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The Librarian

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  1. @bruceq I have set this post up for you.... for one place to be updating while others can leave comments.
  2. On Monday, July 17, 2017, a three-judge panel will consider the appeal of the Russian Supreme Court’s April 20 decision against Jehovah’s Witnesses. Further updates about the hearing will be provided using this new breaking news feature. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Russia. Regardless of the outcome, we are confident that Jehovah has all matters in hand and the nations will know that he is Jehovah.–Ezekiel 38:23... @bruceq made the following updates: (he is now posting new comments below as they happen) 14:54Novakov shows the sequence of video frames trial clearly show that extremist publications of Jehovah's Witnesses had been planted. He brings to the court and other egregious evidence of falsification of evidence against Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. All these fraudulent cases are at the heart of the matter. 14:45It gives explanations to the court representative Nowak. And his first thought is that the circumstances relied upon by the Court related to administrative offenses, have no force prejudicial to the case. 14:35As an example of failure to prove the circumstances specified in the court decision, the ax quotes from the decision that the Administrative Center participated in the financing of MPO, which are recognized as extremist. This fact is to prove if the extremist nature of the Administrative Center. However, the Ministry of Justice did not provide the court (as suggested by Ax, intentionally!) Relevant contracts donations and decisions of the Administrative Center for a donation, from which it follows that the donation of funds to these organizations was carried out, first of all, a few years before the recognition of their extremist and, the second is to clearly defined objectives: the construction of buildings of worship, to the victims of natural disasters, utility payments and perform other obligations to the state. All of these contracts and decisions were transferred to the Ministry of Justice Administrative Center during the inspection, previous to applying to the court of Justice. The third thesis presentation Toporova is that the judgment be set aside due to lack of evidence of the circumstances established by the trial court. 14:24The above-mentioned argument supports the second point Topo: the court's decision is subject to cancellation due to incorrect application of substantive law. Trying to justify the recognition of the structural units of MPO administrative defendant, for whose actions he must answer, the court made a wrong application of substantive law, to apply the law, not to be applied, namely, the laws "On Political Parties", "On Public Associations". The court gave an incorrect interpretation of the law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations" and "On Countering Extremist Activity" CAS Russian Federation, including without regard to the legal positions contained in the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Plenum of the RF Armed Forces and the Presidium of the Russian Supreme Court. 14:20Conclusions The Court of First Instance contradict the entire long-term established jurisprudence of cases against local religious organizations, said Ax. As evidence, he cites the definition that the Russian Supreme Court stated in its decision of December 8, 2009: "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia and the local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses" Taganrog "is an autonomous organization, which is also confirmed by the adoption of the cassation instance court evidence, including a diagram of the structure of Jehovah's Witnesses" Taganrog ". The question of the rights and duties of the Administrative Center of the Regional Court in considering the above statement the prosecutor of the Rostov region is not resolved, the decision of the Rostov Regional Court on September 11, 2009 local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Taganrog" was recognized as extremist and eliminated. " In this case, this court ruling is prejudicial to the present case, as it was handed down by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in respect of the administrative defendant. It establishes the fact that the liquidation of the local religious organization, part of the structure of the Administrative Center shall not affect the rights and obligations of the latter, since this local religious associations and the Administrative Center are independent organizations. The Court of First Instance ignored the evidence that led to the incorrect use of their sub 13:56Turn to give an explanation becomes representative Toporov. The first thesis of his speech focused on Article 310 of the CAS Code, under which "the decision of the trial court shall be subject to unconditional cancellation in case the court decides on the rights and obligations of persons not involved in the administrative case."14:00Court decision eliminated the religious organization "Jehovah's Witnesses Administrative Center in Russia" and included in its structure of local religious organizations. All these local religious organizations are clearly listed in the decision of the court of first instance, and that the transfer takes half of the text of all decisions. However, to participate in the court of the 395 organizations involved were not. 13:55On the other hand, due to the decision of the court themselves believers are subjected to a substantial violation of their rights. Little wife gives various facts to prove it. For example, the fact of refusal believers to replace military service with alternative civilian service on the basis of a court decision. Concluding his speech, little wife attached to the case copies of the minutes and agendas of the draft commissions from the recruiting office. "And what threat to state or public are we talking about if even the President himself awarded JWs on May 31 in Kremlin?" Check and CHECKMATE 13:52"But, dear court, let's look at the facts and see someone who threatens someone who hurts, - he says Zhenkov.