organizations had received a total of $2.9 million, but the campaign did not confirm when or how the rest of the funds would be dispersed.

    The list showed that most of the money that had been donated at that time came from Trump’s foundation or the foundations of two of his friends, businessman Carl Icahn and pharmaceutical billionaire Stewart J. Rahr.

    Trump’s campaign did not identify any contributors Friday who pledged money without actually following through with donations.

    Charities that received money from the January fundraiser include Fisher House Foundation, Green Beret Foundation and Disabled American Veterans. Other organizations, such as Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said they did not want to receive any of the contributions, according to CNN.

    But the fundraiser was vague from the start. The event’s website never listed charities that would benefit, but instead urged donors to “Honor their valor” and “Donate now to help our veterans.”

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    See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar

    Clinton Calls Trump’s Pro-Gun Policies ‘Not Just Way Out There,’ but ‘Dangerous’

    Trump Campaign Retracts Claim That It Raised $6 Million for Veterans

    ‘Really, Hershey?’ Visitors Have Mixed Reactions After Hershey Park Announces It Will Allow Guests to Use Bathrooms According to Gender Identity

    George Zimmerman Accepts $250K Bid for Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin: Reports


  10. Voters supporting Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders have united against a common enemy they’ve deemed more detrimental to their candidate’s success than even rival Hillary Clinton: Democratic National Committee chairwoman and Florida lawmaker Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

    For Sanders supporters, Wasserman Schultz represents everything they dislike about their party’s policies. For example, they believe that former Secretary of State Clinton’s victories are attributable to the exclusion of independent voters and the “rigged” policy of superdelegates.

    Back in February, Schultz told CNN host Jake Tapper, “Unpledged delegates exist, really, to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists.”

    “I think I’m honestly starting to hate @DWStweets more than @realDonaldTrump,” one Sanders supporter tweeted on Thursday, using the campaign hashtag, #FeelTheBern.

    Other hashtags employed by frustrated Sanders supporters on Thursday included #DebbieDowner, #DownwithDebbie and #DumpDebbie.

    The newly ignited outrage stemmed from Wasserman Schultz’s response to Sanders’ statement on the chaotic Nevada convention last Saturday.

    “Our campaign of course believes in non-violent change and it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals,” Sanders said in a statement Tuesday after his supporters were accused of inciting violence at the convention, during which property was vandalized and certain members of the local party received death threats.

    In his statement, Sanders also criticized Democratic leadership for using “its power to prevent a fair and transparent process from taking place” at the convention.

    Wasserman Schultz took issue with Sanders’ choice to blame Saturday’s failure on a flawed Democratic Party, rather than his supporters alone.

    AP File Photo

    AP File Photo

    “Unfortunately, the senator’s response was anything but acceptable. It certainly did not condemn his supporters for acting violently or engaging in intimidation tactics and added more fuel to the fire,” the DNC chair said on CNN.

    That response triggered the criticism of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski, who called for Wasserman Schultz’s resignation Wednesday, blaming the Florida congresswoman for what she saw as the unfair treatment of Sanders throughout the primary season.

    “This has been very poorly handled from the start. It has been unfair, and they haven’t taken him seriously, and it starts, quite frankly, with the person we just heard speaking,” Brzezinski said of Wasserman Schultz.

    Liberal political groups such as Credo, Moveon.org and RootsAction have also posted online petitions calling for the DNC chairwoman’s.

    Credo’s petition has gained more than 88,000 signatures so far, with an ultimate goal of 100,000 signatures. Moveon.org’s petition has more than 77,000 signatures, and RootsAction exceeded its goal of 35,000 signatures for its petition.

    Former DNC spokeswoman and now Democratic consultant Holly Shulman has defended Wasserman Schultz, saying that Democrats selected her as DNC chair and that it’s easy for campaigns blame her for failures since she’s the face of the party.

    “Something that’s getting lost in a lot of this discussion is that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a democratically elected chair of the party,” Shulman told the Hill. “Democrats elected her to lead the party, and that’s what she’s doing.”

    “Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz is an easy scapegoat for each campaign who has complaints about how their own campaigns are being run or the traction that they’re not getting,” she added.

    The heated feud between Clinton and Sanders supporters has caused many to wonder if the party will be able to unite against the presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.

    “I’d say the effort for party unity is not going very well,” Democratic strategist Brad Bannon told the Hill. “It’s definitely a threat to the nominee, which is probably going to be Hillary Clinton.”

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    See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar

    Clinton Calls Trump’s Pro-Gun Policies ‘Not Just Way Out There,’ but ‘Dangerous’

    ‘Really, Hershey?’ Visitors Have Mixed Reactions After Hershey Park Announces It Will Allow Guests to Use Bathrooms According to Gender Identity

    Trump Campaign Retracts Claim That It Raised $6 Million for Veterans

    George Zimmerman Accepts $250K Bid for Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin: Reports


  11. Conservative pundit Charles Krauthammer said Friday on the Fox News Channel that he believes Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) will most likely be tapped by Donald Trump to run on the Republican ticket as vice president.

    Krauthammer used $100 in “casino chips” to illustrate to the Fox audience the odds of various individuals scoring the VP nomination.

    Image source: Screen grab

    Image source: Screen grab

    The syndicated columnist placed a $25 bet on Corker, saying the Tennessee senator has “a bit of gravitas” and “spoke well” of Trump’s speech at AIPAC. Corker is also scheduled to meet with Trump Monday.

    Former Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) earned $20 in chips, as did Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

    Krauthammer placed a $10 bet on former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and $5 on former senator and Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint.

    The remaining $20 in chips were placed by Krauthammer on “the field.”

    “I have no idea,” he conceded.

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    Read more stories from TheBlaze

    See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar

    Clinton Calls Trump’s Pro-Gun Policies ‘Not Just Way Out There,’ but ‘Dangerous’

    ‘Really, Hershey?’ Visitors Have Mixed Reactions After Hershey Park Announces It Will Allow Guests to Use Bathrooms According to Gender Identity

    Trump Campaign Retracts Claim That It Raised $6 Million for Veterans

    George Zimmerman Accepts $250K Bid for Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin: Reports


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