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  1. TBILISI, DFWatch–A man attacked a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kutaisi, western Georgia, on Thursday. The inebriated attacker beat him and tore book and, leaflets and smashed the JW stand. The incident took place on Thursday morning near the former glass factory. Manuchar Tsimintia, a lawyer representing Jehovah’s Witnesses, told journalists that the man first insulted two women at the stand and then beat them, after which he escaped. The Interior Ministry is studying the incident, but an investigation has not yet been launched. Source
  2. GAINESVILLE, Fla., March 10 (UPI) -- A probiotic pill could one day be used to prevent dental cavities by regulating pH in the mouth, according to scientists at the University of Florida. The scientists identified a bacteria that breaks down substances in the mouth and can control the function of other bacteria that lead to cavities, which would help to prevent them. Bacteria on the teeth clump together to form plaques, making acids that break teeth down. Acidity in the mouth, or pH level, must stay neutral, but if it increases, this increases risk for cavities and other conditions to develop. Previous research by the scientists found two compounds in the mouth, urea and arginine, are broken down into ammonia, which neutralizes acids in the mouth. The research showed that people who are better at breaking down the two compounds have fewer cavities. For the new study, published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology, the scientists took samples of plaque, isolating more than 2,000 bacteria, screening them all to find those that metabolize arginine, arriving at one called A12. "We may be able to use this as a risk assessment tool," Dr. Marcelle Nascimento, an associate professor of restorative dental sciences at the University of Florida, in a press release. "If we get to the point where we can confirm that people who have more of this healthy type of bacteria in the mouth are at lower risk of cavities, compared to those who don't carry the beneficial bacteria and may be at high risk, this could be one of the factors that you measure for cavities risk." In addition to larger studies on the effects of A12 in the mouth, as well as understanding other bacteria interacting with it, the researchers said they see the potential for some type of treatment that could prevent the formation of cavities by interacting with bacteria in the mouth. "Like a probiotic approach to the gut to promote health, what if a probiotic formulation could be developed from natural beneficial bacteria from humans who had a very high capacity to break down arginine?" said Dr. Robert Burne, an associate dean at the University of Florida's College of Denistry. "You would implant this probiotic in a healthy child or adult who might be at risk for developing cavities. However many times you have to do that -- once in a lifetime or once a week, the idea is that you could prevent a decline in oral health by populating the patient with natural beneficial organisms." http://www.upi.com/Health_News/2016/03/10/Probiotic-pill-to-prevent-cavities-may-be-future-of-dental-care/5491457640581/
  3. The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased at a record pace last year, US government scientists reported, raising new concern about one of the top greenhouse gases and the effects of global warming. The measurement came from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. "The annual growth rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide... jumped by 3.05 parts per million during 2015, the largest year-to-year increase in 56 years of research," said a NOAA statement. Last year also marked the fourth consecutive year that CO2 grew more than two parts per million. As of February, the average global atmospheric CO2 level was 402.59 parts per million. This is a significant rise over pre-industrial times. Prior to 1800, atmospheric CO2 averaged about 280 ppm. "Carbon dioxide levels are increasing faster than they have in hundreds of thousands of years," said Pieter Tans, lead scientist of NOAA's Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network. "It's explosive compared to natural processes." NOAA said the jump in CO2 is partially due to the weather phenomenon known as El Nino, which warms some parts of the world's oceans and causes unusual precipitation and drought patterns. The rest of the growth is driven by continued high emissions from fossil fuel consumption, said NOAA. The last time a similar jump in CO2 was observed was in 1998, also a strong El Nino year. "The impact of El Nino on CO2 concentrations is a natural and relatively short-lived phenomenon," said a statement by World Meterological Organization Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. "But the main long-term driver is greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. We have the power and responsibility to cut these," he added. "This should serve as a wake-up call to governments about the need to sign the Paris Climate Agreement and to take urgent action to make the cuts in CO2 emissions necessary to keep global temperature rises to well below 2 degrees Celsius." Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-03-carbon-dioxide.html#jCp
