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The World News Media

The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. What is expected of a Christian who dedicates himself or herself to God? And why can people who truly love God be confident of living up to their dedication? Source
  2. At intermediate stages of the Tour de France, Jehovah’s Witnesses set up mobile literature carts to bring a message of hope and comfort to people. Source
  3. Thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses displaced by the storm are receiving assistance through local disaster relief efforts. Source
  4. As an example: This is a good forum for many to "Follow" https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/forum/22-jw-news/ or this one: https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/forum/140-post-a-photo/
  5. Le roi Manassé a pratiqué la magie, adoré de faux dieux et tué des innocents. Pourtant, Jéhovah a bien voulu lui pardonner. Que nous apprend son histoire sur le pardon ? la source
  6. Le Collège central des Témoins de Jéhovah est profondément inquiet pour nos frères et sÂœurs du Venezuela qui subissent la grave détérioration des conditions socio-économiques du pays la source
  7. Des Témoins de Jéhovah figurent parmi les centaines de milliers de personnes venues de la République Centrafricaine qui ont fui vers les pays voisins pour échapper aux violents conflits ethniques et religieux la source
  8. Another reason I store publications, news, photos etc on this forum with all of you is because it is easy for me to go back and find stuff in my Library. This website has a strong search feature in the box on the upper right hand side. You can search a topic, forum or even the entire website for anything we all have posted. Enjoy! - And please share your "Library" of neat stuff with me as well.
  9. Please make this post in German. ;-) Oh.. in English we don't usually refer to people as humans .... especially in the USA where there is very little "humanity"... LOL It makes you sound as if you were alien talking to another alien about us poor humans... HAHA
  10. I stopped sending out the mass emails due to cost. You can however get notified by email by going to my profile page @The Librarian and click on the "Follow" button. AND you can also follow entire forums by clicking on the "Follow" button on the upper right of each category and/or topic. Enjoy!
  11. Kannst du dir vorstellen, was du im Paradies alles erleben wirst? Quelle
  12. Daniel et ses compagnons sont restés fidèles à Jéhovah en toutes circonstances. Leur exemple et la réalisation des prophéties peuvent nous être très utiles, à nous qui vivons au temps de la fin. la source
  13. Daniel and his companions remained faithful to Jehovah under all circumstances. Their example along with the fulfillment of prophecy can benefit us now, in the time of the end. Source
  14. Daniel und seine Gefährten blieben Gott unter allen Umständen treu. Ihr Beispiel und die erfüllten Prophezeiungen aus diesem Buch können unseren Glauben noch heute stärken. Quelle
  15. There must be a story behind how this happened. It had to have gone through some editing process.
  16. "Anti-Cult Base"......??? I can just imagine the FBI with a "war room" trying to locate jaywalkers in towns with less than 10,000 inhabitants. Meanwhile their entire existence is being threatened by their neighboring countries and US warships sit in "their waters".... but God forbid that someone should share a scripture.... Mobilize the Task Force!!!
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