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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. SAN PIETROBURGO, Sala delle Assemblee dei testimoni di Geova di Prospettiva Kolomyazhski. Nel giro di poche ore dopo la lettura della sentenza due auto piene di invasati si sono recate alla Sala delle Assemblee. Le auto sono state disposte in modo da bloccare l'ingresso alla Sala. Gli invasati hanno cominciato a gridare ed a inveire frasi offensive contro i testimoni di Geova. In assenza di reazioni alle loro provocazioni hanno cominciato a lanciare sassi...
  2. ST PETERSBURG, Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses of Kolomyazhski Perspective. Within a few hours after the verdict two cars full of crazies have traveled to the Assembly Hall. The cars were arranged so as to block the entrance to the room. The Haunting began screaming and yelling offensive phrases against Jehovah's Witnesses. In the absence of any reaction to their provocations they began throwing stones and causing damage to the structure. The photos bear witness to the passage of the possessed. The lawyers of the process branch had predicted that events would take such a turn. So who are the extremists? We are seeing a new Kristallnacht? Another report below: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Interview with Yaroslav Sivulsky, member of governing body of the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia BY ADMIN_HRWF Portal-Credo.ru (21.04.2017) – http://bit.ly/2oruP5F – Portal-Credo.Ru: What are the very first practical consequences of the decision of the Supreme Court of the RF regarding your liquidation? Yaroslav Sivulsky: One can say with certainty that we will not be able to conduct our big events—district and regional congresses, which we conduct three times a year, because our activity will not only be suspended but it is prohibited according to the court. In essence, this part of the decision is taking effect immediately. And if our houses of worship are confiscated, then regular meetings of congregations, which are conducted weekly, also will be impossible. Most likely, only one option remains—that is to meet in private homes of fellow believers. But this is a serious restriction of freedom. Have any excesses arisen in the wake of yesterday’s decision and the “informational campaign” to arouse hostility toward Jehovah’s Witnesses in the news media that accompanies it? –Today we learned that our Hall of Congresses in St. Petersburg was stoned, glass was broken, and serious physical damage was caused. From the regions we are receiving reports that some of our houses of worship have already been sealed. For example, in Crimea just yesterday police came to the house of worship, interrupted a meeting, and sealed the building. But these are only the starters; all this will come to fruition and around the country a wave of violence against Jehovah’s Witnesses is rising. How is the Administrative Center now functioning? –In essence, it ceased its usual activity: bank accounts are frozen, and work is not being conducted any longer in the offices. We are following the court’s decision and we cannot do anything else for now. Will you continue evangelistic work in Russia, and if so, in what forms? –We call this activity witnessing. Our fellow believers witness about what is written in the Bible, and it seems to me now this should be the personal decision of each of our fellow believers in the country, how they will act in the future. They should take account of certain consequences that participation in religious activity may entail, but practice will show that no decision of courts will be able to restrain a Christian from performing the task which Jesus Christ or God commanded of acquainting other people with God’s standards, with his intentions, and with his personality. Most likely, this activity will continue. Perhaps in a somewhat less explicit form. The status of the Jehovah’s Witnesses was equated in the Russian federation to the Islamic State . . . –Actually, the boundary between real and virtual extremism has been washed away. Many times such statements of our defenders have been voiced in the Supreme Court: Jehovah’s Witnesses are accused of virtual or literal extremism. It is clear that Jehovah’s Witnesses are not any kind of extremists; they are very far from this. On the contrary, they proclaim respect for people and love. Jesus said: “By this they will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another,” and not hatred. Jehovah’s Witnesses treat people of other faiths and other nations with respect. If you come to an international congress of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, you will see the greatest diversity of skin color and the greatest diversity of nationalities—and they all hug each other and get along amicably. Is it true that on the eve of this court decision you made some attempts to rearrange the property belonging to Jehovah’s Witnesses organizations in order to save it from confiscation? –Some small attempts were made. But it seems that this was blocked. However before the court’s decision takes effect there is still a lot of time, but all operations with our immovable property are suspended so that we have no chances for rewriting or rearranging anything. That means that for you there is already nowhere to return to your workplace? –Essentially, yes. Interview conducted by Vladimir Oivin, Portal-Credo.Ru. (tr. by PDS, posted 23 April 2017) http://hrwf.eu/russia-wave-of-violence-against-jehovahs-witnesses/
  3. Defense Secretary James Mattis spoke to reporters following a meeting with Afghan President Ashraf Ghan in Kabul about an attack on Afghan soldiers inside a mosque. In his comments Secretary Mattis said if the Taliban wants to engage in the political process, they need to renounce the violence and reject terrorism. On Russia’s role, he added that the U.S. and NATO will confront Russia if reports of assistance to the Taliban are true and violate international law. Afghanistan military operations commander General John Nicholson also took part in the news conference.
