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The Librarian

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Status Updates posted by The Librarian

  1. Welcome! I would love to hear and see more about our brothers in India. Please post some news and photos when you get a chance. And don't forget to add yourself to our member map when you get a chance.


  2. Buenos dias!!  Como has estado?

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing what pearls of wisdom you will share :)

  4. Getting ready to watch season 2 of "The Crown" on Netflix. 

  5. Am wondering what you all would really like to talk about....¬¬

    1. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Many  different  themes  and  daily  changing :D  Maybe  its  a  time - problem... 

  6. Anyone know why saffron is SO expensive?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      A TV - report  said,  they  had  to  pick  an  immense  mass  of  blossoms,  to  get  the  little  less,  red  twists,  which  we  can  buy.  Some  twists  for  some  Euro's....  thats  the  reason !  Few  mg.  for  some  Euro's,  thats  expensive,  yes.  But  for  a  special  rice  meal,  we  need  safran :)  an  especially  taste !

    3. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther


      Safran-Weinviertel_Niederreiter_2_Gramm_8285.jpgThats  2 grams,  ca. 8000 €  I  read.....  Each  blossom  has  only  3  twists !  That  cost  alot  time  for  picking >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  But  the  twists  are  the  real  SAFFRON !

      Delicate saffron threads, plucked from crocus flowers and dried  -  Also  as  medicine  for :

      SAFFRON: An Anti-Depressant Herb  --  Good  info's ?  :D



    4. Guest


      Si es  Azafrán solamente lo he consumido en polvo en algunas comidas, no sabía que es caro 

  7. Enjoying a morning mocha... mmmm... how is everybody doing? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joan Kennedy

      Joan Kennedy

      Working on the food for the crew doing remodel of our KH

    3. Guest


      @Joan Kennedy

      Great !


      You can share your photos of the remodeling with us if you wish 


  8. Drink more water everyone. I think we all typically fail at this. Good health to you all. 

    1. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      I'm  drinking  mostly  alot  water  or  tea  around  the day...   Also  beside  my  bed,  always  a  little  bottle  of  water,  so  I've  it  at  once  by  a  little  dry  mouth... :D

    2. Guest


      Thanks for the reminder :) 

  9. Where do you find all those little characters you use everywhere? :D

    1. stefanomagnus


      Good morning, 
      I am nes at this.. I dunno how to post a request...
      my name is Stef I am from Italy, 
      I am searching for this brochure: (Jehovah’s Witnesses and Disaster Relief..)
      If you ever came to get a copy would you be so kind to send me a link or the copy via email?
      i look forwar to hearing from you 
      Kind regards 
      Stef Parlan '
    2. Bible Speaks
  10. I can see you enjoying riling up the German @Queen Esther .... in between sips you must be grinning widely. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. James Thomas Rook Jr.

      James Thomas Rook Jr.

      It's hard to grin all puckered up!

    3. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Gnite  my  dear  Brothers....   The  German  clocktime  is  always  against  me :(  See  us  tmw. :)

    4. The Librarian
  11. I understand. I think we can start to train ourselves to direct comments to people's profile pages for off topic stuff.... until the software improves one day and allows for threaded replies.

    The forum developers are still in love with old flat thread style forums.

    1. Anna
    2. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Where are you from Anna? I assume England for some reason.  Maybe you could add yourself to a country on our Member Map? You don't need to get city specific. Just curious.

  12. The comment will show up across the website down toward the bottom of the page. Still relevant but not messing with the thread topic....

    1. TrueTomHarley
    2. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Yes... and then this allows for you and I to talk about how I love tacos and fork into whatever we want to chat about. It seems to be the only option left since the software doesn't allow for threaded replies.

  13. Good evening everyone from the gray Northwest. I've noticed many threads going in a million directions out there....

    Let's all try something new...... when we notice that we are forking... and commenting back and forth with another member under a topic that has become unrelated to what you currently want to post please start to post on the profile page of the intended member as a "Status Update" so as to avoid chaos.

    This may not work... but I figure it's worth a shot.

  14. I used the US Post Office today (on a Sunday) where I was able to purchase postage.... affix the stamp to the envelope provided by them and send it.....with no postal worker.... automation is getting rid of so many of the simple jobs out there.

  15. So... @Kurt inspired me to start finding and cataloguing some of Charles Sinutko's public talks. Thx Kurt. Soon I'm off to breakfast....not sure where though....

  16. You must be from the UK since your spelled Defense with a C :D

  17. Did you stop making music? O.o

    1. Francesco Gabellini

      Francesco Gabellini

      Dear Librarian, good morning.

      Of course, we didn't stopo to make music.

      Just right this month we have played about 10 songs.

      But mixing and videos require time.

      Be patient......

  18. You have the distinct honor of being our very first member!  Even before me.... :D


    1. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      I saw,  alot of members are here since  2015....

      But the website first starting  early  in  2016 !  Mystery, or not?

  19. We are just as close to 2030 as we are to 2004.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guest


      I am glad I was not the only one confused by the meaning of that :) 

    3. Guest
    4. Queen Esther
  20. What country are you from Brother Rando?

    1. BroRando


      I'm in America.  What a Nice Regional Convention!  Remember the Wife of Lot.....

    2. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Welcome! and enjoy the World Forum.

    3. BroRando


      Thank you for your kindness.