- it was found that over the 26 years of the official activities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia has not suffered any damage to the state in the first instance court nor morality in society. No acts of vandalism on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses, there is no violence. So that there is violence, not even acts of protest! It turns out that the threat of a court wrote in its decision, is imaginary, far-fetched. If it was real, then for 26 years of official existence in Russia and 100 years of unofficial, it would be true. But the court's decision does not contain any evidence of harm from their activities. What kind of threat to society and the state can be a question if recently as May 31, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin presents the Order of "Parental Glory" family of Jehovah's Witnesses? " 13:50Fourth thesis Zhenkova - the disparity of the court decision. Little wife quotes from the court's decision: "Contrary to the arguments of opposition organizations such interference is proportionate and necessary ... as it ensures the removal of rights violations, freedoms and legitimate interests of an indefinite number of persons, the real threat of harm to the individual, to public health, public order, public security, public and the state. " 13:45Little wife draws attention to the fact that the Administrative Center has been denied participation in court cases on the recognition of printed materials as extremist. In some cases, the believers do not even know, and what did this or that book as extremist because the court held that Jehovah's Witnesses were innocent. The same position has consistently held and the Supreme Court of Russia, with the result that the Administrative Center had no right to participate in, nor cause his arguments to the court or to appeal against the court decision. And now the court of first instance for some reason, to apply the opposite approach. Now, the Court considers that on the basis of these decisions Administrative Center can be eliminated. "Dear Court - little wife says - you have the opportunity to correct this injustice. The Supreme Court it is important to be consistent, he's a model for all Russian courts. " 13:30Little wife quotes from the Ministry of Justice of the document: "The recognition of information materials confessional Jehovah's Witnesses extremist ... confirms ... the fact of the presence in them prohibitively offensive from the point of view of the Russian Federation methods conviction expression of the truth of their religious beliefs, and in this case not even the truth of beliefs, and in the interpretation of the precepts contained in the Bible. " This characteristic does not correspond to reality. Little wife draws attention to the fact that the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses publications "extremist" were found eight years ago. And at that time there was still no decision number 11 of the Plenum of the Supreme Court, which were explained that the courts should be understood as hate speech or hate. Until 2011, some courts have mistakenly believed that if Jehovah's Witnesses religion is called in the literature the only true, it's a sign of incitement to hatred, as an insult to other religions. And if in the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses say that the Trinity - this is not a biblical doctrine, that such an interpretation of the Bible even more, according to some judges, aroused hatred. But that was before 2011, until the Supreme Court did not explain that the criticism of religious associations, religious beliefs, religious practices should not be regarded as an act aimed at inciting hatred or enmity. It took years to get all finally realized that conside 13:20The third thesis Zhenkova: Court of First Instance incorrectly defined the circumstances relevant for administrative affairs. Little wife lists a number of examples. 13:15Zhenkova second thesis is that the findings of the trial court is not appropriate in the circumstances of the administrative case. For example, in the court decision states: "As follows from the case for the past seven years annually required by law to establish the facts of extremist activities of the Organization ..." However, the court found the exact opposite. Lawyer little wife: "Administrative plaintiff in the court acknowledged that the facts have not been established in the actions directly Administrative Center of extremist activities, and the court says - installed." 13:10Little wife gives an example. He says that in the trial we found that in the Crimea of Jehovah's Witnesses for decades peacefully exercising their religious activities. Once on the territory of Russia and performing Russian law, Jehovah's Witnesses in Crimea asked Russian Ministry of Justice to register their 22 local religious organizations. And the Ministry of Justice, recognizing the legitimacy of their existence and the validity of their beliefs, in 2015, to register them. Thus, the state has recognized that on the peninsula of Crimea is possible to believe in Jehovah God, and why religion called Jehovah's Witnesses have the right to legally exist and operate. And what's next? Less than two years later without establishing their actions signs of extremism, but on the orders of the General Prosecutor's Office, the same Ministry of Justice, which is to register them, appealed to the court to recognize their extremist organizations, and to take away from them all their possessions. And the Supreme Court even without the participation of these entities announced their extremist and liquidated, and allow them to take away all the property. "In this regard, there are questions both legal and universal - says little wife: - What a believer in the Crimea is the punishment? For what specific actions? Answers to these questions in the judgment no. But does such a decision may be legal? " 13:08From the transcript of the hearing shows that the trial court asked plaintiff clear legal issues that are important for the proper settlement of the case. The Court received answers that extremism - it is specific actions listed in the law, and that the management center and more than 300 local religious organizations such actions did not commit.But the judgment and the court ruled for some reason just the opposite - to recognize all 396 extremist organizations and to eliminate them. "How is it that a respected court? - exclaims Zhenkov.