  4. @bruceq You did a fine job. I actually prefer to know the truth about even the fake news stories that are popping up all over the net. It is good we have a record that can stay up for anyone researching a story. In no way was I trying to discourage you. I actually think you do a good service by enabling myriads of fact-checkers. Agape!
  5. Jehovah’s Witnesses are involved in ongoing relief work to repair hundreds of homes following a devastating typhoon that struck the Philippines at the end of 2016. Source
  6. In the future... let's post the article with the source.. then at the bottom state your concern about it possibly being "fake news" instead of in the title. At this point no one can prove it is false.....what if it turns out to be true?
  7. Das Oberste Gericht gab dem Antrag statt, die Zentrale von Jehovas Zeugen und die 395 örtlichen Rechtskörperschaften aufzulösen. Quelle
  8. Anwälte der Justizministeriums konnten weiterhin keine Rechtsgrundlage für die Auflösung der Zentrale von Jehovas Zeugen in Russland anführen Quelle
  9. Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Watchtower Meeting 23 April 2017 Via
  10. Jehovah’s Witnesses in Britain have begun construction of their new branch office near Chelmsford. What are they doing to protect the wildlife? Source
  11. Witness construction volunteers completed a large-scale relief project, repairing the homes of their fellow worshippers. Source
  12. En Grande-Bretagne, les Témoins de Jéhovah ont lancé la construction de leur nouveau siège national près de Chelmsford. Que font-ils pour protéger l’environnement ? la source
  13. M. Shin a été condamné injustement pour avoir refusé, par objection de conscience, de participer aux exercices militaires des réservistes. Son droit à la liberté de conscience et de religion est bafoué. la source
  14. La Commission nationale des droits de l’homme a demandé au gouvernement de protéger le droit fondamental à l’objection de conscience au service militaire. la source
  15. La Cour suprême a validé la requête visant à dissoudre le Centre administratif des Témoins et leurs 395 associations cultuelles. la source
  16. Jehovas Zeugen in Großbritannien haben mit dem Bau ihres neuen Zweigbüros in der Nähe von Chelmsford begonnen. Was unternehmen sie, um die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt zu schützen? Quelle
  17. *** yb77 pp. 173-174 Liberia *** After sitting down, the Witnesses were told to look at the sun, and soldiers watched their eyes to make sure they were staring at the blazing sun. After enduring this inhumanity for about half an hour, they were allowed to seek shelter under shady trees inside the compound. Then the soldiers forced some Witnesses, including Brother Henschel, to draw water from a parasite-ridden stream about a quarter of a mile down the highway. Sister Muriel Klinck, a missionary, was compelled to go into the stream and carry water on her head. A soldier then viciously kicked her in the abdomen. Some of the soldiers threatened rape. When the water reached the Witnesses, soldiers upset the buckets and smashed drinking cups under their boots, declaring: “No salute, no water.” Finally, however, the soldiers allowed them to drink some of the river water—their first drink in more than twenty-four hours! At no time was food provided by the authorities. After more than twenty-four hours without eating, a few Witnesses were permitted to go to the assembly site and prepare some rice from supplies on hand there. When the rice was brought to the group, it amounted to about four spoonfuls per person. *** yb77 p. 175 Liberia *** In the morning, a new group of soldiers took over, and these appeared to be more sadistic. A few more Witnesses compromised and the rest were brought back to the field where they were struck again, both with rifle butts and with short whips. M. G. Henschel was almost knocked unconscious with the butt of a rifle. The sun now was blazing down on their bare heads. One missionary suffered a sunstroke. Another, Rene leRoux, later said: “It felt like having your head in a 500-degree oven.” On Tuesday morning, March 12, the foreigners spoke up strongly for release. The lieutenant left to inquire. Shortly thereafter, he returned, and about 11:00 a.m. the nearly thirty foreigners were released. All of them had held fast their integrity despite all the brutal treatment. Before