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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Franz Fred - Decision.mp3 "Decision: My Life Story," by Fred Franz. Lecture given approximately 1985. Franz relates his conversion to the Bible Students in 1913 and his subsequent service as a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses. At the time, Franz was President of the Watchtower Society. Franz died at Watchtower headquarters in 1992.
  2. Here is another one of his talks Schroeder Albert - Appreciating The Modern Magnificent Things Of God.mp3 Appreciating The Modern Magnificent Things Of God The Spiritual Temple and the Anointed March 1968 Inglewood CA Special Meeting evening 1:46:54
  3. Schroeder Albert - Life Story.mp3 Albert D. Schroeder - memorial program.pdf Talks by Albert Schroeder on jw-archive.org Are You Progressing on Jehovah's Highway of Holiness? - Special Talk by AS He also delivered Frederick Franz' Funeral Talk in 1992 Related Items: Judah Schroeder Charlotte Schroeder (May 9,1920 to June 19, 2013) Governing Body Notable Brothers and Sisters
  4. 1963 edition 1963-All-Scripture-Inspired-BM-S-R-2.pdf 1990 edition 1990 All Scripture Inspired +r (3).pdf Part of my Library:
  5. Now they can't even get together for a picnic? What would happen if the police raided a Russian Orthodox picnic? I bet they wouldn't even dare. Meanwhile the Russian mafia is absconding with the wealth of their entire nation. Maybe the Russian police should start investigating an outbreak of jaywalking in Moscow. It threatens the nation!
  6. The Governing Body arranged for a delegation of brothers from three continents to travel to Moscow. Source
  7. Why is baptism a Christian requirement? What should motivate Christians to get baptized? Source
  8. Warum müssen Christen sich taufen lassen? Was sollte sie dazu motivieren Quelle
  9. Das Oberste Gericht von Russland bestätigt die Entscheidung vom 20. April 2017. Jehovas Zeugen in Russland wenden sich nun an den EGMR sowie an den UN-Menschenrechtsausschuss. Quelle
  10. La Cour suprême russe a rejeté l’appel des Témoins et a confirmé sa décision du 20 avril 2017. Les Témoins de Jéhovah de Russie feront appel auprès de la CEDH et du Comité des droits de l’homme de l’ONU. la source
  11. L’État du Turkménistan est tenu de respecter ses engagements visant à protéger les droits de l’homme, dont la liberté de pensée, de conscience, et de religion. la source
  12. It's very simple. You just type in the first word that pops in your mind when you read the most recent word posted. Then the next person does the same, and etc, etc. You are allowed to explain your word choice if you wish. The rules are: 1. One word only! 2. Word must be a real word. First word: Ham
  13. Do you have other great photos of Patterson? Please add them below. I remember being there when it was being built. Agape!
  14. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 17, 2017 RUSSIA: Jehovah’s Witnesses Banned After Supreme Court Rejects Appeals USCIRF Condemns the Banning of the Jehovah’s Witnesses WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) denounces the Russian Supreme Court ruling on Monday rejecting an appeal by the Jehovah’s Witnesses against an April decision declaring them as extremist. USCIRF Chairman Daniel Mark commented that “The Supreme Court’s decision sadly reflects the government’s continued equating of peaceful religious freedom practice to extremism. The Witnesses are not an extremist group, and should be able to practice their faith openly and freely and without government repression.” This ruling clears the way for the Russian government to seize the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ assets and property throughout the country. In recent years, the Witnesses have been subject to government-sanctioned harassment, have had their legal existence banned, and now will lose their physical presence as their meeting halls, known as Kingdom Halls, become the property of a government that violates the rights of religious groups as a matter of law. In an April 20th statement, USCIRF condemned the Russian Supreme Court’s decision to ban the Jehovah’s Witnesses (click here to read the statement). USCIRF recommended in 2017 for the first time ever that Russia be designated a “country of particular concern” (or CPC) for systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom. Chairman Mark added “This latest move by the Russian government confirms that our 2017 Annual Report recommendation is well-deserved. The Russian government is intensifying its crackdown on religious freedom at home while also extending its repressive policies to neighboring states.” Click here to see the 2017 Annual Report chapter on Russia in English. Click here to see the chapter in Russian. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom is an independent, bipartisan U.S. federal government commission, the first of its kind in the world. USCIRF reviews the facts and circumstances of religious freedom violations abroad and makes policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State, and Congress. USCIRF Commissioners are appointed by the President and the Congressional leadership of both political parties. To interview a Commissioner, please contact USCIRF at Media@USCIRF.gov or John D. Lawrence, Director of Communications (JLawrence@USCIRF.gov/+1-202-786-0611). http://www.uscirf.gov/news-room/press-releases/russia-jehovah-s-witnesses-banned-after-supreme-court-rejects-appeals
  15. Preparing for Marriage—Part 1: Am I Ready to Date? Via
  16. Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster? Via
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