  21. Do you work for Boeing? Just curious.



      no, hon'..... my father worked for United Airlines....lemme' rephrase that.... the REAL United Airlines... not the joke it has become since being taken over by Continental.    He worked from March 12, 1962 to September 27. 1997, starting in Newark, when the airport was on the other side of the highway,  then a small stint in Raleigh-Durham, and finally up here in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, at Bradley International.    I think that aviation - starting with our feathered friends - and culminating in these beautiful behemoths - is one of Jehovah's finest creations.....  from the Wright Brothers and on.   I am soooo hoping that after Armageddon, as the clean-up is progressing along and loved ones are being resurrected, that Jehovah will do for me, like He did with Bezalel and Oholiab - Exodus 31: 3-5 - to fill me with all the knowledge needed to fly a McDonnell-Douglas DC-10, my favorite aircraft,  and fly brothers and sisters all around our beautiful Paradise, to see loved ones, make new friends, meet with those from the Bible, and for me personally, to head down to Raleigh-Durham, and pick up my grandmother and grandfather [mother's side].  My grandmother was in the Truth, she was living in Somerville, New Jersey in the late 60's, early 70's when she was baptized.   They were living in Pinebluff, North Carolina, in 1992 when she fell asleep in death, follow by grandpa in 1994.   Of course, the first thing she would probably say is, ''Were you part of the Great Crowd?'' and I would say, ''Yes, grandma, and... I became a Witness.''  Added treat would be to find out where she was baptized - Allentown, Philadelphia, Trenton - and do the same.   Then just after telling her that I am a Witness, that I too, was baptized in the same city as her.    I can just imagine her laughter and tears of joy.   So far, I am the only one of her grandchildren who has studied, and is progressing towards getting myself into the Theocratic Ministry School, then on to becoming an unbaptized publisher, and then baptized.   

      So..... getting back to Boeing, here's a quick history lesson for you.    

      If you can see the DC-10 down at the bottom,  you will notice 4 stars on it...  

      That's not ''4-star service'', it's the 4 airlines that combined to make ''United Airlines'', and they are....

      Varney Air Lines, Pacific Air Transport, National Air Transport and......Boeing Air Transport.    Add to that, at one time, one of the largest ''parent'' companies in the world was UAL Corp., comprised of Boeing, United Airlines, Pratt & Whitney and Hamilton Standard  -  Hamilton located just across the street from Bradley International Airport. 

      Drag.    Thrust.    Lift.    Weight.         the 4 forces of Flight.      Forces working together, that can lift aircraft such as the Antonov AN-225, AN-124, and the C-5 Galaxy off the ground, fully loaded, weighing over one and a half million pounds,  and make it all look so effortless......

      I stand in awe of one of Jehovah's creations everyday.    He is just so awesome. 

      oh..... and I like the way it rhymes.... too cool.    

      okay..... I think I babbled enough - LOL.    


      Sharon Lee 
















      ual DC-10 Friendship.jpg

  22. Thank you @admin.  I'm loving the dynamic front page.  The new "front page of the Internet." :-)

  23. This is where you would leave a status update on your profile page ;-)

    1. TrueTomHarley


      Author of 'Tom Irregardless and Me'     and      'No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash'

      These are the two books I occasionally refer to in my posts, whenever something is inexplicably in quotes. Please don't post online questions about my books - this is a discussion forum, not a bookstore. Message me instead.

      Thanks, Tom

  24. Me gusta sus posts..

    pero .. si deseas que otras personas puedan compartir y responder bien... 

    seria mejor poner sus posts en esta categoria



    Status Update is not really for making searchable and shareable posts but rather just a quick comment I think

    Your "wall" on here doesn't seem to work the same as a post on your Facebook wall so to speak.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abel Castro

      Abel Castro

      Thank you for the help and for the affection <3. I love Jehovah and all my JW family. And I really like to contribute my support. I do with all my heart?

      I hope that my participation here will also be of great help.?

      http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/bl/r1/lp-e?q=2 corinthians 9%3A7


    3. ARchiv@L


      thank you very much. we need participation in other languages too, so that the news travel even more faster, and this is thanks to the Librarian too, that had made this possible. 

      thank you all for your time and efforts and lets hope that our international posts will reach as many brothers & sisters and friends for the benefit of all in our organisation.

      [my greetins to all]



    4. The Librarian

      The Librarian


      Also... please keep us up to date with secular news stories from your area.... in whatever category exists... ;-)

  25. Oops... I was the one who voted it up... and I just voted it down.

    What do you think a good solution for that problem might be? I could ask the admin to make that "question' section a normal forum.....but then we wouldn't have the option of the "best answer" either....

    Any ideas?

    1. JW Insider

      JW Insider


      The "best answer" feature works in forums where 10+ different people answer a question that requires some expertise, and the one with the most expertise can bubble up. I think that questions here are often intended to start a dialogue, and the best ones go one for several pages. No one is really looking for the single most "expert" sounding answer, they are usually looking to see how the idea was responded to by some and whether the answers, in total, produced a reasonable discussion. Taking any one answer out of the sequence makes it difficult to follow the conversation or dialogue.

      There are a few exceptions, but these tend to be questions with fewer answers anyway, and therefore the best answer is already somewhere on the same page as the question.

      So I don't know exactly what to suggest, except maybe to default to "Sort by date" and then have a message that might say: "Sort by votes to find best answers." Even that option might only be available when there have been some votes.

      But that's the complicated way to do it. For 95% of the topics, just defaulting to "sort by date" would be sufficient. In the topics I've read it is almost never used. I'm almost afraid that when people start using it more often it can be abused, too. I think it would usually be used as a way to highlight most interesting, most intriguing, most important, or "most agreeable to voter's way of thinking." Most of the posts that people would vote on are, in my experience, not even intended to answer the original question, but just to share some additional information.


    2. admin


      Insightful. Thank you both! @The Librarian and @JW Insider

      I changed it to a "normal" forum .... let me know if it works better for you or not.

    3. JW Insider
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