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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Sorry... Youtube deleted the second video... I don't even remember what it was now....
  2. Sers-toi de cette activité pour commencer ton étude individuelle de la Bible. la source
  3. Officials from Europe’s largest migrant camp recognize the role of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses in helping refugees benefit from Bible education. Source
  4. @Srecko Sostar Don't thank me. Thank the @admin (I am just following his guidelines above)
  5. @ You can choose to ignore certain members by going to their profile page and selecting "ignore user". Problem solved. @AllenSmith is the self appointed type that watches a movie and then proceeds to warn all other JW's not to watch it. Yet he frequents the same forum he would warn you about. Hmmm.....
  6. Thanksgiving Fast For the citizens in the newly independent United States, “thanksgiving” had a different meaning than we know today. Instead of giving thanks through a large meal, Americans gave thanks by fasting.  During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress issued several proclamations suggesting national days of fasting and thanksgiving like this one for May 20, 1779. Calls for national days of prayer and thanksgiving were made with the hope that “Divine Providence” would favor the American cause. They also served a patriotic purpose as they gathered people together in houses of worship—across denominations and the country—to pray for American victory in the war. US National Archives
  7. Tous ceux qui lisent nos publications ou qui regardent nos vidéos peuvent être sûrs que ce qui y est dit est exact et bien documenté. la source
  8. Fange mit dieser Mitmachseite dein eigenes Bibelstudium an. Quelle
  9. Traffic jam worries? I doubt it. I bet they were worried about the potential of Islamic terrorism which is rampant in that country.
  10. @JA_Laine This website is not intended to be uplifting or gratifying to anyone. This is just news and information sharing. I personally like to stay up to date on the news from around the world and enjoy the details. Thanks @Bible Speaks for sharing.
  11. Cette prophétie nous donne lÂ’assurance que Jéhovah accomplit toujours sa parole, et quÂ’il réconforte tous ceux qui recherchent la paix et le salut sous son Royaume. la source
  12. Nous pouvons être sûrs que Jéhovah sait toujours quel est le meilleur moment pour sauver son peuple, et quelle est la meilleure façon de le faire. la source
  13. Anyone who reads our publications or views our videos can be confident that the facts were thoroughly researched and are accurate. Source
  14. Use this activity to begin your own personal study of the Bible. Source
  15. The work of Jehovah’s hands fills us with awe and inspires us to sing to him. Source
  16. The prophecy gives us confidence that Jehovah always fulfills his word and that he provides comfort for all who seek peace and salvation under his Kingdom. Source
  17. We can have confidence that Jehovah always knows the best time and the best way to save his people. Source
  18. Wer sich die Literatur und die Webseite von Jehovas Zeugen ansieht, kann sicher sein, dass alles sorgfältig recherchiert und überprüft worden ist. Quelle
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