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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. WIZARDS young and old, seductive witches, and good-looking vampires—these are just some of the supernatural characters that have invaded the book, movie, and video-game industries. What is the appeal? * “Belief in ghosts has soared in recent decades, from one in ten Americans to one in three,” writes sociology professor Claude Fischer. “Young Americans are about twice as likely as old Americans to say they have consulted psychics, believe in ghosts, and believe in haunted houses.” Not surprisingly, stories about evil spirits inhabiting humans are making a frightening comeback. “The reborn success of demonic possession in popular culture owes something to the zombie, werewolf and vampire surge of the past decade,” writes Michael Calia in The Wall Street Journal. One report states that “anywhere from 25 percent to 50 percent of people worldwide believe in ghosts, and ghosts feature prominently in the literature of most cultures.” And a survey done in the United States by sociology professors Christopher Bader and Carson Mencken “revealed that a staggering 70 to 80 percent of Americans strongly believe in at least one type of paranormal activity.” Is involvement with spiritism and the paranormal just innocent fun?
  2. @admin Yes. It was VERY slow for me this morning. It seems to be working ok right now. I also noticed a LOT of users this morning were flooding the site.
  3. Als Vertreter der Zentrale von Jehovas Zeugen in Russland richtet Wassilij Kalin an Regierungsvertreter den Appell, die unrechtmäßige Verfolgung zu unterbinden. Quelle
  4. C’est normal de chercher à se faire des amis. Si c’est ton cas, quels principes bibliques peuvent t’aider à faire les bons choix ? la source
  5. Jehovah’s Witnesses recently expanded and upgraded their facilities in Wallkill, New York. The bulk of the work was completed by November 30, 2015. Source
  6. Jehovas Zeugen in der Ukraine können sich jetzt ungehindert in angemieteten Einrichtungen versammeln. Quelle
  7. Jehovas Zeugen haben ihre Gebäude in Wallkill erweitert und renoviert. Der Großteil des Projekts konnte bis zum 30. November 2015 abgeschlossen werden. Quelle
  8. Les Témoins de Jéhovah ont récemment agrandi et rénové leurs installations de Wallkill (État de New York). La majeure partie des travaux ont été achevés le 30 novembre 2015. la source
  9. studyblr: the state hall of the austrian national library is just unbelievably beautiful. what a magnificent place!! especially for a book nerd like me Via
  10. Mysteries in the Hebrew Language Is it possible that ancient peoples were capable of more scientific advancements then we give them credit for? Are there clues within the Hebrew language that may allude to advanced scientific knowledge? Or is it just a coincidence? You decide. Via
  11. 142nd Gilead Graduation: Part 2—Student Experiences and Interviews Via
  12. Attorneys for the Ministry of Justice were unable to identify the specific legal basis for liquidating the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. Source
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