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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. To reach seafaring people always on the move, the Witnesses have established Bible-education programs at major harbors. How have sailors responded? Source
  2. Bei einer Zeremonie im Kreml erhielten Waleri und Tatjana Nowik, Zeugen Jehovas aus Karelien, den „Orden des elterlichen Ruhms“ von Präsident Putin. Quelle
  3. Lors d’une cérémonie au Kremlin, le président Poutine a décoré de l’ordre de la « Gloire parentale » Valeriy et Tatiana Novik, des Témoins de Jéhovah de Carélie. la source
  4. The students were expelled from school for refusing to sing the national anthem. School administrators have allowed them to return to school. Source
  5. Albert Schroeder The Book of Revelation, Its Grand Climax At Hand About illustrations in Revelation Climax Book Fall 1988 Schroeder Albert - The Book of Revelation, Its Grand Climax At Hand.mp3
  6. Revelation; It's Grand Climax at Hand! - 2006 version 1988_Revelation--It's Grand Climax At Hand! (2).pdf 2006 - Revelation book Adjustments.pdf 1989_The_Watchtower_Societys_end_of_world_prediction_1989.doc
  7. Hesekiel führte seinen göttlichen Auftrag treu aus, auch wenn das manchmal alles andere als leicht war. Das macht ihn zu einem echten Vorbild. Quelle
  8. Ézékiel s’est acquitté avec humilité et courage de toutes les missions que Dieu lui avait confiées, même des plus difficiles. Il nous laisse un précieux exemple. la source
  9. Ezekiel humbly and courageously carried out any God-given assignment, no matter how difficult. His example is invaluable to us today. Source
  10. Thank you @admin.  I'm loving the dynamic front page.  The new "front page of the Internet." :-)

  11. I thought it might be interesting to see how these words were understood and differentiated by reference works over the past hundred years or so. Unfortunately, the coverage of the three terms in synonym dictionaries is somewhat spotty (though still interesting) across the years. Here is what some authorities have said. From James Fernald, English Synonyms and Antonyms (1896): In the highest sense, as in a court of justice, "an oath is reverent appeal to God in corroboration of what one says," ABBOTT LAW DICT[IONARY]. ...An oath is made to man in the name of God; a vow, to God without the intervention, often without the knowledge, of man. In the lower sense, an oath may be mere blasphemy or profane swearing. This book doesn't include pledge in the same group of words with oath and vow, but instead lists it with (among other terms) compact, covenant, obligation, pact, promise, and stipulation, under the general heading contract, remarking All of these words involve at least two parties, tho an engagement or promise may be the act of but one. Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms (1942) doesn't cover oath or vow, but offers these comments in distinguishing the verb pledge from the verb promise: The noun forms of pledge associated with the verb forms described here would involve the promise or guarantee or security that the specified action will be performed. S.I. Hayakawa, Choose the Right Word: A Modern Guide to Synonyms (1968) again passes over oath and vow, but addresses pledge as a noun in some detail: And finally, Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms (1984) examines pledge as a noun in the company of four related nouns: These discussions suggest that though oath, vow, and pledge are all promises, they have different focuses. An oath is a swearing in the presence of God with regard to a commitment one is making to one or more other people (as to tell the truth as a witness in court, or to uphold the dignity of one's office). A vow is a promise to God (or to something philosophically analogous) to accept and discharge faithfully some specified spiritual or material obligation. A pledge is a promise on one's honor or sense of duty to take some action in fulfillment of a contract with other human beings. https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/11565/oath-vs-pledge-vs-vow
  12. Henry Brown, deputy mayor, of Honiton said: “I am completely horrified and astounded by what has happened, especially as police are investigating whether it was a hate crime. People I have spoken to about it are shocked and taken aback. People normally feel very safe in our community if they are walking around in the day or night. Cllr Henry Brown Read more at http://www.devonlive.com/murder-probe-town-shocked-by-stabbing-of-jehovah-s-witness/story-30379223-detail/story.html#fIeBjXJPHshrvmYZ.99
  13. The Jehovah's Witnesses have confirmed he was an elder in their community. A spokesman for the group said: “We are deeply saddened at the tragic loss of Philip Ryan, who was for many years an active member of his local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. “At this time, our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, family and close friends. It is our hope that they will find comfort in their faith and in the support of their fellow worshippers and local community." Mr Ryan owned Ryan Alarms and Electrical Services based in Westward Ho! Keith Beviss, 54, appeared in court on Thursday morning charged with his murder.
  14. See the original text of the Greek Scriptures along with a word-for-word English translation. Source
  15. Diario De Soria, Saturday 10 June 2017 The 'morcilleros' maintain their commitment to the quality and the artisan processes and introduce the innovation to develop new concepts Although perhaps the most revolutionary product of the brand has been the ecumenical blood sausage, a bloodless blood so that Jehovah's Witnesses can enjoy without sin. READ MORE (via Google translate) https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=es&tl=en&u=http://www.diariodesoria.es/noticias/laposada/inventores-morcilla_89765.html
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