- Would you like the college, this should not cause problems? If there is no extremist activities, then for that to recognize the extremist ?! 13:04Little wife, "If the Administrative Center did not commit extremist acts, we have a representative of the Ministry of Justice to sort things out in court and whether each of the 395 local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia committed extremist actions? The answer is the Ministry of Justice was limited to the fact that only in respect of 10 of them are court decisions, and in the other there is no such data. A natural question: if the court has not been established that the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia and at least 385 local religious organizations, committed any extremist actions, why the court found them extremist and liquidated? ". 12:58After finishing the report, the court of the defendant offers to give his explanation. The first lawyer speaks little wife. Zhenkova first thesis is that the court decision does not have evidence of extremist activity of the Administrative Center. Little wife quotes from the protocol of the trial court. The court: "What is confirmed that the organization carried out extremist activity?". Ministry of Justice: "A religious organization has not taken any effective measures to curb this activity ...". The Court also figured in the administrative claimant, whether the adoption of insufficient measures may, or even inaction be a sign of extremism? The Ministry of Justice with reference to the law had to admit - not extremism can only be deliberate actions. 12:15The court announces a break in the meeting on a motion.12:25After returning from the deliberation room, the court refuses to satisfy all the stated applications.12:30Manohina judge begins its essence.12:45Having set out the arguments of the claim, the position of the defendant, the court tells the essence of the decision rendered April 20, 2017.12:51The Court proceeds to paraphrase the appeal filed on behalf of a religious organization. 12:07Since there are no more requests, the Court invited the representative of the Ministry of Justice to express their opinion. The representative of the Ministry of Justice objected to the adjournment proceedings against the video, against the questioning of witnesses - victims of political repression citizens. In addition, the Ministry of Justice against fraud questioning witnesses against the taking of evidence from the courts. The representative of the Ministry of Justice believes that the petition aimed at the revision entered into force court decisions that, in his opinion, it is inadmissible. Video from the fact of violation of citizens' rights representative of the Ministry of Justice considers neotnosimym proof. 12:03Participation by linguists is necessary because the accusations of extremism imposed on Jehovah's Witnesses - are not taken from real life or set of offenses, but only vyuzheny of their liturgical texts. text analysis takes just linguists.12:04Little wife says another application - for the admission of new evidence. We are talking about events that took place after the decision of 20 April, - acts of vandalism and other offenses, provoked by the decision. These events appear in a video, and the little wife petitions for their viewing in the courtroom. 11:59Not allowed previous petitions, the court offers Zhenkovu lawyer read out his application.12:00Little wife seeks interrogation experts (theologians, linguists). The court of first instance court wrongly denied this. Meanwhile, experts explain the need for a legitimate and reasonable solutions. Thus, in the field of religious studies expert could clarify specific concepts of Christianity, which are used in the charter of a religious organization, as well as how the stated goals and objectives of the Jehovah's Witnesses implemented them in practice. Importantly, the theologian could clarify whether the inherent belief in the truth of their religion only to Jehovah's Witnesses, or is it a characteristic of any religion. 11:55Continuing to talk about the need for the taking of evidence, counsel recalls that under the new clause in the law on combating extremist activity the Bible and quotes from it can not be recognized as extremist materials. Call for evidence, the court can make sure that the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses is always based on the Bible, it encourages people to love God and to love one's neighbor, and strengthens faith in the Bible. This all means that the Jehovah's Witnesses literature recognized as "extremist" by mistake and in any case can not serve as a basis for the prohibition of an entire religion, in which hundreds of thousands of adherents in Russia. 11:50Lawyer Omelchenko reminded that the law requires the court to examine all the evidence directly. For example, given the seriousness of the case for freedom of religion throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court should immediately investigate on what grounds was a Jehovah's Witness literature as extremist, and whether these are sufficient grounds to meet the requirements of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. Court could ensure that the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses are no signs of incitement to hatred or enmity in the form in which they identified the Plenum of the Supreme Court in its judgment of 28 June 2011. Another has not set any court! (Under the excitation of hatred and enmity, according to the Plenum, implied statements justifying the genocide, repression, deportations, the use of violence against members of any nation, race or religion. As the Plenum, even criticism of religious beliefs or religious practices should not be seen as extremism.) 11:45The lawyer says Omelchenko extensive petition for the recovery of evidence the courts relied upon by the Ministry of Justice in an attempt to prove the "extremism" Jehovah's Witnesses. A similar petition was stated in the trial court, but the court denied his satisfaction. Therefore, the defendant requests that the Court of Appeal nevertheless reclaim materials from the ships are Jehovah's Witnesses, who were recognized as "extremist". After all, court decisions on their own are not prejudicial to the case, such as the Court of First Instance found, in view of the fact that the Administrative Center has not participated in the review. 