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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. So... @Kurt inspired me to start finding and cataloguing some of Charles Sinutko's public talks. Thx Kurt. Soon I'm off to breakfast....not sure where though....

  2. by District Overseer Sinutko Charles - Spiritually Dead Children Anyone know the year of this talk? His Life Story Talk Transcript - Sinutko Charles - Spiritually Dead Children.doc
  3. Inwiefern kannst du auf Gottes Stimme hören und Jesu Fußstapfen folgen? Quelle
  4. The exhortation to hospitality is supported by an encouraging reminder that in times past some who were hospitable were blessed with entertaining angels without even being aware of it. This allusion is most likely to that of Abraham and Sarah’s welcome three visitors who brought the good news of a promised son. I bet you are wondering about past dinners you have presented and the attendees now. Be nice to strangers!!!
  5. Interesting that in Matthew’s version he omitted that the weeds were sown “while everybody was asleep” “Sleep” is a metaphor for spiritual sloth or neglect.
  6. The distinctive element in this parable is that it involves two sowings. What kind of soil are you? What does the seed represent?
  7. Joels Prophezeiung ist für uns heute von großer Bedeutung. Sie spricht vom kommenden Tag Jehovas und erklärt, wie man diesen Tag überleben kann. Quelle
  8. Comment doit-on réagir quand on nous traite injustement ? la source
  9. Joël a prophétisé sur le « jour de Jéhovah », qui est sur le point dÂ’arriver, et a dit ce quÂ’il fallait faire pour y survivre. Sa prophétie est encore plus importante aujourdÂ’hui. la source
  10. Joel prophesied about the approaching “day of Jehovah” and identified the key to survival. His prophecy takes on greater urgency today. Source
  11. Make the most of the time spent with your brothers and sisters. Source
  12. When we receive unfair treatment, how should we react? Source
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