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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. Peru-flood.jpg

    LIMA, Peru – Not less than 530 homes and 6 Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses have been damaged due to severe flood which has ravaged Peru in the last few days.


    Reports indicate that in the town of Huarmey, located 288 kilometers (approximately 179 mi) from Lima, floodwaters have stranded many Witnesses on the roofs of their homes.

    So far, the Peru branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses has set up eight disaster relief committees to care for the Witnesses in the affected areas, including the 12 regions where the government has declared a state of emergency. 

    The relief committees have already supplied 22 tons of food and over 22,000 liters (6,000 gal) of drinking water to victims. Another 48 tons of food and over 9,000 liters (2,400 gal) of drinking water will be sent in the coming weeks. 

    Jehovah’s Witnesses are assisting their fellow members, as well as other victims of the disaster.So far, hundreds of Witnesses in Peru have volunteered to help with cleanup and repair work. “The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses facilitates disaster relief efforts from their world headquarters, using funds donated to the Witnesses’ global ministry work”, the Jehovah’s Witnesses said in a statement.Heavy rainfall has caused flooding and landslides in 24 out of 25 regions of Peru, while reports indicate that these conditions are expected to continue. 

    The country has received 10 times the normal amount of precipitation during its rainy season (December to March).


  2. Hi @JW Insider

    I knew the photo wasn't correct.... just a green NWT.... 

    BUT ... I didn't catch the 1970 revision. Thanks for the correction. I will keep this post the way it is in case someone does have a link to the 1961 actual "Fat Boy" version.

    (Wasn't this 1970 edition just as "Fat" though?)

    Sanja Matsuri is a religious festival honoring the three brothers who founded Sensō-ji, an ancient Buddhist temple in Tokyo. It is one of the largest religious celebrations in the city.


    I was a little surprised to see this ... I thought Japan was more isolated that this ... and that Shinto was the "State religion" .... I have more to learn obviously.

    Maybe they are a small minority in the country.

  4. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/05/17/end-blood-donationscientists-close-unlimited-supply-stem-cells/

    • 17 MAY 2017 • 6:00PM

      Blood donors may no longer be needed in the future after scientists showed it was possible to create blood from stem cells.

      The 20 year project could pave the way for an unlimited number of blood and immune cells for transplants, simply by reprogramming a patient’s own skin cells.

      The research, reported in the journal Nature, holds out enormous promise for developing personalised treatments for blood disorders, drug-screening and reducing shortages of donated blood.

      Dr Ryohichi Sugimura, of Boston Children's Hospital, said: "This gives us the potential to have a limitless supply of blood stem cells and blood by taking cells from universal donors. This could potentially augment the blood supply for patients who need transfusions.

      “This step opens up an opportunity to take cells from patients with genetic blood disorders, use gene editing to correct their genetic defect and make functional blood cells.”

      For patients receiving treatment for cancer, blood disorders, after accidents or during surgery, or new mums who lose blood in childbirth, blood is an absolutely essential part of healthcare.

      But NHS Blood and Transplant - the service which collects, tests and processes blood for hospitals across England -says that while hospitals have the blood needed to treat patients there is a need for more new donors.


      FYI The Daily Telegraph's article appears to be based on the following three articles in the magazine Nature which describes itself as the "international weekly journal of science."

      Lab-grown blood stem cells produced at last

      Two research teams cook up recipe to make long-sought cells in mice and people.https://www.nature.com/news/lab-grown-blood-stem-cells-produced-at-last-1.22000#/b1

      Haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from human pluripotent stem cellshttps://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature22370.html

      Conversion of adult endothelium to immunocompetent haematopoietic stem cells https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature22326.html

  5. https://www.jw.org/en/publications/jw-convention-releases/

    DAY ONE Jehovah Delivers His People: The Bible account at Exodus chapters 3 to 15 gives proof that the God who parted the Red Sea will rescue you too if you exercise faith with endurance.


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    DAY TWO Lessons You Can Learn From the Bible: This publication will take you on a journey through time, from the Bible account of creation, to the birth and ministry of Jesus, and on to the Kingdom to come.


    PDF: https://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_books/e4/lfb_E.pdf

    DAY THREE Remember the Wife of Lot: The warning Jesus gave nearly 2,000 years ago is more important than ever. See how Brian and Gloria learn to protect their family from the dangers Jesus warned about.


    Part 1: The Pressure to Succeed


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    Part 2: The Meaning of Compromise


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    Part 3: Remember Who You Serve


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