11:31Novakov representative said the request for the examination of witnesses planted of extremist literature and other fraud, organized or used by law enforcement agencies, according to the cases relied upon by the Ministry of Justice in its lawsuit. Witnesses were in the courtroom and are willing to testify.11:40Novakov said that four witnesses were in the courtroom. The Court, without prejudging definitions of file petitions and asks, is there any other application. Novakov seeks to call in the courtroom another 53 witnesses fraud. 11:28The lawyer Lew continues to apply for the examination of witnesses Pavla Bezhenarya and Anatoliya Yasinskogo. They are recognized as victims of political repression as Jehovah's Witnesses. They know that the prohibition of religious organizations is harsh and unfounded persecution of believers of the religion. Thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses in April 1951 lost their property and were sent in cattle cars from the western regions of the USSR into permanent exile in Siberia, and later they were subjected to searches, confiscation of religious literature, discrimination and imprisonment because live by the Bible's commandments. Bejenaru, for example, known information about that in 1951 he and his family were expelled from Moldova to Tomsk region. Later he was twice convicted and spent 8 years in prison on the grounds that followed Christ's command: "Put your sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." Because of discrimination it six times had to relocate. In 1982, he was faced with the search and seizure of religious literature. Having recognized these people as victims of political repression, the government condemned the "years of terror unleashed by the Bolshevik Party and the Soviet regime against the clergy and the faithful of all religions" and committed itself to "ensure real guarantees of the rule of law and human rights." In fact, the government has promised to make sure that does not happen that with which they are faced. 11:22Omelchenko said the lawyer request for interrogation as witnesses of rehabilitated citizens who are Jehovah's Witnesses. The Court of First Instance rejected in their interrogation. Contrary to his promise, the court did not examine the right degree circumstances of political repression against Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, for example, ignored the question, what actions of public authorities have already been recognized by political repression, and did not check whether to continue these acts committed against Witness Jehovah now. why the lawyer asked to postpone this hearing to determine the participants of the Whole proceedings on appeal against the decision. 11:11The room is composed of judges who will hear the case. Declaring the case, they establish who is party. Besides Viburnum Zhenkova, Lew and Novakova side administrative transponder is lawyer Yuriy Toporov. The composition of the Judicial Board - Manohina judge Galina (chairman), Zaytsev Vladimir Yurevich Vladimir V. Popov. None of the parties is to state the reasons for someone to judge the challenge.11:17After the introductory words of the lawyer Omelchenko said motion to postpone consideration of the case until then, until the decision will be made by the numerous individual complaints, which have been adopted in the production of the Appeals Chamber of the Supreme Court. The lawyer explains that the decision of the court numerous complaints from individuals were filed on April 20, which substantiated the details that have been affected by the decision of their rights and interests, and thus they had to be brought to participate in the case. The fact that they did not have the opportunity to participate in the case, itself indicates that the decision should be automatically canceled. However, all these complaints were returned without any analysis of the given arguments. The Court merely stated that "the contested judicial act does not resolve the issue of their rights and responsibilities." In response, citizens filed a private complaint, however, contrary to all logic, the Court intends to consider them already after will make a final decision on the case. That's why 9:30On Moscow's Arbat District, where the Supreme Court of Russia, go dark clouds. At the entrance to the courthouse gathered a large group of citizens, their number is closer to 150. Those who stand in the queue, came to the entrance at 4am. Noticeable journalists armed with shooting equipment. Moscow police to ensure public order. 10:00To hear once again provided the largest meeting room. On the faces of the court employees solemn expression, everyone is trying to flawlessly perform their duties. In the hall I heard a discreet hum.10:05In the courtroom, sounds foreign speech: there is quite a lot of foreign observers, the majority are Jehovah's Witnesses in different countries. Also have observers who arrived at the courthouse with diplomatic plates on cars. 10:40Place an administrative claimant is empty. On the part of the defendant administration - representative of a religious organization Vasiliy Mihaylovich Kalin, lawyers Viktor Zhenkov and Anton Omelchenko, a lawyer Maksim Novakov. 10:50In the courtroom, leaning over a tablet, journalists of Russian mass media work. Place an administrative claimant takes Svetlana Konstantinovna Borisova, who represented the Ministry of Justice in the Court of First Instance.11:10The room was quiet, the parties and observers are waiting for the judges. 11:11The room is composed of judges who will hear the case. Declaring the case, they establish who is party. Besides Viburnum Zhenkova, Lew and Novakova side administrative transpond
  3. @John Houston... I understand your line of thinking. Then next logical line of thought (or questioning) would be.... Knowing that violence and conflict will eventually reach your doorstep.... Should you PREPARE for such a violent day and actually have a chance at winning the fight? or like a novice warrior fumble as I would with some gun which I barely know how to use? The same question could be use in regards to martial arts. knives, swords etc... -------------------------------- I'm guessing the Apostle Peter knew how to use a sword better than I do currently. -------------------------------- Even Judge Rutherford had armed bodyguards. We haven't gone back to those days in my lifetime however.
