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    TheWorldNewsOrg got a reaction from admin in Government Debt Explosion! … $52,000 per SECOND! … Is the END near?...   
    via .ORGWorld News
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    TheWorldNewsOrg reacted to JW Insider in Off-duty policewoman shoots armed robber attacking group of moms   
    A gun should require more ongoing training than the average person will normally get. I see no reason why "Caesar" should not bear the sword and just hope and pray that "Caesar" will wield their weapons in a legal and responsible manner. Sometimes these videos are used as an incentive to push the wider, more general carrying of firearms by rank-and-file Joe Q Public, and even schoolteachers.
    But notice the importance of training and accuracy. Assuming this is not a fake or set-up video (for the purpose just noted), evidently the off-duty policeman fired three shots at fairly close range. But in the above snipped clipping I made from the original video, notice what would have happened if one of those shots went through the original assailant's underarm, or he spun around or fell to the ground more rapidly than expected. The bit of magenta clothing in the picture is a young girl being pulled by her mother. Every one of those shots was therefore not just aimed at the assailant, but also at the mother and child behind him.
    Many trained policemen have been in situations like this and accidentally shot or even killed innocent by-standers.
    Let's be careful out there!
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    TheWorldNewsOrg reacted to JW Insider in It’s super messed up that a Tesla crash resulting in a broken ankle is front page news and the...   
    Maybe. But if there are 250,000,000 registered cars and light trucks in the USA and 40,000 deadly accidents. (37,000-ish) per year, that's terrible. But this also involves 3.2 trillion miles put on those vehicles per year.
    But for now, there have already been several injuries and one death (Tempe, AZ) attributed to self-driving vehicles possibly before there were even 100,000 official street miles logged on these types of vehicles.
    Extrapolating, if we were to use one death for every 100,000 miles. That would be the same as comparing 32,000,000 deaths per year (cf. 40,000) after self-driving vehicles also reach the 3.2 trillion miles per year that standard vehicles have reached.
    I don't know how many miles have been logged by self-driving vehicles yet, but if 100,000 is right, and we were somehow to switch over completely right now, we could expect the entire population of the US (320 million people) to be run over and killed in exactly 10 years.
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    TheWorldNewsOrg reacted to Bible Speaks in Pray for Hawaii   
    Massive New Fissures Open On Hawaiian Volcano, Prompting More Evacuations
    Some 37 buildings have been destroyed and nearly 2,000 people ordered to evacuate in the past 10 days.
    PAHOA, Hawaii, May 13 (Reuters) - Two new fissures opened on HawaiiÂ’s Kilauea volcano, hurling bursts of rock and magma with an ear-piercing screech on Sunday, threatening nearby homes and prompting authorities to order new evacuations.
    One new fissure from Sunday morning was a vivid gouge of magma with smoke pouring out both ends and was the 17th to open on the volcano since it began erupting on May 3. Some 37 buildings have been destroyed and nearly 2,000 people ordered to evacuate in the past 10 days.
    Viewed from a helicopter, the crack appeared to be about 1,000 feet (300 meters) long and among the largest of those fracturing the side of Kilauea, a 4,000-foot-high volcano with a lake of lava at its summit.
    “It is a near-constant roar akin to a full-throttle 747 interspersed with deafening, earth-shattering explosions that hurtle 100-pound lava bombs 100 feet into the air,” said Mark Clawson, 64, who lives uphill from the latest fissure and so far is defying an evacuation order.
    Read more:

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    TheWorldNewsOrg reacted to JW Insider in Jehovahs witnesses and higher education   
    Yikes. Good catch, Jack. The persons who wrote and checked the Awake! article in 1988 were probably not dishonest, but they more likely just had no understanding about statistics and how this type of question is used in social surveys.
    The question has very little to do with the actual percent of students who hope that college gives them an opportunity for making more money -- which is probably always closer to 100%. Most pre-college students are making from $0 a year during High School or less than $1000/year in part time jobs. 100% of them SHOULD hope to make more money, even if they don't go to college for this purpose. Even more so if they are purposely or inadvertently preparing to follow the Bible's admonition:
    1 Timothy 5:8  Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.
    The way the question is presented, however, it is possible for all students to say that 100% of them go to college for more money AND that 100% of them go to college for a better job AND that 100% go to learn things of interest AND that 100% go to please their family, etc. The idea is to try to get a feel for the priorities that are in a students head as they are just starting college. A student could conceivably claim that every one of those reasons was "Very Important."
    All the survey above actually shows is what you said about how it only compares relative importance of motivational factors. It certainly does not say that only 70-some percent went to college to make more money. And the Awake! article is misleading when it says "spiritual goals declining." They probably were, but this survey says nothing about comparing these particular goals with their spiritual goals. Also, as noted above, providing for one's own, especially one's household is a spiritual goal according to 1 Timothy 5:8, or might even be considered by that verse to be MORE IMPORTANT than faith.
    All that question is really allowing us to see is that students either think that several other factors are more important than money, or that they are not willing to admit that money is as important as it probably is, especially when asked to weigh it against less crass and better-sounding motivations.
    When I hired people to work on my teams in IT departments (1985 to 2015), I didn't care too much whether a person went to college or not, as long as they could show the correct aptitude for technical testing, logic, programming, designing, data analysis, etc. But over the years, I began to appreciate that, in choosing among those of similar technical skills, those who went to college were almost always preferable. Even if it were for a degree in English, drama, psychology, education, sociology, etc., they were more likely to have better communication skills and more of what was more important to me: an "appreciation of ideas" (the second option of the survey). I would not have cared WHY they went to college, even if it was please their parents, or study for a career they no longer wanted, or even if they had already failed in a previous career.
    Of course, college holds out the hope and promise of better or at least a wider array of employment opportunities. But this is not always the way things work out. In the United States, both the educational and financial institutions are always looking for ways to profit off students by taking a percentage of any increased income they might get from college. Student loans are managed by these institutions to maximize the profit from each student. Colleges also maximize the amount of tuition that they can get away with. 
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    TheWorldNewsOrg got a reaction from Queen Esther in Banana peel tacos are actually delicious.   
    via .ORGWorld News
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    TheWorldNewsOrg reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in CDC director’s $375K salary is nearly double his predecessor’s pay   
    On my left shoulder is a scar from the Smallpox Vaccination I received as a young boy .... a vaccine that is not available any more, under the working theory that Smallpox has been eradicated from the Earth.
    In 1974, before I went to work in the Congo, I had to get vaccinations for typhus, typhoid, and the black plague, which had to be special ordered from the CDC, in Atlanta, Georgia.
     Inasmuch as the only Smallpox that exists anymore ( ???) is weaponized virus possessed by Nation States, and what is is the graves of those who died of Smallpox, many years ago ... I would like to get my three adult children vaccinated, to have the same protection that I have ... but it is as I understand it, not possible.
    Somewhere out there is a little grey mouse named Pinky, asking another little grey mouse named Brain what they are going to do tonight ....
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