leaving, Brother Henschel spoke for a few minutes to the remaining Liberian Witnesses; they prayed together and felt strengthened. The convention grounds were a shambles, with all the suitcases having been bayoneted open and the valuables stolen. Equipment, electrical and other items, had been smashed. The released Witnesses returned to the grounds where the Liberian Christians were still being held, bringing them soft drinks, food, money and other things. But the district commissioner soon put a stop to that. Later, he told the Liberian brothers that it was going to be very hard for them. On the heads of the men, the soldiers shaved two paths in the shape of a cross to indicate that they were prisoners. These “haircuts” were given with broken glass bottles. At the flag ceremony that evening, about a dozen more compromised. *** yb77 pp. 170-173 Liberia *** GBARNGA ASSEMBLY After the arrest of Brother Ricketts near the end of January, the Justice Department was asked whether there was any objection to the proposed religious conference of Jehovah’s Witnesses scheduled to convene at Gbarnga from March 8-10, 1963. The Justice Department said that there was no objection. So, plans for the gathering went ahead. Gbarnga was centrally located in the interior of the country. Early during the assembly week, M. G. Henschel arrived. He and Brother Charuk spent much time at the American embassy trying to arrange an interview with President Tubman to explain our position. Finally, word was received that the interview was set for Monday morning, March 11, at ten o’clock. So the two brothers went on to Gbarnga and graciously were given lodging in the home of District Commissioner Samuel B. Cooper. This official had been friendly and helpful, seemingly not influenced by the events at Kolahun. In preparation for the assembly, the brothers worked hard, clearing a large area at the end of Progressive Street. They erected booths, for sessions were to be held in English, Kpelle, Kisi and Bassa. On Saturday evening Brother Henschel gave a timely talk on subjection to the “superior authorities.” (Rom. 13:1) Brother Ricketts arrived on Sunday morning, having been released the day before. The brothers rejoiced. Little did they realize that this was part of a plan to get all the Witnesses together and involve them in a flag test. By Sunday there were about 400 present, including many interested persons from Gbarnga. The day’s text discussed that morning was James 5:10, which reads: “Brothers, take as a pattern of the suffering of evil and the exercising of patience the prophets, who spoke in the name of Jehovah.” How appropriate that text proved to be! About 10:30 a.m., while the assembled Christians were listening to the talk “Holding Faith and a Good Conscience,” Lieutenant Warner of the local military post came to the assembly ground with a letter from District Commissioner Cooper. It read in part: “In order to eradicate the impression on the minds of the general public with regards to the loyalty of your membership, it is my directive that upon the receipt of this letter you will march the entire membership of your Conference to the District Compound where they shall pay allegiance to the Flag of the Republic of Liberia.” M. G. Henschel and two other brothers left the assembly to see the district commissioner. Brother Henschel asked that any action be suspended until he saw the president, keeping the appointment for Monday morning made through the American embassy. The commissioner refused to do this and ordered soldiers to bring everyone at the assembly to the compound. The brothers returned to the assembly and quickly dispatched Spencer Thomas and Frank Williams to Monrovia to inform the British and American embassies of events involving their nationals. Despite the fact that the soldiers had put up a roadblock to ferret out all of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the two brothers got through to Monrovia. TAKEN CAPTIVE! The soldiers arrived in a truck. They broke up the peaceful assembly, rounding up everyone—men, women and children. So it was that about 400 persons were marched to the compound, right through the center of town. While walking, the group sang Kingdom songs of praise. People came from far and near. Foreigners took pictures. Africans looked on in amazement. Soldiers shouted: “Keep quiet! Stop singing!” Upon arrival at