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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Gott wies die Israeliten an diese Truhe anzufertigen. Wofür? Quelle
  2. God commanded the ancient Israelites to construct this object. What was its purpose? Source
  3. One of Jehovah’s Witnesses ponders his place in the universe Via
  4. Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching on the Amazon River Via
  5. Jehovah’s Witnesses Public Talk Watchtower Study Meeting 12 February 2017 Via
  6. In St. Petersburg police service disrupted the Jehovah’s Witnesses Police officers have not submitted any documents and broke into a kingdom hall in st. Petersburg. Have accused the Jehovah’s witnesses of having committed a violation of their “religious cult illegal”. there was even children interviewed were copied data, check, and they had phones and tablets confiscated. Even the Bible was a cause of problem. About 14 inmates ended up being taken to the station. The cops opened the boxes of voluntary contributions where the money donated by the believers. Detailed searches were carried out even on the ceiling of the kingdom hall. Jehovah’s witnesses were forbidden to make phone calls at the time of the approach. Via
  7. @TrueTom Please make your book promoting posts in the General Discussion category under JW rather than in JW news. Thank you.
  8. @Ann O'Maly users are not discouraged from openly discussing topics on this platform. The @admin has been very clear about this issue many times.
  9. The Witnesses in Bulgaria are taking steps to challenge all 44 ordinances that violate their constitutional right to share religious beliefs. Source
  10. The Green Building Initiative (GBI) awarded Jehovah’s Witnesses Four Green Globes for all seven of their eligible buildings in Warwick, New York. Source
  11. Jehovas Zeugen haben Einspruch gegen die Verwarnung des Generalstaatsanwalts eingelegt. Wird das Stadtgericht Moskau zugunsten von Jehovas Zeugen entscheiden? Quelle
  12. Thailändische Behörden verwenden seit drei Jahren biblische Publikationen, um soziale Fragen zu behandeln. Quelle
  13. Que pense Dieu des fêtes d’anniversaires, des fêtes religieuses et de l’utilisation des images dans le culte ? Quels principes bibliques sont en jeu ? la source
  14. Does God approve of birthday celebrations, religious holidays, and the use of images in worship? What Bible principles are involved? Source
  15. Wie denkt Gott über Geburtstagsfeiern, religiöse Feiertage und die Anbetung mithilfe von Bildern? Welche biblischen Grundsätze gibt es darüber? Quelle
  16. On what looks like a windy day in the United Kingdom Via
  17. Sisters from Romania smiling widely while in the field ministry Via
  18. The only Jehovah’s Witness men allowed to wear skirts (kilts) in public are attending the regional convention of Glasgow, Scotland. Via
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