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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Certains visiteurs ont dû faire des sacrifices pour visiter la filiale. Beaucoup ont voyagé plusieurs jours dans des cars. Qu’ont pensé les plus jeunes de leur visite ? la source
  2. For some, visiting the branch office involved personal sacrifice. Many traveled for days on charter buses. What did young people and children say about their visit to Bethel? Source
  3. @TrueTomHarley let's not impute bad motives on the part of others. honey rather than vinegar.....
  4. We also have an area where Designers and JW Businesses can promote themselves. This category: https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/forum/27-jw-businesses-and-merchandise/
  5. Were these photos after she was seen cart witnessing? Just curious.
  6. Comment peux-tu expliquer tes croyances avec tact et respecter le point de vue des autres ? la source
  7. How can you tactfully explain your convictions and show respect for others’ viewpoints? Source
  8. Welche Details über Jesu Leben findet man nur im Lukasevangelium? Quelle
  9. Wie kann man seine Glaubensansichten erklären, ohne die Gefühle anderer zu verletzen? Quelle
  10. Das aktuelle Urteil des EGMR schützt die wertvolle Freiheit, Gottesdienste abzuhalten und über den eigenen Glauben mit Mitmenschen zu sprechen. Quelle
  11. Maybe I should have been much more clear in the beginning. I feel similar to @Anna in that I was only wanting funny captions..... and look what has happened. Sigh. We should all try to practice opening new topics when forking a conversation in the future. Or is it that my inner Librarian is just not feeling organized? Anyways.....
  12. This is where you would leave a status update on your profile page ;-)

    1. TrueTomHarley


      Author of 'Tom Irregardless and Me'     and      'No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash'

      These are the two books I occasionally refer to in my posts, whenever something is inexplicably in quotes. Please don't post online questions about my books - this is a discussion forum, not a bookstore. Message me instead.

      Thanks, Tom

  13. Mr. Shin’s right to freedom of conscience and religion is violated by the unjust and repeated punishment for his conscientious objection to military service. Source
  14. Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Watchtower Study Meeting 5 March 2017 Via
  15. Jehovah can help you to be strong and do what is right. Source
  16. Jéhovah peut te rendre fort et t’aider à faire ce qui lui plaît. la source
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