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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Speaking of the mark of the beast. have you tried Virginia honey roasted ham? So delicious. shall we share recipes?
  2. Not removed. Just split into its own thread. sadly we don’t have a multithreaded forum here.
  3. @4Jah2me You are 1/2 inch toward getting banned. You troll other topics with your same content over and over. Stop or else. Final warning. @César Chávez You too are on thin ice (again). This time I'll delete everything you've ever written on this club. Tone it down. @Witness You troll as well.... start your own threads. Stay on topic.
  4. All I know is that it would be much more useful if the users would stick to a theme.... and open new threads for replies that fork off the original themes. I could spend days forking these endless conversations... sigh
  5. Very interesting piece of news. The Catholic church is turning over a new leaf and doing what is ethically correct.
  6. Does Visual Studio 2019 do what SSMS 18 can do or should I stick to learning SSMS 18 to create and work with SQL databases?
  7. getfvid_104042426_189799625687650_1230523846238808046_n.mp4 Thanks for sharing!
  8. Español / Français / Italiano / Portugués / Filipino / Polski / ελληνικά / русский Jehovah's Witnesses > These terms will be either links to definitions or articles containing these words. If you see one without a link or know of one missing feel free to reply below with a complete definition. A Abaddon Accounts Servant 'Active Force' Amen Annual General Meeting Anointed Anointed ones Antichrist Apollyon Apostasy Appointed Times of the Nations Approved Associate Ark of the Covenant Armageddon Assembly Hall Assembly Overseer Attendant Servant Auxiliary Counselor Auxiliary Pioneer B BaptismBethel ChoirBethel ElderBethel Entrants' SchoolBeth SarimBeth-ShanBible StudyBible School for Christian Couples (b. Sept 2014)Bible School for Single Brothers (b. Sept 2014)Bible Student (aka Bible Study) Blasphemy against the Holy SpiritBody of EldersBook StudyBranch Offices Branch CommitteeBranch Visit (new term as of Feb 18, 2014) C Christ JesusChristian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (CCJW)Christian Convention CenterChristianityChristendomCircuit Assembly (went from 2 days to 1 day in 2014)Circuit OverseerCity OverseerCongregationCongregation Servant (pre-'72)Congregation Bible StudyCongregation Book StudyCongregation SecretaryCongregation Service CommitteeCongregation VolunteerConstruction GroupsConstruction ServantConstruction VolunteerCoordinator of the Body of EldersCountry Office D DedicationDemon(s)Devil (aka Satan)Disaster Relief CommitteeDisassociationDisfellowshippingDistrict Convention (old term) now called "Regional Convention"District OverseerDistrict Representative E EdenEight DukesEighth KingElderElijah ClassElisha Class F Family Night (at Bethel)Family WorshipFaithful Slave (short for The Faithful and Discreet Slave) G Garden of EdenGentile TimesGilead, Watchtower Bible School of Global Assistance Arrangement (GAA) - for "unexpected events and accidents disaster"God's KingdomGog of MagogGoverning BodyGoverning Body HelpersGreat CrowdGreat Tribulation Grieving the Holy Spirit Gross SinGroupGroup OverseerGroup Servant H Headquarter's representativesHeavenly JerusalemHoly SpiritHospital Liaison CommitteeI IBSA - International Bible Students AssociationInformal WitnessingInternational ConventionInternational ServantInternational SpokesmanInternational Volunteer Construction WorkersJ JehovahJerusalemJerusalem aboveJesus ChristJudicial CommitteeJudicial RestrictionsK KingdomKingdom HallKingdom Hall Assistance Program (KHAA)Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall ? (KHAH) (replaces the above program)Kingdom Ministry SchoolKingdom of the Son of His LoveKingdom of our God and of his SonKing of the NorthKing of the South L Literature CoordinatorLocal Construction ServantLDC - Local Design/Construction Department Local Design/Construction Office (LDCO)LDC Field TrainersLDC VolunteerLittle FlockLord's Evening MealM Magazine ServantMagazine Coordinator Man of Lawlessness (The)MarkingMemorialMessianic KingdomMidweek MeetingMillennial ReignMulti-language Electronic Photo-type System (MEPS)Ministerial ServantMinisterial Training