  4. Illustration file picture (REUTERS/Kacper Pempel/Files) Slow-loading webpages are a modern-day annoyance, but researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) and Harvard have unveiled a plan to nip the issue in the bud. The program, known as Polaris, decreases the time it takes for a webpage to load by 34 percent. Related: Long-delayed plan to end US oversight of ICANN could finally take effect this year The Polaris team includes graduate student Ameesh Goyal and professor Hari Balakrishnan, as well as Harvard professor James Mickens, who started project while he was a visiting professor at MIT in 2014. On the project’s website, the team said that users often blame bandwidth for slow page loading, but often, it has nothing to do with bandwidth at all. In order to load a page, browsers have to “fetch” objects such as images, source code and HTML files before adding the content to what the user sees. The complication lies in the browser’s need to sometimes fetch and evaluate additional objects, called “dependencies.” “As an example, a browser might have to execute a file’s JavaScript code in order to discover more images to fetch and render,” wrote the team. “The problem is that browsers can’t actually see all of these dependencies because of the way that objects are represented by HTML (the standard format for expressing a webpage’s structure). As a result, browsers have to be conservative about the order in which they load objects, which tends to increase the number of cross-network trips and slow down the page load.” Related: Department of Defense to test its cybersecurity with 'Hack the Pentagon' competition Polaris cuts into this process by tracking the interactions and creating a “dependency graph” for the page. To better understand Polaris in action, Mickens suggested the analogy of a travelling businessperson visiting city upon city without a list of each stop. “If someone gave you the entire list of cities ahead of time, you could plan the fastest possible route. Without the list, though, you have to discover new cities as you go, which results in unnecessary zig-zagging between far-away cities,” wrote the team. “For a web browser, loading all of a page’s objects is like visiting all of the cities,” said Mickens. “Polaris effectively gives you a list of all the cities before your trip actually begins. It’s what allows the browser to load a webpage more quickly.” http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2016/03/10/mit-touts-tech-to-speed-up-webpages.html
  5. With it's recent move to handle customer service via Twitter... this brings up the above question. I have wondered for a long time why Apple has never entered the social media game. Maybe they wanted to let it play out first? Maybe they wanted to watch the continued demise of Google +? I have been saying for over a year that I expect Apple will buy Twitter and will even more tightly integrate it into it's OS's. What do you think? Why have they stayed out for so long?
  6. Apple's March 21 keynote will be streamed live on Apple TV, Mac, iPhone, iPad and more, giving consumers around the world the opportunity to be among the first to see its latest products. The official Apple Events page has been updated in advance of the newly announced media event. Invitations were sent out earlier Thursday inviting members of the press to "let us loop you in."The March 21 presentation uses Apple's HTTP Live Streaming technology. It requires an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with iOS 7.0 or later.The event can also be streamed from second-, third- and fourth-generation Apple TV set-top boxes. On a Mac, users must be running Safari 6.0.5 or later on OS X 10.8.5 or later, and PC users must use the Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10.The keynote will kick off that Monday at 10 a.m. Pacific, 1 p.m. Eastern. It will be held at Apple's corporate headquarters at 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino, Calif.It's possible the presentation could be the last to be held at Apple's current headquarters, as Cook said at last month's annual shareholders meeting that the 1,000-seat theater at Apple's upcoming Campus 2 may open in time for next year's shareholder meeting. Apple is also expected to hold an event this fall, but it will likely be in San Francisco rather than Cupertino, if history is any indication.Apple's March 21 presentation is widely expected to be headlined by a new 4-inch iPhone with A9 processor and support for Apple Pay. It's rumored to be called the "iPhone SE."The company is also expected to unveil a new 9.7-inch iPad with Smart Connector, quad-speaker array and A9X processor. Rumors have suggested it will be named the iPad Pro, just like its larger 12.9-inch variant.Apple's presentation is also expected to mark the debut new bands debut for the wearable Apple Watch. The company also has new MacBooks in the works that could launch at such a media event, as Apple's notebooks are due for upgrades to Intel's latest processors. http://appleinsider.com/articles/16/03/10/let-us-loop-you-in-live-apples-march-21-event-will-be-streamed-online
  7. JIM WATSON VIA GETTY IMAGES The rise of Donald Trump in the race for the Republican nomination is based in part on a consensus among conservative Catholics in America, who prefer him over the other Republican candidates (Cruz, Kasich and Rubio), who vaunt a far less marked religious appeal. There were signs of this during the primaries in various states, most notably in Michigan. What's most interesting is that the xenophobic and nationalist candidate has earned the vote of a majority of Catholic Republicans, either unaware or uninterested in the fact that Pope Francis said, just three weeks ago during his return flight from Mexico, that Trump's message "is not Christian." The phenomenon of Catholic Trumpism lays bare several deep internal contradictions and trends at work in American Catholicism. The first deals with the evolution of the American Catholic church and its inherent political alignment. In 2008 the election of Obama to the office of the President highlighted a stratification of votes among Catholics not only along social and ideological lines, but ethnic lines as well. In the last two presidential elections, white Catholics voted by a large majority for Republican candidates, while non-white Catholics voted for the Democrats. The success of Trump (who stood out during the early part of Obama's presidency for accusing the President of not being born in the United States, and therefore having been elected illegitimately) among conservative Catholics is therefore part of a trend that was already clear during the previous decade within the American church. A church, worth noting, that is still run by white leadership, but with a majority that will cease to be white well before the midway point of this century, turning largely Latino and Asian, along with a small Afro-American minority. The second element can be seen in shifts in the role played by pro-life vs. pro-choice in relationsihps between the church and politics in America. For the past 40 years, starting