  4. This road I'm walking on, is full of twists and turns, through sin i keep on stumbling. I try to do what you ask, but I'm not perfect all you ask of me is my obedience. And Jehovah I pray, that your spirit surrounds me, hold me close in your arms, never let me go. Through all my troubles, and all my fleshy ways, there you are right next to me ready to reprimand, ready to show me your ways. teach me your will and laws of righteousness keep me on the path that leads to life help me to glorify your name. Though my heart is full of sin, you're ready to forgive and through my tribulations, I remember your name your loving kindness is reason to rejoice Jehovah I know, that when my heart is broken, your spirit will surround me, and when my tears fall down like rain, you will hold me close in your arms. I know Jehovah, that you will never forsake me, you will never leave me <3 Author
  5. For YOU are a mist appearing for a little while and then disappearing. If I am a little mist soon to disappear, Would I care about this? Would I care what's amiss? Would I accept what's not bliss? If I am just here for a little while, Would I make a step a mile? Would I dwell and stew... and be mad, If a short mist of life is all I had? All of what is bothering me, Is it worth time spent devouring thee? If I am a mist that soon disappears, Shouldn't that de-mist some fears? What does it benefit to be overly concerned? If I am a disappearing mist as I've discerned? Instead I will not over react. I will keep my balance undisturbed. For a little mist in life I am, Soon to disappear-- Without a word, and unperturbed.
  6. THE BUZZARD: If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top. THE BAT: The ordinary bat that flies around at night, a remarkable nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash.. THE BUMBLEBEE: A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself. PEOPLE: In many ways, we are like the buzzard, the bat, and the bumblebee. We struggle about with all our problems and frustrations, never realizing that all we have to do is look up! That's the answer, the escape route and the solution to any problem! Just look up. Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us. via GMK
  7. Can a bumblebee fly? That was the question that a District Overseer asked a group of pioneers in the pioneer meeting. "Can a bumblebee Fly?" Of course most of the pioneers thought for a minute but then all nodded yes. Bumblebees fly.Then he said that actually they can't. Not according to scientists. Scientifically and aerodynamically speaking, everything about the bumblebee, its shape and body weight compared to its ultra light wings indicates that it should NOT be able to fly at all.But nobody told the little bumblebee that he can't fly, so he goes on about his business, flying anyway. So, why does the bumblebee fly??? Because our Creator makes it fly!Then he asked, "Can you pioneer?" The answer is.."Of course not. Not according to the pressures and trials, the demands of this system." So how is it that we are able to pioneer? The answer is ..."Because our Creator causes us to pioneer".The point is there is NOTHING we can do on our own. With EVERYTHING we can only accomplish things with the Creators help.The District Overseer talked about Peter walking on water. We know it wasn't an act of faith. Peter was only able to walk on water because of Jesus. Then he saw the storm coming and he fell through the water and almost drowned."Sometimes we think too hard" The D.O . Said, "Were so busy in Jehovah's Service doing so many things no one thought we could do, not even ourselves some days. In essence we're walking on water because of Jehovah. Then we start thinking,..."wait a minute, what am I doing? I'm pioneering, I'm working, I've got so much stuff to do around the house, I've got kids, meeting parts...OH NO! This is all of the sudden getting really hard the more I think about it! Oh, I'm getting sooooooo tired! I'm not supposed to be doing all this, it's just too much. My goodness! I'm falling through the water." "What a good point this is, isn't it?" He said. "Sometimes we discourage ourselves by thinking too much, worrying too much, looking at the storm and taking our eyes off of the one who makes the bumblebee fly."
  8. Back when I first started using blogger I started collecting illustrations. That collection is still there. http://illustrationstoponder.blogspot.com
