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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. The Hong Kong-based team rebutted skepticism over their claims of finding Noah's Ark in Turkey. Two members of the search team that claims to have found Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat in Turkey responded to skepticism by saying that there is no plausible explanation for what they found other than it is the fabled biblical boat that weathered a storm that raged 40 days and 40 nights and flooded the entire Earth.Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) held a press conference April 25 in Hong Kong to present their findings and say they were “99.9 percent sure” that a wooden structure found at a 12,000-ft. elevation and dated as 4,800 years old was Noah’s Ark.members of the Chinese-Turkish team stood by their finding.“How can a ship be on a mountain?” Yeung Wing-cheung, one of six team members who entered the structure on Mount Ararat last October, told the Monitor today by telephone from Hong Kong.“The only record of a wooden structure on Mount Ararat is Noah’s Ark," Clara Wei, the team coordinator, also said today by telephone from Beijing. "So up to now I believe this is the most probable explanation. We don’t have another explanation." Turkish officials from Agri Province, the location of Mount Ararat, also attended this week’s press conference in Hong Kong. Lieutenant governor Murat Güven and Cultural Ministries Director Muhsin Bulut, both provincial officials, believe the discovery is likely Noah’s Ark, according to the announcement posted on the team's website.
  2. Is anyone else following the YouTube channel by a woman called Antoinette Mitchell? In very broad outline: she comes from a JW family became active again 3 years ago got disfellowshipped 8 months ago came out as gay on YouTube at the same time talked about heartbreak of family and friends not talking to her determined to go back by attending all the meetings a few days ago got reinstated I feel sorry for what she's gone through and also glad she got reinstated.
  3. Certains pensent que « Allah », « Alpha et Oméga », « ʼÉl Shadday » et « Jéhovah-Yiré » sont des noms qui désignent Dieu. Notre façon d’appeler Dieu a-t-elle de l’importance ? la source
  4. „Allah“ oder „El Schaddai“, „Der Herr“, „Gott“ oder „Herr Zebaoth“. Hat Gott unterschiedliche Namen? Ist es wichtig, wie man ihn nennt? Quelle
  5. En paroles et en actions, montrons que nous aimons vraiment les rappels de Jéhovah. la source
  6. People may think that God has names that include ‘Allah,’ ‘Alpha and Omega,’ ‘El Shaddai,’ and ‘Jehovah-Jireh.’ Does it matter what we call God? Source
  7. A court in Almaty, Kazakhstan, has suspended all activity of the Christian Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kazakhstan for three months. Source
  8. Ha! Thank you @JW Insider.... I didn't even look closely at the photo before I commented. Good catch! AGAIN... ;-)
  9. @Gnosis Pithos within reason. The @admin is more liberal than I am.... you can see his guidelines section above. ..... I personally will act in this section when I feel someone is acting as a bully. Also humor has a way of making tough comments somehow more palatable. Try it sometime.
  10. Do you work for Boeing? Just curious.



      no, hon'..... my father worked for United Airlines....lemme' rephrase that.... the REAL United Airlines... not the joke it has become since being taken over by Continental.    He worked from March 12, 1962 to September 27. 1997, starting in Newark, when the airport was on the other side of the highway,  then a small stint in Raleigh-Durham, and finally up here in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, at Bradley International.    I think that aviation - starting with our feathered friends - and culminating in these beautiful behemoths - is one of Jehovah's finest creations.....  from the Wright Brothers and on.   I am soooo hoping that after Armageddon, as the clean-up is progressing along and loved ones are being resurrected, that Jehovah will do for me, like He did with Bezalel and Oholiab - Exodus 31: 3-5 - to fill me with all the knowledge needed to fly a McDonnell-Douglas DC-10, my favorite aircraft,  and fly brothers and sisters all around our beautiful Paradise, to see loved ones, make new friends, meet with those from the Bible, and for me personally, to head down to Raleigh-Durham, and pick up my grandmother and grandfather [mother's side].  My grandmother was in the Truth, she was living in Somerville, New Jersey in the late 60's, early 70's when she was baptized.   They were living in Pinebluff, North Carolina, in 1992 when she fell asleep in death, follow by grandpa in 1994.   Of course, the first thing she would probably say is, ''Were you part of the Great Crowd?'' and I would say, ''Yes, grandma, and... I became a Witness.''  Added treat would be to find out where she was baptized - Allentown, Philadelphia, Trenton - and do the same.   Then just after telling her that I am a Witness, that I too, was baptized in the same city as her.    I can just imagine her laughter and tears of joy.   So far, I am the only one of her grandchildren who has studied, and is progressing towards getting myself into the Theocratic Ministry School, then on to becoming an unbaptized publisher, and then baptized.   

      So..... getting back to Boeing, here's a quick history lesson for you.    

      If you can see the DC-10 down at the bottom,  you will notice 4 stars on it...  

      That's not ''4-star service'', it's the 4 airlines that combined to make ''United Airlines'', and they are....

      Varney Air Lines, Pacific Air Transport, National Air Transport and......Boeing Air Transport.    Add to that, at one time, one of the largest ''parent'' companies in the world was UAL Corp., comprised of Boeing, United Airlines, Pratt & Whitney and Hamilton Standard  -  Hamilton located just across the street from Bradley International Airport. 

      Drag.    Thrust.    Lift.    Weight.         the 4 forces of Flight.      Forces working together, that can lift aircraft such as the Antonov AN-225, AN-124, and the C-5 Galaxy off the ground, fully loaded, weighing over one and a half million pounds,  and make it all look so effortless......

      I stand in awe of one of Jehovah's creations everyday.    He is just so awesome. 

      oh..... and I like the way it rhymes.... too cool.    

      okay..... I think I babbled enough - LOL.    


      Sharon Lee 
















      ual DC-10 Friendship.jpg

  11. Des représentants de la ville d’Oriol ont remercié un groupe de Témoins de Jéhovah pour leur participation au nettoyage annuel de la ville. Ce groupe comptait Dennis Christensen qui a récemment été arrêté pour avoir assisté à un paisible office religieux. la source
  12. Turkmenistan’s government is called upon to honor its commitments to protect human rights, including freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. Source
  13. Das Gericht entschied, dass die Personal- und Rekrutierungs­verwaltung des Militärs die Veröffentlichung personenbezogener Daten von Wehrdienst­verweigerern aus Gewissensgründen auf ihrer Website aussetzen muss. Quelle
  14. Freiwillige Zeugen Jehovas und Fremdfirmen haben für das Großbauprojekt mit der Baustelleneinrichtung am geplanten Zweigbüro und der Hauptaußenstelle begonnen. Quelle
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