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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. 8 minutes ago, John Paul said:

    It would be nice to have a good understanding on the rules of this open forum. Who is allowed and who isn't allowed to be irresponsible with their comments.

    While that might be 'nice'..... for now you'll have to suffice with ... push too hard yourself and find out what triggers me to ban you.


  2. 54 minutes ago, John Paul said:

    Then why is it in an open forum? This justification makes no sense.

    And it has to make sense (or be "justified") to you because you are...(insert impressive title here)?


    Let's have everyone start to use the new rule: BNBR .  Be nice, Be respectful.

    Or at least stop calling one another names.

    Attack the ideas and not the person directly.

    That is why I banned Allen Smith who cannot seem to help himself from ad hominem attacks... and John Butler for his calling harm to be done to actual human beings (illegal).


  3. 2 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Sounds good to me .... I had hoped that "The Archive" would really be an archive, but it has changed formats so many times I have no idea how to access postings from five or six years ago. 

    Yes... between WT, Google, Tumblr..... This has been the most stable platform yet that I have been able to land on in the last decade.

    Sadly though... the "archive" is in Google's hand now....

    And the threads don't offer an easy way to find stuff without going through the search feature...

    I feel your pain.

    I'm open to ideas guys...

  4. I love tacos.....


    I'm about to give up on this entire site.


    Maybe there should only be one thread... called Jehovah's Witnesses .... and we have ONLY one singe topic for everybody?

    Let's try that....

    I'll ask the @admin if we can start a club like that and freeze this one.

    Oh... and @TrueTomHarley aka... a million other usernames....

    Could I have the address to your blog again? I seem to have misplaced it.... in EVERY SINGLE THREAD ON THIS SITE!


  5. John Butler was banned because he went too far in calling for illegal harm to be done against some public people. Not because of his stance on the child abuse matter. Once you cross the law you are definitely banned.

    Billy the Kid aka Allen Smith..... I have tolerated on many occasions.. until soon thereafter he is so rude and abusive toward other members I have to ban him. He needs to find another sandbox to go play in. Not this one.

    I'm not saying that others don't at times get abusive..... but my tolerance with Allen Smith is very thin... he "rubs me the wrong way" every time. 



  6. In northern Russia, seven men have come forward to claim they were tortured by police because of their religious views. The men are all Jehovah’s Witnesses. Their organisation was banned by Russia’s Supreme Court in 2017 as extremist and dozens of Jehovah’s Witnesses have since been detained across the country. Officials in Surgut initially denied the reports of torture, but now say they will investigate. President Vladimir Putin has called the prosecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses ‘utter nonsense’ and asked the Supreme Court for clarification on how the law is applied. BBC correspondent Sarah Rainsford reports.

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