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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Look what we found online..... Every video for the English 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention downloadable. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0tM-QjYBgTqOVBsalNNTV85YVU Agape!
  2. Man muss nicht perfekt sein, um Gott zu gefallen. Er wünscht uns nämlich, dass wir erfolgreich unseren Weg gehen. Und deswegen ist er für uns da, um uns zu helfen. Quelle
  3. Jeder wünscht sich Freunde. Aber wie findet man richtig gute Freunde? Tipps aus der Bibel helfen. Quelle
  4. Auf den Rat konzentrieren, nicht auf den Ratgeber. Wenn Älteste uns auf etwas ansprechen, zeigt das in Wirklichkeit, dass Jehova uns liebt. Quelle
  5. Teymur Akhmedov, husband and father of three sons, was sentenced to a five-year prison term for performing his peaceful Bible education work. Source
  6. The residence building housed members of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ world headquarters staff for more than 50 years. Source
  7. Geoffrey W. Jackson: Jesus Fulfilled the Law (Matt. 5:43) Via
  8. By word and deed, let us prove that we really love Jehovah’s reminders. Source
  9. Jehovah’s Witnesses invite the public to attend their three-day “Don’t Give Up!” convention series, which begins on May 19, 2017. Source See also:
  10. The Vatican City is a landlocked sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of Rome. Encircled by a 2-mile border with Italy the city covers just over 100 acres, making it one-eighth the size of New York's Central Park. Vatican City is governed as an absolute monarchy with the Pope as its head. And is one of the most sacred places in Christendom. The Vatican mints its own Euros, prints its own stamps, issues passports and license plates, operates media outlets and has its own flag and anthem. The Vatican also has its own bank. The Vatican bank serves thousands of Catholic charities, religious orders and dioceses around the world, in addition to roughly 500 people living in the tiny city-state. It has some 33,400 accounts and about $8 billion in assets. Yet the Vatican bank's murky finances, which has been suspected for years of being a channel for the laundering of mob profits, perhaps has a skeleton in the closet. In this movie we look into financial scandals that have always plagued the Bank of Vatican.
  11. The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. With more wealth than any other Government, Institution or Bank in the world.
  12. Der Prophet Jeremia drückt in den Klageliedern die Trauer über die Zerstörung Jerusalems aus. Sie zeigen aber auch, wie barmherzig Gott ist, wenn jemand bereut. Quelle
  13. Die Zeugen gaben den ersten der beiden Empfänge zum Tag der offenen Tür, um Nachbarn und Helfern zu danken, die beim Bau der neuen Weltzentrale geholfen haben. Quelle
  14. Qu’est-ce qui peut t’aider à vivre pleinement la vérité ? la source
  15. Il faut se concentrer sur le conseil et non sur celui qui le donne. Les sages conseils des anciens sont une preuve de l’amour de Jéhovah. la source
  16. What are some things you can do that will help you to make the truth your own? Source
  17. Keep your focus on the counsel, not the counselor. Words of wisdom from Christian elders are evidence of Jehovah’s love for us. Source
  18. Here is the actual audio from the interview Thanks for reminding me of this file... I had to dig in the archives to find it.
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