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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. See the schedule for each day of this convention, which will help you to keep doing what is fine and to endure trials. Source
  2. Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Watchtower Substitute Meeting 26 February 2017 Via
  3. Keep Growing in Your Relationship With God…. Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Via
  4. Nous vous invitons de tout cœur à assister avec nous à la commémoration de la mort de Jésus le mardi 11 avril 2017. Un discours biblique gratuit expliquera ce que la mort de Jésus peut vous apporter, à vous et à votre famille. la source
  5. Jérémie a fidèlement accompli sa mission de prophète malgré les épreuves. Réfléchis à ce que son exemple signifie pour les chrétiens aujourd’hui. la source
  6. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, mit uns am 11. April 2017 des Todes Jesu zu gedenken. Erfahren Sie in einem biblischen Vortrag, was Jesu Tod für Sie und Ihre Familie bewirken kann. Quelle
  7. Jeremia führte seinen Auftrag trotz vieler Schwierigkeiten treu aus. Das macht ihn zu einem guten Vorbild für jeden Christen. Quelle
  8. We warmly invite you to attend the annual Memorial of Jesus’ death with us on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. A free Bible-based talk will explain how Jesus’ death can benefit you and your family. Source
  9. Jeremiah faithfully stuck to his assignment as a prophet despite hardship. Think about what his example can mean for Christians today. Source
  10. lionofchaeronea: Ancient Egyptian tomb painting depicting two priests; one holds a papyrus roll, the other a vase used for pouring libations. Artist unknown; 14th cent. BCE (18th Dynasty, New Kingdom). Now in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Via
  11. Glorify God With All That We Have… Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Via
  12. 1918 - The Lecture “Millions Now Living Will Never Die” is given for the first time.
  13. @INTREPID TRAVELLER I will let your comment stand to make your point... however the rest of this thread should be dedicated to Fessler... If you and @Eoin Joyce want to discuss mentally diseased stuff please start a new thread elsewhere. Thank you.
  14. One of Jehovah’s Witnesses delivering a public talk in a Kingdom Hall Via
  15. Photo from the museum at the branch office Argentina Via
  16. 1936 - Jehovah’s Witnesses wearing large body cards Via
  17. What information does the Gospel of Luke contain that is unique? Source
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