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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Add your 2017 Memorial photos / videos to this gallery: https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/gallery/category/13-2017-memorial/
  2. Add your 2017 Memorial photos to this gallery: https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/gallery/category/13-2017-memorial/
  3. Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Watchtower Meeting 19 March 2017 Via
  4. Dieu peut t’aider à être ferme et fort. la source
  5. God can train you to be firm and strong. Source
  6. It’s normal to want friends. So when it comes to looking for good friends, what Biblical principles can help you to make good choices? Source
  7. Gott kann dir helfen, mutig und stark zu sein. Quelle
  8. Jehovah’s Witnesses Our Christian Life Meeting 16 March 2017 Via
  9. God called Abraham his friend. How can we become God’s friends? Source
  10. Many people are familiar with the teaching that Jesus died so that we may live. But exactly how does his death benefit us? Source
  11. Gott hat Abraham „mein Freund“ genannt. Wie können wir Gottes Freunde werden? Quelle
  12. Für einige war der Besuch mit persönlichen Opfern verbunden. Viele waren tagelang im Bus unterwegs. Was sagten junge Leute und Kinder über ihren Bethelbesuch? Quelle
  13. Beaucoup de gens connaissent l’enseignement selon lequel Jésus est mort pour que nous puissions vivre. Mais que peut vraiment nous apporter sa mort ? la source
  14. Dieu a appelé Abraham son ami. Comment devient-on l’ami de Dieu ? la source
  15. Click here to visit the Store for JW's Example: You can suggest below items that I should add to our store off of Amazon. Agape!
  16. Robert Leitch had previously admitted two offences of shouting and swearing at his wife and slamming doors at their house in November and December last year. Forfar Sheriff Court heard that Leitch had subsequently undergone marriage counselling at the Jehovah’s Witness church he and his wife attend, and that the marriage was improving. Sentence was initially deferred for good behaviour in relation to the November 11 offence. However, a similar offence subsequently came to light on December 27. Referring to this incident, depute fiscal Jill Drummond said: “The accused went to the pub which his wife wasn’t happy with. “The accused later returned to the locus and went into the living room and gave the complainer a fright as he had opened the door causing it to bang. “He began to rant as he opened a beer. She was worried but sat listening. He then spilt the beer and became angrier. “The complainer realised that he wasn’t going to calm down and believed the situation would only be escalated thereafter, and so contacted police.”
  17. En Bulgarie, les Témoins de Jéhovah remettent en question 44 arrêtés qui violent le droit garanti par la constitution à communiquer ses croyances religieuses. la source
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