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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Anyone know why saffron is SO expensive?

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    2. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      A TV - report  said,  they  had  to  pick  an  immense  mass  of  blossoms,  to  get  the  little  less,  red  twists,  which  we  can  buy.  Some  twists  for  some  Euro's....  thats  the  reason !  Few  mg.  for  some  Euro's,  thats  expensive,  yes.  But  for  a  special  rice  meal,  we  need  safran :)  an  especially  taste !

    3. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther


      Safran-Weinviertel_Niederreiter_2_Gramm_8285.jpgThats  2 grams,  ca. 8000 €  I  read.....  Each  blossom  has  only  3  twists !  That  cost  alot  time  for  picking >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  But  the  twists  are  the  real  SAFFRON !

      Delicate saffron threads, plucked from crocus flowers and dried  -  Also  as  medicine  for :

      SAFFRON: An Anti-Depressant Herb  --  Good  info's ?  :D



    4. Guest


      Si es  Azafrán solamente lo he consumido en polvo en algunas comidas, no sabía que es caro 

  2. @Chloe Newman Thanks for showing us the photos. I think the person was wanting to discuss the photos with others which cannot be done on their website yet. Soon maybe.Â
  3. I recall jw saying with some pride that former President of Zimbabwe, Mugabe's wife nicknamed "Gucci" Grace due her spending habits is a JW. Is this correct? - Z
  4. Перепоховали останки 16 вояків дивізії «Галичина» - YouTube.mp4
  5. Attackers Gun Down People Fleeing Mosque After Bomb Explodes In Egypt Sinai Region
  6. @Cheepcheep I recently read a little about some AI being used to create better AI. That gave me a few goosebumps.
  7. Yuen Nancy - Interview at Malibu.mp3 Interview at Malibu Yuen Nancy - Experiences 1994.mp3 Experiences Yuen Nancy - Interview of Sister Nancy Yuen from China.mp3 Interview of Sister Nancy Yuen from China Yuen Nancy - Memorial Service English.mp3 Memorial Service English Enjoy!
  8. This questions was just sent in to me. Answer: Best I can think of you would have to post the photo and the watchtower article source and then others would be able to comment.
  9. Shortly following the terrorist attack in Turku, Finland, city officials welcomed Jehovah’s Witnesses back to resume their public ministry in the town square. Source
  10. Mets un harceleur K.-O sans utiliser les poings ! est une vidéo d’animation réalisée par les Témoins de Jéhovah. Elle s’adresse aux jeunes victimes de harcèlement. la source
  11. Like a wolf saying ....let me in the chicken coop... I WON"T eat any chickens. I promise.
  12. You can hover over their name and you will see a link to "ignore user"..... problem solved. You're welcome! Thank you @admin p.s. - If you happen to like what somebody posts... you can "follow" them.
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