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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Decapitation defendant claims religious conflict, seeks new lawyer The Wichita woman who sought an exorcism before being charged with murder in a decapitation has asked for a new lawyer based on an argument about religion. Rachael Hilyard contended that she and her defense attorney have an “extreme religious conflict” and that he has kept her from getting a psychological evaluation. In a court hearing Friday, a judge denied her request for a new lawyer. Hilyard, 35, is charged with first-degree murder in the April 9 decapitation of 63-year-old Micki Davis. One of Davis’ sons was Hilyard’s ex-boyfriend. Officers responding to a 911 call found Davis’ severed head in Hilyard’s kitchen sink. In a neatly organized and handwritten letter Hilyard addressed to a Sedgwick County judge earlier this month, she laid out her concern about her attorney, Jason Smartt. “The victim in my case was a Jehovas Witness. I think he is one as well,” Hilyard wrote in the June 9 letter. “I am Catholic & this was a crime of God. I am requesting a change of counsel.” Later in the letter, Hilyard expounded. “On a different case, this would be irrelevant. However, I am Catholic & and the head of a Jehovas Witness was found in my kitchen sink. I think she may have been a high ranking member in this religion.” But one of Davis’ sons, Jeremy Rush, said Tuesday that Hilyard is wrong about his mother: “At no time whatsoever in her life was she a Jehovah’s Witness.” Davis’ daughter, Jacona Gillespie, agreed, saying that Hilyard is “absolutely wrong.” At another point in Hilyard’s letter, with occasional typos, she wrote, “Its a known fact about Jehovas Witnesses & brainwashing. The less contact I have with Jason Smartt the better.” Hilyard also said she has been attending Bible study and getting substance abuse treatment in jail. “If I was really a danger to society I would have trouble doing those things!” She remains in jail on a bond that has been raised to $500,000. Hilyard said she needs a psychological evaluation “due to my history” and has been asking Smartt “for two months to order one.” She wrote that Smartt has told her lies, including that if she went for an evaluation, “I’d be stuck in Ossawatamie or Larned” for 10 to 15 years “waiting for trial! (That was what scared me away from the eval in the 1st place)” In a postscript, she added: “Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but he keeps talking about this ‘neurological’ assessment coming up. Is he trying to get me hypnotized? I’m scared my lawyer is not on my side at all, he is on the side of the victim.” At a court hearing Friday, Hilyard argued the points in her letter, but Judge Jeff Goering denied her request for a new lawyer. So Smartt is still her lawyer, Smartt said Tuesday. Smartt is Hilyard’s co-counsel, with fellow assistant public defender Chris Omlid. Smartt said he couldn’t comment on any religious belief he might have. Police said Hilyard summoned Davis to Hilyard’s home on West Rita near South Seneca to get her son’s property. Hilyard began attacking Davis in the garage before Davis’ 9-year-old grandson fled, police said Hilyard’s case drew extra attention after she said in a jailhouse interview with The Eagle that she had sought an exorcism for “evil spirits” in her house just a few days before the killing. http://www.kansas.com/news/local/crime/article158436404.html
  2. NORTH KENSINGTON, London – Not less than four members of Jehovah’s Witnesses survived the inferno that ravaged the 24 storey Grenfel Tower, London killing at least 79 people. None of the witnesses died in the inferno, which has led to revolution and evacuation of about 25 other blocks that have failed fire resistant test in London. The 4 witnesses however lost their apartments and properties in the fire. “Witnesses that live near the now fire-gutted apartment building provided food, clothing, and monetary aid to their fellow members and their families that were affected. The Witnesses are also offering spiritual comfort to the grieving members of the North Kensington community”, the JWs said on their website.Jehovah’s Witnesses are known worldwide for their speed in mitigating the affliction of their neighbours worldwide.See full statement below. Jehovah’s Witnesses are assisting victims of a catastrophic fire that engulfed the Grenfell Tower, a 24-story apartment building in the North Kensington area of London, in the early morning hours of June 14, 2017. Authorities are reporting that at least 79 people were killed. Four Witnesses were evacuated from the apartment building, two of which were residents of Grenfell Tower. Fortunately, none of them were injured, although the Witnesses’ apartments were among those completely destroyed in the blaze. Witnesses that live near the now fire-gutted apartment building provided food, clothing, and monetary aid to their fellow members and their families that were affected. The Witnesses are also offering spiritual comfort to the grieving members of the North Kensington community. http://starconnectmedia.com/four-witnesses-survive-grenfel-tower-fire-in-london/
  3. Les élèves ont été renvoyés de l’école pour avoir refusé de chanter l’hymne national. La direction les a réadmis dans l’établissement. la source
  4. Good to know! Hope I can remember to use Extra Virgin Olive Oil next time I order a salad. ;-)
  5. They would be disfellowshipped if they did not marry properly (legally) in a reasonable amount of time.
  6. Hachiko, was an Akita dog that belonged to a professor at the University of Tokyo. Every day he would meet his master at Shibuya Station until one day in 1925 when the professor never returned. Unbeknownst to Hachiko, his master had suffered a fatal brain hemorrhage and would never come home again. But there Hachiko sat, day after day, waiting in vain for the return of his beloved master. The story of the dog that never gave up gained a lot of attention from local and national news, inspiring many people to visit Hachiko at Shibuya Station to offer treats. The story eventually spread throughout the world and a Hollywood film starring Richard Gere was even made based on Hachiko’s story. The photo above was taken on March 8, 1935 and is the last known image taken of Hachiko, who was found dead on a street in Shibuya. His owner’s wife and station staff sit around his body, mourning the loss of the faithful companion. Years later, a statue was erected in Hachiko’s honor and a replica of the original still stands near Shibuya Station. Although today it is used as a popular meeting spot for young adults going out with friends, Hachiko’s statue remains a symbol of this dog’s extreme loyalty and a reminder of the lengths one can go to stay devoted to a friend. Hachiko managed to inspire people around the world and just as his final image portrays, he was loved dearly. If you want to visit Hachiko’s statue, Google Maps marks the exact location or you can take a photo tour here.
  7. La décision diffame les Témoins et incite certains individus et représentants de l’État à les maltraiter davantage encore, comme l’illustrent de récents incidents. la source
  8. Une vidéo diffusée par une agence de presse russe montre des forces de l’ordre armées et des agents du Service fédéral de sécurité interrompant un office religieux des Témoins de Jéhovah à Orel, en Russie. la source
  9. Quelle est la différence entre faire de son mieux et poursuivre un idéal inaccessible ? la source
  10. Zu hohe Erwartungen machen das Leben für dich und andere unnötig schwer. Das Arbeitsblatt hilft dir, realistischer zu sein. Quelle
  11. Video auf russischem Nachrichten­portal zeigt Razzia bei Gottesdienst von Jehovas Zeugen in Orjol (Russland) durch bewaffnete Polizisten und Beamte des Inlands­geheimdienstes. Quelle
  12. Es ist nichts verkehrt daran, sein Bestes zu geben. Aber ab wann wird daraus Perfektionismus? Quelle
  13. This worksheet can help you to be reasonable in what you expect of yourself and others. Source
  14. How can you tell the difference between trying to do your best and chasing an impossible ideal? Source
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