the military compound, all were lined up in a circle around the flagpole, with the foreign Witnesses in front. Twice the lieutenant demonstrated what he wanted. No one saluted. Thereupon the commissioner ordered: “Lock them up, all of them.” The soldiers now took away the personal belongings of the brothers, including pens, eyeglasses, briefcases—all of this officially. But later, money, watches and jewelry were plundered by the soldiers. As many Witnesses as possible were jammed into four windowless rooms. Some of these really were latrines. The remaining individuals were crowded into the small fenced-in area alongside the guardhouse. There they remained, singing Kingdom songs that Sunday afternoon until about 6:00 p.m. By that time, three truckloads of soldiers had arrived from a nearby military camp. The brothers then were taken back to the compound flanked by soldiers in a ready-to-charge position. Before the flag again, only a few compromised. The rest were driven across the highway to an open field, running the gauntlet of kicks, blows and strikes with rifles. This included women with children whose screams must have been heard for a considerable distance. Shoes, jackets, shirts, head coverings—all of these now had to be removed while the group was forced to sit upright throughout the entire night. They were not permitted to sleep or rest their heads a bit. Water was allowed only for small children and babies, and some of the latter were taken to a nearby clinic. Sitting on the bare ground and loose pebbles was hard to endure. Yet, if anyone’s head nodded, a soldier was quick to knock him into wakefulness. During that long night the soldiers never let up with verbal abuses: “Where is your Jehovah now?” “‘G’ is all the same. ‘G’ for God, ‘G’ for government. Our god gave us a gun. What has your God given you?” MONDAY MORNING COMPROMISERS At daybreak the air was tense. The soldiers insisted that everyone would be happy to salute with both hands before the day was over. Except for a few children, no one among the Witnesses had been given anything to eat since Sunday morning—and they had received nothing to drink. A colonel informed them that it was going to be awfully hard that morning. Flexing his lash, he said: “We’re going to see that you salute this morning.” On the way to the flagpole, shoes, socks and coats were ordered removed, while some soldiers snatched watches off wrists. When the ceremony began, those who had decided to salute were told to separate themselves and come closer to the flagpole. Amazingly, sixty or more from the Kolahun area saluted, including Gilead graduate Bayo Gbondo! No doubt his action influenced many of the others. Why did those from Kolahun salute? The district commissioner had singled out the brothers from Kolahun and reminded them that they had saluted at Kolahun. If they failed to salute now, he would send them all to Belle Yelle. Later, Sister Watkins asked Gbondo if he had saluted at Kolahun. “Yes,” he replied. “They would have killed me.” Evidently soldiers had continued beating him until he compromised, but he had not revealed it. So now the facts of what had happened finally became known. The Witnesses who did not salute at Gbarnga were then driven like animals back to the open field. Many were struck with rifles, particularly on the head. Sister Rhoda Brown of Lower Buchanan, about eight months pregnant at the time, was knocked down twice and rolled over on the ground. Another sister, Ida Zizi of Monrovia, whose baby was on her back was knocked down, causing her to fall on the infant. Though the baby appeared to be dead, it later was revived at the clinic. Even children as young as seven years of age were struck by the armed soldiers. w82 7/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers In The Watchtower of April 15, 1982, page 26, paragraph 19, it states that in the persecution of Jehovah?s Witnesses at Gbarnga, Liberia, in March 1963, a few compromised but the majority maintained their integrity. However, the Yearbook for 1977 states that the majority compromised their faith. Why this discrepancy? The statement in The Watchtower for April 15, 1982, is in error. Actually, according to the Yearbook of 1977, pages 176 and 178, there were about 100 Liberian Witnesses who went through the Gbarnga persecution maintaining integrity, while approximately 200 compromised their faith.