with the Supreme Court's decision in 1973 to legalize abortion, the abortion issue has been the critical factor for the American church, whose bishops aligned staunchly with Republicans from 1980 onward first and foremost for their anti-abortion stance. Seduced by the partially-instrumental positioning of the GOP, Catholic bishops feel abandoned by a Republican Party that risks nominating a person who is unafraid of distancing himself from the party orthodoxy on this issue. The pro-life agenda has disappeared not only from the Democratic Party, but from large part of the Republican Party as well. Trump earns the votes of most conservative Catholics despite his more than flip-floppy position on the issue. Social, economic and immigration issues have overtaken abortion in importance within the white conservative Catholic church, whose members are now clinging desperately to Trump, terrified to lose "white supremacy" within American society, as well as by the deindustrialization and impoverishment of the American middle class. The third element is the involution of political culture among conservative American Catholics. Catholic support for Trump cannot be explained simply by the fears and decline of white America's lower middle class. Instead it should be viewed through the lens of decadence within the neo-conservative Catholic intelligentsia in the US during the papacies of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. On one hand the "victimology" elaborated by bishops and conservative Catholic Americans concerning the religious freedom of Catholics around the country who felt under fire from the Obama administration has found its surrogate in the ethnic and nationalistic victimhood professed by Trump against Latinos and the Chinese. On the other hand, there is a culture of moral excommunication of a political adversary, now one of the distinctive features of Trump (who adds theatrical elements that further perfect the media circus that is US presidential primaries). During the early '90s, conservative American Catholicism morally and politically excommunicated Bill Clinton, and in 2008 it was Obama's turn -- the only difference being that the "excommunication" reserved for Obama was not merely political and moral, but also civil and not devoid of racial undertones, aimed constantly and consistently at undermining and delegitimizing his presidency. The libertarian rhetoric of the Tea Party, with its "let's take back our country" (in other words, let's take it out of the hands of an African-American president), is extremely similar to Trump's brand of xenophobia -- two things that American bishops proved themselves incapable of reacting to, back then and today. It's a short step from libertarian-liberalist rhetoric to the death of the key idea of "the common good" for Catholic morality, and the Republican Party already took this step over the course of the past decade. From a certain point of view, Trump is merely the tip of the iceberg of this perversion, which is at once moral and theological: the social and moral depth of the message candidates close to the religious right, like Cruz and Rubio, are sending is not much more Christian than Trump's manifest moral illiteracy. The fourth element: Pope Francis' "American problem" has shone a light on the hypocrisies and contradictions that exist in American Catholicism. The majority of American bishops and conservative American Catholics are not following Francis: in part this is due to the Pope's message; in part because a peculiar feature of American Catholicism has emerged over the past decade. According to "the American equation," that which is good for America is good in and of itself; American Catholicism lives within a similar illusion. On March 7th of this year, two of America's most famous conservative Catholics, George Weigel and Robert George, published an appeal to conservative American Catholics asking them not to vote for Trump. Not only did this appeal (which was also signed by other academics) include not a single quote from Pope Francis (even though the Pope had already been quite clear in statements on Trump), it built the anti-Trump argument based on an interpretation of the church's social teachings that is identical to that of American liberal capitalism: their thesis is that Trump is no good for Catholics because Trump is no good for American capitalism. Furthermore, the document depicts the Obama administration as a period of deep constitutional distortion (and not for its use of drones), as well as damaging to the social and economic fabric of a free America, which the country must recover from, but not by running to Trump. It's an appeal that lays bare the hypocrisies of neoconservative America, which still refuses to forgive anything to with President Obama (especially his health care laws), but is willing to forgive everything about George W. Bush, including the disastrous wars in the Middle East, the use of torture, the destruction of social welfare policies and what little of the welfare state that existed in America after Clinton left office. The moral excommunication brought to bear on Obama starting in 2008 and today on Hillary Clinton by conservative American Catholics is now backfiring on those among the political and intellectual elite who played around at being wizard's apprentices as they manipulated the various and diverse ethnic and ideological positions in order to delegitimize the Obama presidency. No wonder America's white lower middle class is now turning to Trump, a man who is not afraid to point a finger at the disasters of the Bush era. In their own way, Catholics for Trump are presenting the country and the American Catholic church with the bill for a moral and intellectual bankruptcy that it will not be easy to recover from, even for one of the most important churches in modern global Catholicism. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/massimo-faggioli/catholic-trumpism-is-reig_b_9429032.html
  8. Click on your icon to go to your profile page In the upper right hand part of your cover photo you will see "edit profile" Once inside, click on "enable status updates" and VOILA! You can share your current status, idea onto your wall.