  9. Very nice illustration. Thanks for sharing.
  10. 79% of Russians support the ban by the Ministry of justice “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, the poll by the Levada center. The negative attitude to “witnesses” associated with the state policy in the field of religion, experts say https://newsworld.co/the-majority-of-russians-supported-the-ban-of-jehovahs-witnesses/
  11. Nicolas Lachance Thursday, 13 July, 2017 12:05 UPDATEThursday, 13 July, 2017 12:05 Look at this article The court grants the husband of the young Jehovah’s witness died after his blood during a delivery, access to medical records of the deceased because it is his right of legal heir. READ ALSO : who Died in childbirth: the medical file of the Jehovah’s witness Eloise Dupuis claimed by her husband Paul-André Roy, the husband of Eloise Dupuis, was successful in the superior Court. The tribunal has reversed the decision of the CIUSSS Chaudière-Appalaches, who refused the husband access to the medical file of the Jehovah’s Witness. The Hôtel Dieu de Lévis has 14 days to send the case file covering the period from 5 to October 12, 2016. He wanted to review the file independently, he said, to determine “all of the causes that have contributed to the death of Eloise. The court defers to the right of the heir in agreeing that the legal representatives of a deceased user are entitled to receive the information contained in the file, and, to the extent that the disclosure is necessary to the exercise of their rights. “In the opinion of the Court, the fact want to shed light on the precise causes of the deaths, in exceptional circumstances, such as the one in this folder, is in itself the exercise of a right by a liquidator, the latter has an obligation of due diligence in the execution of his office,” said the honourable Alain Michaud. Posthumous reputation The request also indicated that the death of his wife has been highly publicized and that “without evidence of any kind, several journalistic sources had said that the death of Mrs. Dupuis was caused by his refusal to accept a blood transfusion”. The petition asserted that Mrs. Dupuis would have referred to a gynecologist-obstetrician, upon admission to the hospital, that she was a Jehovah’s witness and that she could not “consent to a blood transfusion”. Following a caesarean section, it has been plunged into a medically induced coma. Her husband became the legal representative by reason of a power of attorney and has taken the decision to reiterate “the choice of mrs. Dupuis”. Thus, by obtaining the medical record, the husband of Eloise Dupuis wants to protect “the posthumous reputation of the deceased”. Once again, the Court argues that it acts as an heir. “Today, what matters is that the right to the respect of the posthumous reputation indicated by the applicant is actually identified and justified by him”. The document, however, indicates that the question of the study is not to judge the merits or not of the allegations of Mr. Roy. Other legal steps may be used to determine if the complaints are accurate. Complications and death Eloise Dupuis died on October 12, 2016, six days after his entrance to the hospital to give birth to her first child. Following a caesarean section, Eloise Dupuis has had to remove the uterus because of too great loss of blood. Paul-André Roy had filed an application instituting proceedings in the superior Court in may last, calling at the Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis to give him access to the medical file of his wife. The hospital of the South Shore (Quebec) had previously refused the request of the man. It is a counsel of Jehovah’s witnesses, Me Sylvain Deschênes, who represented the Paul-André Roy before the Tribunal and who had signed this petition. A coroner’s inquest is in progress in this folder. https://sivertimes.com/the-death-of-the-jehovahs-witness-eloise-dupuis-her-husband-will-have-access-to-the-medical-record/52495
  12. COLONIE — Beverly Beaudoin passed away quietly on July 5, 2017. Beverly is survived by her husband of 47 years, Jack; son, Timothy; daughter, Heather Marley; granddaughter, Audra Marley; mother, Ethel Rice; sister, Laurel Kimball; and many other relatives and friends. She loved all aspects of life, both old and new, and was a voracious reader of many subjects, especially regularly studying the Bible. She thoroughly enjoyed investigating and learning new things. She was a devoted and supportive wife, mother and grandmother and was an honest, fearless and loyal friend to those who truly knew her. She displayed many Christian qualities, was very self-sacrificing and was always ready to help anyone in need. Beverly was intensely honest and courageous in defense of the truth, what she believed to be right or in support of family and friends. She was a woman of absolute integrity, courage and truth. She played the violin and piano, painted, designed clothes for all ages and enjoyed gardening, singing and interior decorating, as well as healthy gourmet cooking. Most of her accomplishments were self-taught, driven by a desire to learn which also contributed to her success in managing a variety of businesses. Most importantly, as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses for over 70 years, she loved helping people understand the truth in God’s word, the Bible which improved their lives in many ways. That was a high priority in her life and gave her tremendous peace of mind, especially when she became ill. She was very active in preaching and teaching the Bible throughout the area, which gave her great comfort and joy and resulted in many friendships. For over 25 years, she zealously engaged in this activity full time throughout New York. She will be immensely missed, especially by her husband and best friend, Jack. Friends and family are invited to share condolences from 1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 19 at New Comer Funerals & Cremations, 343 New Karner Road, Albany. A Memorial Talk to remember Beverly and her pursuit of truth in God’s word will follow at 2 p.m. To leave a special message for the family online, visit www.NewcomerAlbany.com. http://poststar.com/lifestyles/announcements/obituaries/beverly-beaudoin/article_a89ee9d1-e7ca-5242-8d32-dfda94f9031f.html