  18. "We do not have a paid clergy in our organization. Instead, as was done when the Christian congregation got its start, qualified overseers are appointed “to shepherd the congregation of God.” (Acts 20:28) These elders are spiritually mature men who take the lead in the congregation and shepherd, “not under compulsion, but willingly before God; not for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly.” (1 Peter 5:1-3)"Each congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses has a body of unpaid elders, who are responsible for teaching the congregation. Elders maintain general responsibility for congregational governance, pastoral work, selecting speakers and conducting meetings, directing the public preaching work and creating "judicial committees" to investigate and decide disciplinary action for cases that are seen as breaching scriptural laws.There are no secular educational requirements for Witness elders. Elders are considered "overseers" based on the biblical Greek term, ἐπίσκοπος (episkopos, typically translated "bishop"). "The word "overseer" is translated from the Greek word episkopos, which literally means "one who visits and inspects." It applies in Jehovah's organization to one who watches out for and takes care of the interests of God's flock. The apostle Paul says, at 1 Timothy 3 :1 (NW) :"If any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a right kind of work." " - Qualified to be Ministers(1955)Before 2014 prospective elders were recommended from among ministerial servants and former elders by the local elder body for appointment by the branch; Now the Circuit Overseer appoints and deletes elders.(branch offices may also approve appointments to local Congregation Service Committees. As of September 2014, it will be the responsibility of circuit overseers to appoint the elders and ministerial servants, similar to how described by the Bible in Acts. This is in an April 2014 letter to congregations. Previously they were recommended for appointment by the local body of elders and then appointed by the Service Desk at HQ. Before that a congregation or company servant was appointed by the branch office. Before October 1932 (watchtower citation needed) such brothers were elected by the local congregations. Qualifications for Overseers The Apostle Paul set down the qualifications for overseers at 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 Service Committee roles include: Coordinator of the Body of Elders: (previously known as the Presiding Overseer) chairs elders’ meetings, assigns duties and speakers for most congregation meetings, and oversees financial matters. (as of Sept 2014 he must be less than 80 years of age)Service Overseer: organizes matters related to public preaching, and oversees those handling Witness literature and territories.Congregation Secretary: maintains congregation records, reports congregation activity to the branch headquarters, advises the congregation about conventions and assemblies, and oversees those handling accounts.[1] Additional roles within the body of elders include: Watchtower Study Conductor: leads the weekly study of The Watchtower.[2]Theocratic Ministry School Overseer: conducts the Theocratic Ministry School, assigns student assignments, counsels students with a goal to improving their preaching skills, and conducts bi-monthly question-and-answer reviews.[3][4]Auxiliary Counselor: responsible for providing private counsel, as needed, to elders or ministerial servants that handle meeting parts.Operating Committee Members: responsible for the care of the building and property of Kingdom Halls that are shared by two or more congregations.Group Overseers: oversee groups for public preaching and pastoral care.