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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. "He was very loved and everyone cared for him still can't believe he's gone very nice guy, very loving, all about family," Moto declared. Medina-Chevez and his wife Elsa met in 1989 when the two were in middle school. The couple has three daughters who mobilized to find Medina-Chevez when he went missing. They passed out flyers and drove all over Charlotte looking for him. CMPD also launched an intense search effort, assigning missing persons and homicide detectives to the case. Their investigation led them to Annapolis, MD where they said Medina-Chevez's credit card was used. Maryland State Troopers tracked down his Nissan Pathfinder and took two of the occupants into custody. Five days after he disappeared, Medina-Chevez's body was found in a wooded area in Rock Hill. Diontray Divan Adams and James Aaron Steven are both charged with his murder. "This wasn't the outcome we would've wished for, now knowing we can move forward and always have him in our memories," said Moto. "We're going to miss him a lot," he declared. A Free Funder page has been set up for his family. It has raised more than $40,000, which includes a $10,000 donation from Uber's East Coast General Manager Meghan Joyce. If you would like to help the Medina family, you can donate https://www.freefunder.com/campaign/help-the-medina-family


  2. I was taught the same way that @Nnaemeka explained so well above.

    I also see the practicality of @James Thomas Rook Jr. position on weapons in general.


    Questions still stuck in my head are:

    Jesus could summon the 12 legions... but I cannot. = I get to carry a "sword"?

    Was Jesus reproving Peter for acting on the offensive? would a defensive use of his sword only been ok?


    The reason I ask these questions is that in a world where every 3rd person and his grandma is carrying.... when that one lunatic shows up at the KH one day I would like someone there to be able to fire back.

    It would be hypocritical of me to say that it is wrong to carry such a firearm and then be glad JTR had one on his person.


    After the bombing of the Kingdom Hall in Australia we see that there were no legions of angels dispatched to protect that congregation. 

    Leaving me to ponder these questions still.


    FYI - I do not carry or own a gun. I barely know how to fire one correctly. I do have a "dagger" camping (Rambo style) knife kept in a closet somewhere that I bought at a camping store. (I can't say that I know how to even fight with a knife either)


    It may be that we live in a fiercer world where us older (I use that term reluctantly since I am only 45) JW men may need to "toughen up" and learn to protect ourselves.


    I think sometimes about Abraham (God's friend) and his ARMY.... or David and his ARMY.... or Solomon with his NAVY...


    Good discussion everyone.

  3. Although not exactly sure how to read the .djvu file types....

    The Book of Enoch

    Эфиопская версия с фрагментами греческой и латинской версий, а также перевод на английский язык.



    The Ethiopic Book of Enoch

    A New Edition in the Light of the Aramaic Dead Sea Fragments by Michael A. Knibb in consultation with Edward Ullendorff. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press.



    Siegbert Uhlig. Das äthiopische Henochbuck

    Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit 5.6. Gütersloher.



    The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumrân Cave 4

    Edited by J. T. Milik with the collaboration of Matthew Black. Oxford: Clarendon Press.




    The Book of Enoch, or I Enoch

    A New English Edition with Commentary and Textual Notes by Matthew Black. // Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha 7. Leiden: Brill.



    The Last Chapters of Enoch in Greek

    Edited by Campbell Bonner.



    The ‘Astronomical’ Chapters of the Ethiopic Book of Enoch (72 to 82)

    Translation and Commentary by Otto Neugebauer. With Additional Notes on the Aramaic Fragments by Matthew Black.



    3 Enoch, or The Hebrew Book of Enoch

    Edited and translated by Hugo Odeberg.



    Apocalypsis Henochi Graece; Fragmenta pseudepigraphorum Graeca

    M. Blank et A. M. Denis. // Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti Graece 3. Ed. A. V. Denis et M. de Jonge. Leiden: Brill, 1970.



    To biblion Enwc

    Книга Еноха на греческом языке.



    Enochi liber

    Книга Еноха на латинском языке.



    Henoch. The origins of Enochic Judaism

    Ed. Gabriele Boccaccini. Toronto: Silvo Zamorani.



    The Book of Enoch the Prophet. By Richard Laurence

    An Apocryphal Production, supposed for ages to have been lost; but discovered at the close of the last century in Abyssinia; now first translated from an Ethiopic MS. in the Bodleian Library. 3rd edition. Oxford: Parker, 1838.



    The Book of Enoch. By George H. Schodde

    Translated from the Ethiopic, with Introduction and Notes. Andover: Draper, 1911.



    А. Смирнов. Книга Еноха

    Историко-критическое исследование. Казань, 1888.



    Книга Еноха

    Перевод А. Смирнова. // Православный Собеседник. Казань, 1888.



    Книга Еноха

    Ветхозаветный апокалипсис II – I вв. до н.э.



    Edward Murray. Enoch Restitutus

    An Attempt to separate from the Books of Enoch the Book quoted by St. Jude, also A Comparison of the Chronology of Enoch with the Hebrew Computation, and with the periods mentioned in the Book of Daniel and in the Apocalypse. London: Rivington, 1836.



    И. Р. Тантлевский. Книги Еноха



    Славянская Книга Еноха Праведного

    Редакция и перевод на латинский М. И. Соколова. Москва: Синодальная Типография, 1910.



    Le Livre des Secrets d’Hénoch

    Texte slave et traduction française par A. Vaillant. Paris: Institut d’Études slaves. (Славянская версия Книги тайн Еноха.)



    The Book of the Secrets of Enoch

    Translated from the Slavonic by W. R. Morfill. Edited by R. H. Charles. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896.


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