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The Librarian

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  1. This issue contains the study articles for August 28 to September 24, 2017. Source
  2. Mexico City Post Office full of JW letters trying to #StopJWBan in Russia Via
  3. “We estimate large and robust negative effects of robots on employment and wages across commuting zones,” the study, which examined US employment between 1990 and 2007, said. In such commuting zones between three and 5.6 jobs were lost for every one robot introduced per 1,000 employees, with wages seeing a decline of between 0.25 and 0.5 percent. Allowing for variables, including the offshoring of roles and the impact of imports, the study used the International Organization for Standardization’s definition of an “industrial robot” for the study. This required the robot to be automatically controlled and programmable for multi-purpose tasks, as well as being able to move in three or more axes. The study warned the effect so far has been limited on jobs, which they claim have seen a decrease of between 360,000 and 670,000 during the period as a result of the introduction of robots. They warned in the next two decades the effects could be “much more sizeable” with the predicted expansion of a robot workforce. The findings come in stark contrast to US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s words last week that AI replacing human jobs was not on his “radar screen.” Speaking to Axios he claimed the issue was “50-100 more years away.” "I'm not worried at all. In fact, I’m optimistic," Mnuchin said. In Britain, robo-bricklayers are due to arrive on building sites over the coming months. The robots require a human to set them up before they can pick up bricks, apply mortar and lay them. The news came after PricewaterhouseCoopers claimed up to 10 million jobs are at risk in the UK over the next 15 years as a result of robots.
  4. The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, is backing a new company that seeks to explore the possibility of merging the human brain with artificial intelligence (AI) to help humans keep up with machines.
  5. March 29, 2017 11:20 PM Rochester-area Jehovah’s Witnesses tried to mobilize Wednesday night in the face of persecution halfway around the world. In a stark crackdown, Russia’s justice ministry has asked the country’s Supreme Court to declare the Jehovah’s Witnesses an extremist group. "It's rather ironic because we’re the farthest from extreme," exclaimed Rochester Elder Daniel Naples. "We are family oriented, focused on law-abiding, peaceful, non-political. We abhor wickedness crime and warfare." Naples said the situation might seem alien in a country like the United States with its tradition of religious freedom but warned that it's coming to a head in Russia where approaching a crucial point on April 5 when the court is expected to deliver its ruling. The new wave of persecution was a stark disappointment for Naples. In what looked like a new age of freedom after the fall of the Soviet Union, the Jehovah’s Witnesses were officially recognized in Russia and Naples and his wife visited Moscow for a convention in 1993. "It was beautiful to see," he recalled. "The stadium was full. There were 24,000 at this one convention." The new reality meant that more than 170,000 Witnesses in Russia could see their Kingdom Halls seized, or even face arrest. "Our brothers could be criminally prosecuted for meeting together for worship, for sharing their faith with others, or even for reading the Bible together," warned Mark Sanderson of the Jehovah’s Witnesses governing body in a video message on the JW.org website. To confront the crackdown, the eight million Witnesses worldwide were urged to write personal letters to a short list of key Russian leaders including President Vladmir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. "It is puzzling, why Russia would be focusing on Jehovah's Witnesses at this point," Naples said. "Maybe it's just the lack of knowing enough who we are. And that's why there's been this global campaign since this past week to send letters."
  6. European Council President Donald Tusk held a news conference after the UK government invoked Article 50, triggering the Brexit process. What if the EU allies itself closer over time with Russia and becomes the "King of the North"? ...... Another alternative scenario.....
  7. Quand ça ne va pas fort, qu’est-ce qui peut te remonter le moral ? la source
  8. Ces bons conseils peuvent t’aider à prendre des mesures pour aller mieux. la source
  9. Certains pensent qu’il y a une vie après la mort. D’autres pensent que la mort est la fin de tout. Ce que la Bible dit vous surprendra peut-être. la source
  10. Mit den Bewältigungsstrategien aus diesem Artikel kannst du dich wieder besser fühlen. Quelle
  11. Viele glauben an ein Leben nach dem Tod. Andere meinen, mit dem Tod sei alles vorbei. Was sagt die Bibel? Die Antwort könnte überraschen . . . Quelle
  12. What can help you lift your mood when you feel down? Source
  13. These coping strategies can help you take the necessary steps toward healing. Source
  14. There is a concerted global effort to invite the public to major annual events hosted by the Witnesses, beginning with the Memorial of Christ’s death. Source
  15. Some believe that there is life after death. Others think that death ends it all. What the Bible says on this topic may surprise you. Source
  16. The photo shows how some Jehovah’s Witnesses from central Europe lined up to purchase stamps for letters they want to send to Russia, When one Jehovah’s Witness came into the DHL courier service, he greeted them, they immediately asked from afar: “To Putin?” They said that they cancel other orders for Monday, Tuesday, because they already have all the couriers busy with your letters. #StopJWBan Via
  17. Is Your Confidence in Jehovah? Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Via
  18. @John Lindsay Barltrop Please post your comment in Russian only. This is the Russian section. Thank you.
  19. Для тех, кто их уже читал, это ободряющее напоминание в свете сегодняшних событий.Наша свобода и безопасность зависит не от людей. Для защиты своего народа, Иегова назначил не человеческих судей или правителей , а Иисуса. Именно поэтому, когда Иисус говорил что его последователей поведут в суды и к правителям, он сказал что это будет не для того чтобы восстановить справедливость, но ДЛЯ СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВА. Как видно, слова Иисуса в точности исполняются. Сегодня даётся прекрасное свидетельство в Российских судах. Первоочередная функция судов , не в том чтобы защитить нас а в том чтобы получить свидетельство о котором написано Пс2:10-12. Ну а защищать и избавлять, будут не они а Иисус. Организация Иеговы похожа на айсберг. Вершина айсберга, это маленькая земная- видимая часть. Небесная мощная часть организации, невидима тем кто не имеет веры. Порой ,неопытные моряки, видя вдали верхушку айсберга не опасаются столкновения, хотя подводная часть может быть в опасной близости. Сегодня противники, видя лишь земную часть организации, ошибочно полагают что она никакой угрозы им не представляет и поэтому предпринимают попытки нападать на неё. Но это так же безрассудно, как пытаться приблизиться к айсбергу. Это уже много раз подтвердила как древняя так и современная история народа Иеговы.
  20. Earthquake in Russia! M 6.6 - 78km NNE of Ust’-Kamchatsk Staryy, Russia Jehovah is warning Vladimir Putin!! Via
  21. “These Words … Must Be on Your Heart"—Family Interviews Via
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