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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Evidence of God In the World Around Us - Public Talk Via
  2. Stephanos and Leteberhan: Serving Jehovah During Times of Change Via
  3. Ein Gericht in Astana verurteilte Herrn Achmedow trotz seiner schlechten Gesundheit zu einer fünfjährigen Haftstrafe, weil er mit anderen über seinen Glauben gesprochen hatte. Quelle
  4. Von der Katastrophe sind 13 argentinische Provinzen betroffen. Kein Zeuge Jehovas wurde verletzt oder getötet. Quelle
  5. Here are a few. Maybe someone else will find the rest and make a post?
  6. Aucun Témoin de Jéhovah n’a perdu la vie ni n’a été blessé dans la catastrophe qui a touché treize provinces argentines. la source
  7. Update on U.S. Local Design/Construction Arrangement—May 2017 video will be considered the week of May 1, 2017. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOUJUlGkxN02Fa9S1iu-TZraj_4lwDePJgAUr7CrfBNqZe5eCcNvO8kI6Jbnp-6sA?key=ajFvcy1VNFdRa2dHZGdRWGtBekJmb04zRHlZWWF3 Here is the letter I found online: March 1, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN THE UNITED STATES BRANCH TERRITORY Re: Update on Local Design/Construction Arrangement
  8. SAN DIEGO, April 18, 2017- Accumen Inc. has announced a lab excellence strategic partnership with Yuma Regional Medical Center (Yuma). The partnership brings together two organizations that will be striving to create world-class laboratories by implementing a Comprehensive Patient Blood Management program (cPBM), improving integrated lab supply chain, and test menu optimization. http://www.prurgent.com/2017-04-18/pressrelease425528.htm Website: http://accumen.com
  9. The appeal date is June 13, 2017. 11:40 am http://vsrf.ru/moving_case.php?findByNember=%C0%CA%CF%C817-238
  10. MANTENGA ABIERTA SU VISIÓN ESPIRITUAL No reconocer las cosas invisibles puede perjudicarnos. Si reconocemos que somos parte de la enorme organización de Jehova, tanto visible como invisible, eso nos dará valor. Quita tu techo y mira hacia arriba, a Jehova. El es el que esta dirigiendo, es la realidad. No estamos separados de la parte celestial de la organización de Jehova, trabajamos junto con ellos, desde la parte terrestre. Hay miriadas de criaturas espirituales que están trabajando junto con nosotros y que nos dirigen en nuestro trabajo.
  11. Try using a wifi address instead of a cell connection. Not sure how long this block will last.
  12. The green circles around your icon signify that you are currently online on the website.
  13. @Jay Witness Did Jesus "respect" the religious beliefs of the Jews of His Day? I ask because I suspect you will imply that we should not engage in proselytism?
  14. Jehovah’s Witnesses new world headquarters 68 Via
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