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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. FSB Agents Raid Jehovah's Witnesses Service In Central Russia; Danish Man Arrested Masked security agents and local police raided a worship service that was being by Jehovah's Witnesses in the central Russian city of Oryol, the latest in a series of raids following a Supreme Court ruling banning the denomination. The religious group said that at least 15 officers, some masked and some heavily armed, halted the service on May 25, recorded names of attendees, seized cell phones and other electronics, and took written statements. Several of the officers were from the Federal Security Service (FSB), Russia's primary security agency. The group said that police also searched the homes of several Jehovah’s Witnesses in the city. A Danish man, identified as Dennis Christensen, was also arrested during the raid. A lawyer for the group, Yaroslav Sivulsky, told the Russian website Mediazone that Christensen was arrested only because he was reading the Bible along with other Jehovah's Witnesses. A district court on May 26 ordered Chistensen held in custody while law enforcement conducted further investigation. Jehovah's Witnesses have long been viewed with suspicion in Russia for their positions on military service, voting, and government authority in general. Freedom of religion is formally guaranteed in Russia but legislation sets out Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism as the country's four traditional religions, and smaller denominations frequently face discrimination. Last month, the Supreme Court labeled the Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist organization, ordering the seizure of its property in Russia and effectively banning worshipers from the country. Since then, there have been a growing number of reports of worshipers being targeted for harassment. A home and several cars belonging to a Jehovah's Witness outside of Moscow were vandalized in an arson attack on April 30. "We believe that the closure of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization for extremism, the persecution of members of their communities, and the prohibition of their written texts all have no legitimate grounds and are an outright manifestation of religious discrimination," said the Sova Center, a nongovernmental organization that tracks extremism, xenophobia, racism and similar issues in Russia. With reporting by RFE/RL's Russian Service https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-jehovah-s-witness-oryol-raid/28511344.html
  2. Zu den Highlights zählen die im Vergleich zur letzten Woche gestiegene Besucherzahl und Kommentare von Besuchern zum fertigen Komplex. Quelle
  3. Dans les Lamentations, le prophète Jérémie exprime son chagrin au sujet de la destruction de Jérusalem et montre que la repentance conduit à la miséricorde divine. la source
  4. Le bâtiment résidentiel a accueilli des volontaires du siège mondial des Témoins de Jéhovah pendant plus de 50 ans. la source
  5. Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia have been victims of aggressive religious discrimination by both Russian authorities and vandals. Source
  6. Diese Ausgabe enthält die Studienartikel für den 23. Oktober bis 26. November 2017. Quelle
  7. Ce numéro contient les articles d’étude pour la période du 23 octobre au 26 novembre 2017. la source
  8. This issue contains the study articles for October 23 to November 26, 2017. Source
  9. I understand the explosion occurred at 10:30 pm while attendees were departing from the concert. Unless Manchester JWs attend late night events with carts which depending on light conditions, likely would not be easily seen, I doubt the cart was present when the explosion occurred.
  10. Not the most tactful of covers to place at such a scene... with "Death" on the cover. Hmmm....
  11. Jehovas Zeugen arbeiten am Wiederaufbau von einigen hundert Häusern, nachdem ein Taifun Ende 2016 die Philippinen verwüstet hat. Quelle
  12. Tejmur Achmedow, Ehemann und Vater von drei Söhnen, wurde wegen seiner friedlichen Tätigkeit in seinem biblischen Bildungswerk zu einer fünfjährigen Haftstrafe verurteilt. Quelle
  13. Jehovas Zeugen laden zu ihren dreitägigen Kongressen ein. Das Motto lautet „Gib nicht auf!“. Am 19. Mai 2017 beginnt der erste Kongress. Quelle
  14. Was kann dir helfen, die Wahrheit zu deinem Lebensweg zu machen? Quelle
  15. In diesem Gebäude wohnten für mehr als 50 Jahre Mitarbeiter der Weltzentrale von Jehovas Zeugen. Quelle
  16. Les opérations de secours actuellement déployées doivent prendre fin au cours du mois de juin 2017. la source
  17. Les Témoins de Jéhovah invite le grand public à assister à l’assemblées de trois jours « Ne renoncez pas ! », qui débute en mai 2017. la source
  18. La Bible enseigne-t-elle que Dieu est partout ? Comment être sûr, s’il réside dans un lieu précis, qu’il vous connaît personnellement ? la source
  19. Kann ein nicht allgegenwärtiger Gott für mich da sein? Was sagt die Bibel? Quelle
  20. Does the Bible teach that God is everywhere? Why can you be confident that he resides in a specific place, yet also knows you personally? Source
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