[4]Public Talk Coordinator: schedules speakers and talks for the public meetings and co-ordinates traveling speakers from his congregation.Literature Coordinator: responsible for inventory, ordering, and distribution of literature for Kingdom Halls that are shared by two or more congregations. Additional roles outside the body of elders include: City OverseerConvention OverseerRooming OverseerHeadquarter's Representative (formerly Zone Overseer) (sometimes referred to as a Traveling Overseer)District Overseer (position deleted) (sometimes referred to as a Traveling Overseer)Circuit Overseer (sometimes referred to as a Traveling Overseer)(1 Timothy 5:17) 17 Let the older men who preside in a fine way be reckoned worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching. In Watchtower Publications elders are sometimes biblically referred to as: TeachersGlorious OnesOverseerCapable MenStars in the right hand of Jesus (See Revelation)DukesGifts in menPrinces (Not all elders, only GB Helpers, and Circuit Overseers)"Hiding place from the wind"Committee Chairman (or member)Zone Overseer (Term has been retired from use)Branch Committee memberPresiding Overseer (Term has been retired from use)Coordinator of the Body of Elders COBECongregation Servant (Term has been retired from use)"Spiritually qualified older men"Pillars in the truth"Those keeping watch over your souls.."Mighty menSheiksShepherds Historical Publications Referencing Elders The New Creation, Watch Tower, 1904, pages 289-290, "The administration of discipline is not the function of the elders only, but of the entire [congregation]. ... If the reproved one fails to clear himself, and continues in the error or sin, then two or three brethren without previous prejudice should be asked to hear the matter and advise the disputants. (Elders they may or may not be, but their eldership would add no force or authority in the case except as their judgment might be the riper and their influence the more potent.) If this committee decide unanimously with either party, the other should acquiesce and the matter be wholly at an end--correction, or restitution, so far as possible, being promptly made. If either of the original disputants still persists in the wrong course, the [accuser, a committee member] or, preferably, all of these together, may then (but not sooner) exercise their privilege of bringing the matter before the [congregation]. Thus it is evident that the Elders were in no sense to be judges of the members—hearing and judgment were left to the [congregation]. The two preliminary steps (above mentioned) having been taken, the facts being certified to the elders, it would be their duty to call a general meeting of the [congregation], as a court--to hear the case in all of its particulars, and in the name and reverence of its Head to render a decision. ... if the transgressor refuse to hear (obey) the decision of the entire [congregation], ... the [congregation] is to withdraw from him its fellowship and any and all signs or manifestations of brotherhood. [emphasis retained from original] Talks Regarding Elders Are We Really Spiritual Shepherds? - Timothy Pappas See also Kingdom Ministry School for the 2015 Service YearList of JW TerminologyBethel Elder (no longer used) Traveling OverseerKingdom Ministry SchoolSchool for Congregation Elders 2011 Manual - School for Congregation Elders 2014 “School For Christian Couples” Graduation - Audio Publications referencing Elders 2015 Amendments included in this 2012 printing of the "Shepherd the Flock of God"2014 Letters to Bodies of EldersJuly 13, 2014 Letter to Body of Elders (regarding appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants)2005 - Organized to do Jehovah's Will2013 Kingdom Ministry School Videos (Elders only viewing please)1991 - ks-91E * "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock"2010 - ks-10E * 'Shepherd the Flock of God' (Revised version)1977 - "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock"1961 - Kingdom Service Questions1955 - Qualified to be Ministers 1961-2010-Elder-Manuals-Combined-R.pdf References Our Kingdom Ministry 10/98 p. 7 par. 1-2 Overseers Taking the Lead—The Secretary, "As a member of the Congregation Service Committee, he cares for the congregation’s communications and important records. ... He directly oversees those handling accounts and subscriptions as well as all convention-related matters." Our Kingdom Ministry 12/98 p. 8 Overseers Taking the Lead—The Watchtower Study Conductor Our Kingdom Ministry 11/98 p. 8 Overseers Taking the Lead—The Theocratic Ministry School Overseer Our Kingdom Ministry'10/07 p. 3 Theocratic Ministry School Schedule for 2008' The Congregation Book Study—Why We Need It, Our Kingdom Ministry June 2004, p. 4 pars. 4-5.
  19. @Arauna and @Eoin Joyce ..... I moved the non-relevant conversation threads to separate posts. You can find them on your profile pages. Nothing was deleted.
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