  9. This forum has the same capability as most social media with your own user "newsfeed" and even your own status update. The difference between a social media website and a Forum 2.0 is that the topics are the focus rather than the person's profile. Social Media newsfeed turn into a firehouse of non-sequiturs.... whereas a forum can be designed just as you like it by following only certain people and/or topics.
  10. If you want a new category to make posts in please make a suggestion below: Like-minded people will post what they see on that topic with you forming new communities. Enjoy!
  11. The man who served as Japan's deputy chief trade negotiator for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade deal, says that there is no room for the sort of renegotiation of a particular provision suggested by former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
  12. Three candidates are put forward to become President of Myanmar - Htin Kyaw and Sai Nyunt Lwin from the National League for Democracy and Khin Aung Myint from the military.
  13. The Irish Dáil Éireann (parliament) fails to elect a new taoiseach (Prime Minister) with incumbent Enda Kenny carrying on as a caretaker.
  14. North Korea fires two missiles into the sea and announces its intention to liquidate all remaining South Korean assets on its territory.
  15. Venezuela recalls its chargé d'affaires from its Embassy in Washington, D.C. after U.S. President Barack Obama renewed a decree imposing sanctions on several top Venezuelan officials.
  16. "I failed 3 times in college. I applied 30 times to get a job but I have always been rejected. When KFC came to China for the first time, we were 24 to apply and I was the only one to be dismissed. I wanted to go into the police and 5 postulants, I was the only one not to be accepted. I applied 10 times to return to Harvard University USA and I was rejected. " - Jack Ma, Alibaba Creator and 22nd World fortune according to Forbes in 2015 with $ 29.8 billion. Never give up because you failed once, know that failure is sometimes out of the way to reach your intended route !!
  17. Newark, New Jersey's 30 public schools shut off all water fountains after elevated levels of lead were found in nearly half of the schools during the state Department of Environmental Protection testing. The agency confirmed lead has not been found in the 280,000 residents' city water supply.
  18. The Parliament of Egypt drafts a law which will ban women from wearing full-face veils such as the niqāband burqa in public places and government institutions. The move comes after Cairo University recently banned nurses and doctors from wearing veils in medical schools and in teaching hospitals, arguing the ban would “protect patients’ rights and interests”.
  19. Peru's electoral court bans two leading candidates - Julio Guzman and César Acuña Peralta - from participating in next month's election due to breaches of electoral law.
  20. A total solar eclipse occurs in Indonesia, and later, east of the international date line, in the northern Pacific Ocean. A partial eclipse occurs in northern Australia, South-East Asia, and the Pacific. and although the eclipse was only visible in a 100 mile stretch, many captured images the whole world is sharing
  21. Macedonia says it will no longer let any migrants through its southern border with Greece, effectively blocking the Balkan route for migrants. The decision came after Slovenia barred access to migrants transiting the country. There are around 13,000 migrants now stranded at the Macedonia-Greece border.
  22. Taliban militants attack government offices in the southern Helmand Province of Afghanistan, with at least 10 killed, including seven of the attackers.
  23. Seattle, Washington (U.S.), fire crews, responding to reports of a natural gas leak, are caught in an explosion that injures nine firefighters. The explosion blew out windows in businesses and storefronts in the surrounding blocks. Three businesses were destroyed and a fourth was heavily damaged. "There’s nothing but rubble and bricks," a resident said. Search dogs are working to ensure no one else is under the rubble. The Seattle Police Arson Bomb Unit and Puget Sound Energy are investigating the cause of the explosion.
  24. At least 30 people are killed after a five-story building still under construction collapses in Lagos, Nigeria.
  25. U.S. special forces, landing in two helicopters, stage an overnight raid on the al-Shabaab-controlled town of Awdhegele in Somalia's Lower Shebelle region. Al-Shabaab spokesman, Sheik Abduasiz Abu Musab, confirmed the raid saying "The helicopters landed outside town and the ground forces entered, there was heavy fighting and they were forced to flee"."They were masked and spoke foreign languages which our fighters could not understand," Abu Musab told Reuters. "We do not know who they were but we foiled them."
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