  13. Thomas T. "TVA" Van Aulen, born on September 12, 1949 in Lancaster, PA, fell asleep in death on Saturday, July 8, 2017, at the age of 67. He showed faith, courage, and endurance through his years living with cancer. Tom was a loving husband to and is survived by his wife, Dottie (Wiley), and they recently marked 44 years of marriage. He is also survived by a daughter, Amanda Stauffer (Michael), son Justin Van Aulen (Leah), and grandson Joshua Van Aulen. He was preceded in death by his parents Daniel W. and Jenny (Pizzola) Van Aulen. Tom graduated from Penn Manor High School and was employed in the office machine and technology field for most of his working life, spending nearly 30 years with G.E. Richards, Inc in Lancaster, and ending with his retirement from Fraser Information Systems in 2014. His love for new technology and to learn new skills helped him transition into the computer and internet era with ease. His enthusiasm for engineering, electronics, and computers was well-known, and Tom greatly enjoyed the field of full scale aviation. Because of this, he spent time building and flying model aircraft and enjoyed model cars and trucks with his son and grandson. He was delighted when his grandson, Joshua, was born in 2015. They spent many happy times together playing with Matchbox cars. Tom and Dottie also enjoyed showing hospitality in their home to many friends and family. Tom enjoyed having conversations with friends and strangers alike, and was quick to offer a helping hand. More importantly, his love for God and neighbor moved him to share the Bible's message publicly as one of Jehovah's Witnesses for nearly 60 years. He served as an elder in the Fruitville Pike congregation up until his death, and volunteered on construction sites to build houses of worship for nearly 15 years. Tom held dear the Bible's promise of a resurrection on a paradise earth and wanted to share that hope with many. The family would like to thank the Cancer Center chemotherapy nurses and the kind assistance of Hospice & Community Care. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 3 p.m. at the Fruitville Pike Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 921 Fruitville Pike, Lititz, PA, 17543. To leave an online condolence for the family please visit: www.CremationLancasterPA.com (717) 273-6283 http://lancasteronline.com/obituaries/thomas-t-tva-van-aulen/article_56fbc181-4c79-5b16-90a1-5db93b544834.html
  14. Unsere Erde ist einzigartig. Sie hat den perfekten Abstand zur Sonne, den richtigen Neigungswinkel und sie dreht sich mit der genau richtigen Geschwindigkeit. Warum hat Gott sie mit so viel Liebe zum Detail erschaffen? Quelle
  15. Notre planète est une merveille. Elle se trouve à la distance idéale du Soleil, possède l’inclinaison idéale et parcourt son orbite à la vitesse idéale. Pourquoi Dieu s’est-il donné autant de mal pour faire la Terre ? la source
  16. Witnesses describe gruesome scene of Castlebar murders ON TRIAL Alan Cawley is pictured arriving at Swinford District Court back in July 2013, when he was charged with the murders of Tom and Jack Blaine. His trial began in Dublin last Friday. Pic: Keith Heneghan/Phocus Ballina man on trial in Dublin for murder of ‘vulnerable, reclusive’ brothers Natasha Reid A woman who had cared for two elderly brothers for almost a decade became emotional in court today as she described finding their bodies covered in blood in their Castlebar home four years ago.Helen Maloney was giving evidence to the ongoing murder trial at the Central Criminal Court earlier today.Alan Cawley of Four Winds, Corrinbla, Ballina, is charged with murdering both Thomas Blaine and John (Jack) Blaine, who were beaten to death in their home.The 30 year old has admitted killing the brothers, one of whom was disabled and was scalded during the assault. However, he has pleaded not guilty to murdering them on July 10, 2013, at New Antrim Street in the town. ‘I loved them dearly’Ms Maloney told Denis Vaughan Buckley, SC, prosecuting, that she was employed as a Home Help by the HSE and had been caring for the Blaine brothers for around nine years, when they died.She became emotional when he asked her about her first impression of them. “Two absolute gentlemen,” she replied.The barrister was then given permission to lead her through her evidence, and put the contents of a document to her.She agreed with him that they were ‘very vulnerable, reclusive and had speech impediments’. She agreed that Jack Blaine had both a speech and hearing problem, and had a spinal injury from an accident in England many years earlier. He had also suffered from dementia in his last few months. She added that she used to call to see them three times a day, 365 days a year.“They were two absolute gentlemen, a pleasure to look after,” she said. “They gave so much love and respect to me. They’ll be in my mind until the day I die. I loved them dearly, and so did the people of Castlebar.”She said they were loved throughout the town, where their nickname was ‘The boys’.She described them jointly as a treasure. “They’d never hurt anybody,” she said, before describing the scene she found that morning.She said she arrived at their house at 7.15am, went into the kitchen and called out to them in the same way she had everyday: “Are you ready to rock and roll?” she said.She got no answer and looked into Tom Blaine’s bedroom, where she saw him lying on the floor, with his legs on the bed. She said she shouted: ‘Tom, Tom. It’s Helen’, but there was no response.She then saw a pool of blood on the floor and that he was saturated in blood. She said there was blood on the walls and there were bloody handprints in the room. She could see that the blood was coming from his head. She said she went out the front door and asked two council men to call the Gardaí before running back into the house.