SchoolMissionaryN Need GreatersNephilimNethinim - Gov. Body Helpers or Temple workersNew World TranslationNew JerusalemO Operating CommitteeOperating Committee MemberOrganizationOther SheepOverseerOversight Group of the Service DepartmentP Patient Visitation GroupPilgrimPioneerPioneer Service School (b. 2014 - 2 weeks, since 6 days)PregroupsPresiding Overseer - now called Coordinator of the Body of EldersPrivate ReproofPublic ReproofPublic WitnessingPublic Talk CoordinatorPublisherQ Quick BuildR RaptureRegional Building Committee (slowly being deprecated worldwide as of 2014)Regional ConventionRegional Design/Construction Departments (RDCs) (started 2014)Regular PioneerReinstatementReligious Order of Jehovah's WitnessesReproofReturn VisitRemote Translation OfficeResurrectionS SatanSchool for Christian Couples (b. Sept 2014)School for Congregation EldersSchool for Kingdom Evangelizers (a. Sept 2014)School for Single Brothers (b. Sept. 2014)School for Traveling Overseers and their WivesSchool for Branch Committee Members and their WivesSecretarySection Desk SecretaryService Committee (Congregation level)Service DeskmanService DepartmentService GroupService Group OverseerService OverseerSeven ShepherdsShepherdSoul Sound ServantSpecial Assembly Day (no longer in use as of Feb 18, 2014)Special Blue EnvelopeSpecial Metropolitan Public Witnessing ProgramSpecial PioneerStudent (see Bible Student)T TabernacleTerritory ServantTheocratic Ministry SchoolTheocratic Ministry School OverseerTraveling Overseer Traveling Overseers Assistance Arrangement (TOAA) - for healthcare and transportation for C.O's and their wives in the U.S. Branches.Tree of the Knowledge of Good and BadTree of LifeU Unbaptized PublisherUnited States Branch CommitteeUrim and ThumminV W Watchtower (The)Watchtower (Public Edition)Watchtower (Study Edition)Watchtower Bible and Tract SocietyWatchtower Study ConductorWeekend MeetingWicked Spirits (aka Wicked Angels, Wicked Spirit Creatures)World Wide Design/Construction (WDC) (started 2014)World Wide Order of Special Full Time Servants of Jehovah's WitnessesWorld Wide Work (Donations)World HeadquartersWormwood X Y Z Zone Overseer (old term) see 'Headquarter's representatives'Zone Visit (old term) see 'Branch Visit' Numbers: 234567891011122424 elders14433 C.E. 607 B.C.E.1260 days1290 days1,335 days1874 C.E.1914 C.E.1918 C.E.1919 C.E.1925 C.E.1975 C.E.144,000See also:List of Theocratic Acronyms In addition to these definitions the following Correspondence Guidelines reference can be very helpful in defining terms.
  9. #jwcovidbrazil #jwcovid19 #Jwbrazil #jw2020 #jwdeaths #jwcoronavirus
  10. #portofino #portofinoitaly #Italy #PlacesIcouldlive #travel #traveldestinations
  11. getfvid_10000000_603851660231606_1300732432897198440_n.mp4 #2019jw #2019jwconvention #2019LoveNeverFails #jwsaxaphone
  12. I sincerely hope he doesn't change. I've enjoyed his brutal truth throughout the years. Courage is not something that needs changing. I hope you are ok @James Thomas Rook Jr.
  13. Estuvieron visitando y estimulando a nuestros hermanos mayores de edad ❤✔ getfvid_93713569_549856559000604_6175455221167161344_n.mp4
  14. A newspaper of Angola published praising Jehovah's Witnesses on prevention measures against coronavirus (Covid-19).. And the newspaper also announced that Jehovah's witnesses in all over the world have contributed a lot to the prevention of the coronavirus through its official website JW.org. And the newspaper also showed some links of how people can search on JW.org, and it also mentioned the journal! N-' 6, 2016 with the theme: "Win the war on diseases". Source: Angola newspaper 23/04/2020
  15. O jornal de Angola publicou elogiando as TESTEMUNHAS DE JEOVÁ sobre as medidas de prevenção contra o CORONAVÍRUS (Covid-19).. E o jornal ainda anunciou que as Testemunhas de Jeová em todo mundo têm contribuído muito pela prevenção contra o Coronavírus por meio de seu site oficial JW.org. E o jornal também mostrou alguns links de como as pessoas podem pesquisar no site JW.org , e ainda mencionou a revista Despertai! N-' 6, 2016 com o tema: "Vença a guerra contra as doenças". Fonte: jornal de Angola de 23/04/2020
  16. in the post area.... click on Source: and paste your embed info there Then Submit Topic Enjoy.
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