“I couldn’t find Jack,” she explained. She ran upstairs to his bedroom and found it totally ransacked. “I searched, thinking he might have been hiding with fear, but there was no Jack,” she recalled.She returned downstairs and found the back door fully opened. She saw Jack Blaine on his back on the ground, half in and half out of the house. “He was also covered in blood all over,” she said.She recalled running out the front door again and shouting: ‘Oh my God’.She said she saw Rocky Moran, the owner of a pub across the road. She described Rocky’s Bar as Jack Blaine’s ‘home from home’, where he could get a cup of tea any time of the day.“The boys are gone,” she told Mr Moran. He asked her where they’d gone. She told him they were dead and not go to in, that he didn’t want to see what was inside. She said she then got sick.Caroline Biggs SC, defending, asked if she was satisfied that the brothers would never have had the capacity to hurt her. “Never in a million years,” she replied. “The only thing they would have shown me was affection.” ‘All sliced’Michael ‘Rocky’ Moran confirmed that Ms Maloney had warned him not to go into the house but that he had gone inside anyway. He described the same scene as Ms Maloney, adding that Jack Blaine was ‘all cut’.“He was all sliced,” said the publican and undertaker.“It’s one of the worst sights I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot of sights,” he said.He said he had not been working the night before and had last seen Jack Blaine on July 8. “He might have come in ten times a night for a cup of tea. He came in during the day as well,” he said.He said that he sometimes drank the tea in the pub, but that staff would mainly bring it across the street for him and leave it on his windowsill.“He only spoke to me twice ever in his life,” he said, explaining that he had known both brothers all his life.Garda Michael Tolan was one of the first gardai on the scene and described Ms Maloney as inconsolable when he arrived.He also knew both men. He told Mr Vaughan Buckley that Tom Blaine appeared to be badly marked and that his brother’s lips were split.“His stomach was bare,” he said of Jack Blaine. “There appeared to be pieces of skin removed from his stomach.” ‘That’s terrible’The jury was then shown CCTV footage of Alan Cawley’s movements around the time of the killing. It showed him cross paths with Jack Blaine outside Rocky’s Bar at 11.58pm, as an employee was delivering a cup of tea to the pensioner’s windowsill.It showed the accused enter the Blaine home at midnight, followed by Mr Blaine. Mr Cawley was seen leaving the house an hour and two minutes later.The jury also heard that the accused had been released from prison a few days earlier.Clodagh Peyton testified that she had provided B&B accommodation in apartments on Newport Road in the town. She had agreed to host Alan Cawley for a number of nights from Friday, July 5, the day he was released from Castlerea Prison, after the prison’s resettlement officer had introduced them.She said that he was a little agitated on Tuesday, July 9, having been picked up for shoplifting. “He was just telling me that he was trying to keep himself chilled out, lighting incense and things like that,” she recalled.The morning after the killing, she said, he seemed fine – relaxed, chatting and smiling. “He was asking questions about the bible,” she said, explaining that she was a Jehovah’s Witness and had left related magazines in his room.She brought a friend to meet him later that day and the three of them held a bible study for over an hour. When she told him the news of the killing, she said he replied: ‘That’s terrible’.She said she no-longer provides the service she provided at the time.The trial continues tomorrow morning (Thursday) before Mr Justice Paul Coffey and a jury of four women and eight men. http://www.mayonews.ie/news/30388-witnesses-describe-gruesome-scene-of-castlebar-murders
  17. MINEOLA - Memorial services for Clydia Brooks Steenson, 94, Mineola will be held Saturday, July 15 at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses with Jim Nahas officiating. Mrs. Steenson died June 18, 2017, at Autumn Wind Assisted Living Center in Mineola. She was born January 9, 1923, near Sonora, Arkansas to the late Thomas and Apella Brooks and grew up in Plano. During WWII, Clydia served in the Army Nurse Corps in the Philippines and Okinawa. After returning home she began working with the Dallas ISD as a school nurse and was soon transferred to administration, directing the nursing staff until retiring 20 years later. Once retired she dedicated her life to Jehovah, and remained faithful until her death. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marion Turner Steenson; two brothers, Thomas and Kenneth Brooks; two sisters, Ruth Brooks Scott and Dorotha Brooks Stults. She is survived by her sister, Helen Brooks Harris; two stepchildren, Scott Steenson and Jan Calevell, and numerous nieces and nephews. http://www.tricountyleader.com/stories/clydia-brooks-steenson,113647
  18. Praying over the US President with their hands on him? I'm guessing it won't be this US Administration that turns against religion anytime soon.
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